blob: 372c818d1e804ce145bca8a756c781f215249874 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "return";
group = "running";
shortDescription = "Make selected stack frame return to its caller";
longDescription = "";
argumentTypes = [ "script" ];
function execute() {
// TODO:
// 1. schedule evaluate of the expression.
// 2. install event handler/filter, so that we're notified when the evaluate is done.
// - what if another event occurs while we evaluate? (e.g. an exception or breakpoint)
// - the event filter needs to uninstall itself, or the event needs to be consumed internally
// 3. in the event handler, schedule forced return with the result as argument.
scheduleEvaluate(getCurrentFrameIndex(), arguments[0], "console input (" + Date() + ")");