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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras.Private 1.0
\qmltype CircularGaugeStyle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls.Styles
\since 5.5
\ingroup controlsstyling
\brief Provides custom styling for CircularGauge.
You can create a custom circular gauge by replacing the following delegates:
\li \l background
\li \l tickmark
\li \l minorTickmark
\li \l tickmarkLabel
\li \l needle
\li \l foreground
Below is an example that changes the needle to a basic orange \l Rectangle:
CircularGauge {
style: CircularGaugeStyle {
needle: Rectangle {
y: outerRadius * 0.15
implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.03
implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.9
antialiasing: true
color: Qt.rgba(0.66, 0.3, 0, 1)
The result:
\image circulargauge-needle-example-2.png CircularGaugeStyle example
\section2 Direction
\l minimumValueAngle and \l maximumValueAngle determine not only the
position of the tickmarks, labels and needle, but the direction in which
they are displayed around the gauge. For example, if \l minimumValueAngle
is greater than \l maximumValueAngle, the gauge will be anti-clockwise.
Below, there are two gauges: the top gauge has a \l minimumValueAngle of
\c -90 degrees and a \l maximumValueAngle of \c 90 degrees, and the bottom
gauge has the opposite.
\image circulargauge-reversed.png Reversed CircularGauge
\sa {Styling CircularGauge}
Style {
id: circularGaugeStyle
The \l CircularGauge that this style is attached to.
readonly property CircularGauge control: __control
The distance from the center of the gauge to the outer edge of the
This property is useful for determining the size of the various
components of the style, in order to ensure that they are scaled
proportionately when the gauge is resized.
readonly property real outerRadius: Math.min(control.width, control.height) * 0.5
This property determines the angle at which the minimum value is
displayed on the gauge.
The angle set affects the following components of the gauge:
\li The angle of the needle
\li The position of the tickmarks and labels
The angle origin points north:
\image circulargauge-angles.png
There is no minimum or maximum angle for this property, but the default
style only supports angles whose absolute range is less than or equal
to \c 360 degrees. This is because ranges higher than \c 360 degrees
will cause the tickmarks and labels to overlap each other.
The default value is \c -145.
property real minimumValueAngle: -145
This property determines the angle at which the maximum value is
displayed on the gauge.
The angle set affects the following components of the gauge:
\li The angle of the needle
\li The position of the tickmarks and labels
The angle origin points north:
\image circulargauge-angles.png
There is no minimum or maximum angle for this property, but the default
style only supports angles whose absolute range is less than or equal
to \c 360 degrees. This is because ranges higher than \c 360 degrees
will cause the tickmarks and labels to overlap each other.
The default value is \c 145.
property real maximumValueAngle: 145
The range between \l minimumValueAngle and \l maximumValueAngle, in
degrees. This value will always be positive.
readonly property real angleRange: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.angleRange
This property holds the rotation of the needle in degrees.
property real needleRotation: {
var percentage = (control.value - control.minimumValue) / (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue);
minimumValueAngle + percentage * angleRange;
The interval at which tickmarks are displayed.
For example, if this property is set to \c 10 (the default),
control.minimumValue to \c 0, and control.maximumValue to \c 100,
the tickmarks displayed will be 0, 10, 20, etc., to 100,
around the gauge.
property real tickmarkStepSize: 10
The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
which the outermost point of the tickmark line is drawn.
property real tickmarkInset: 0
The amount of tickmarks displayed by the gauge, calculated from
\l tickmarkStepSize and the control's
\l {CircularGauge::minimumValue}{minimumValue} and
\l {CircularGauge::maximumValue}{maximumValue}.
\sa minorTickmarkCount
readonly property int tickmarkCount: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.tickmarkCount
The amount of minor tickmarks between each tickmark.
The default value is \c 4.
\sa tickmarkCount
property int minorTickmarkCount: 4
The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
which the outermost point of the minor tickmark line is drawn.
property real minorTickmarkInset: 0
The distance in pixels from the outside of the gauge (outerRadius) at
which the center of the value marker text is drawn.
property real labelInset: __protectedScope.toPixels(0.19)
The interval at which tickmark labels are displayed.
For example, if this property is set to \c 10 (the default),
control.minimumValue to \c 0, and control.maximumValue to \c 100, the
tickmark labels displayed will be 0, 10, 20, etc., to 100,
around the gauge.
property real labelStepSize: tickmarkStepSize
The amount of tickmark labels displayed by the gauge, calculated from
\l labelStepSize and the control's
\l {CircularGauge::minimumValue}{minimumValue} and
\l {CircularGauge::maximumValue}{maximumValue}.
\sa tickmarkCount, minorTickmarkCount
readonly property int labelCount: control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.labelCount
/*! \qmlmethod real CircularGaugeStyle::valueToAngle(real value)
Returns \a value as an angle in degrees.
This function is useful for custom drawing or positioning of items in
the style's components. For example, it can be used to calculate the
angles at which to draw an arc around the gauge indicating the safe
area for the needle to be within.
For example, if minimumValueAngle is set to \c 270 and
maximumValueAngle is set to \c 90, this function will return \c 270
when passed minimumValue and \c 90 when passed maximumValue.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-background}{
Styling CircularGauge's background}
function valueToAngle(value) {
return control.__panel.circularTickmarkLabel.valueToAngle(value);
property QtObject __protectedScope: QtObject {
Converts a value expressed as a percentage of \l outerRadius to
a pixel value.
function toPixels(percentageOfOuterRadius) {
return percentageOfOuterRadius * outerRadius;
The background of the gauge.
If set, the background determines the implicit size of the gauge.
By default, there is no background defined.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-background}{
Styling CircularGauge's background}
property Component background
This component defines each individual tickmark. The position of each
tickmark is already set; only the
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
\l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight} need to be specified.
Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this tickmark.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this tickmark represents.
To illustrate what these properties refer to, we can use the following
\snippet circulargauge-tickmark-indices-values.qml tickmarks
We've replaced the conventional \e line tickmarks with \l Text items
and have hidden the tickmarkLabel component in order to make the
association clearer:
\image circulargauge-tickmark-indices-values.png Tickmarks
The index property can be useful if you have another model that
contains images to display for each index, for example.
The value property is useful for drawing lower and upper limits around
the gauge to indicate the recommended value ranges. For example, speeds
above 200 kilometers an hour in a car's speedometer could be indicated
as dangerous using this property.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-tickmark}{
Styling CircularGauge's tickmark}
property Component tickmark: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.02
antialiasing: true
implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.06
color: "#c8c8c8"
This component defines each individual minor tickmark. The position of
each minor tickmark is already set; only the
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
\l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight} need to be specified.
Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this tickmark.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this tickmark represents.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-minorTickmark}{
Styling CircularGauge's minorTickmark}
property Component minorTickmark: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.01
antialiasing: true
implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.03
color: "#c8c8c8"
This defines the text of each tickmark label on the gauge.
Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this label.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this label represents.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-tickmarkLabel}{
Styling CircularGauge's tickmarkLabel}
property Component tickmarkLabel: Text {
font.pixelSize: Math.max(6, __protectedScope.toPixels(0.12))
text: styleData.value
color: "#c8c8c8"
antialiasing: true
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
The needle that points to the gauge's current value.
This component is drawn below the \l foreground component.
The style expects the needle to be pointing up at a rotation of \c 0,
in order for the rotation to be correct. For example:
\image circulargauge-needle.png CircularGauge's needle
When defining your own needle component, the only properties that the
style requires you to set are the
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
\l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight}.
Optionally, you can set \l {Item::x}{x} and \l {Item::y}{y} to change
the needle's transform origin. Setting the \c x position can be useful
for needle images where the needle is not centered exactly
horizontally. Setting the \c y position allows you to make the base of
the needle hang over the center of the gauge.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-needle}{
Styling CircularGauge's needle}
property Component needle: Item {
implicitWidth: __protectedScope.toPixels(0.08)
implicitHeight: 0.9 * outerRadius
Image {
anchors.fill: parent
source: "images/needle.png"
The foreground of the gauge. This component is drawn above all others.
Like \l background, the foreground component fills the entire gauge.
By default, the knob of the gauge is defined here.
\sa {Styling CircularGauge#styling-circulargauge-foreground}{
Styling CircularGauge's foreground}
property Component foreground: Item {
Image {
source: "images/knob.png"
anchors.centerIn: parent
scale: {
var idealHeight = __protectedScope.toPixels(0.2);
var originalImageHeight = sourceSize.height;
idealHeight / originalImageHeight;
/*! \internal */
property Component panel: Item {
id: panelItem
implicitWidth: backgroundLoader.item ? backgroundLoader.implicitWidth : TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 16
implicitHeight: backgroundLoader.item ? backgroundLoader.implicitHeight : TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 16
property alias background: backgroundLoader.item
property alias circularTickmarkLabel: circularTickmarkLabel_
Loader {
id: backgroundLoader
sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.background
width: outerRadius * 2
height: outerRadius * 2
anchors.centerIn: parent
CircularTickmarkLabel {
id: circularTickmarkLabel_
anchors.fill: backgroundLoader
minimumValue: control.minimumValue
maximumValue: control.maximumValue
stepSize: control.stepSize
tickmarksVisible: control.tickmarksVisible
minimumValueAngle: circularGaugeStyle.minimumValueAngle
maximumValueAngle: circularGaugeStyle.maximumValueAngle
tickmarkStepSize: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkStepSize
tickmarkInset: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkInset
minorTickmarkCount: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmarkCount
minorTickmarkInset: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmarkInset
labelInset: circularGaugeStyle.labelInset
labelStepSize: circularGaugeStyle.labelStepSize
style: CircularTickmarkLabelStyle {
tickmark: circularGaugeStyle.tickmark
minorTickmark: circularGaugeStyle.minorTickmark
tickmarkLabel: circularGaugeStyle.tickmarkLabel
Loader {
id: needleLoader
sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.needle
transform: [
Rotation {
angle: needleRotation
origin.x: needleLoader.width / 2
origin.y: needleLoader.height
Translate {
x: panelItem.width / 2 - needleLoader.width / 2
y: panelItem.height / 2 - needleLoader.height
Loader {
id: foreground
sourceComponent: circularGaugeStyle.foreground
anchors.fill: backgroundLoader