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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras.Private 1.0
\qmltype GaugeStyle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls.Styles
\since 5.5
\ingroup controlsstyling
\brief Provides custom styling for Gauge.
You can create a custom gauge by replacing the following delegates:
\li \l background
\li valueBar
\li tickmarkLabel
Below, you'll find an example of how to create a temperature gauge that
changes color as its value increases:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
Rectangle {
width: 80
height: 200
Timer {
running: true
repeat: true
interval: 2000
onTriggered: gauge.value = gauge.value == gauge.maximumValue ? 5 : gauge.maximumValue
Gauge {
id: gauge
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
value: 5
Behavior on value {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 1000
style: GaugeStyle {
valueBar: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 16
color: Qt.rgba(gauge.value / gauge.maximumValue, 0, 1 - gauge.value / gauge.maximumValue, 1)
\image gauge-temperature.png
The gauge displaying values at various points during the animation.
\sa {Styling Gauge}
Style {
id: gaugeStyle
The \l Gauge that this style is attached to.
readonly property Gauge control: __control
This property holds the value displayed by the gauge as a position in
It is useful for custom styling.
readonly property real valuePosition: control.__panel.valuePosition
The background of the gauge, displayed behind the \l valueBar.
By default, no background is defined.
property Component background
Each tickmark displayed by the gauge.
To set the size of the tickmarks, specify an
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
\l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight}.
The widest tickmark will determine the space set aside for all
tickmarks. For this reason, the \c implicitWidth of each tickmark
should be greater than or equal to that of each minor tickmark. If you
need minor tickmarks to have greater widths than the major tickmarks,
set the larger width in a child item of the \l minorTickmark component.
For layouting reasons, each tickmark should have the same
\c implicitHeight. If different heights are needed for individual
tickmarks, specify those heights in a child item of the component.
In the example below, we decrease the height of the tickmarks:
tickmark: Item {
implicitWidth: 18
implicitHeight: 1
Rectangle {
color: "#c8c8c8"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 3
anchors.rightMargin: 3
\image gauge-tickmark-example.png Gauge tickmark example
Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this tickmark.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this tickmark represents.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.valuePosition
\li The value that this tickmark represents as a position in
pixels, with 0 being at the bottom of the gauge.
\sa minorTickmark
property Component tickmark: Item {
implicitWidth: Math.round(TextSingleton.height * 1.1)
implicitHeight: Math.max(2, Math.round(TextSingleton.height * 0.1))
Rectangle {
color: "#c8c8c8"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.2)
anchors.rightMargin: Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.2)
Each minor tickmark displayed by the gauge.
To set the size of the minor tickmarks, specify an
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} and
\l {Item::implicitHeight}{implicitHeight}.
For layouting reasons, each minor tickmark should have the same
\c implicitHeight. If different heights are needed for individual
tickmarks, specify those heights in a child item of the component.
In the example below, we decrease the width of the minor tickmarks:
minorTickmark: Item {
implicitWidth: 8
implicitHeight: 1
Rectangle {
color: "#cccccc"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 2
anchors.rightMargin: 4
\image gauge-minorTickmark-example.png Gauge minorTickmark example
Each instance of this component has access to the following property:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this minor tickmark.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this minor tickmark represents.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.valuePosition
\li The value that this minor tickmark represents as a
position in pixels, with 0 being at the bottom of the
\sa tickmark
property Component minorTickmark: Item {
implicitWidth: Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.65)
implicitHeight: Math.max(1, Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.05))
Rectangle {
color: "#c8c8c8"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight
? Math.max(3, Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.2))
: 0
anchors.rightMargin: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight
? 0
: Math.max(3, Math.round(TextSingleton.implicitHeight * 0.2))
This defines the text of each tickmark label on the gauge.
Each instance of this component has access to the following properties:
\row \li \c {readonly property int} \b styleData.index
\li The index of this label.
\row \li \c {readonly property real} \b styleData.value
\li The value that this label represents.
property Component tickmarkLabel: Text {
text: control.formatValue(styleData.value)
font: control.font
color: "#c8c8c8"
antialiasing: true
The bar that represents the value of the gauge.
To height of the value bar is automatically resized according to
\l {Gauge::value}{value}, and does not need to be specified.
When a custom valueBar is defined, its
\l {Item::implicitWidth}{implicitWidth} property must be set.
property Component valueBar: Rectangle {
color: "#00bbff"
implicitWidth: TextSingleton.implicitHeight
The bar that represents the foreground of the gauge.
This component is drawn above every other component.
property Component foreground: Canvas {
readonly property real xCenter: width / 2
readonly property real yCenter: height / 2
property real shineLength: height * 0.95
onPaint: {
var ctx = getContext("2d");
ctx.rect(0, 0, width, height);
var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, yCenter, width, yCenter);
gradient.addColorStop(0, Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.08));
gradient.addColorStop(1, Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.20));
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
/*! \internal */
property Component panel: Item {
id: panelComponent
implicitWidth: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? tickmarkLabelBoundsWidth + rawBarWidth : TextSingleton.height * 14
implicitHeight: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? TextSingleton.height * 14 : tickmarkLabelBoundsWidth + rawBarWidth
readonly property int tickmarkCount: (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue) / control.tickmarkStepSize + 1
readonly property real tickmarkSpacing: (tickmarkLabelBounds.height - tickmarkWidth * tickmarkCount) / (tickmarkCount - 1)
property real tickmarkLength: tickmarkColumn.width
// Can't deduce this from the column, so we set it from within the first tickmark delegate loader.
property real tickmarkWidth: 2
readonly property real tickmarkOffset: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? control.__hiddenText.height / 2 : control.__hiddenText.width / 2
readonly property real minorTickmarkStep: control.tickmarkStepSize / (control.minorTickmarkCount + 1);
Returns the marker text that should be displayed based on
\a markerPos (\c 0 to \c 1.0).
function markerTextFromPos(markerPos) {
return markerPos * (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue) + control.minimumValue;
readonly property real rawBarWidth: valueBarLoader.item.implicitWidth
readonly property real barLength: (control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? control.height : control.width) - (tickmarkOffset * 2 - 2)
readonly property real tickmarkLabelBoundsWidth: tickmarkLength + (control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? control.__hiddenText.width : control.__hiddenText.height)
readonly property int valuePosition: valueBarLoader.height
Item {
id: container
width: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.width : parent.height
height: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.height : parent.width
rotation: control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? 90 : 0
transformOrigin: Item.Center
anchors.centerIn: parent
Item {
id: valueBarItem
x: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignLeft || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignTop ? tickmarkLabelBounds.x + tickmarkLabelBounds.width : 0
width: rawBarWidth
height: barLength
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Loader {
id: backgroundLoader
sourceComponent: background
anchors.fill: parent
Loader {
id: valueBarLoader
sourceComponent: valueBar
readonly property real valueAsPercentage: (control.value - control.minimumValue) / (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue)
y: Math.round(parent.height - height)
height: Math.round(valueAsPercentage * parent.height)
Item {
id: tickmarkLabelBounds
x: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignLeft || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignTop ? 0 : valueBarItem.width
width: tickmarkLabelBoundsWidth
height: barLength
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// We want our items to be laid out from bottom to top, but Column can't do that, so we flip
// the whole item containing the tickmarks and labels vertically. Then, we flip each tickmark
// and label back again.
transform: Rotation {
axis.x: 1
axis.y: 0
axis.z: 0
origin.x: tickmarkLabelBounds.width / 2
origin.y: tickmarkLabelBounds.height / 2
angle: 180
Column {
id: tickmarkColumn
x: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom ? 0 : tickmarkLabelBounds.width - width
spacing: tickmarkSpacing
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Repeater {
id: tickmarkRepeater
model: tickmarkCount
delegate: Loader {
id: tickmarkDelegateLoader
sourceComponent: gaugeStyle.tickmark
transform: Rotation {
axis.x: 1
axis.y: 0
axis.z: 0
origin.x: tickmarkDelegateLoader.width / 2
origin.y: tickmarkDelegateLoader.height / 2
angle: 180
onHeightChanged: {
if (index == 0)
tickmarkWidth = height;
readonly property int __index: index
property QtObject styleData: QtObject {
readonly property alias index: tickmarkDelegateLoader.__index
readonly property real value: (index / (tickmarkCount - 1)) * (control.maximumValue - control.minimumValue) + control.minimumValue
readonly property int valuePosition: Math.round(tickmarkDelegateLoader.y)
// Doesn't need to be in a column, since we assume that the major tickmarks will always be longer than us.
Repeater {
id: minorTickmarkRepeater
model: (tickmarkCount - 1) * control.minorTickmarkCount
delegate: Loader {
id: minorTickmarkDelegateLoader
x: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom ? 0 : tickmarkLabelBounds.width - width
y: {
var tickmarkWidthOffset = Math.floor(index / control.minorTickmarkCount) * tickmarkWidth + tickmarkWidth;
var relativePosition = (index % control.minorTickmarkCount + 1) * (tickmarkSpacing / (control.minorTickmarkCount + 1));
var clusterOffset = Math.floor(index / control.minorTickmarkCount) * tickmarkSpacing;
// We assume that each minorTickmark's height is the same.
return clusterOffset + tickmarkWidthOffset + relativePosition - height / 2;
transform: Rotation {
axis.x: 1
axis.y: 0
axis.z: 0
origin.x: minorTickmarkDelegateLoader.width / 2
origin.y: minorTickmarkDelegateLoader.height / 2
angle: 180
sourceComponent: gaugeStyle.minorTickmark
readonly property int __index: index
property QtObject styleData: QtObject {
readonly property alias index: minorTickmarkDelegateLoader.__index
readonly property real value: {
var tickmarkIndex = Math.floor(index / control.minorTickmarkCount);
return index * minorTickmarkStep + minorTickmarkStep * tickmarkIndex + minorTickmarkStep + control.minimumValue;
readonly property int valuePosition: Math.round(minorTickmarkDelegateLoader.y)
Item {
id: tickmarkLabelItem
x: control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom
? tickmarkLength
: tickmarkLabelBounds.width - tickmarkLength - width
width: control.__hiddenText.width
// Use the bar height instead of the container's, as the labels seem to be translated by 1 when we
// flip the control vertically, and this fixes that.
height: parent.height
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Repeater {
id: tickmarkTextRepeater
model: tickmarkCount
delegate: Item {
x: {
if (control.orientation === Qt.Vertical)
return 0;
// Align the text to the edge of the tickmarks.
return ((width - height) / 2) * (control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom ? -1 : 1);
y: index * labelDistance - height / 2
width: control.__hiddenText.width
height: control.__hiddenText.height
transformOrigin: Item.Center
rotation: control.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? 0 : 90
readonly property real labelDistance: tickmarkLabelBounds.height / (tickmarkCount - 1)
Loader {
id: tickmarkTextRepeaterDelegate
x: {
if (control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal) {
return parent.width / 2 - width / 2;
return control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignRight || control.__tickmarkAlignment === Qt.AlignBottom
? 0
: parent.width - width;
transform: Rotation {
axis.x: 1
axis.y: 0
axis.z: 0
origin.x: tickmarkTextRepeaterDelegate.width / 2
origin.y: tickmarkTextRepeaterDelegate.height / 2
angle: 180
sourceComponent: tickmarkLabel
readonly property int __index: index
property QtObject styleData: QtObject {
readonly property alias index: tickmarkTextRepeaterDelegate.__index
readonly property real value: markerTextFromPos(index / (tickmarkTextRepeater.count - 1))
Loader {
id: foregroundLoader
sourceComponent: foreground
anchors.fill: valueBarItem