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#include "qdeclarativevideooutput_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativevideooutput_render_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativevideooutput_window_p.h"
#include <private/qvideooutputorientationhandler_p.h>
#include <QtMultimedia/qmediaobject.h>
#include <QtMultimedia/qmediaservice.h>
#include <private/qmediapluginloader_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
static void initResource() {
\qmltype VideoOutput
//! \instantiates QDeclarativeVideoOutput
\brief Render video or camera viewfinder.
\ingroup multimedia_qml
\ingroup multimedia_video_qml
\inqmlmodule QtMultimedia
Rectangle {
width: 800
height: 600
color: "black"
MediaPlayer {
id: player
source: "file://video.webm"
autoPlay: true
VideoOutput {
id: videoOutput
source: player
anchors.fill: parent
The VideoOutput item supports untransformed, stretched, and uniformly scaled video presentation.
For a description of stretched uniformly scaled presentation, see the \l fillMode property
The VideoOutput item works with backends that support either QVideoRendererControl or
QVideoWindowControl. If the backend only supports QVideoWindowControl, the video is rendered
onto an overlay window that is layered on top of the QtQuick window. Due to the nature of the
video overlays, certain features are not available for these kind of backends:
\li Some transformations like rotations
\li Having other QtQuick items on top of the VideoOutput item
Most backends however do support QVideoRendererControl and therefore don't have the limitations
listed above.
\sa MediaPlayer, Camera
\section1 Screen Saver
If it is likely that an application will be playing video for an extended
period of time without user interaction it may be necessary to disable
the platform's screen saver. The \l ScreenSaver (from \l QtSystemInfo)
may be used to disable the screensaver in this fashion:
import QtSystemInfo 5.0
ScreenSaver { screenSaverEnabled: false }
// TODO: Restore Qt System Info docs when the module is released
\class QDeclarativeVideoOutput
\brief The QDeclarativeVideoOutput class provides a video output item.
QDeclarativeVideoOutput::QDeclarativeVideoOutput(QQuickItem *parent) :
setFlag(ItemHasContents, true);
\qmlproperty variant QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::source
This property holds the source item providing the video frames like MediaPlayer or Camera.
If you are extending your own C++ classes to interoperate with VideoOutput, you can
either provide a QObject based class with a \c mediaObject property that exposes a
QMediaObject derived class that has a QVideoRendererControl available, or you can
provide a QObject based class with a writable \c videoSurface property that can
accept a QAbstractVideoSurface based class and can follow the correct protocol to
deliver QVideoFrames to it.
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::setSource(QObject *source)
qCDebug(qLcVideo) << "source is" << source;
if (source ==
if (m_source && m_sourceType == MediaObjectSource) {
disconnect(, 0, this, SLOT(_q_updateMediaObject()));
disconnect(, 0, this, SLOT(_q_updateCameraInfo()));
if (m_backend)
m_source = source;
if (m_source) {
const QMetaObject *metaObject =>metaObject();
int mediaObjectPropertyIndex = metaObject->indexOfProperty("mediaObject");
if (mediaObjectPropertyIndex != -1) {
const QMetaProperty mediaObjectProperty = metaObject->property(mediaObjectPropertyIndex);
if (mediaObjectProperty.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod method = mediaObjectProperty.notifySignal();
QMetaObject::connect(, method.methodIndex(),
this, this->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("_q_updateMediaObject()"),
Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
int deviceIdPropertyIndex = metaObject->indexOfProperty("deviceId");
if (deviceIdPropertyIndex != -1) { // Camera source
const QMetaProperty deviceIdProperty = metaObject->property(deviceIdPropertyIndex);
if (deviceIdProperty.hasNotifySignal()) {
QMetaMethod method = deviceIdProperty.notifySignal();
QMetaObject::connect(, method.methodIndex(),
this, this->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("_q_updateCameraInfo()"),
Qt::DirectConnection, 0);
m_sourceType = MediaObjectSource;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
} else if (metaObject->indexOfProperty("videoSurface") != -1) {
// Make sure our backend is a QDeclarativeVideoRendererBackend
Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<QDeclarativeVideoRendererBackend *>(;
QAbstractVideoSurface * const surface = m_backend->videoSurface();
m_sourceType = VideoSurfaceSource;
} else {
m_sourceType = NoSource;
} else {
m_sourceType = NoSource;
emit sourceChanged();
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QMediaPluginLoader, videoBackendFactoryLoader,
(QDeclarativeVideoBackendFactoryInterface_iid, QLatin1String("video/declarativevideobackend"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
bool QDeclarativeVideoOutput::createBackend(QMediaService *service)
bool backendAvailable = false;
const auto instances = videoBackendFactoryLoader()->instances(QLatin1String("declarativevideobackend"));
for (QObject *instance : instances) {
if (QDeclarativeVideoBackendFactoryInterface *plugin = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeVideoBackendFactoryInterface*>(instance)) {
if (m_backend && m_backend->init(service)) {
backendAvailable = true;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
if (!backendAvailable) {
m_backend.reset(new QDeclarativeVideoRendererBackend(this));
if (m_backend->init(service))
backendAvailable = true;
// QDeclarativeVideoWindowBackend only works when there is a service with a QVideoWindowControl.
// Without service, the QDeclarativeVideoRendererBackend should always work.
if (!backendAvailable) {
m_backend.reset(new QDeclarativeVideoWindowBackend(this));
if (m_backend->init(service))
backendAvailable = true;
if (backendAvailable) {
// Since new backend has been created needs to update its geometry.
m_geometryDirty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_filters.count(); ++i)
} else {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Media service has neither renderer nor window control available.";
return backendAvailable;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_updateMediaObject()
QMediaObject *mediaObject = 0;
if (m_source)
mediaObject = qobject_cast<QMediaObject*>(>property("mediaObject").value<QObject*>());
qCDebug(qLcVideo) << "media object is" << mediaObject;
if ( == mediaObject)
if (m_sourceType != VideoSurfaceSource)
if (mediaObject) {
if (QMediaService *service = mediaObject->service()) {
if (createBackend(service)) {
m_service = service;
m_mediaObject = mediaObject;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_updateCameraInfo()
if (m_mediaObject) {
const QCamera *camera = qobject_cast<const QCamera *>(m_mediaObject);
if (camera) {
QCameraInfo info(*camera);
if (m_cameraInfo != info) {
m_cameraInfo = info;
// The camera position and orientation need to be taken into account for
// the viewport auto orientation
if (m_autoOrientation)
} else {
m_cameraInfo = QCameraInfo();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::fillMode
Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area.
\li Stretch - the video is scaled to fit.
\li PreserveAspectFit - the video is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping
\li PreserveAspectCrop - the video is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping if necessary
The default fill mode is PreserveAspectFit.
QDeclarativeVideoOutput::FillMode QDeclarativeVideoOutput::fillMode() const
return m_fillMode;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::setFillMode(FillMode mode)
if (mode == m_fillMode)
m_fillMode = mode;
m_geometryDirty = true;
emit fillModeChanged(mode);
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_updateNativeSize()
if (!m_backend)
QSize size = m_backend->nativeSize();
if (!qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation)) {
if (m_nativeSize != size) {
m_nativeSize = size;
m_geometryDirty = true;
emit sourceRectChanged();
/* Based on fill mode and our size, figure out the source/dest rects */
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_updateGeometry()
const QRectF rect(0, 0, width(), height());
const QRectF absoluteRect(x(), y(), width(), height());
if (!m_geometryDirty && m_lastRect == absoluteRect)
QRectF oldContentRect(m_contentRect);
m_geometryDirty = false;
m_lastRect = absoluteRect;
if (m_nativeSize.isEmpty()) {
//this is necessary for item to receive the
//first paint event and configure video surface.
m_contentRect = rect;
} else if (m_fillMode == Stretch) {
m_contentRect = rect;
} else if (m_fillMode == PreserveAspectFit || m_fillMode == PreserveAspectCrop) {
QSizeF scaled = m_nativeSize;
scaled.scale(rect.size(), m_fillMode == PreserveAspectFit ?
Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
m_contentRect = QRectF(QPointF(), scaled);
if (m_backend) {
if (!m_backend->videoSurface() || m_backend->videoSurface()->isActive())
m_geometryDirty = true;
if (m_contentRect != oldContentRect)
emit contentRectChanged();
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_screenOrientationChanged(int orientation)
// If the source is a camera, take into account its sensor position and orientation
if (!m_cameraInfo.isNull()) {
switch (m_cameraInfo.position()) {
case QCamera::FrontFace:
// Front facing cameras are flipped horizontally, compensate the mirror
orientation += (360 - m_cameraInfo.orientation());
case QCamera::BackFace:
orientation += m_cameraInfo.orientation();
setOrientation(orientation % 360);
\qmlproperty int QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::orientation
In some cases the source video stream requires a certain
orientation to be correct. This includes
sources like a camera viewfinder, where the displayed
viewfinder should match reality, no matter what rotation
the rest of the user interface has.
This property allows you to apply a rotation (in steps
of 90 degrees) to compensate for any user interface
rotation, with positive values in the anti-clockwise direction.
The orientation change will also affect the mapping
of coordinates from source to viewport.
\sa autoOrientation
int QDeclarativeVideoOutput::orientation() const
return m_orientation;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::setOrientation(int orientation)
// Make sure it's a multiple of 90.
if (orientation % 90)
// If there's no actual change, return
if (m_orientation == orientation)
// If the new orientation is the same effect
// as the old one, don't update the video node stuff
if ((m_orientation % 360) == (orientation % 360)) {
m_orientation = orientation;
emit orientationChanged();
m_geometryDirty = true;
// Otherwise, a new orientation
// See if we need to change aspect ratio orientation too
bool oldAspect = qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation);
bool newAspect = qIsDefaultAspect(orientation);
m_orientation = orientation;
if (oldAspect != newAspect) {
// Source rectangle does not change for orientation
emit orientationChanged();
\qmlproperty bool QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::autoOrientation
This property allows you to enable and disable auto orientation
of the video stream, so that its orientation always matches
the orientation of the screen. If \c autoOrientation is enabled,
the \c orientation property is overwritten.
By default \c autoOrientation is disabled.
\sa orientation
\since 5.2
bool QDeclarativeVideoOutput::autoOrientation() const
return m_autoOrientation;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::setAutoOrientation(bool autoOrientation)
if (autoOrientation == m_autoOrientation)
m_autoOrientation = autoOrientation;
if (m_autoOrientation) {
m_screenOrientationHandler = new QVideoOutputOrientationHandler(this);
connect(m_screenOrientationHandler, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(_q_screenOrientationChanged(int)));
} else {
disconnect(m_screenOrientationHandler, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(_q_screenOrientationChanged(int)));
m_screenOrientationHandler = 0;
emit autoOrientationChanged();
\qmlproperty rectangle QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::contentRect
This property holds the item coordinates of the area that
would contain video to render. With certain fill modes,
this rectangle will be larger than the visible area of the
\c VideoOutput.
This property is useful when other coordinates are specified
in terms of the source dimensions - this applied for relative
(normalized) frame coordinates in the range of 0 to 1.0.
\sa mapRectToItem(), mapPointToItem()
Areas outside this will be transparent.
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::contentRect() const
return m_contentRect;
\qmlproperty rectangle QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::sourceRect
This property holds the area of the source video
content that is considered for rendering. The
values are in source pixel coordinates, adjusted for
the source's pixel aspect ratio.
Note that typically the top left corner of this rectangle
will be \c {0,0} while the width and height will be the
width and height of the input content. Only when the video
source has a viewport set, these values will differ.
The orientation setting does not affect this rectangle.
\sa QVideoSurfaceFormat::pixelAspectRatio()
\sa QVideoSurfaceFormat::viewport()
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::sourceRect() const
// We might have to transpose back
QSizeF size = m_nativeSize;
if (!qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation)) {
// No backend? Just assume no viewport.
if (!m_nativeSize.isValid() || !m_backend) {
return QRectF(QPointF(), size);
// Take the viewport into account for the top left position.
// m_nativeSize is already adjusted to the viewport, as it originats
// from QVideoSurfaceFormat::sizeHint(), which includes pixel aspect
// ratio and viewport.
const QRectF viewport = m_backend->adjustedViewport();
Q_ASSERT(viewport.size() == size);
return QRectF(viewport.topLeft(), size);
\qmlmethod QPointF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapNormalizedPointToItem (const QPointF &point) const
Given normalized coordinates \a point (that is, each
component in the range of 0 to 1.0), return the mapped point
that it corresponds to (in item coordinates).
This mapping is affected by the orientation.
Depending on the fill mode, this point may lie outside the rendered
QPointF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapNormalizedPointToItem(const QPointF &point) const
qreal dx = point.x();
qreal dy = point.y();
if (qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation)) {
dx *= m_contentRect.width();
dy *= m_contentRect.height();
} else {
dx *= m_contentRect.height();
dy *= m_contentRect.width();
switch (qNormalizedOrientation(m_orientation)) {
case 0:
return m_contentRect.topLeft() + QPointF(dx, dy);
case 90:
return m_contentRect.bottomLeft() + QPointF(dy, -dx);
case 180:
return m_contentRect.bottomRight() + QPointF(-dx, -dy);
case 270:
return m_contentRect.topRight() + QPointF(-dy, dx);
\qmlmethod QRectF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapNormalizedRectToItem(const QRectF &rectangle) const
Given a rectangle \a rectangle in normalized
coordinates (that is, each component in the range of 0 to 1.0),
return the mapped rectangle that it corresponds to (in item coordinates).
This mapping is affected by the orientation.
Depending on the fill mode, this rectangle may extend outside the rendered
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapNormalizedRectToItem(const QRectF &rectangle) const
return QRectF(mapNormalizedPointToItem(rectangle.topLeft()),
\qmlmethod QPointF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapPointToSource(const QPointF &point) const
Given a point \a point in item coordinates, return the
corresponding point in source coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
If the supplied point lies outside the rendered area, the returned
point will be outside the source rectangle.
QPointF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapPointToSource(const QPointF &point) const
QPointF norm = mapPointToSourceNormalized(point);
if (qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation))
return QPointF(norm.x() * m_nativeSize.width(), norm.y() * m_nativeSize.height());
return QPointF(norm.x() * m_nativeSize.height(), norm.y() * m_nativeSize.width());
\qmlmethod QRectF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapRectToSource(const QRectF &rectangle) const
Given a rectangle \a rectangle in item coordinates, return the
corresponding rectangle in source coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
This mapping is affected by the orientation.
If the supplied point lies outside the rendered area, the returned
point will be outside the source rectangle.
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapRectToSource(const QRectF &rectangle) const
return QRectF(mapPointToSource(rectangle.topLeft()),
\qmlmethod QPointF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapPointToSourceNormalized(const QPointF &point) const
Given a point \a point in item coordinates, return the
corresponding point in normalized source coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
If the supplied point lies outside the rendered area, the returned
point will be outside the source rectangle. No clamping is performed.
QPointF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapPointToSourceNormalized(const QPointF &point) const
if (m_contentRect.isEmpty())
return QPointF();
// Normalize the item source point
qreal nx = (point.x() - m_contentRect.left()) / m_contentRect.width();
qreal ny = (point.y() - / m_contentRect.height();
const qreal one(1.0f);
// For now, the origin of the source rectangle is 0,0
switch (qNormalizedOrientation(m_orientation)) {
case 0:
return QPointF(nx, ny);
case 90:
return QPointF(one - ny, nx);
case 180:
return QPointF(one - nx, one - ny);
case 270:
return QPointF(ny, one - nx);
\qmlmethod QRectF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapRectToSourceNormalized(const QRectF &rectangle) const
Given a rectangle \a rectangle in item coordinates, return the
corresponding rectangle in normalized source coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
This mapping is affected by the orientation.
If the supplied point lies outside the rendered area, the returned
point will be outside the source rectangle. No clamping is performed.
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapRectToSourceNormalized(const QRectF &rectangle) const
return QRectF(mapPointToSourceNormalized(rectangle.topLeft()),
QDeclarativeVideoOutput::SourceType QDeclarativeVideoOutput::sourceType() const
return m_sourceType;
\qmlmethod QPointF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapPointToItem(const QPointF &point) const
Given a point \a point in source coordinates, return the
corresponding point in item coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
Depending on the fill mode, this point may lie outside the rendered
QPointF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapPointToItem(const QPointF &point) const
if (m_nativeSize.isEmpty())
return QPointF();
// Just normalize and use that function
// m_nativeSize is transposed in some orientations
if (qIsDefaultAspect(m_orientation))
return mapNormalizedPointToItem(QPointF(point.x() / m_nativeSize.width(), point.y() / m_nativeSize.height()));
return mapNormalizedPointToItem(QPointF(point.x() / m_nativeSize.height(), point.y() / m_nativeSize.width()));
\qmlmethod QRectF QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::mapRectToItem(const QRectF &rectangle) const
Given a rectangle \a rectangle in source coordinates, return the
corresponding rectangle in item coordinates. This mapping is
affected by the orientation.
Depending on the fill mode, this rectangle may extend outside the rendered
QRectF QDeclarativeVideoOutput::mapRectToItem(const QRectF &rectangle) const
return QRectF(mapPointToItem(rectangle.topLeft()),
QSGNode *QDeclarativeVideoOutput::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *data)
if (!m_backend)
return 0;
return m_backend->updatePaintNode(oldNode, data);
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::itemChange(QQuickItem::ItemChange change,
const QQuickItem::ItemChangeData &changeData)
if (m_backend)
m_backend->itemChange(change, changeData);
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::releaseResources()
if (m_backend)
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
QQuickItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
// Explicitly listen to geometry changes here. This is needed since changing the position does
// not trigger a call to updatePaintNode().
// We need to react to position changes though, as the window backened's display rect gets
// changed in that situation.
\qmlproperty list<object> QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::filters
This property holds the list of video filters that are run on the video
frames. The order of the filters in the list matches the order in which
they will be invoked on the video frames. The objects in the list must be
instances of a subclass of QAbstractVideoFilter.
\sa QAbstractVideoFilter
QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter> QDeclarativeVideoOutput::filters()
return QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter>(this, 0, filter_append, filter_count, filter_at, filter_clear);
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::filter_append(QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter> *property, QAbstractVideoFilter *value)
QDeclarativeVideoOutput *self = static_cast<QDeclarativeVideoOutput *>(property->object);
if (self->m_backend)
int QDeclarativeVideoOutput::filter_count(QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter> *property)
QDeclarativeVideoOutput *self = static_cast<QDeclarativeVideoOutput *>(property->object);
return self->m_filters.count();
QAbstractVideoFilter *QDeclarativeVideoOutput::filter_at(QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter> *property, int index)
QDeclarativeVideoOutput *self = static_cast<QDeclarativeVideoOutput *>(property->object);
return self->;
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::filter_clear(QQmlListProperty<QAbstractVideoFilter> *property)
QDeclarativeVideoOutput *self = static_cast<QDeclarativeVideoOutput *>(property->object);
if (self->m_backend)
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::_q_invalidateSceneGraph()
if (m_backend)
\qmlproperty enumeration QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::flushMode
\since 5.13
Set this property to define what \c VideoOutput should show
when playback is finished or stopped.
\li EmptyFrame - clears video output.
\li FirstFrame - shows the first valid frame.
\li LastFrame - shows the last valid frame.
The default flush mode is EmptyFrame.
void QDeclarativeVideoOutput::setFlushMode(FlushMode mode)
if (m_flushMode == mode)
m_flushMode = mode;
emit flushModeChanged();