blob: 1b30f6475ec95bd71594771aae2155fabbb27a52 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include "../utils/qlocationtestutils_p.h"
#include <QtPositioning/qgeocoordinate.h>
#include <qtest.h>
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QDebug>
#include <float.h>
static const QGeoCoordinate BRISBANE(-27.46758, 153.027892);
static const QGeoCoordinate MELBOURNE(-37.814251, 144.963169);
static const QGeoCoordinate LONDON(51.500152, -0.126236);
static const QGeoCoordinate NEW_YORK(40.71453, -74.00713);
static const QGeoCoordinate NORTH_POLE(90, 0);
static const QGeoCoordinate SOUTH_POLE(-90, 0);
static const QChar DEGREES_SYMB(0x00B0);
QByteArray tst_qgeocoordinate_debug;
void tst_qgeocoordinate_messageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &msg)
switch (type) {
case QtDebugMsg :
tst_qgeocoordinate_debug = msg.toLocal8Bit();
class tst_QGeoCoordinate : public QObject
enum TestDataType {
private slots:
void initTestcase()
void constructor()
QGeoCoordinate c;
QCOMPARE(c, QGeoCoordinate());
void constructor_lat_long()
QFETCH(double, latitude);
QFETCH(double, longitude);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateType, type);
QGeoCoordinate c(latitude, longitude);
QCOMPARE(c.type(), type);
if (type != QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate) {
QCOMPARE(c.latitude(), latitude);
QCOMPARE(c.longitude(), longitude);
} else {
QVERIFY(c.latitude() != latitude);
QVERIFY(c.longitude() != longitude);
void constructor_lat_long_data()
QTest::newRow("both zero") << 0.0 << 0.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("both negative") << -1.0 << -1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("both positive") << 1.0 << 1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("latitude negative") << -1.0 << 1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("longitude negative") << 1.0 << -1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("both too high") << 90.1 << 180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("latitude too high") << 90.1 << 0.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("longitude too high") << 0.1 << 180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("both too low") << -90.1 << -180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("latitude too low") << -90.1 << 0.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("longitude too low") << 0.1 << -180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("both not too high") << 90.0 << 180.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("both not too low") << -90.0 << -180.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate2D;
QTest::newRow("latitude too high and longitude too low") << 90.1 << -180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("latitude too low and longitude too high") << -90.1 << 180.1 << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
void constructor_lat_long_alt()
QFETCH(double, latitude);
QFETCH(double, longitude);
QFETCH(double, altitude);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateType, type);
QGeoCoordinate c(latitude, longitude, altitude);
QCOMPARE(c.type(), type);
if (type != QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate) {
QCOMPARE(c.latitude(), latitude);
QCOMPARE(c.longitude(), longitude);
QCOMPARE(c.altitude(), altitude);
} else {
QVERIFY(c.latitude() != latitude);
QVERIFY(c.longitude() != longitude);
QVERIFY(c.altitude() != altitude);
void constructor_lat_long_alt_data()
QTest::newRow("all zero") << 0.0 << 0.0 << 0.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("all negative") << -1.0 << -1.0 << -2.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("all positive") << 1.0 << 1.0 << 4.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("latitude negative") << -1.0 << 1.0 << 1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("longitude negative") << 1.0 << -1.0 << 1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("altitude negative") << 1.0 << 1.0 << -1.0 << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("altitude not too high") << 1.0 << 1.0 << DBL_MAX << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("altitude not too low") << 1.0 << 1.0 << DBL_MIN << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("all not too high") << 90.0 << 180.0 << DBL_MAX << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("all not too low") << -90.0 << -180.0 << DBL_MIN << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("all too high") << 90.1 << 180.1 << DBL_MAX << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("all too low") << -90.1 << -180.1 << DBL_MIN << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
void copy_constructor()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QGeoCoordinate copy(c);
QCOMPARE(copy.type(), c.type());
if (c.type() != QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate) {
QCOMPARE(copy.latitude(), c.latitude());
QCOMPARE(copy.longitude(), c.longitude());
if (c.type() == QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D)
QCOMPARE(copy.altitude(), c.altitude());
void copy_constructor_data()
QTest::newRow("no argument") << QGeoCoordinate();
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude arguments all zero") << QGeoCoordinate(0.0, 0.0);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude arguments not too high") << QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 180.0);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude arguments not too low") << QGeoCoordinate(-90.0, -180.0);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude arguments too high") << QGeoCoordinate(90.1, 180.1);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude arguments too low") << QGeoCoordinate(-90.1, -180.1);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude, altitude arguments all zero") << QGeoCoordinate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude, altitude arguments not too high values") << QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 180.0, DBL_MAX);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude, altitude arguments not too low values") << QGeoCoordinate(-90.0, -180.0, DBL_MIN);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude, altitude arguments too high latitude & longitude") << QGeoCoordinate(90.1, 180.1, DBL_MAX);
QTest::newRow("latitude, longitude, altitude arguments too low latitude & longitude") << QGeoCoordinate(-90.1, -180.1, DBL_MAX);
void destructor()
QGeoCoordinate *coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate();
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(0.0, 0.0);
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 180.0);
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(-90.0, -180.0);
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(90.1, 180.1);
delete coordinate;
coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(-90.1, -180.1);
delete coordinate;
void destructor2()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QGeoCoordinate *coordinate = new QGeoCoordinate(c);
delete coordinate;
void destructor2_data()
void assign()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QGeoCoordinate c1 = c;
QCOMPARE(c.type(), c1.type());
if (c.isValid()) {
QCOMPARE(c.latitude(), c.latitude());
QCOMPARE(c.longitude(), c.longitude());
if (c.type() == QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D)
QCOMPARE(c.altitude(), c.altitude());
void assign_data()
void comparison()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c1);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c2);
QFETCH(bool, result);
QCOMPARE(c1 == c2, result);
QVariant v1 = QVariant::fromValue(c1);
QVariant v2 = QVariant::fromValue(c2);
QCOMPARE(v2 == v1, result);
void comparison_data()
QTest::newRow("Invalid != BRISBANE")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-190,-1000) << BRISBANE << false;
<< BRISBANE << MELBOURNE << false;
<< BRISBANE << BRISBANE << true;
QTest::newRow("LONDON != uninitialized data")
<< LONDON << QGeoCoordinate() << false;
QTest::newRow("uninitialized data == uninitialized data")
<< QGeoCoordinate() << QGeoCoordinate() << true;
QTest::newRow("invalid == same invalid")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-190,-1000) << QGeoCoordinate(-190,-1000) << true;
QTest::newRow("invalid == different invalid")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-190,-1000) << QGeoCoordinate(190,1000) << true;
QTest::newRow("valid != another valid")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-90,-180) << QGeoCoordinate(-45,+45) << false;
QTest::newRow("valid == same valid")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-90,-180) << QGeoCoordinate(-90,-180) << true;
QTest::newRow("different longitudes at north pole are equal")
<< QGeoCoordinate(90, 0) << QGeoCoordinate(90, 45) << true;
QTest::newRow("different longitudes at south pole are equal")
<< QGeoCoordinate(-90, 0) << QGeoCoordinate(-90, 45) << true;
void type()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateType, type);
QCOMPARE(c.type(), type);
void type_data()
QGeoCoordinate c;
QTest::newRow("no values set") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("only altitude is set") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("only latitude and altitude is set") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("all valid: 3D Coordinate") << c << QGeoCoordinate::Coordinate3D;
QTest::newRow("too low latitude and valid longitude") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("valid latitude and too low longitude") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("too high latitude and valid longitude") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
QTest::newRow("valid latitude and too high longitude") << c << QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate;
void valid()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QCOMPARE(c.isValid(), c.type() != QGeoCoordinate::InvalidCoordinate);
void valid_data()
void addDataValues(TestDataType type)
QTest::newRow("negative") << -1.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("zero") << 0.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("positive") << 1.0 << true;
switch (type) {
case Latitude:
QTest::newRow("too low") << -90.1 << false;
QTest::newRow("not too low") << -90.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("not too hight") << 90.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("too high") << 90.1;
case Longitude:
QTest::newRow("too low") << -180.1 << false;
QTest::newRow("not too low") << -180.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("not too hight") << 180.0 << true;
QTest::newRow("too high") << 180.1;
case Altitude:
void latitude()
QFETCH(double, value);
QGeoCoordinate c;
QCOMPARE(c.latitude(), value);
QGeoCoordinate c2 = c;
QCOMPARE(c.latitude(), value);
QCOMPARE(c2, c);
void latitude_data() { addDataValues(Latitude); }
void longitude()
QFETCH(double, value);
QGeoCoordinate c;
QCOMPARE(c.longitude(), value);
QGeoCoordinate c2 = c;
QCOMPARE(c.longitude(), value);
QCOMPARE(c2, c);
void longitude_data() { addDataValues(Longitude); }
void altitude()
QFETCH(double, value);
QGeoCoordinate c;
QCOMPARE(c.altitude(), value);
QGeoCoordinate c2 = c;
QCOMPARE(c.altitude(), value);
QCOMPARE(c2, c);
void altitude_data() { addDataValues(Altitude); }
void distanceTo()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c1);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c2);
QFETCH(qreal, distance);
QCOMPARE(QString::number(c1.distanceTo(c2)), QString::number(distance));
void distanceTo_data()
QTest::newRow("invalid coord 1")
<< QGeoCoordinate() << BRISBANE << qreal(0.0);
QTest::newRow("invalid coord 2")
<< BRISBANE << QGeoCoordinate() << qreal(0.0);
QTest::newRow("brisbane -> melbourne")
<< BRISBANE << MELBOURNE << qreal(1374820.1618767744);
QTest::newRow("london -> new york")
<< LONDON << NEW_YORK << qreal(5570538.4987236429);
QTest::newRow("north pole -> south pole")
<< NORTH_POLE << SOUTH_POLE << qreal(20015109.4154876769);
void azimuthTo()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c1);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c2);
QFETCH(qreal, azimuth);
qreal result = c1.azimuthTo(c2);
QVERIFY(result >= 0.0);
QVERIFY(result < 360.0);
QCOMPARE(QString::number(result), QString::number(azimuth));
void azimuthTo_data()
QTest::newRow("invalid coord 1")
<< QGeoCoordinate() << BRISBANE << qreal(0.0);
QTest::newRow("invalid coord 2")
<< BRISBANE << QGeoCoordinate() << qreal(0.0);
QTest::newRow("brisbane -> melbourne")
<< BRISBANE << MELBOURNE << qreal(211.1717286649);
QTest::newRow("london -> new york")
<< LONDON << NEW_YORK << qreal(288.3388804508);
QTest::newRow("north pole -> south pole")
<< NORTH_POLE << SOUTH_POLE << qreal(180.0);
QTest::newRow("Almost 360degrees bearing")
<< QGeoCoordinate(0.5,45.0,0.0) << QGeoCoordinate(0.5,-134.9999651,0.0) << qreal(359.998);
void atDistanceAndAzimuth()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, origin);
QFETCH(qreal, distance);
QFETCH(qreal, azimuth);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, result);
QCOMPARE(result, origin.atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance, azimuth));
void atDistanceAndAzimuth_data()
QTest::newRow("invalid coord")
<< QGeoCoordinate()
<< qreal(1000.0)
<< qreal(10.0)
<< QGeoCoordinate();
if (sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(double)) {
QTest::newRow("brisbane -> melbourne")
<< qreal(1374820.1618767744)
<< qreal(211.1717286649)
QTest::newRow("london -> new york")
<< qreal(5570538.4987236429)
<< qreal(288.3388804508)
QTest::newRow("north pole -> south pole")
<< qreal(20015109.4154876769)
<< qreal(180.0)
} else {
QTest::newRow("brisbane -> melbourne")
<< qreal(1374820.1618767744)
<< qreal(211.1717286649)
<< QGeoCoordinate(-37.8142515084775, 144.963170622944);
QTest::newRow("london -> new york")
<< qreal(5570538.4987236429)
<< qreal(288.3388804508)
<< QGeoCoordinate(40.7145220608416, -74.0071216045375);
QTest::newRow("north pole -> south pole")
<< qreal(20015109.4154876769)
<< qreal(180.0)
<< QGeoCoordinate(-89.9999947369857, -90.0);
void degreesToString()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, coord);
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate::CoordinateFormat, format);
QFETCH(QString, string);
QCOMPARE(coord.toString(format), string);
void degreesToString_data()
QGeoCoordinate northEast(27.46758, 153.027892);
QGeoCoordinate northEastWithAlt(27.46758, 153.027892, 28.23411);
QGeoCoordinate southEast(-27.46758, 153.027892);
QGeoCoordinate southEastWithAlt(-27.46758, 153.027892, 28.23411);
QGeoCoordinate northWest(27.46758, -153.027892);
QGeoCoordinate northWestWithAlt(27.46758, -153.027892, 28.23411);
QGeoCoordinate southWest(-27.46758, -153.027892);
QGeoCoordinate southWestWithAlt(-27.46758, -153.027892, 28.23411);
QGeoCoordinate empty;
QGeoCoordinate toohigh(90.1, 180.1);
QGeoCoordinate toolow(-90.1, -180.1);
QGeoCoordinate zeroLatLong(0.0, 0.0);
QGeoCoordinate allZero(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
QTest::newRow("empty, dd, no hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("empty, dd, hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("empty, dm, no hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("empty, dm, hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("empty, dms, no hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("empty, dms, hemisphere")
<< empty << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dd, no hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dd, hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dm, no hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dm, hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dms, no hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too low, dms, hemisphere")
<< toolow << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dd, no hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dd, hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dm, no hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dm, hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dms, no hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("too high, dms, hemisphere")
<< toohigh << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString();
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dd, no hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("0.00000%1, 0.00000%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dd, hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("0.00000%1, 0.00000%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dm, no hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("0%1 0.000', 0%1 0.000'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dm, hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("0%1 0.000', 0%1 0.000'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dms, no hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("0%1 0' 0.0\", 0%1 0' 0.0\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("zeroLatLong, dms, hemisphere")
<< zeroLatLong << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("0%1 0' 0.0\", 0%1 0' 0.0\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dd, no hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("0.00000%1, 0.00000%1, 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dd, hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("0.00000%1, 0.00000%1, 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dm, no hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("0%1 0.000', 0%1 0.000', 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dm, hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("0%1 0.000', 0%1 0.000', 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dms, no hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("0%1 0' 0.0\", 0%1 0' 0.0\", 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("allZero, dms, hemisphere")
<< allZero << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("0%1 0' 0.0\", 0%1 0' 0.0\", 0m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dd, no hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("27.46758%1, 153.02789%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dd, hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 N, 153.02789%1 E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dm, no hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("27%1 28.055', 153%1 1.674'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dm, hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' N, 153%1 1.674' E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dms, no hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\", 153%1 1' 40.4\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE, dms, hemisphere")
<< northEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" N, 153%1 1' 40.4\" E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dd, no hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("27.46758%1, 153.02789%1, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dd, hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 N, 153.02789%1 E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dm, no hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("27%1 28.055', 153%1 1.674', 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dm, hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' N, 153%1 1.674' E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dms, no hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\", 153%1 1' 40.4\", 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NE with alt, dms, hemisphere")
<< northEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" N, 153%1 1' 40.4\" E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dd, no hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("-27.46758%1, 153.02789%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dd, hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 S, 153.02789%1 E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dm, no hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("-27%1 28.055', 153%1 1.674'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dm, hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' S, 153%1 1.674' E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dms, no hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("-27%1 28' 3.3\", 153%1 1' 40.4\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE, dms, hemisphere")
<< southEast << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" S, 153%1 1' 40.4\" E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dd, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("-27.46758%1, 153.02789%1, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dd, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 S, 153.02789%1 E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dm, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("-27%1 28.055', 153%1 1.674', 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dm, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' S, 153%1 1.674' E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dms, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("-27%1 28' 3.3\", 153%1 1' 40.4\", 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SE with alt, dms, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southEastWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" S, 153%1 1' 40.4\" E, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);;
QTest::newRow("NW, dd, no hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("27.46758%1, -153.02789%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW, dd, hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 N, 153.02789%1 W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW, dm, no hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("27%1 28.055', -153%1 1.674'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW, dm, hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' N, 153%1 1.674' W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW, dms, no hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\", -153%1 1' 40.4\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW, dms, hemisphere")
<< northWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" N, 153%1 1' 40.4\" W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dd, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("27.46758%1, -153.02789%1, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dd, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 N, 153.02789%1 W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dm, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("27%1 28.055', -153%1 1.674', 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dm, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' N, 153%1 1.674' W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dms, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\", -153%1 1' 40.4\", 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("NW with alt, dms, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< northWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" N, 153%1 1' 40.4\" W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dd, no hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("-27.46758%1, -153.02789%1").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dd, hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 S, 153.02789%1 W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dm, no hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("-27%1 28.055', -153%1 1.674'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dm, hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' S, 153%1 1.674' W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dms, no hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("-27%1 28' 3.3\", -153%1 1' 40.4\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW, dms, hemisphere")
<< southWest << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" S, 153%1 1' 40.4\" W").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dd, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::Degrees
<< QString("-27.46758%1, -153.02789%1, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dd, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27.46758%1 S, 153.02789%1 W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dm, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString("-27%1 28.055', -153%1 1.674', 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dm, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28.055' S, 153%1 1.674' W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dms, no hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString("-27%1 28' 3.3\", -153%1 1' 40.4\", 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("SW with alt, dms, hemisphere, 28.2341m")
<< southWestWithAlt << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString("27%1 28' 3.3\" S, 153%1 1' 40.4\" W, 28.2341m").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap seconds to Minutes DMSH")
<< QGeoCoordinate(1.1333333, 1.1333333) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSecondsWithHemisphere
<< QString( "1%1 8' 0.0\" N, 1%1 8' 0.0\" E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap seconds to Minutes DMS")
<< QGeoCoordinate(1.1333333, 1.1333333) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString( "1%1 8' 0.0\", 1%1 8' 0.0\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap minutes to Degrees DMH")
<< QGeoCoordinate(1.999999, 1.999999) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesWithHemisphere
<< QString( "2%1 0.000' N, 2%1 0.000' E").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap minutes to Degrees DM")
<< QGeoCoordinate(1.999999, 1.999999) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString( "2%1 0.000', 2%1 0.000'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap seconds to minutes to Degrees DM -> above valid long/lat values")
<< QGeoCoordinate(89.9999, 179.9999) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutesSeconds
<< QString( "90%1 0' 0.0\", 180%1 0' 0.0\"").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
QTest::newRow("Wrap minutes to Degrees DM ->above valid long/lat values")
<< QGeoCoordinate(89.9999, 179.9999) << QGeoCoordinate::DegreesMinutes
<< QString( "90%1 0.000', 180%1 0.000'").arg(DEGREES_SYMB);
void datastream()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream out(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << c;
QDataStream in(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QGeoCoordinate inCoord;
in >> inCoord;
QCOMPARE(inCoord, c);
void datastream_data()
QTest::newRow("invalid") << QGeoCoordinate();
QTest::newRow("valid lat, long") << BRISBANE;
QTest::newRow("valid lat, long, alt") << QGeoCoordinate(-1, -1, -1);
QTest::newRow("valid lat, long, alt again") << QGeoCoordinate(1, 1, 1);
void debug()
QFETCH(QGeoCoordinate, c);
QFETCH(int, nextValue);
QFETCH(QByteArray, debugString);
qDebug() << c << nextValue;
QCOMPARE(tst_qgeocoordinate_debug, debugString);
void debug_data()
QTest::newRow("uninitialized") << QGeoCoordinate() << 45
<< QByteArray("QGeoCoordinate(?, ?) 45");
QTest::newRow("initialized without altitude") << BRISBANE << 45
<< (QString("QGeoCoordinate(%1, %2) 45").arg(BRISBANE.latitude(), 0, 'g', 9)
.arg(BRISBANE.longitude(), 0, 'g', 9)).toLatin1();
QTest::newRow("invalid initialization") << QGeoCoordinate(-100,-200) << 45
<< QByteArray("QGeoCoordinate(?, ?) 45");
QTest::newRow("initialized with altitude") << QGeoCoordinate(1,2,3) << 45
<< QByteArray("QGeoCoordinate(1, 2, 3) 45");
QTest::newRow("extra long coordinates") << QGeoCoordinate(89.123412341, 179.123412341)
<< 45 << QByteArray("QGeoCoordinate(89.123412341, 179.12341234) 45");
void hash()
uint s1 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(1, 1, 2));
uint s2 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(2, 1, 1));
uint s3 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(1, 2, 1));
uint s10 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(0, 0, 2));
uint s20 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(2, 0, 0));
uint s30 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(0, 2, 0));
uint s30NoAlt = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(0, 2));
uint s30WithSeed = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(0, 2, 0), 1);
uint nullCoordinate = qHash(QGeoCoordinate());
uint north1 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 34.7, 0));
uint north2 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 180, 0));
uint south1 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 67.7, 34.0));
uint south2 = qHash(QGeoCoordinate(90.0, 111, 34.0));
QVERIFY(s1 != s2);
QVERIFY(s2 != s3);
QVERIFY(s1 != s3);
QVERIFY(s10 != s20);
QVERIFY(s20 != s30);
QVERIFY(s10 != s30);
QVERIFY(s30NoAlt != s30);
QVERIFY(s30WithSeed != s30);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s1);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s2);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s3);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s10);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s20);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s30);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s30NoAlt);
QVERIFY(nullCoordinate != s30WithSeed);
QVERIFY(north1 == north2);
QVERIFY(south1 == south2);
#include "tst_qgeocoordinate.moc"