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#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoroute_p.h>
#include "qmaprouteobject_p.h"
#include "qmaprouteobject_p_p.h"
\qmltype MapRouteObject
\instantiates QMapRouteObject
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.location
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
\inherits QGeoMapObject
\brief The MapRouteObject displays a geographical route on a Map.
The MapRouteObject type displays a Route obtained through a RouteModel or
other means, on the Map as a Polyline following the path of the Route.
QMapRouteObjectPrivate::QMapRouteObjectPrivate(QGeoMapObject *q) : QGeoMapObjectPrivate(q)
QMapRouteObjectPrivate::QMapRouteObjectPrivate(const QMapRouteObjectPrivate &other) : QGeoMapObjectPrivate(other)
// QGeoMapRoutePrivate doesn't contain anything because QGeoRoute has already everything necessary.
QGeoMapObject::Type QMapRouteObjectPrivate::type() const
return QGeoMapObject::RouteType;
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QMapRouteObjectPrivate::declarativeGeoRoute() const
const QMapRouteObject *r = static_cast<QMapRouteObject *>(q);
return r->m_route;
\qmlproperty Route Qt.labs.location::MapRouteObject::route
This property holds the route to be drawn.
QGeoRoute QMapRouteObjectPrivate::route() const
const QDeclarativeGeoRoute *r = declarativeGeoRoute();
if (r)
return r->route();
return {};
void QMapRouteObjectPrivate::setRoute(const QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route)
bool QMapRouteObjectPrivate::equals(const QGeoMapObjectPrivate &other) const
if (other.type() != type()) // This check might be unnecessary, depending on how equals gets used
return false;
const QMapRouteObjectPrivate &o = static_cast<const QMapRouteObjectPrivate &>(other);
return (QGeoMapObjectPrivate::equals(o)
&& route() == o.route()); // Could also be done shallow, comparing declarativeGeoRoute()
QGeoMapObjectPrivate *QMapRouteObjectPrivate::clone()
return new QMapRouteObjectPrivate(*this);
QGeoShape QMapRouteObjectPrivate::geoShape() const
return route().bounds();
void QMapRouteObjectPrivate::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &/*shape*/)
// Not supported for MapRouteObject
QMapRouteObject::QMapRouteObject(QObject *parent)
: QGeoMapObject(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QGeoMapObjectPrivate>(new QMapRouteObjectPrivate(this)), parent)
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QMapRouteObject::route() const
return m_route;
QGeoRoute QMapRouteObject::geoRoute() const
if (m_route)
return m_route->route();
return {};
void QMapRouteObject::setRoute(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route)
if (route == m_route)
// if ((!m_route && !route) || (m_route && route && m_route->route() == route->route()))
// return;
m_route = route;
QMapRouteObjectPrivate *d = static_cast<QMapRouteObjectPrivate *>(;
emit routeChanged(route);
void QMapRouteObject::setMap(QGeoMap *map)
QMapRouteObjectPrivate *d = static_cast<QMapRouteObjectPrivate *>(;
if (d->m_map == map)
QGeoMapObject::setMap(map); // This is where the specialized pimpl gets created and injected
if (!map) {
// Map was set, now it has ben re-set to NULL, but not inside d_ptr.
// so m_map inside d_ptr can still be used to remove itself, inside the destructor.
d_ptr = new QMapRouteObjectPrivate(*d); // This is not losing data: check MapRouteObjectPrivate::declarativeGeoRoute()
// Old pimpl deleted implicitly by QExplicitlySharedDataPointer