blob: b52a7e6f52e9f93e69b488a6ee78bca41117fdbd [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgdataref_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderbasetypes_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendergraphobjectpickquery_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendercamera_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderray_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendernode_p.h>
#include <QtGui/QVector2D>
typedef void *QSSGRenderInstanceId;
class QSSGRenderNodeFilterInterface
virtual ~QSSGRenderNodeFilterInterface() {}
virtual bool includeNode(const QSSGRenderNode &inNode) = 0;
struct QSSGLayerPickSetup
QMatrix4x4 projectionPreMultiply;
QMatrix4x4 viewProjection;
QRect scissorRect;
QSSGLayerPickSetup(const QMatrix4x4 &inProjPreMult, const QMatrix4x4 &inVP, const QRect &inScissor)
: projectionPreMultiply(inProjPreMult), viewProjection(inVP), scissorRect(inScissor)
QSSGLayerPickSetup() {}
struct QSSGScaleAndPosition
QVector3D position;
float scale;
QSSGScaleAndPosition(const QVector3D &inPos, float inScale) : position(inPos), scale(inScale) {}
QSSGScaleAndPosition() = default;
struct QSSGRenderLayer;
class QSSGRendererImpl;
class QSSGRenderContextInterface;
QAtomicInt ref;
virtual ~QSSGRendererInterface() {}
virtual void enableLayerCaching(bool inEnabled) = 0;
virtual bool isLayerCachingEnabled() const = 0;
virtual void enableLayerGpuProfiling(bool inEnabled) = 0;
virtual bool isLayerGpuProfilingEnabled() const = 0;
// Get the camera that rendered this node last render
virtual QSSGRenderCamera *cameraForNode(const QSSGRenderNode &inNode) const = 0;
virtual QSSGOption<QSSGCuboidRect> cameraBounds(const QSSGRenderGraphObject &inObject) = 0;
// Called when you have changed the number or order of children of a given node.
virtual void childrenUpdated(QSSGRenderNode &inParent) = 0;
// The QSSGRenderContextInterface calls these, clients should not.
virtual void beginFrame() = 0;
virtual void endFrame() = 0;
// Setup the vertex and index buffers (but not shader state)
// and render the quad. The quad is setup so that its edges
// go from -1,1 in x,y and its UV coordinates will map naturally
// to an image.
virtual void renderQuad() = 0;
// Render a given texture to the scene using a given transform.
virtual void renderQuad(const QVector2D inDimensions, const QMatrix4x4 &inMVP, QSSGRenderTexture2D &inQuadTexture) = 0;
// Returns true if this layer or a sibling was dirty.
virtual bool prepareLayerForRender(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer, const QSize &surfaceSize) = 0;
virtual void renderLayer(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer,
const QSize &surfaceSize,
bool clear,
const QColor &clearColor) = 0;
// Studio option to disable picking against sub renderers. This allows better interaction
// in studio.
// In pick siblings measn pick the layer siblings; this is the normal behavior.
// InPickEverything means ignore the node's pick flags; this allows us to only pick things
// that have handlers
// in some cases and just pick everything in other things.
virtual void pickRenderPlugins(bool inPick) = 0;
virtual QSSGRenderPickResult pick(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer,
const QVector2D &inViewportDimensions,
const QVector2D &inMouseCoords,
bool inPickSiblings = true,
bool inPickEverything = false) = 0;
virtual QSSGRenderPickResult syncPick(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer,
const QVector2D &inViewportDimensions,
const QVector2D &inMouseCoords,
bool inPickSiblings = true,
bool inPickEverything = false) = 0;
// Return the relative hit position, in UV space, of a mouse pick against this object.
// We need the node in order to figure out which layer rendered this object.
// We need mapper objects if this is a in a subpresentation because we have to know how
// to map the mouse coordinates into the subpresentation. So for instance if inNode is in
// a subpres then we need to know which image is displaying the subpres in order to map
// the mouse coordinates into the subpres's render space.
virtual QSSGOption<QVector2D> facePosition(QSSGRenderNode &inNode,
QSSGBounds3 inBounds,
const QMatrix4x4 &inGlobalTransform,
const QVector2D &inViewportDimensions,
const QVector2D &inMouseCoords,
QSSGDataView<QSSGRenderGraphObject *> inMapperObjects,
QSSGRenderBasisPlanes inIsectPlane) = 0;
virtual QVector3D unprojectToPosition(QSSGRenderNode &inNode, QVector3D &inPosition, const QVector2D &inMouseVec) const = 0;
virtual QVector3D unprojectWithDepth(QSSGRenderNode &inNode, QVector3D &inPosition, const QVector3D &inMouseVec) const = 0;
virtual QVector3D projectPosition(QSSGRenderNode &inNode, const QVector3D &inPosition) const = 0;
// Roughly equivalent of gluPickMatrix, allows users to setup a perspective transform that
// will draw some sub component
// of the layer. Used in combination with an expected viewport of 0,0,width,height the
// viewproj matrix returned will center
// around the center of the viewport and render just the part of the layer around this area.
// The return value is optional because if the mouse point is completely outside the layer
// obviously this method is irrelevant.
virtual QSSGOption<QSSGLayerPickSetup> getLayerPickSetup(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer,
const QVector2D &inMouseCoords,
const QSize &inPickDims) = 0;
// Return the layer's viewport rect after the layer's member variables have been applied.
// Uses the last rendered viewport rect.
virtual QSSGOption<QRectF> layerRect(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer) = 0;
// Testing function to allow clients to render a layer using a custom view project instead
// of the one that would be setup
// using the layer's camera in conjunction with the layer's position,scale.
virtual void runLayerRender(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer, const QMatrix4x4 &inViewProjection) = 0;
// Render the layer's rect onscreen. Will only render one frame, you need to call this
// every frame
// for this to work and be persistent.
virtual void renderLayerRect(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer, const QVector3D &inColor) = 0;
// Called before a layer goes completely out of scope to release any rendering resources
// related to the layer.
virtual void releaseLayerRenderResources(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer) = 0;
// render Gpu profiler values
virtual void dumpGpuProfilerStats() = 0;
// Get the mouse coordinates as they relate to a given layer
virtual QSSGOption<QVector2D> getLayerMouseCoords(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer,
const QVector2D &inMouseCoords,
const QVector2D &inViewportDimensions,
bool forceImageIntersect = false) const = 0;
// Returns true if the renderer expects new frame to be rendered
// Happens when progressive AA is enabled
virtual bool rendererRequestsFrames() const = 0;
static bool isGlEsContext(const QSSGRenderContextType &inContextType);
static bool isGlEs3Context(const QSSGRenderContextType &inContextType);
static bool isGl2Context(const QSSGRenderContextType &inContextType);
static const char *getGlslVesionString(QSSGRenderContextType inContextType);
static QSSGRef<QSSGRendererInterface> createRenderer(QSSGRenderContextInterface *inContext);