blob: 5a97d194a8289ba5ea9447d25972e5c709431378 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
#include "doc.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
#include <QtCore/qpair.h>
#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
#include <QtCore/qvector.h>
class Node;
class Tree;
class EnumNode;
class PageNode;
class ClassNode;
class Aggregate;
class ExampleNode;
class TypedefNode;
class QmlTypeNode;
class QDocDatabase;
class FunctionNode;
class PropertyNode;
class CollectionNode;
class QmlPropertyNode;
class SharedCommentNode;
typedef QMap<QString, FunctionNode *> FunctionMap;
typedef QList<Node *> NodeList;
typedef QVector<ClassNode *> ClassList;
typedef QVector<Node *> NodeVector;
typedef QMap<QString, Node *> NodeMap;
typedef QMap<QString, NodeMap> NodeMapMap;
typedef QMultiMap<QString, Node *> NodeMultiMap;
typedef QMap<QString, NodeMultiMap> NodeMultiMapMap;
typedef QMap<QString, CollectionNode *> CNMap;
typedef QMultiMap<QString, CollectionNode *> CNMultiMap;
typedef QVector<CollectionNode *> CollectionList;
class Node
enum NodeType : unsigned char {
enum Genus : unsigned char { DontCare, CPP, JS, QML, DOC };
enum Access : unsigned char { Public, Protected, Private };
enum Status : unsigned char {
}; // don't reorder this enum
enum ThreadSafeness : unsigned char {
enum LinkType : unsigned char { StartLink, NextLink, PreviousLink, ContentsLink };
enum PageType : unsigned char {
enum FlagValue { FlagValueDefault = -1, FlagValueFalse = 0, FlagValueTrue = 1 };
virtual ~Node() {}
virtual Node *clone(Aggregate *) { return nullptr; } // currently only FunctionNode
virtual Tree *tree() const;
Aggregate *root() const;
NodeType nodeType() const { return nodeType_; }
QString nodeTypeString() const;
bool changeType(NodeType from, NodeType to);
Genus genus() const { return genus_; }
void setGenus(Genus t) { genus_ = t; }
static Genus getGenus(NodeType t);
PageType pageType() const { return pageType_; }
QString pageTypeString() const;
void setPageType(PageType t) { pageType_ = t; }
void setPageType(const QString &t);
static PageType getPageType(NodeType t);
bool isActive() const { return status_ == Active; }
bool isAnyType() const { return true; }
bool isClass() const { return nodeType_ == Class; }
bool isCppNode() const { return genus() == CPP; }
bool isDeprecated() const { return (status_ == Deprecated); }
bool isDontDocument() const { return (status_ == DontDocument); }
bool isEnumType() const { return nodeType_ == Enum; }
bool isExample() const { return nodeType_ == Example; }
bool isExternalPage() const { return nodeType_ == ExternalPage; }
bool isFunction(Genus g = DontCare) const
return (nodeType_ != Function ? false : (genus() == g ? true : g == DontCare));
bool isGroup() const { return nodeType_ == Group; }
bool isHeader() const { return nodeType_ == HeaderFile; }
bool isIndexNode() const { return indexNodeFlag_; }
bool isJsBasicType() const { return nodeType_ == JsBasicType; }
bool isJsModule() const { return nodeType_ == JsModule; }
bool isJsNode() const { return genus() == JS; }
bool isJsProperty() const { return nodeType_ == JsProperty; }
bool isJsType() const { return nodeType_ == JsType; }
bool isModule() const { return nodeType_ == Module; }
bool isNamespace() const { return nodeType_ == Namespace; }
bool isObsolete() const { return (status_ == Obsolete); }
bool isPage() const { return nodeType_ == Page; }
bool isPreliminary() const { return (status_ == Preliminary); }
bool isPrivate() const { return access_ == Private; }
bool isProperty() const { return nodeType_ == Property; }
bool isProxyNode() const { return nodeType_ == Proxy; }
bool isPublic() const { return access_ == Public; }
bool isProtected() const { return access_ == Protected; }
bool isQmlBasicType() const { return nodeType_ == QmlBasicType; }
bool isQmlModule() const { return nodeType_ == QmlModule; }
bool isQmlNode() const { return genus() == QML; }
bool isQmlProperty() const { return nodeType_ == QmlProperty; }
bool isQmlType() const { return nodeType_ == QmlType; }
bool isRelatedNonmember() const { return relatedNonmember_; }
bool isStruct() const { return nodeType_ == Struct; }
bool isSharedCommentNode() const { return nodeType_ == SharedComment; }
bool isTypeAlias() const { return nodeType_ == Typedef; }
bool isTypedef() const { return nodeType_ == Typedef; }
bool isUnion() const { return nodeType_ == Union; }
bool isVariable() const { return nodeType_ == Variable; }
bool isGenericCollection() const { return (nodeType_ == Node::Collection); }
virtual bool isAbstract() const { return false; }
virtual bool isAggregate() const { return false; } // means "can have children"
virtual bool isFirstClassAggregate() const
return false;
} // Aggregate but not proxy or prop group"
virtual bool isAlias() const { return false; }
virtual bool isAttached() const { return false; }
virtual bool isClassNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isCollectionNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isDefault() const { return false; }
virtual bool isInternal() const;
virtual bool isMacro() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPageNode() const { return false; } // means "generates a doc page"
virtual bool isQtQuickNode() const { return false; }
virtual bool isReadOnly() const { return false; }
virtual bool isRelatableType() const { return false; }
virtual bool isMarkedReimp() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPropertyGroup() const { return false; }
virtual bool isStatic() const { return false; }
virtual bool isTextPageNode() const { return false; } // means PageNode but not Aggregate
virtual bool isWrapper() const;
QString plainName() const;
QString plainFullName(const Node *relative = nullptr) const;
QString plainSignature() const;
QString fullName(const Node *relative = nullptr) const;
virtual QString signature(bool, bool) const { return plainName(); }
const QString &fileNameBase() const { return fileNameBase_; }
bool hasFileNameBase() const { return !fileNameBase_.isEmpty(); }
void setFileNameBase(const QString &t) { fileNameBase_ = t; }
void setAccess(Access t) { access_ = t; }
void setLocation(const Location &t);
void setDoc(const Doc &doc, bool replace = false);
void setStatus(Status t)
if (status_ == Obsolete && t == Deprecated)
status_ = t;
void setThreadSafeness(ThreadSafeness t) { safeness_ = t; }
void setSince(const QString &since);
void setPhysicalModuleName(const QString &name) { physicalModuleName_ = name; }
void setUrl(const QString &url) { url_ = url; }
void setTemplateStuff(const QString &t) { templateStuff_ = t; }
void setReconstitutedBrief(const QString &t) { reconstitutedBrief_ = t; }
void setParent(Aggregate *n) { parent_ = n; }
void setIndexNodeFlag(bool isIndexNode = true) { indexNodeFlag_ = isIndexNode; }
void setHadDoc() { hadDoc_ = true; }
virtual void setRelatedNonmember(bool b) { relatedNonmember_ = b; }
virtual void setOutputFileName(const QString &) {}
virtual void addMember(Node *) {}
virtual bool hasMembers() const { return false; }
virtual bool hasNamespaces() const { return false; }
virtual bool hasClasses() const { return false; }
virtual void setAbstract(bool) {}
virtual void setWrapper() {}
virtual void getMemberNamespaces(NodeMap &) {}
virtual void getMemberClasses(NodeMap &) const {}
virtual void setDataType(const QString &) {}
virtual bool wasSeen() const { return false; }
virtual void appendGroupName(const QString &) {}
virtual QString element() const { return QString(); }
virtual void setNoAutoList(bool) {}
virtual bool docMustBeGenerated() const { return false; }
virtual QString title() const { return name(); }
virtual QString subtitle() const { return QString(); }
virtual QString fullTitle() const { return name(); }
virtual bool setTitle(const QString &) { return false; }
virtual bool setSubtitle(const QString &) { return false; }
void markInternal()
virtual void markDefault() {}
virtual void markReadOnly(bool) {}
bool match(const QVector<int> &types) const;
Aggregate *parent() const { return parent_; }
const QString &name() const { return name_; }
QString physicalModuleName() const;
QString url() const { return url_; }
virtual QString nameForLists() const { return name_; }
virtual QString outputFileName() const { return QString(); }
virtual QString obsoleteLink() const { return QString(); }
virtual void setObsoleteLink(const QString &) {}
virtual void setQtVariable(const QString &) {}
virtual QString qtVariable() const { return QString(); }
virtual bool hasTag(const QString &) const { return false; }
const QMap<LinkType, QPair<QString, QString>> &links() const { return linkMap_; }
void setLink(LinkType linkType, const QString &link, const QString &desc);
Access access() const { return access_; }
QString accessString() const;
const Location &declLocation() const { return declLocation_; }
const Location &defLocation() const { return defLocation_; }
const Location &location() const
return (defLocation_.isEmpty() ? declLocation_ : defLocation_);
const Doc &doc() const { return doc_; }
bool isInAPI() const { return !isPrivate() && !isInternal() && hasDoc(); }
bool hasDoc() const { return (hadDoc_ || !doc_.isEmpty()); }
bool hadDoc() const { return hadDoc_; }
Status status() const { return status_; }
ThreadSafeness threadSafeness() const;
ThreadSafeness inheritedThreadSafeness() const;
QString since() const { return since_; }
QString templateStuff() const { return templateStuff_; }
const QString &reconstitutedBrief() const { return reconstitutedBrief_; }
QString nodeSubtypeString() const;
virtual void addPageKeywords(const QString &) {}
bool isSharingComment() const { return (sharedCommentNode_ != nullptr); }
bool hasSharedDoc() const;
void setSharedCommentNode(SharedCommentNode *t) { sharedCommentNode_ = t; }
SharedCommentNode *sharedCommentNode() { return sharedCommentNode_; }
// QString guid() const;
QString extractClassName(const QString &string) const;
virtual QString qmlTypeName() const { return name_; }
virtual QString qmlFullBaseName() const { return QString(); }
virtual QString logicalModuleName() const { return QString(); }
virtual QString logicalModuleVersion() const { return QString(); }
virtual QString logicalModuleIdentifier() const { return QString(); }
virtual void setLogicalModuleInfo(const QString &) {}
virtual void setLogicalModuleInfo(const QStringList &) {}
virtual CollectionNode *logicalModule() const { return nullptr; }
virtual void setQmlModule(CollectionNode *) {}
virtual ClassNode *classNode() { return nullptr; }
virtual void setClassNode(ClassNode *) {}
QmlTypeNode *qmlTypeNode();
ClassNode *declarativeCppNode();
const QString &outputSubdirectory() const { return outSubDir_; }
virtual void setOutputSubdirectory(const QString &t) { outSubDir_ = t; }
QString fullDocumentName() const;
QString qualifyCppName();
QString qualifyQmlName();
QString unqualifyQmlName();
QString qualifyWithParentName();
static QString cleanId(const QString &str);
static FlagValue toFlagValue(bool b);
static bool fromFlagValue(FlagValue fv, bool defaultValue);
static QString pageTypeString(PageType t);
static QString nodeTypeString(NodeType t);
static QString nodeSubtypeString(unsigned char t);
static void initialize();
static NodeType goal(const QString &t) { return goals_.value(t); }
static bool nodeNameLessThan(const Node *first, const Node *second);
Node(NodeType type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name);
NodeType nodeType_;
Genus genus_;
Access access_;
ThreadSafeness safeness_;
PageType pageType_;
Status status_;
bool indexNodeFlag_ : 1;
bool relatedNonmember_ : 1;
bool hadDoc_ : 1;
Aggregate *parent_;
SharedCommentNode *sharedCommentNode_;
QString name_;
Location declLocation_;
Location defLocation_;
Doc doc_;
QMap<LinkType, QPair<QString, QString>> linkMap_;
QString fileNameBase_;
QString physicalModuleName_;
QString url_;
QString since_;
QString templateStuff_;
QString reconstitutedBrief_;
// mutable QString uuid_;
QString outSubDir_;
static QStringMap operators_;
static int propertyGroupCount_;
static QMap<QString, Node::NodeType> goals_;
class PageNode : public Node
PageNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name) : Node(Page, parent, name), noAutoList_(false)
PageNode(NodeType type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: Node(type, parent, name), noAutoList_(false)
PageNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, PageType ptype)
: Node(Page, parent, name), noAutoList_(false)
bool isPageNode() const override { return true; }
bool isTextPageNode() const override { return !isAggregate(); } // PageNode but not Aggregate
QString title() const override { return title_; }
QString subtitle() const override { return subtitle_; }
QString fullTitle() const override;
bool setTitle(const QString &title) override;
bool setSubtitle(const QString &subtitle) override
subtitle_ = subtitle;
return true;
QString nameForLists() const override { return title(); }
virtual QString imageFileName() const { return QString(); }
virtual void setImageFileName(const QString &) {}
bool noAutoList() const { return noAutoList_; }
void setNoAutoList(bool b) override { noAutoList_ = b; }
const QStringList &groupNames() const { return groupNames_; }
void appendGroupName(const QString &t) override { groupNames_.append(t); }
const QStringList &pageKeywords() const { return pageKeywds_; }
void addPageKeywords(const QString &t) override { pageKeywds_ << t; }
void setOutputFileName(const QString &f) override { outputFileName_ = f; }
QString outputFileName() const override { return outputFileName_; }
friend class Node;
bool noAutoList_;
QString title_;
QString subtitle_;
QString outputFileName_;
QStringList groupNames_;
QStringList pageKeywds_;
class ExternalPageNode : public PageNode
ExternalPageNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &url)
: PageNode(Node::ExternalPage, parent, url)
class Aggregate : public PageNode
Node *findChildNode(const QString &name, Node::Genus genus, int findFlags = 0) const;
Node *findNonfunctionChild(const QString &name, bool (Node::*)() const);
void findChildren(const QString &name, NodeVector &nodes) const;
FunctionNode *findFunctionChild(const QString &name, const Parameters &parameters);
FunctionNode *findFunctionChild(const FunctionNode *clone);
void normalizeOverloads();
void markUndocumentedChildrenInternal();
bool isAggregate() const override { return true; }
const EnumNode *findEnumNodeForValue(const QString &enumValue) const;
int count() const { return children_.size(); }
const NodeList &childNodes() const { return children_; }
const NodeList &nonfunctionList();
NodeList::ConstIterator constBegin() const { return children_.constBegin(); }
NodeList::ConstIterator constEnd() const { return children_.constEnd(); }
void addIncludeFile(const QString &includeFile);
void setIncludeFiles(const QStringList &includeFiles);
const QStringList &includeFiles() const { return includeFiles_; }
QStringList primaryKeys();
QmlPropertyNode *hasQmlProperty(const QString &) const;
QmlPropertyNode *hasQmlProperty(const QString &, bool attached) const;
virtual QmlTypeNode *qmlBaseNode() const { return nullptr; }
void addChildByTitle(Node *child, const QString &title);
void printChildren(const QString &title);
void addChild(Node *child);
void adoptChild(Node *child);
void setOutputSubdirectory(const QString &t) override;
FunctionMap &functionMap() { return functionMap_; }
void findAllFunctions(NodeMapMap &functionIndex);
void findAllNamespaces(NodeMultiMap &namespaces);
void findAllAttributions(NodeMultiMap &attributions);
bool hasObsoleteMembers() const;
void findAllObsoleteThings();
void findAllClasses();
void findAllSince();
void resolveQmlInheritance();
bool hasOverloads(const FunctionNode *fn) const;
void appendToRelatedByProxy(const NodeList &t) { relatedByProxy_.append(t); }
NodeList &relatedByProxy() { return relatedByProxy_; }
QString typeWord(bool cap) const;
Aggregate(NodeType type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: PageNode(type, parent, name), functionCount_(0)
~Aggregate() override;
void removeFunctionNode(FunctionNode *fn);
friend class Node;
void addFunction(FunctionNode *fn);
void adoptFunction(FunctionNode *fn);
static bool isSameSignature(const FunctionNode *f1, const FunctionNode *f2);
NodeList children_;
NodeList relatedByProxy_;
QStringList includeFiles_;
NodeList enumChildren_;
NodeMap nonfunctionMap_;
NodeList nonfunctionList_;
int functionCount_;
FunctionMap functionMap_;
class ProxyNode : public Aggregate
ProxyNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name);
bool docMustBeGenerated() const override { return true; }
bool isRelatableType() const override { return true; }
class NamespaceNode : public Aggregate
NamespaceNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: Aggregate(Namespace, parent, name), seen_(false), tree_(nullptr), docNode_(nullptr)
~NamespaceNode() override;
Tree *tree() const override { return (parent() ? parent()->tree() : tree_); }
bool isFirstClassAggregate() const override { return true; }
bool isRelatableType() const override { return true; }
bool wasSeen() const override { return seen_; }
void markSeen() { seen_ = true; }
void markNotSeen() { seen_ = false; }
void setTree(Tree *t) { tree_ = t; }
const NodeList &includedChildren() const;
void includeChild(Node *child);
QString whereDocumented() const { return whereDocumented_; }
void setWhereDocumented(const QString &t) { whereDocumented_ = t; }
bool isDocumentedHere() const;
bool hasDocumentedChildren() const;
void reportDocumentedChildrenInUndocumentedNamespace() const;
bool docMustBeGenerated() const override;
void setDocNode(NamespaceNode *ns) { docNode_ = ns; }
NamespaceNode *docNode() const { return docNode_; }
bool seen_;
Tree *tree_;
QString whereDocumented_;
NamespaceNode *docNode_;
NodeList includedChildren_;
struct RelatedClass
RelatedClass() {}
// constructor for resolved base class
RelatedClass(Node::Access access, ClassNode *node) : access_(access), node_(node) {}
// constructor for unresolved base class
RelatedClass(Node::Access access, const QStringList &path, const QString &signature)
: access_(access), node_(nullptr), path_(path), signature_(signature)
QString accessString() const;
bool isPrivate() const { return (access_ == Node::Private); }
Node::Access access_;
ClassNode *node_;
QStringList path_;
QString signature_;
struct UsingClause
UsingClause() {}
UsingClause(const QString &signature) : node_(nullptr), signature_(signature) {}
const QString &signature() const { return signature_; }
const Node *node() { return node_; }
void setNode(const Node *n) { node_ = n; }
const Node *node_;
QString signature_;
class ClassNode : public Aggregate
ClassNode(NodeType type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: Aggregate(type, parent, name), abstract_(false), wrapper_(false), qmlelement(nullptr)
bool isFirstClassAggregate() const override { return true; }
bool isClassNode() const override { return true; }
bool isRelatableType() const override { return true; }
bool isWrapper() const override { return wrapper_; }
QString obsoleteLink() const override { return obsoleteLink_; }
void setObsoleteLink(const QString &t) override { obsoleteLink_ = t; }
void setWrapper() override { wrapper_ = true; }
void addResolvedBaseClass(Access access, ClassNode *node);
void addDerivedClass(Access access, ClassNode *node);
void addUnresolvedBaseClass(Access access, const QStringList &path, const QString &signature);
void addUnresolvedUsingClause(const QString &signature);
void removePrivateAndInternalBases();
void resolvePropertyOverriddenFromPtrs(PropertyNode *pn);
QVector<RelatedClass> &baseClasses() { return bases_; }
QVector<RelatedClass> &derivedClasses() { return derived_; }
QVector<RelatedClass> &ignoredBaseClasses() { return ignoredBases_; }
QVector<UsingClause> &usingClauses() { return usingClauses_; }
const QVector<RelatedClass> &baseClasses() const { return bases_; }
const QVector<RelatedClass> &derivedClasses() const { return derived_; }
const QVector<RelatedClass> &ignoredBaseClasses() const { return ignoredBases_; }
const QVector<UsingClause> &usingClauses() const { return usingClauses_; }
QmlTypeNode *qmlElement() { return qmlelement; }
void setQmlElement(QmlTypeNode *qcn) { qmlelement = qcn; }
bool isAbstract() const override { return abstract_; }
void setAbstract(bool b) override { abstract_ = b; }
PropertyNode *findPropertyNode(const QString &name);
QmlTypeNode *findQmlBaseNode();
FunctionNode *findOverriddenFunction(const FunctionNode *fn);
PropertyNode *findOverriddenProperty(const FunctionNode *fn);
bool docMustBeGenerated() const override;
void promotePublicBases(const QVector<RelatedClass> &bases);
QVector<RelatedClass> bases_;
QVector<RelatedClass> derived_;
QVector<RelatedClass> ignoredBases_;
QVector<UsingClause> usingClauses_;
bool abstract_;
bool wrapper_;
QString obsoleteLink_;
QmlTypeNode *qmlelement;
class HeaderNode : public Aggregate
HeaderNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name);
bool docMustBeGenerated() const override;
bool isFirstClassAggregate() const override { return true; }
bool isRelatableType() const override { return true; }
QString title() const override { return (title_.isEmpty() ? name() : title_); }
QString subtitle() const override { return subtitle_; }
QString fullTitle() const override
return (title_.isEmpty() ? name() : name() + " - " + title_);
bool setTitle(const QString &title) override
title_ = title;
return true;
bool setSubtitle(const QString &subtitle) override
subtitle_ = subtitle;
return true;
QString nameForLists() const override { return title(); }
bool hasDocumentedChildren() const;
QString title_;
QString subtitle_;
class ExampleNode : public PageNode
ExampleNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name) : PageNode(Node::Example, parent, name) {}
QString imageFileName() const override { return imageFileName_; }
void setImageFileName(const QString &ifn) override { imageFileName_ = ifn; }
const QStringList &files() const { return files_; }
const QStringList &images() const { return images_; }
void setFiles(const QStringList files) { files_ = files; }
void setImages(const QStringList images) { images_ = images; }
void appendFile(QString &file) { files_.append(file); }
void appendImage(QString &image) { images_.append(image); }
QString imageFileName_;
QStringList files_;
QStringList images_;
struct ImportRec
QString name_; // module name
QString version_; // <major> . <minor>
QString importId_; // "as" name
QString importUri_; // subdirectory of module directory
ImportRec(const QString &name, const QString &version, const QString &importId,
const QString &importUri)
: name_(name), version_(version), importId_(importId), importUri_(importUri)
QString &name() { return name_; }
QString &version() { return version_; }
QString &importId() { return importId_; }
QString &importUri() { return importUri_; }
bool isEmpty() const { return name_.isEmpty(); }
typedef QVector<ImportRec> ImportList;
class QmlTypeNode : public Aggregate
QmlTypeNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, NodeType type = QmlType);
bool isFirstClassAggregate() const override { return true; }
bool isQtQuickNode() const override
return (logicalModuleName() == QLatin1String("QtQuick"));
ClassNode *classNode() override { return cnode_; }
void setClassNode(ClassNode *cn) override { cnode_ = cn; }
bool isAbstract() const override { return abstract_; }
bool isWrapper() const override { return wrapper_; }
void setAbstract(bool b) override { abstract_ = b; }
void setWrapper() override { wrapper_ = true; }
bool isInternal() const override { return (status() == Internal); }
QString qmlFullBaseName() const override;
QString obsoleteLink() const override { return obsoleteLink_; }
void setObsoleteLink(const QString &t) override { obsoleteLink_ = t; }
QString logicalModuleName() const override;
QString logicalModuleVersion() const override;
QString logicalModuleIdentifier() const override;
CollectionNode *logicalModule() const override { return logicalModule_; }
void setQmlModule(CollectionNode *t) override { logicalModule_ = t; }
const ImportList &importList() const { return importList_; }
void setImportList(const ImportList &il) { importList_ = il; }
const QString &qmlBaseName() const { return qmlBaseName_; }
void setQmlBaseName(const QString &name) { qmlBaseName_ = name; }
bool qmlBaseNodeNotSet() const { return (qmlBaseNode_ == nullptr); }
QmlTypeNode *qmlBaseNode() const override { return qmlBaseNode_; }
void setQmlBaseNode(QmlTypeNode *b) { qmlBaseNode_ = b; }
void requireCppClass() { cnodeRequired_ = true; }
bool cppClassRequired() const { return cnodeRequired_; }
static void addInheritedBy(const Node *base, Node *sub);
static void subclasses(const Node *base, NodeList &subs);
static void terminate();
bool inherits(Aggregate *type);
static bool qmlOnly;
static QMultiMap<const Node *, Node *> inheritedBy;
bool abstract_;
bool cnodeRequired_;
bool wrapper_;
ClassNode *cnode_;
QString qmlBaseName_;
QString obsoleteLink_;
CollectionNode *logicalModule_;
QmlTypeNode *qmlBaseNode_;
ImportList importList_;
class QmlBasicTypeNode : public Aggregate
QmlBasicTypeNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, NodeType type = QmlBasicType);
bool isFirstClassAggregate() const override { return true; }
class QmlPropertyNode : public Node
QmlPropertyNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, const QString &type, bool attached);
void setDataType(const QString &dataType) override { type_ = dataType; }
void setStored(bool stored) { stored_ = toFlagValue(stored); }
void setDesignable(bool designable) { designable_ = toFlagValue(designable); }
const QString &dataType() const { return type_; }
QString qualifiedDataType() const { return type_; }
bool isReadOnlySet() const { return (readOnly_ != FlagValueDefault); }
bool isStored() const { return fromFlagValue(stored_, true); }
bool isDesignable() const { return fromFlagValue(designable_, false); }
bool isWritable();
bool isDefault() const override { return isdefault_; }
bool isReadOnly() const override { return fromFlagValue(readOnly_, false); }
bool isAlias() const override { return isAlias_; }
bool isAttached() const override { return attached_; }
bool isQtQuickNode() const override { return parent()->isQtQuickNode(); }
QString qmlTypeName() const override { return parent()->qmlTypeName(); }
QString logicalModuleName() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleName(); }
QString logicalModuleVersion() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleVersion(); }
QString logicalModuleIdentifier() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleIdentifier(); }
QString element() const override { return parent()->name(); }
void markDefault() override { isdefault_ = true; }
void markReadOnly(bool flag) override { readOnly_ = toFlagValue(flag); }
PropertyNode *findCorrespondingCppProperty();
QString type_;
FlagValue stored_;
FlagValue designable_;
bool isAlias_;
bool isdefault_;
bool attached_;
FlagValue readOnly_;
class EnumItem
EnumItem() {}
EnumItem(const QString &name, const QString &value) : name_(name), value_(value) {}
const QString &name() const { return name_; }
const QString &value() const { return value_; }
QString name_;
QString value_;
class EnumNode : public Node
EnumNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name) : Node(Enum, parent, name), flagsType_(nullptr)
void addItem(const EnumItem &item);
void setFlagsType(TypedefNode *typedeff);
bool hasItem(const QString &name) const { return names_.contains(name); }
const QVector<EnumItem> &items() const { return items_; }
Access itemAccess(const QString &name) const;
const TypedefNode *flagsType() const { return flagsType_; }
QString itemValue(const QString &name) const;
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
QVector<EnumItem> items_;
QSet<QString> names_;
const TypedefNode *flagsType_;
class TypedefNode : public Node
TypedefNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: Node(Typedef, parent, name), associatedEnum_(nullptr)
bool hasAssociatedEnum() const { return associatedEnum_ != nullptr; }
const EnumNode *associatedEnum() const { return associatedEnum_; }
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
void setAssociatedEnum(const EnumNode *t);
friend class EnumNode;
const EnumNode *associatedEnum_;
class TypeAliasNode : public TypedefNode
TypeAliasNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, const QString &aliasedType)
: TypedefNode(parent, name), aliasedType_(aliasedType)
QString aliasedType() { return aliasedType_; }
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
QString aliasedType_;
inline void EnumNode::setFlagsType(TypedefNode *t)
flagsType_ = t;
class SharedCommentNode : public Node
SharedCommentNode(Node *n) : Node(Node::SharedComment, n->parent(), QString())
SharedCommentNode(QmlTypeNode *parent, int count, QString &group)
: Node(Node::SharedComment, parent, group)
~SharedCommentNode() override { collective_.clear(); }
bool isPropertyGroup() const override
return !name().isEmpty() && !collective_.isEmpty()
&& (>isQmlProperty() ||>isJsProperty());
int count() const { return collective_.size(); }
void append(Node *n)
const QVector<Node *> &collective() const { return collective_; }
void setOverloadFlags();
void setRelatedNonmember(bool b) override;
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
QVector<Node *> collective_;
class FunctionNode : public Node
enum Virtualness { NonVirtual, NormalVirtual, PureVirtual };
enum Metaness {
CCtor, // copy constructor
MCtor, // move-copy constructor
CAssign, // copy-assignment operator
MAssign, // move-assignment operator
FunctionNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name); // C++ function (Plain)
FunctionNode(Metaness type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name, bool attached = false);
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
Metaness metaness() const { return metaness_; }
QString metanessString() const;
bool changeMetaness(Metaness from, Metaness to);
void setMetaness(Metaness t) { metaness_ = t; }
Metaness setMetaness(const QString &t);
QString kindString() const;
static Metaness getMetaness(const QString &t);
static Metaness getMetanessFromTopic(const QString &t);
static Genus getGenus(Metaness t);
void setReturnType(const QString &t) { returnType_ = t; }
void setParentPath(const QStringList &p) { parentPath_ = p; }
void setVirtualness(const QString &t);
void setVirtualness(Virtualness v) { virtualness_ = v; }
void setVirtual() { virtualness_ = NormalVirtual; }
void setConst(bool b) { const_ = b; }
void setStatic(bool b) { static_ = b; }
void setReimpFlag() { reimpFlag_ = true; }
void setOverridesThis(const QString &path) { overridesThis_ = path; }
const QString &returnType() const { return returnType_; }
QString virtualness() const;
bool isConst() const { return const_; }
bool isStatic() const override { return static_; }
bool isOverload() const { return overloadFlag_; }
bool isMarkedReimp() const override { return reimpFlag_; }
bool isSomeCtor() const { return isCtor() || isCCtor() || isMCtor(); }
bool isMacroWithParams() const { return (metaness_ == MacroWithParams); }
bool isMacroWithoutParams() const { return (metaness_ == MacroWithoutParams); }
bool isMacro() const override { return (isMacroWithParams() || isMacroWithoutParams()); }
bool isCppFunction() const { return metaness_ == Plain; } // Is this correct?
bool isSignal() const { return (metaness_ == Signal); }
bool isSlot() const { return (metaness_ == Slot); }
bool isCtor() const { return (metaness_ == Ctor); }
bool isDtor() const { return (metaness_ == Dtor); }
bool isCCtor() const { return (metaness_ == CCtor); }
bool isMCtor() const { return (metaness_ == MCtor); }
bool isCAssign() const { return (metaness_ == CAssign); }
bool isMAssign() const { return (metaness_ == MAssign); }
bool isJsMethod() const { return (metaness_ == JsMethod); }
bool isJsSignal() const { return (metaness_ == JsSignal); }
bool isJsSignalHandler() const { return (metaness_ == JsSignalHandler); }
bool isQmlMethod() const { return (metaness_ == QmlMethod); }
bool isQmlSignal() const { return (metaness_ == QmlSignal); }
bool isQmlSignalHandler() const { return (metaness_ == QmlSignalHandler); }
bool isSpecialMemberFunction() const
return (isDtor() || isCCtor() || isMCtor() || isCAssign() || isMAssign());
bool isNonvirtual() const { return (virtualness_ == NonVirtual); }
bool isVirtual() const { return (virtualness_ == NormalVirtual); }
bool isPureVirtual() const { return (virtualness_ == PureVirtual); }
bool returnsBool() const { return (returnType_ == QLatin1String("bool")); }
Parameters &parameters() { return parameters_; }
const Parameters &parameters() const { return parameters_; }
bool isPrivateSignal() const { return parameters_.isPrivateSignal(); }
void setParameters(const QString &signature) { parameters_.set(signature); }
QString signature(bool values, bool noReturnType) const override;
const QString &overridesThis() const { return overridesThis_; }
NodeList &associatedProperties() { return associatedProperties_; }
const QStringList &parentPath() const { return parentPath_; }
bool hasAssociatedProperties() const { return !associatedProperties_.isEmpty(); }
bool hasOneAssociatedProperty() const { return (associatedProperties_.size() == 1); }
Node *firstAssociatedProperty() const { return associatedProperties_[0]; }
bool hasActiveAssociatedProperty() const;
QString element() const override { return parent()->name(); }
bool isAttached() const override { return attached_; }
bool isQtQuickNode() const override { return parent()->isQtQuickNode(); }
QString qmlTypeName() const override { return parent()->qmlTypeName(); }
QString logicalModuleName() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleName(); }
QString logicalModuleVersion() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleVersion(); }
QString logicalModuleIdentifier() const override { return parent()->logicalModuleIdentifier(); }
void debug() const;
void setFinal(bool b) { isFinal_ = b; }
bool isFinal() const { return isFinal_; }
void setOverride(bool b) { isOverride_ = b; }
bool isOverride() const { return isOverride_; }
void setRef(bool b) { isRef_ = b; }
bool isRef() const { return isRef_; }
void setRefRef(bool b) { isRefRef_ = b; }
bool isRefRef() const { return isRefRef_; }
void setInvokable(bool b) { isInvokable_ = b; }
bool isInvokable() const { return isInvokable_; }
bool hasTag(const QString &t) const override { return (tag_ == t); }
void setTag(const QString &t) { tag_ = t; }
const QString &tag() const { return tag_; }
bool compare(const FunctionNode *fn) const;
bool isIgnored() const;
bool hasOverloads() const;
void clearOverloadFlag() { overloadFlag_ = false; }
void setOverloadFlag() { overloadFlag_ = true; }
void setOverloadNumber(signed short n);
void appendOverload(FunctionNode *fn);
signed short overloadNumber() const { return overloadNumber_; }
FunctionNode *nextOverload() { return nextOverload_; }
void setNextOverload(FunctionNode *fn) { nextOverload_ = fn; }
FunctionNode *findPrimaryFunction();
void addAssociatedProperty(PropertyNode *property);
friend class Aggregate;
friend class PropertyNode;
bool const_ : 1;
bool static_ : 1;
bool reimpFlag_ : 1;
bool attached_ : 1;
bool overloadFlag_ : 1;
bool isFinal_ : 1;
bool isOverride_ : 1;
bool isRef_ : 1;
bool isRefRef_ : 1;
bool isInvokable_ : 1;
Metaness metaness_;
Virtualness virtualness_;
signed short overloadNumber_;
FunctionNode *nextOverload_;
QString returnType_;
QStringList parentPath_;
QString overridesThis_;
QString tag_;
NodeList associatedProperties_;
Parameters parameters_;
class PropertyNode : public Node
enum FunctionRole { Getter, Setter, Resetter, Notifier };
enum { NumFunctionRoles = Notifier + 1 };
PropertyNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name);
void setDataType(const QString &dataType) override { type_ = dataType; }
void addFunction(FunctionNode *function, FunctionRole role);
void addSignal(FunctionNode *function, FunctionRole role);
void setStored(bool stored) { stored_ = toFlagValue(stored); }
void setDesignable(bool designable) { designable_ = toFlagValue(designable); }
void setScriptable(bool scriptable) { scriptable_ = toFlagValue(scriptable); }
void setWritable(bool writable) { writable_ = toFlagValue(writable); }
void setUser(bool user) { user_ = toFlagValue(user); }
void setOverriddenFrom(const PropertyNode *baseProperty);
void setRuntimeDesFunc(const QString &rdf) { runtimeDesFunc_ = rdf; }
void setRuntimeScrFunc(const QString &scrf) { runtimeScrFunc_ = scrf; }
void setConstant() { const_ = true; }
void setFinal() { final_ = true; }
void setRevision(int revision) { revision_ = revision; }
const QString &dataType() const { return type_; }
QString qualifiedDataType() const;
NodeList functions() const;
const NodeList &functions(FunctionRole role) const { return functions_[(int)role]; }
const NodeList &getters() const { return functions(Getter); }
const NodeList &setters() const { return functions(Setter); }
const NodeList &resetters() const { return functions(Resetter); }
const NodeList &notifiers() const { return functions(Notifier); }
bool hasAccessFunction(const QString &name) const;
FunctionRole role(const FunctionNode *fn) const;
bool isStored() const { return fromFlagValue(stored_, storedDefault()); }
bool isDesignable() const { return fromFlagValue(designable_, designableDefault()); }
bool isScriptable() const { return fromFlagValue(scriptable_, scriptableDefault()); }
const QString &runtimeDesignabilityFunction() const { return runtimeDesFunc_; }
const QString &runtimeScriptabilityFunction() const { return runtimeScrFunc_; }
bool isWritable() const { return fromFlagValue(writable_, writableDefault()); }
bool isUser() const { return fromFlagValue(user_, userDefault()); }
bool isConstant() const { return const_; }
bool isFinal() const { return final_; }
const PropertyNode *overriddenFrom() const { return overrides_; }
bool storedDefault() const { return true; }
bool userDefault() const { return false; }
bool designableDefault() const { return !setters().isEmpty(); }
bool scriptableDefault() const { return true; }
bool writableDefault() const { return !setters().isEmpty(); }
QString type_;
QString runtimeDesFunc_;
QString runtimeScrFunc_;
NodeList functions_[NumFunctionRoles];
FlagValue stored_;
FlagValue designable_;
FlagValue scriptable_;
FlagValue writable_;
FlagValue user_;
bool const_;
bool final_;
int revision_;
const PropertyNode *overrides_;
inline void PropertyNode::addFunction(FunctionNode *function, FunctionRole role)
inline void PropertyNode::addSignal(FunctionNode *function, FunctionRole role)
inline NodeList PropertyNode::functions() const
NodeList list;
for (int i = 0; i < NumFunctionRoles; ++i)
list += functions_[i];
return list;
class VariableNode : public Node
VariableNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name);
void setLeftType(const QString &leftType) { leftType_ = leftType; }
void setRightType(const QString &rightType) { rightType_ = rightType; }
void setStatic(bool b) { static_ = b; }
const QString &leftType() const { return leftType_; }
const QString &rightType() const { return rightType_; }
QString dataType() const { return leftType_ + rightType_; }
bool isStatic() const override { return static_; }
Node *clone(Aggregate *parent) override;
QString leftType_;
QString rightType_;
bool static_;
inline VariableNode::VariableNode(Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: Node(Variable, parent, name), static_(false)
class CollectionNode : public PageNode
CollectionNode(NodeType type, Aggregate *parent, const QString &name)
: PageNode(type, parent, name), seen_(false)
bool isCollectionNode() const override { return true; }
QString qtVariable() const override { return qtVariable_; }
void setQtVariable(const QString &v) override { qtVariable_ = v; }
void addMember(Node *node) override;
bool hasMembers() const override;
bool hasNamespaces() const override;
bool hasClasses() const override;
void getMemberNamespaces(NodeMap &out) override;
void getMemberClasses(NodeMap &out) const override;
bool wasSeen() const override { return seen_; }
QString fullTitle() const override { return title(); }
QString logicalModuleName() const override { return logicalModuleName_; }
QString logicalModuleVersion() const override
return logicalModuleVersionMajor_ + QLatin1Char('.') + logicalModuleVersionMinor_;
QString logicalModuleIdentifier() const override
return logicalModuleName_ + logicalModuleVersionMajor_;
void setLogicalModuleInfo(const QString &arg) override;
void setLogicalModuleInfo(const QStringList &info) override;
const NodeList &members() const { return members_; }
void printMembers(const QString &title);
void markSeen() { seen_ = true; }
void markNotSeen() { seen_ = false; }
bool seen_;
NodeList members_;
QString logicalModuleName_;
QString logicalModuleVersionMajor_;
QString logicalModuleVersionMinor_;
QString qtVariable_;