blob: 418f5f13067189c71dea2a93fda4370ceb91e098 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderdefaultmaterialshadergenerator_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendertessmodevalues_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
// Baseclass for the vertex pipelines to be sure we have consistent implementations.
struct QSSGVertexPipelineImpl : public QSSGDefaultMaterialVertexPipelineInterface
enum class GenerationFlag
UVCoords = 1,
EnvMapReflection = 1 << 1,
ViewVector = 1 << 2,
WorldNormal = 1 << 3,
ObjectNormal = 1 << 4,
WorldPosition = 1 << 5,
TangentBinormal = 1 << 6,
UVCoords1 = 1 << 7,
VertexColor = 1 << 8,
typedef TStrTableStrMap::const_iterator TParamIter;
typedef QFlags<GenerationFlag> GenerationFlags;
QSSGRef<QSSGMaterialShaderGeneratorInterface> m_materialGenerator;
QSSGRef<QSSGShaderProgramGeneratorInterface> m_programGenerator;
QString m_tempString;
GenerationFlags m_generationFlags;
bool m_wireframe;
TStrTableStrMap m_interpolationParameters;
quint32 m_displacementIdx;
QSSGRenderableImage *m_displacementImage;
QList<QByteArray> m_addedFunctions;
QSSGVertexPipelineImpl(QSSGRef<QSSGMaterialShaderGeneratorInterface> inMaterial,
QSSGRef<QSSGShaderProgramGeneratorInterface> inProgram,
bool inWireframe /* only works if tessellation is true */)
: m_materialGenerator(inMaterial)
, m_programGenerator(inProgram)
, m_wireframe(inWireframe)
, m_displacementIdx(0)
, m_displacementImage(nullptr)
// Trues true if the code was *not* set.
bool setCode(GenerationFlag inCode)
if (m_generationFlags & inCode)
return true;
m_generationFlags |= inCode;
return false;
bool hasCode(GenerationFlag inCode) { return (m_generationFlags & inCode); }
QSSGRef<QSSGShaderProgramGeneratorInterface> programGenerator() { return m_programGenerator; }
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &vertex()
return *programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Vertex);
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &tessControl()
return *programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::TessControl);
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &tessEval()
return *programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::TessEval);
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &geometry()
return *programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry);
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &fragment()
return *programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Fragment);
QSSGRef<QSSGMaterialShaderGeneratorInterface> materialGenerator() { return m_materialGenerator; }
void setupDisplacement(quint32 displacementImageIdx, QSSGRenderableImage *displacementImage)
m_displacementIdx = displacementImageIdx;
m_displacementImage = displacementImage;
bool hasTessellation() const { return m_programGenerator->getEnabledStages() & QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::TessEval; }
bool hasGeometryStage() const { return m_programGenerator->getEnabledStages() & QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry; }
bool hasDisplacment() const { return m_displacementImage != nullptr; }
void initializeWireframeGeometryShader()
if (m_wireframe && programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry)
&& programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::TessEval)) {
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &geometryShader(*programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry));
// currently geometry shader is only used for drawing wireframe
if (m_wireframe) {
geometryShader.addUniform("viewportMatrix", "mat4");
geometryShader.addOutgoing("varEdgeDistance", "vec3");
geometryShader.append("layout (triangles) in;");
geometryShader.append("layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;");
geometryShader.append("void main() {");
// how this all work see
geometryShader.append("// project points to screen space\n"
" vec3 p0 = vec3(viewportMatrix * (gl_in[0].gl_Position / "
" vec3 p1 = vec3(viewportMatrix * (gl_in[1].gl_Position / "
" vec3 p2 = vec3(viewportMatrix * (gl_in[2].gl_Position / "
"// compute triangle heights\n"
" float e1 = length(p1 - p2);\n"
" float e2 = length(p2 - p0);\n"
" float e3 = length(p1 - p0);\n"
" float alpha = acos( (e2*e2 + e3*e3 - e1*e1) / (2.0*e2*e3) );\n"
" float beta = acos( (e1*e1 + e3*e3 - e2*e2) / (2.0*e1*e3) );\n"
" float ha = abs( e3 * sin( beta ) );\n"
" float hb = abs( e3 * sin( alpha ) );\n"
" float hc = abs( e2 * sin( alpha ) );\n");
void finalizeWireframeGeometryShader()
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &geometryShader(*programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry));
if (m_wireframe == true && programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::Geometry)
&& programGenerator()->getStage(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage::TessEval)) {
const char *theExtension("TE[");
// we always assume triangles
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
char buf[10];
sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
for (TStrTableStrMap::iterator iter = m_interpolationParameters.begin(), end = m_interpolationParameters.end();
iter != end;
++iter) {
geometryShader << " " << iter.key() << " = " << iter.key() << theExtension << buf << "];\n";
geometryShader << " gl_Position = gl_in[" << buf << "].gl_Position;\n";
// the triangle distance is interpolated through the shader stage
if (i == 0) {
geometryShader << "\n varEdgeDistance = vec3(ha*"
<< "gl_in[" << buf << "].gl_Position.w, 0.0, 0.0);\n";
} else if (i == 1) {
geometryShader << "\n varEdgeDistance = vec3(0.0, hb*"
<< "gl_in[" << buf << "].gl_Position.w, 0.0);\n";
} else if (i == 2) {
geometryShader << "\n varEdgeDistance = vec3(0.0, 0.0, hc*"
<< "gl_in[" << buf << "].gl_Position.w);\n";
// submit vertex
geometryShader << " EmitVertex();\n";
// end primitive
geometryShader << " EndPrimitive();\n";
virtual void setupTessIncludes(QSSGShaderGeneratorStage inStage, TessellationModeValues inTessMode)
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &tessShader(*programGenerator()->getStage(inStage));
// depending on the selected tessellation mode chose program
switch (inTessMode) {
case TessellationModeValues::Phong:
case TessellationModeValues::NPatch:
Q_ASSERT(false); // fallthrough intentional
case TessellationModeValues::Linear:
void generateUVCoords(quint32 inUVSet = 0) override
if (inUVSet == 0 && setCode(GenerationFlag::UVCoords))
if (inUVSet == 1 && setCode(GenerationFlag::UVCoords1))
Q_ASSERT(inUVSet == 0 || inUVSet == 1);
if (inUVSet == 0)
addInterpolationParameter("varTexCoord0", "vec2");
else if (inUVSet == 1)
addInterpolationParameter("varTexCoord1", "vec2");
void generateEnvMapReflection() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::EnvMapReflection))
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &activeGenerator(activeStage());
addInterpolationParameter("var_object_to_camera", "vec3");
activeGenerator.append(" var_object_to_camera = normalize( local_model_world_position "
"- cameraPosition );");
// World normal cannot be relied upon in the vertex shader because of bump maps.
fragment().append(" vec3 environment_map_reflection = reflect( "
"normalize(var_object_to_camera), );");
fragment().append(" environment_map_reflection *= vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 0 );");
fragment().append(" environment_map_reflection += vec3( 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 );");
void generateViewVector() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::ViewVector))
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &activeGenerator(activeStage());
addInterpolationParameter("varViewVector", "vec3");
activeGenerator.append(" vec3 local_view_vector = normalize(cameraPosition - "
assignOutput("varViewVector", "local_view_vector");
fragment() << " vec3 view_vector = normalize(varViewVector);\n";
// fragment shader expects varying vertex normal
// lighting in vertex pipeline expects world_normal
void generateWorldNormal() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::WorldNormal))
addInterpolationParameter("varNormal", "vec3");
fragment().append(" vec3 world_normal = normalize( varNormal );");
void generateObjectNormal() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::ObjectNormal))
fragment().append(" vec3 object_normal = normalize(varObjectNormal);");
void generateWorldPosition() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::WorldPosition))
activeStage().addUniform("modelMatrix", "mat4");
addInterpolationParameter("varWorldPos", "vec3");
assignOutput("varWorldPos", "local_model_world_position");
void generateVarTangentAndBinormal() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::TangentBinormal))
addInterpolationParameter("varTangent", "vec3");
addInterpolationParameter("varBinormal", "vec3");
fragment() << " vec3 tangent = normalize(varTangent);\n"
<< " vec3 binormal = normalize(varBinormal);\n";
void generateVertexColor() override
if (setCode(GenerationFlag::VertexColor))
addInterpolationParameter("varColor", "vec3");
fragment().append(" vec3 vertColor = varColor;");
bool hasActiveWireframe() override { return m_wireframe; }
void addIncoming(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &type) override { activeStage().addIncoming(name, type); }
void addOutgoing(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &type) override { addInterpolationParameter(name, type); }
void addUniform(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &type) override { activeStage().addUniform(name, type); }
void addInclude(const QByteArray &name) override { activeStage().addInclude(name); }
void addFunction(const QByteArray &functionName) override
if (!m_addedFunctions.contains(functionName)) {
QByteArray includeName = "func" + functionName + ".glsllib";
void addConstantBuffer(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &layout) override
activeStage().addConstantBuffer(name, layout);
void addConstantBufferParam(const QByteArray &cbName, const QByteArray &paramName, const QByteArray &type) override
activeStage().addConstantBufferParam(cbName, paramName, type);
QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &operator<<(const QByteArray &data) override
activeStage() << data;
return *this;
void append(const QByteArray &data) override { activeStage().append(data); }
QSSGShaderGeneratorStage stage() const override
return const_cast<QSSGVertexPipelineImpl *>(this)->activeStage().stage();
void beginVertexGeneration(quint32 displacementImageIdx, QSSGRenderableImage *displacementImage) override = 0;
void assignOutput(const QByteArray &inVarName, const QByteArray &inVarValueExpr) override = 0;
void endVertexGeneration(bool customShader) override = 0;
void beginFragmentGeneration() override = 0;
void endFragmentGeneration(bool customShader) override = 0;
virtual QSSGShaderStageGeneratorInterface &activeStage() = 0;
virtual void addInterpolationParameter(const QByteArray &inParamName, const QByteArray &inParamType) = 0;
virtual void doGenerateUVCoords(quint32 inUVSet) = 0;
virtual void doGenerateWorldNormal() = 0;
virtual void doGenerateObjectNormal() = 0;
virtual void doGenerateWorldPosition() = 0;
virtual void doGenerateVarTangentAndBinormal() = 0;
virtual void doGenerateVertexColor() = 0;