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** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendererimpllayerrenderhelper_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendershadercache_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderableobjects_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderclippingfrustum_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderresourcetexture2d_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendergpuprofiler_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendershadowmap_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderableobjects_p.h>
struct QSSGLayerRenderData;
class QSSGRendererImpl;
struct QSSGRenderableObject;
enum class QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag
// Was the data in this layer dirty (meaning re-render to texture, possibly)
WasLayerDataDirty = 1,
// Was the data in this layer dirty *or* this layer *or* any effect dirty.
WasDirty = 1 << 1,
// Should create independent viewport
// If we aren't rendering to texture we still may have width/height manipulations
// that require our own viewport.
ShouldCreateIndependentViewport = 1 << 2,
RequiresDepthTexture = 1 << 3,
// SSAO should be done in a separate pass
// Note that having an AO pass necessitates a DepthTexture so this flag should
// never be set without the RequiresDepthTexture flag as well.
RequiresSsaoPass = 1 << 4,
// if some light cause shadow
// we need a separate per light shadow map pass
RequiresShadowMapPass = 1 << 5,
// This is the case when direct rendering, and need to clear an FBO, but not a Window
RequiresTransparentClear = 1 << 6
struct QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlags : public QFlags<QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag>
bool wasLayerDataDirty() const
return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::WasLayerDataDirty);
void setLayerDataDirty(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::WasLayerDataDirty, inValue);
bool wasDirty() const { return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::WasDirty); }
void setWasDirty(bool inValue) { setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::WasDirty, inValue); }
bool shouldCreateIndependentViewport() const
return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::ShouldCreateIndependentViewport);
void setShouldCreateIndependentViewport(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::ShouldCreateIndependentViewport, inValue);
bool requiresDepthTexture() const
return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresDepthTexture);
void setRequiresDepthTexture(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresDepthTexture, inValue);
bool requiresSsaoPass() const { return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresSsaoPass); }
void setRequiresSsaoPass(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresSsaoPass, inValue);
bool requiresShadowMapPass() const
return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresShadowMapPass);
void setRequiresShadowMapPass(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresShadowMapPass, inValue);
bool requiresTransparentClear() const
return this->operator&(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresTransparentClear);
void setRequiresTransparentClear(bool inValue)
setFlag(QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlag::RequiresTransparentClear, inValue);
struct QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResult : public QSSGLayerRenderHelper
QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlags flags;
quint32 maxAAPassIndex = 0;
QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResult() = default;
QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResult(const QSSGLayerRenderHelper &inHelper)
: QSSGLayerRenderHelper(inHelper)
, maxAAPassIndex(0)
struct QSSGRenderableNodeEntry
QSSGRenderNode *node = nullptr;
QSSGNodeLightEntryList lights;
QSSGRenderableNodeEntry() = default;
QSSGRenderableNodeEntry(QSSGRenderNode &inNode) : node(&inNode) {}
struct QSSGScopedLightsListScope
QVector<QSSGRenderLight *> &lightsList;
QVector<QVector3D> &lightDirList;
qint32 listOriginalSize;
QSSGScopedLightsListScope(QVector<QSSGRenderLight *> &inLights,
QVector<QVector3D> &inDestLightDirList,
QVector<QVector3D> &inSrcLightDirList,
QSSGNodeLightEntryList &inScopedLights)
: lightsList(inLights), lightDirList(inDestLightDirList), listOriginalSize(lightsList.size())
auto iter = inScopedLights.begin();
const auto end = inScopedLights.end();
while (iter != end) {
struct QSSGDefaultMaterialPreparationResult
QSSGRenderableImage *firstImage;
float opacity;
QSSGRenderableObjectFlags renderableFlags;
QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey materialKey;
bool dirty;
QSSGDefaultMaterialPreparationResult(QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey inMaterialKey);
// Data used strictly in the render preparation step.
struct QSSGLayerRenderPreparationData
typedef void (*TRenderRenderableFunction)(QSSGLayerRenderData &inData,
QSSGRenderableObject &inObject,
const QVector2D &inCameraProps,
const ShaderFeatureSetList &inShaderFeatures,
quint32 lightIndex,
const QSSGRenderCamera &inCamera);
typedef QHash<QSSGRenderLight *, QSSGRenderNode *> TLightToNodeMap;
typedef QVector<QSSGModelContext *> TModelContextPtrList;
typedef QVector<QSSGRenderableObjectHandle> TRenderableObjectList;
// typedef Pool<SNodeLightEntry, ForwardingAllocator> TNodeLightEntryPoolType;
enum Enum {
QSSGRenderLayer &layer;
QSSGRef<QSSGRendererImpl> renderer;
// List of nodes we can render, not all may be active. Found by doing a depth-first
// search through m_FirstChild if length is zero.
// TNodeLightEntryPoolType m_RenderableNodeLightEntryPool;
QVector<QSSGRenderableNodeEntry> renderableNodes;
TLightToNodeMap lightToNodeMap; // map of lights to nodes to cache if we have looked up a
// given scoped light yet.
// Built at the same time as the renderable nodes map.
// these are processed so they are available when the shaders for the models
// are being generated.
QVector<QSSGRenderCamera *> cameras;
QVector<QSSGRenderLight *> lights;
// Results of prepare for render.
QSSGRenderCamera *camera;
QVector<QSSGRenderLight *> globalLights; // Only contains lights that are global.
TRenderableObjectList opaqueObjects;
TRenderableObjectList transparentObjects;
// Sorted lists of the rendered objects. There may be other transforms applied so
// it is simplest to duplicate the lists.
TRenderableObjectList renderedOpaqueObjects;
TRenderableObjectList renderedTransparentObjects;
QMatrix4x4 viewProjection;
QSSGOption<QSSGClippingFrustum> clippingFrustum;
QSSGOption<QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResult> layerPrepResult;
QSSGOption<QVector3D> cameraDirection;
// Scoped lights need a level of indirection into a light direction list. The source light
// directions list is as long as there are lights on the layer. It holds invalid
// information for
// any lights that are not both active and scoped; but the relative position for a given
// light
// in this list is completely constant and immutable; this relative position is saved on a
// structure
// and used when looking up the light direction for a given light.
QVector<QVector3D> sourceLightDirections;
QVector<QVector3D> lightDirections;
TModelContextPtrList modelContexts;
ShaderFeatureSetList features;
bool featuresDirty;
size_t featureSetHash;
bool tooManyLightsError;
// shadow mapps
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShadowMap> shadowMapManager;
QSSGLayerRenderPreparationData(QSSGRenderLayer &inLayer, const QSSGRef<QSSGRendererImpl> &inRenderer);
virtual ~QSSGLayerRenderPreparationData();
void createShadowMapManager();
static QByteArray cgLightingFeatureName();
QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey generateLightingKey(QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial::MaterialLighting inLightingType, bool receivesShadows = true);
void prepareImageForRender(QSSGRenderImage &inImage,
QSSGImageMapTypes inMapType,
QSSGRenderableImage *&ioFirstImage,
QSSGRenderableImage *&ioNextImage,
QSSGRenderableObjectFlags &ioFlags,
QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &ioGeneratedShaderKey,
quint32 inImageIndex);
QSSGDefaultMaterialPreparationResult prepareDefaultMaterialForRender(QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial &inMaterial,
QSSGRenderableObjectFlags &inExistingFlags,
float inOpacity);
QSSGDefaultMaterialPreparationResult prepareCustomMaterialForRender(QSSGRenderCustomMaterial &inMaterial,
QSSGRenderableObjectFlags &inExistingFlags,
float inOpacity, bool alreadyDirty);
bool prepareModelForRender(QSSGRenderModel &inModel,
const QMatrix4x4 &inViewProjection,
const QSSGOption<QSSGClippingFrustum> &inClipFrustum,
QSSGNodeLightEntryList &inScopedLights);
// Helper function used during PRepareForRender and PrepareAndRender
bool prepareRenderablesForRender(const QMatrix4x4 &inViewProjection,
const QSSGOption<QSSGClippingFrustum> &inClipFrustum,
QSSGLayerRenderPreparationResultFlags &ioFlags);
// returns true if this object will render something different than it rendered the last
// time.
virtual void prepareForRender(const QSize &inViewportDimensions);
bool checkLightProbeDirty(QSSGRenderImage &inLightProbe);
void setShaderFeature(const char *inName, bool inValue);
ShaderFeatureSetList getShaderFeatureSet();
size_t getShaderFeatureSetHash();
QVector3D getCameraDirection();
// Per-frame cache of renderable objects post-sort.
const QVector<QSSGRenderableObjectHandle> &getOpaqueRenderableObjects(bool performSort = true);
// If layer depth test is false, this may also contain opaque objects.
const QVector<QSSGRenderableObjectHandle> &getTransparentRenderableObjects();
virtual void resetForFrame();