blob: aab8ede19c154c7da7dd02e7d02cd488fc53968d [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
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** be met:
#include "location.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "generator.h"
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
#include <QtCore/qregexp.h>
#include <QtCore/QTime>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const Location Location::null;
int Location::tabSize;
int Location::warningCount = 0;
int Location::warningLimit = -1;
QString Location::programName;
QString Location::project;
QRegExp *Location::spuriousRegExp = nullptr;
bool Location::logProgress_ = false;
\class Location
\brief The Location class provides a way to mark a location in a file.
It maintains a stack of file positions. A file position
consists of the file path, line number, and column number.
The location is used for printing error messages that are
tied to a location in a file.
Constructs an empty location.
Location::Location() : stk(nullptr), stkTop(&stkBottom), stkDepth(0), etcetera(false)
// nothing.
Constructs a location with (fileName, 1, 1) on its file
position stack.
Location::Location(const QString &fileName)
: stk(nullptr), stkTop(&stkBottom), stkDepth(0), etcetera(false)
The copy constructor copies the contents of \a other into
this Location using the assignment operator.
Location::Location(const Location &other)
: stk(nullptr), stkTop(&stkBottom), stkDepth(0), etcetera(false)
*this = other;
The assignment operator does a deep copy of the entire
state of \a other into this Location.
Location &Location::operator=(const Location &other)
QStack<StackEntry> *oldStk = stk;
stkBottom = other.stkBottom;
if (other.stk == nullptr) {
stk = nullptr;
stkTop = &stkBottom;
} else {
stk = new QStack<StackEntry>(*other.stk);
stkTop = &stk->top();
stkDepth = other.stkDepth;
etcetera = other.etcetera;
delete oldStk;
return *this;
If the file position on top of the stack has a line number
less than 1, set its line number to 1 and its column number
to 1. Otherwise, do nothing.
void Location::start()
if (stkTop->lineNo < 1) {
stkTop->lineNo = 1;
stkTop->columnNo = 1;
Advance the current file position, using \a ch to decide how to do
that. If \a ch is a \c{'\\n'}, increment the current line number and
set the column number to 1. If \ch is a \c{'\\t'}, increment to the
next tab column. Otherwise, increment the column number by 1.
The current file position is the one on top of the position stack.
void Location::advance(QChar ch)
if (ch == QLatin1Char('\n')) {
stkTop->columnNo = 1;
} else if (ch == QLatin1Char('\t')) {
stkTop->columnNo = 1 + tabSize * (stkTop->columnNo + tabSize - 1) / tabSize;
} else {
Pushes \a filePath onto the file position stack. The current
file position becomes (\a filePath, 1, 1).
\sa pop()
void Location::push(const QString &filePath)
if (stkDepth++ >= 1) {
if (stk == nullptr)
stk = new QStack<StackEntry>;
stkTop = &stk->top();
stkTop->filePath = filePath;
stkTop->lineNo = INT_MIN;
stkTop->columnNo = 1;
Pops the top of the internal stack. The current file position
becomes the next one in the new top of stack.
\sa push()
void Location::pop()
if (--stkDepth == 0) {
stkBottom = StackEntry();
} else {
if (stk->isEmpty()) {
delete stk;
stk = nullptr;
stkTop = &stkBottom;
} else {
stkTop = &stk->top();
/*! \fn bool Location::isEmpty() const
Returns \c true if there is no file name set yet; returns \c false
otherwise. The functions filePath(), lineNo() and columnNo()
must not be called on an empty Location object.
/*! \fn const QString &Location::filePath() const
Returns the current path and file name. If the Location is
empty, the returned string is null.
\sa lineNo(), columnNo()
Returns the file name part of the file path, ie the current
file. Returns an empty string if the file path is empty.
QString Location::fileName() const
QFileInfo fi(filePath());
return fi.fileName();
Returns the suffix of the file name. Returns an empty string
if the file path is empty.
QString Location::fileSuffix() const
QString fp = filePath();
return (fp.isEmpty() ? fp : fp.mid(fp.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
\brief Returns \a path which is canonicalized and relative to the config file.
QDir::relativeFilePath does not canonicalize the paths, so
if the config file is located at qtbase\src\widgets\doc\qtwidgets.qdocconf
and it has a reference to any ancestor folder (e.g. ".." or even "../doc")
QString Location::canonicalRelativePath(const QString &path)
QDir configFileDir(QDir::current());
QDir dir(path);
const QString canon = dir.canonicalPath();
return configFileDir.relativeFilePath(canon);
/*! \fn int Location::lineNo() const
Returns the current line number.
Must not be called on an empty Location object.
\sa filePath(), columnNo()
/*! \fn int Location::columnNo() const
Returns the current column number.
Must not be called on an empty Location object.
\sa filePath(), lineNo()
Writes \a message and \a detals to stderr as a formatted
warning message. Does not write the message if qdoc is in
the Prepare phase.
void Location::warning(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
if (!Generator::preparing() || Generator::singleExec())
emitMessage(Warning, message, details);
Writes \a message and \a detals to stderr as a formatted
error message. Does not write the message if qdoc is in
the Prepare phase.
void Location::error(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
if (!Generator::preparing() || Generator::singleExec())
emitMessage(Error, message, details);
Returns the error code QDoc should exit with; EXIT_SUCCESS
or the number of documentation warnings if they exceeded
the limit set by warninglimit configuration variable.
int Location::exitCode()
if (warningLimit < 0 || warningCount <= warningLimit)
tr("Documentation warnings (%1) exceeded the limit (%2) for '%3'.")
.arg(QString::number(warningCount), QString::number(warningLimit), project),
return warningCount;
Writes \a message and \a detals to stderr as a formatted
error message and then exits the program. qdoc prints fatal
errors in either phase (Prepare or Generate).
void Location::fatal(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
emitMessage(Error, message, details);
Writes \a message and \a detals to stderr as a formatted
report message.
void Location::report(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
emitMessage(Report, message, details);
Gets several parameters from the \a config, including
tab size, program name, and a regular expression that
appears to be used for matching certain error messages
so that emitMessage() can avoid printing them.
void Location::initialize(const Config &config)
tabSize = config.getInt(CONFIG_TABSIZE);
programName = config.programName();
project = config.getString(CONFIG_PROJECT);
warningCount = 0;
if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QDOC_ENABLE_WARNINGLIMIT")
|| config.getBool(CONFIG_WARNINGLIMIT + Config::dot + "enabled"))
warningLimit = config.getInt(CONFIG_WARNINGLIMIT);
QRegExp regExp = config.getRegExp(CONFIG_SPURIOUS);
if (regExp.isValid()) {
spuriousRegExp = new QRegExp(regExp);
} else {
config.lastLocation().warning(tr("Invalid regular expression '%1'").arg(regExp.pattern()));
Apparently, all this does is delete the regular expression
used for intercepting certain error messages that should
not be emitted by emitMessage().
void Location::terminate()
delete spuriousRegExp;
spuriousRegExp = nullptr;
Prints \a message to \c stdout followed by a \c{'\n'}.
void Location::information(const QString &message)
printf("%s\n", message.toLatin1().data());
Prints \a message to \c stderr followed by a \c{'\n'},
but only if the -log-progress option is set.
void Location::logToStdErr(const QString &message)
if (logProgress_) {
fprintf(stderr, "LOG: %s\n", message.toLatin1().data());
Always prints the current time and \a message to \c stderr
followed by a \c{'\n'}.
void Location::logToStdErrAlways(const QString &message)
if (Generator::useTimestamps()) {
QTime t = QTime::currentTime();
fprintf(stderr, "%s LOG: %s\n", t.toString().toLatin1().constData(),
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "LOG: %s\n", message.toLatin1().constData());
Report a program bug, including the \a hint.
void Location::internalError(const QString &hint)
Location::null.fatal(tr("Internal error (%1)").arg(hint),
tr("There is a bug in %1. Seek advice from your local"
" %2 guru.")
Formats \a message and \a details into a single string
and outputs that string to \c stderr. \a type specifies
whether the \a message is an error or a warning.
void Location::emitMessage(MessageType type, const QString &message, const QString &details) const
if (type == Warning && spuriousRegExp != nullptr && spuriousRegExp->exactMatch(message))
QString result = message;
if (!details.isEmpty())
result += "\n[" + details + QLatin1Char(']');
result.replace("\n", "\n ");
if (isEmpty()) {
if (type == Error)
result.prepend(tr(": error: "));
else if (type == Warning) {
result.prepend(tr(": warning: "));
} else {
if (type == Error)
result.prepend(tr(": (qdoc) error: "));
else if (type == Warning) {
result.prepend(tr(": (qdoc) warning: "));
if (type != Report)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", result.toLatin1().data());
Converts the location to a string to be prepended to error
QString Location::toString() const
QString str;
if (isEmpty()) {
str = programName;
} else {
Location loc2 = *this;
if (!loc2.isEmpty()) {
QString blah = tr("In file included from ");
for (;;) {
str += blah;
str +=;
if (loc2.isEmpty())
str += tr(",");
str += QLatin1Char('\n');
blah.fill(' ');
str += tr(":");
str += QLatin1Char('\n');
str += top();
return str;
QString Location::top() const
QDir path(filePath());
QString str = path.absolutePath();
if (lineNo() >= 1) {
str += QLatin1Char(':');
str += QString::number(lineNo());
if (etc())
str += QLatin1String(" (etc.)");
return str;