blob: dd5d886e66a8e471a7556b80507e1f4e86d6dafd [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include "config.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
typedef QMap<Text, const Node *> TextToNodeMap;
class Atom;
class Generator;
class QDocDatabase;
enum FindFlag {
SearchBaseClasses = 0x1,
SearchEnumValues = 0x2,
TypesOnly = 0x4,
IgnoreModules = 0x8
class QDocForest
friend class QDocDatabase;
QDocForest(QDocDatabase *qdb) : qdb_(qdb), primaryTree_(nullptr), currentIndex_(0) {}
NamespaceNode *firstRoot();
NamespaceNode *nextRoot();
Tree *firstTree();
Tree *nextTree();
Tree *primaryTree() { return primaryTree_; }
Tree *findTree(const QString &t) { return forest_.value(t); }
QStringList keys() { return forest_.keys(); }
NamespaceNode *primaryTreeRoot() { return (primaryTree_ ? primaryTree_->root() : nullptr); }
bool isEmpty() { return searchOrder().isEmpty(); }
bool done() { return (currentIndex_ >= searchOrder().size()); }
const QVector<Tree *> &searchOrder();
const QVector<Tree *> &indexSearchOrder();
void setSearchOrder(const QStringList &t);
bool isLoaded(const QString &fn)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
if (fn == tree->indexFileName())
return true;
return false;
const Node *findNode(const QStringList &path, const Node *relative, int findFlags,
Node::Genus genus)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
const Node *n = tree->findNode(path, relative, findFlags, genus);
if (n)
return n;
relative = nullptr;
return nullptr;
Node *findNodeByNameAndType(const QStringList &path, bool (Node::*isMatch)() const)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
Node *n = tree->findNodeByNameAndType(path, isMatch);
if (n)
return n;
return nullptr;
ClassNode *findClassNode(const QStringList &path)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
ClassNode *n = tree->findClassNode(path);
if (n)
return n;
return nullptr;
Node *findNodeForInclude(const QStringList &path)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
Node *n = tree->findNodeForInclude(path);
if (n)
return n;
return nullptr;
const FunctionNode *findFunctionNode(const QStringList &path, const Parameters &parameters,
const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus);
const Node *findNodeForTarget(QStringList &targetPath, const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus,
QString &ref);
const Node *findTypeNode(const QStringList &path, const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus)
int flags = SearchBaseClasses | SearchEnumValues | TypesOnly;
if (relative && genus == Node::DontCare && relative->genus() != Node::DOC)
genus = relative->genus();
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
const Node *n = tree->findNode(path, relative, flags, genus);
if (n)
return n;
relative = nullptr;
return nullptr;
const PageNode *findPageNodeByTitle(const QString &title)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
const PageNode *n = tree->findPageNodeByTitle(title);
if (n)
return n;
return nullptr;
const CollectionNode *getCollectionNode(const QString &name, Node::NodeType type)
for (auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
const CollectionNode *cn = tree->getCollection(name, type);
if (cn)
return cn;
return nullptr;
QmlTypeNode *lookupQmlType(const QString &name)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
QmlTypeNode *qcn = tree->lookupQmlType(name);
if (qcn)
return qcn;
return nullptr;
Aggregate *lookupQmlBasicType(const QString &name)
for (const auto *tree : searchOrder()) {
Aggregate *a = tree->lookupQmlBasicType(name);
if (a)
return a;
return nullptr;
void clearSearchOrder() { searchOrder_.clear(); }
void clearLinkCounts()
for (auto *tree : searchOrder())
void printLinkCounts(const QString &project);
QString getLinkCounts(QStringList &strings, QVector<int> &counts);
void newPrimaryTree(const QString &module);
void setPrimaryTree(const QString &t);
NamespaceNode *newIndexTree(const QString &module);
QDocDatabase *qdb_;
Tree *primaryTree_;
int currentIndex_;
QMap<QString, Tree *> forest_;
QVector<Tree *> searchOrder_;
QVector<Tree *> indexSearchOrder_;
QVector<QString> moduleNames_;
class QDocDatabase
static QDocDatabase *qdocDB();
static void destroyQdocDB();
Tree *findTree(const QString &t) { return forest_.findTree(t); }
const CNMap &groups() { return primaryTree()->groups(); }
const CNMap &modules() { return primaryTree()->modules(); }
const CNMap &qmlModules() { return primaryTree()->qmlModules(); }
const CNMap &jsModules() { return primaryTree()->jsModules(); }
CollectionNode *addGroup(const QString &name) { return primaryTree()->addGroup(name); }
CollectionNode *addModule(const QString &name) { return primaryTree()->addModule(name); }
CollectionNode *addQmlModule(const QString &name) { return primaryTree()->addQmlModule(name); }
CollectionNode *addJsModule(const QString &name) { return primaryTree()->addJsModule(name); }
CollectionNode *addToGroup(const QString &name, Node *node)
return primaryTree()->addToGroup(name, node);
CollectionNode *addToModule(const QString &name, Node *node)
return primaryTree()->addToModule(name, node);
CollectionNode *addToQmlModule(const QString &name, Node *node)
return primaryTree()->addToQmlModule(name, node);
CollectionNode *addToJsModule(const QString &name, Node *node)
return primaryTree()->addToJsModule(name, node);
void addExampleNode(ExampleNode *n) { primaryTree()->addExampleNode(n); }
ExampleNodeMap &exampleNodeMap() { return primaryTree()->exampleNodeMap(); }
QmlTypeNode *findQmlType(const QString &name);
QmlTypeNode *findQmlType(const QString &qmid, const QString &name);
QmlTypeNode *findQmlType(const ImportRec &import, const QString &name);
Aggregate *findQmlBasicType(const QString &qmid, const QString &name);
static NodeMultiMap &obsoleteClasses() { return obsoleteClasses_; }
static NodeMultiMap &obsoleteQmlTypes() { return obsoleteQmlTypes_; }
static NodeMultiMap &classesWithObsoleteMembers() { return classesWithObsoleteMembers_; }
static NodeMultiMap &qmlTypesWithObsoleteMembers() { return qmlTypesWithObsoleteMembers_; }
static NodeMultiMap &cppClasses() { return cppClasses_; }
static NodeMultiMap &qmlBasicTypes() { return qmlBasicTypes_; }
static NodeMultiMap &qmlTypes() { return qmlTypes_; }
static NodeMultiMap &examples() { return examples_; }
static NodeMapMap &newClassMaps() { return newClassMaps_; }
static NodeMapMap &newQmlTypeMaps() { return newQmlTypeMaps_; }
static NodeMultiMapMap &newSinceMaps() { return newSinceMaps_; }
void findAllClasses(Aggregate *node) { node->findAllClasses(); }
void findAllFunctions(Aggregate *node) { node->findAllFunctions(functionIndex_); }
void findAllAttributions(Aggregate *node) { node->findAllAttributions(attributions_); }
void findAllLegaleseTexts(Aggregate *node);
void findAllObsoleteThings(Aggregate *node) { node->findAllObsoleteThings(); }
void findAllSince(Aggregate *node) { node->findAllSince(); }
special collection access functions
NodeMultiMap &getCppClasses();
NodeMultiMap &getObsoleteClasses();
NodeMultiMap &getClassesWithObsoleteMembers();
NodeMultiMap &getObsoleteQmlTypes();
NodeMultiMap &getQmlTypesWithObsoleteMembers();
NodeMultiMap &getNamespaces();
NodeMultiMap &getQmlBasicTypes();
NodeMultiMap &getQmlTypes();
NodeMultiMap &getExamples();
NodeMultiMap &getAttributions();
NodeMapMap &getFunctionIndex();
TextToNodeMap &getLegaleseTexts();
const NodeMap &getClassMap(const QString &key);
const NodeMap &getQmlTypeMap(const QString &key);
const NodeMap &getSinceMap(const QString &key);
Many of these will be either eliminated or replaced.
void resolveStuff();
void insertTarget(const QString &name, const QString &title, TargetRec::TargetType type,
Node *node, int priority)
primaryTree()->insertTarget(name, title, type, node, priority);
The functions declared below are called for the current tree only.
Aggregate *findRelatesNode(const QStringList &path)
return primaryTree()->findRelatesNode(path);
Node *findNodeInOpenNamespace(QStringList &path, bool (Node::*)() const);
This function can handle parameters enclosed in '[' ']' (domanin and genus).
const Node *findNodeForAtom(const Atom *atom, const Node *relative, QString &ref);
The functions declared below are called for all trees.
ClassNode *findClassNode(const QStringList &path) { return forest_.findClassNode(path); }
Node *findNodeForInclude(const QStringList &path) { return forest_.findNodeForInclude(path); }
const FunctionNode *findFunctionNode(const QString &target, const Node *relative,
Node::Genus genus);
const Node *findTypeNode(const QString &type, const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus);
const Node *findNodeForTarget(const QString &target, const Node *relative);
const PageNode *findPageNodeByTitle(const QString &title)
return forest_.findPageNodeByTitle(title);
Node *findNodeByNameAndType(const QStringList &path, bool (Node::*isMatch)() const)
return forest_.findNodeByNameAndType(path, isMatch);
const CollectionNode *getCollectionNode(const QString &name, Node::NodeType type)
return forest_.getCollectionNode(name, type);
FunctionNode *findFunctionNodeForTag(QString tag)
return primaryTree()->findFunctionNodeForTag(tag);
FunctionNode *findMacroNode(const QString &t) { return primaryTree()->findMacroNode(t); }
const Node *findNodeForTarget(QStringList &targetPath, const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus,
QString &ref)
return forest_.findNodeForTarget(targetPath, relative, genus, ref);
const FunctionNode *findFunctionNode(const QStringList &path, const Parameters &parameters,
const Node *relative, Node::Genus genus)
return forest_.findFunctionNode(path, parameters, relative, genus);
void addPropertyFunction(PropertyNode *property, const QString &funcName,
PropertyNode::FunctionRole funcRole)
primaryTree()->addPropertyFunction(property, funcName, funcRole);
void setVersion(const QString &v) { version_ = v; }
QString version() const { return version_; }
void generateTagFile(const QString &name, Generator *g);
void readIndexes(const QStringList &indexFiles);
void generateIndex(const QString &fileName, const QString &url, const QString &title,
Generator *g);
void clearOpenNamespaces() { openNamespaces_.clear(); }
void insertOpenNamespace(const QString &path) { openNamespaces_.insert(path); }
void setShowInternal(bool value) { showInternal_ = value; }
void setSingleExec(bool value) { singleExec_ = value; }
void processForest();
// Try to make this function private.
QDocForest &forest() { return forest_; }
NamespaceNode *primaryTreeRoot() { return forest_.primaryTreeRoot(); }
void newPrimaryTree(const QString &module) { forest_.newPrimaryTree(module); }
void setPrimaryTree(const QString &t) { forest_.setPrimaryTree(t); }
NamespaceNode *newIndexTree(const QString &module) { return forest_.newIndexTree(module); }
const QVector<Tree *> &searchOrder() { return forest_.searchOrder(); }
void setLocalSearch() { forest_.searchOrder_ = QVector<Tree *>(1, primaryTree()); }
void setSearchOrder(const QVector<Tree *> &searchOrder) { forest_.searchOrder_ = searchOrder; }
void setSearchOrder(QStringList &t) { forest_.setSearchOrder(t); }
void mergeCollections(Node::NodeType type, CNMap &cnm, const Node *relative);
void mergeCollections(CollectionNode *c);
void clearSearchOrder() { forest_.clearSearchOrder(); }
void incrementLinkCount(const Node *t) { t->tree()->incrementLinkCount(); }
void clearLinkCounts() { forest_.clearLinkCounts(); }
void printLinkCounts(const QString &t) { forest_.printLinkCounts(t); }
QString getLinkCounts(QStringList &strings, QVector<int> &counts)
return forest_.getLinkCounts(strings, counts);
QString getNewLinkTarget(const Node *locNode, const Node *t, const QString &fileName,
QString &text, bool broken = false)
return primaryTree()->getNewLinkTarget(locNode, t, fileName, text, broken);
TargetList *getTargetList(const QString &t) { return primaryTree()->getTargetList(t); }
QStringList getTargetListKeys() { return primaryTree()->getTargetListKeys(); }
QStringList keys() { return forest_.keys(); }
void resolveNamespaces();
void resolveProxies();
void resolveBaseClasses();
friend class Tree;
const Node *findNode(const QStringList &path, const Node *relative, int findFlags,
Node::Genus genus)
return forest_.findNode(path, relative, findFlags, genus);
void processForest(void (QDocDatabase::*)(Aggregate *));
bool isLoaded(const QString &t) { return forest_.isLoaded(t); }
static void initializeDB();
QDocDatabase(QDocDatabase const &) : showInternal_(false), forest_(this) {}
QDocDatabase &operator=(QDocDatabase const &);
static bool debug;
Tree *primaryTree() { return forest_.primaryTree(); }
static QDocDatabase *qdocDB_;
static NodeMap typeNodeMap_;
static NodeMultiMap obsoleteClasses_;
static NodeMultiMap classesWithObsoleteMembers_;
static NodeMultiMap obsoleteQmlTypes_;
static NodeMultiMap qmlTypesWithObsoleteMembers_;
static NodeMultiMap cppClasses_;
static NodeMultiMap qmlBasicTypes_;
static NodeMultiMap qmlTypes_;
static NodeMultiMap examples_;
static NodeMapMap newClassMaps_;
static NodeMapMap newQmlTypeMaps_;
static NodeMultiMapMap newSinceMaps_;
bool showInternal_;
bool singleExec_;
QString version_;
QDocForest forest_;
NodeMultiMap namespaceIndex_;
NodeMultiMap attributions_;
NodeMapMap functionIndex_;
TextToNodeMap legaleseTexts_;
QSet<QString> openNamespaces_;