blob: 41efc2a66d9019acfe8ae64168f0c419bb02a7db [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
** met:
#include <QtTest/qtest.h>
#include <QtCore/private/qhooks_p.h>
#include <QtCore/qregularexpression.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlcomponent.h>
#include <QtQuick/qquickitem.h>
#include <QtQuick/qquickwindow.h>
#include <QtQuickControls2/qquickstyle.h>
#include "../shared/visualtestutil.h"
using namespace QQuickVisualTestUtil;
struct ControlInfo
QString type;
QStringList delegates;
static const ControlInfo ControlInfos[] = {
{ "AbstractButton", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "ApplicationWindow", QStringList() << "background" },
{ "BusyIndicator", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Button", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "CheckBox", QStringList() << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "CheckDelegate", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "ComboBox", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" }, // popup not created until needed
{ "Container", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Control", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "DelayButton", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Dial", QStringList() << "background" << "handle" },
{ "Dialog", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "DialogButtonBox", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Drawer", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Frame", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "GroupBox", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "label" },
{ "ItemDelegate", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Label", QStringList() << "background" },
{ "Menu", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "MenuBar", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "MenuBarItem", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "MenuItem", QStringList() << "arrow" << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "MenuSeparator", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Page", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "PageIndicator", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Pane", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Popup", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ProgressBar", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "RadioButton", QStringList() << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "RadioDelegate", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "RangeSlider", QStringList() << "background" << "first.handle" << "second.handle" },
{ "RoundButton", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ScrollBar", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ScrollIndicator", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ScrollView", QStringList() << "background" },
{ "Slider", QStringList() << "background" << "handle" },
{ "SpinBox", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "up.indicator" << "down.indicator" },
{ "StackView", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "SwipeDelegate", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "SwipeView", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Switch", QStringList() << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "SwitchDelegate", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" << "indicator" },
{ "TabBar", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "TabButton", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "TextField", QStringList() << "background" },
{ "TextArea", QStringList() << "background" },
{ "ToolBar", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ToolButton", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ToolSeparator", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "ToolTip", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" },
{ "Tumbler", QStringList() << "background" << "contentItem" }
class tst_customization : public QQmlDataTest
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
void init();
void cleanup();
void creation_data();
void creation();
void override_data();
void override();
void comboPopup();
void reset();
void addHooks();
void removeHooks();
QObject* createControl(const QString &type, const QString &qml, QString *error);
QQmlEngine *engine = nullptr;
typedef QHash<QObject *, QString> QObjectNameHash;
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QObjectNameHash, qt_objectNames)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QStringList, qt_createdQObjects)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QStringList, qt_destroyedQObjects)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QStringList, qt_destroyedParentQObjects)
static int qt_unparentedItemCount = 0;
class ItemParentListener : public QQuickItem
m_slotIndex = metaObject()->indexOfSlot("onParentChanged()");
m_signalIndex = QMetaObjectPrivate::signalIndex(QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&QQuickItem::parentChanged));
int signalIndex() const { return m_signalIndex; }
int slotIndex() const { return m_slotIndex; }
public slots:
void onParentChanged()
const QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(sender());
if (!item)
if (!item->parentItem())
int m_slotIndex;
int m_signalIndex;
static ItemParentListener *qt_itemParentListener = nullptr;
extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT void qt_addQObject(QObject *object)
// objectName is not set at construction time
QObject::connect(object, &QObject::objectNameChanged, [object](const QString &objectName) {
QString oldObjectName = qt_objectNames()->value(object);
if (!oldObjectName.isEmpty())
// Only track object names from our QML files,
// not e.g. contentItem object names (like "ApplicationWindow").
if (objectName.contains("-")) {
qt_objectNames()->insert(object, objectName);
if (qt_itemParentListener) {
static const int signalIndex = qt_itemParentListener->signalIndex();
static const int slotIndex = qt_itemParentListener->slotIndex();
QMetaObject::connect(object, signalIndex, qt_itemParentListener, slotIndex);
extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT void qt_removeQObject(QObject *object)
QString objectName = object->objectName();
if (!objectName.isEmpty())
QObject *parent = object->parent();
if (parent) {
QString parentName = parent->objectName();
if (!parentName.isEmpty())
void tst_customization::initTestCase()
qt_itemParentListener = new ItemParentListener;
void tst_customization::cleanupTestCase()
delete qt_itemParentListener;
qt_itemParentListener = nullptr;
void tst_customization::init()
engine = new QQmlEngine(this);
qtHookData[QHooks::AddQObject] = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(&qt_addQObject);
qtHookData[QHooks::RemoveQObject] = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(&qt_removeQObject);
void tst_customization::cleanup()
qtHookData[QHooks::AddQObject] = 0;
qtHookData[QHooks::RemoveQObject] = 0;
delete engine;
engine = nullptr;
void tst_customization::reset()
qt_unparentedItemCount = 0;
QObject* tst_customization::createControl(const QString &name, const QString &qml, QString *error)
QQmlComponent component(engine);
component.setData("import QtQuick 2.10; import QtQuick.Window 2.2; import QtQuick.Controls 2.3; " + name.toUtf8() + " { " + qml.toUtf8() + " }", QUrl());
QObject *obj = component.create();
if (!obj)
*error = component.errorString();
return obj;
void tst_customization::creation_data()
// the "empty" style does not contain any delegates
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("empty:" + control.type)) << "empty" << control.type << QStringList();
// the "incomplete" style is missing bindings to the delegates (must be created regardless)
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("incomplete:" + control.type)) << "incomplete" << control.type << control.delegates;
// the "identified" style has IDs in the delegates (prevents deferred execution)
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("identified:" + control.type)) << "identified" << control.type << control.delegates;
// the "simple" style simulates a proper style and contains bindings to/in delegates
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("simple:" + control.type)) << "simple" << control.type << control.delegates;
// the "override" style overrides all delegates in the "simple" style
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("override:" + control.type)) << "override" << control.type << control.delegates;
void tst_customization::creation()
QFETCH(QString, style);
QFETCH(QString, type);
QFETCH(QStringList, delegates);
QQuickStyle::setStyle(testFile("styles/" + style));
QString error;
QScopedPointer<QObject> control(createControl(type, "", &error));
QVERIFY2(control, qPrintable(error));
QByteArray templateType = "QQuick" + type.toUtf8();
QVERIFY2(control->inherits(templateType), qPrintable(type + " does not inherit " + templateType + " (" + control->metaObject()->className() + ")"));
// <control>-<style>
QString controlName = type.toLower() + "-" + style;
QCOMPARE(control->objectName(), controlName);
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->removeOne(controlName), qPrintable(controlName + " was not created as expected"));
for (QString delegate : qAsConst(delegates)) {
QStringList properties = delegate.split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
// <control>-<delegate>-<style>(-<override>)
delegate.append("-" + style);
delegate.prepend(type.toLower() + "-");
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->removeOne(delegate), qPrintable(delegate + " was not created as expected"));
// verify that the delegate instance has the expected object name
// in case of grouped properties, we must query the properties step by step
QObject *instance =;
while (!properties.isEmpty()) {
QString property = properties.takeFirst();
instance = instance->property(property.toUtf8()).value<QObject *>();
QVERIFY2(instance, qPrintable("property was null: " + property));
QCOMPARE(instance->objectName(), delegate);
QEXPECT_FAIL("identified:ComboBox", "ComboBox::popup with an ID is created at construction time", Continue);
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->isEmpty(), qPrintable("unexpectedly created: " + qt_createdQObjects->join(", ")));
QVERIFY2(qt_destroyedQObjects()->isEmpty(), qPrintable("unexpectedly destroyed: " + qt_destroyedQObjects->join(", ") + " were unexpectedly destroyed"));
QVERIFY2(qt_destroyedParentQObjects()->isEmpty(), qPrintable("delegates/children of: " + qt_destroyedParentQObjects->join(", ") + " were unexpectedly destroyed"));
void tst_customization::override_data()
// NOTE: delegates with IDs prevent deferred execution
// default delegates with IDs, override with custom delegates with no IDs
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("identified:" + control.type)) << "identified" << control.type << control.delegates << "identified" << false;
// default delegates with no IDs, override with custom delegates with IDs
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("simple:" + control.type)) << "simple" << control.type << control.delegates << "" << true;
// default delegates with IDs, override with custom delegates with IDs
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable("overidentified:" + control.type)) << "identified" << control.type << control.delegates << "identified" << true;
#ifndef Q_OS_MACOS // QTBUG-65671
// test that the built-in styles don't have undesired IDs in their delegates
const QStringList styles = QStringList() << "Default" << "Fusion" << "Material" << "Universal"; // ### TODO: QQuickStyle::availableStyles();
for (const QString &style : styles) {
for (const ControlInfo &control : ControlInfos)
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(style + ":" + control.type)) << style << control.type << control.delegates << "" << false;
void tst_customization::override()
QFETCH(QString, style);
QFETCH(QString, type);
QFETCH(QStringList, delegates);
QFETCH(QString, nonDeferred);
QFETCH(bool, identify);
const QString testStyle = testFile("styles/" + style);
if (QDir(testStyle).exists())
QString qml;
qml += QString("objectName: '%1-%2-override'; ").arg(type.toLower()).arg(style);
for (const QString &delegate : delegates) {
QString id = identify ? QString("id: %1;").arg(delegate) : QString();
qml += QString("%1: Item { %2 objectName: '%3-%1-%4-override' } ").arg(delegate).arg(id.replace(".", "")).arg(type.toLower()).arg(style);
QString error;
QScopedPointer<QObject> control(createControl(type, qml, &error));
QVERIFY2(control, qPrintable(error));
// If there are no intentional IDs in the default delegates nor in the overridden custom
// delegates, no item should get un-parented during the creation process. An item being
// unparented means that a delegate got destroyed, so there must be an internal ID in one
// of the delegates in the tested style.
if (!identify && nonDeferred.isEmpty()) {
QEXPECT_FAIL("Universal:ApplicationWindow", "ApplicationWindow.qml contains an intentionally unparented FocusRectangle", Continue);
QCOMPARE(qt_unparentedItemCount, 0);
// <control>-<style>-override
QString controlName = type.toLower() + "-" + style + "-override";
QCOMPARE(control->objectName(), controlName);
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->removeOne(controlName), qPrintable(controlName + " was not created as expected"));
for (QString delegate : qAsConst(delegates)) {
QStringList properties = delegate.split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
// <control>-<delegate>-<style>(-override)
delegate.append("-" + style);
delegate.prepend(type.toLower() + "-");
if (!nonDeferred.isEmpty())
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->removeOne(delegate), qPrintable(delegate + " was not created as expected"));
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->removeOne(delegate), qPrintable(delegate + " was not created as expected"));
// verify that the delegate instance has the expected object name
// in case of grouped properties, we must query the properties step by step
QObject *instance =;
while (!properties.isEmpty()) {
QString property = properties.takeFirst();
instance = instance->property(property.toUtf8()).value<QObject *>();
QVERIFY2(instance, qPrintable("property was null: " + property));
QCOMPARE(instance->objectName(), delegate);
QEXPECT_FAIL("identified:ComboBox", "ComboBox::popup with an ID is created at construction time", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("overidentified:ComboBox", "ComboBox::popup with an ID is created at construction time", Continue);
QVERIFY2(qt_createdQObjects()->isEmpty(), qPrintable("unexpectedly created: " + qt_createdQObjects->join(", ")));
if (!nonDeferred.isEmpty()) {
for (QString delegate : qAsConst(delegates)) {
if (!delegate.contains("-"))
delegate.append("-" + nonDeferred);
delegate.prepend(type.toLower() + "-");
QVERIFY2(qt_destroyedQObjects()->removeOne(delegate), qPrintable(delegate + " was not destroyed as expected"));
QVERIFY2(qt_destroyedQObjects()->isEmpty(), qPrintable("unexpectedly destroyed: " + qt_destroyedQObjects->join(", ")));
void tst_customization::comboPopup()
// test that ComboBox::popup is created when accessed
QQmlComponent component(engine);
component.setData("import QtQuick.Controls 2.2; ComboBox { }", QUrl());
QScopedPointer<QQuickItem> comboBox(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(component.create()));
QObject *popup = comboBox->property("popup").value<QObject *>();
// test that ComboBox::popup is created when it becomes visible
QQuickWindow window;
window.resize(300, 300);;
QQmlComponent component(engine);
component.setData("import QtQuick.Controls 2.2; ComboBox { }", QUrl());
QScopedPointer<QQuickItem> comboBox(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(component.create()));
QTest::mouseClick(&window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, QPoint(1, 1));
// test that ComboBox::popup is completed upon component completion (if appropriate)
QQmlComponent component(engine);
component.setData("import QtQuick 2.9; import QtQuick.Controls 2.2; ComboBox { id: control; contentItem: Item { visible: !control.popup.visible } popup: Popup { property bool wasCompleted: false; Component.onCompleted: wasCompleted = true } }", QUrl());
QScopedPointer<QQuickItem> comboBox(qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(component.create()));
QObject *popup = comboBox->property("popup").value<QObject *>();
QCOMPARE(popup->property("wasCompleted"), QVariant(true));
#include "tst_customization.moc"