blob: bae019150aabfe19e8cdad19810410ae83b66763 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include "utils.h"
#include "qmlutils.h"
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
#include <QtCore/QJsonObject>
#include <QtCore/QJsonArray>
#include <QtCore/QCommandLineParser>
#include <QtCore/QCommandLineOption>
#include <QtCore/QOperatingSystemVersion>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
#include <QtCore/qt_windows.h>
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 0xaa64
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
enum QtModule
#if defined(Q_COMPILER_CLASS_ENUM) || defined(Q_CC_MSVC)
: quint64
QtBluetoothModule = 0x0000000000000001,
QtConcurrentModule = 0x0000000000000002,
QtCoreModule = 0x0000000000000004,
QtDeclarativeModule = 0x0000000000000008,
QtDesignerComponents = 0x0000000000000010,
QtDesignerModule = 0x0000000000000020,
QtGuiModule = 0x0000000000000040,
QtHelpModule = 0x0000000000000080,
QtMultimediaModule = 0x0000000000000100,
QtMultimediaWidgetsModule = 0x0000000000000200,
QtMultimediaQuickModule = 0x0000000000000400,
QtNetworkModule = 0x0000000000000800,
QtNfcModule = 0x0000000000001000,
QtOpenGLModule = 0x0000000000002000,
QtPositioningModule = 0x0000000000004000,
QtPrintSupportModule = 0x0000000000008000,
QtQmlModule = 0x0000000000010000,
QtQuickModule = 0x0000000000020000,
QtQuickParticlesModule = 0x0000000000040000,
QtScriptModule = 0x0000000000080000,
QtScriptToolsModule = 0x0000000000100000,
QtSensorsModule = 0x0000000000200000,
QtSerialPortModule = 0x0000000000400000,
QtSqlModule = 0x0000000000800000,
QtSvgModule = 0x0000000001000000,
QtTestModule = 0x0000000002000000,
QtWidgetsModule = 0x0000000004000000,
QtWinExtrasModule = 0x0000000008000000,
QtXmlModule = 0x0000000010000000,
QtXmlPatternsModule = 0x0000000020000000,
QtWebKitModule = 0x0000000040000000,
QtWebKitWidgetsModule = 0x0000000080000000,
QtQuickWidgetsModule = 0x0000000100000000,
QtWebSocketsModule = 0x0000000200000000,
QtEnginioModule = 0x0000000400000000,
QtWebEngineCoreModule = 0x0000000800000000,
QtWebEngineModule = 0x0000001000000000,
QtWebEngineWidgetsModule = 0x0000002000000000,
QtQmlToolingModule = 0x0000004000000000,
Qt3DCoreModule = 0x0000008000000000,
Qt3DRendererModule = 0x0000010000000000,
Qt3DQuickModule = 0x0000020000000000,
Qt3DQuickRendererModule = 0x0000040000000000,
Qt3DInputModule = 0x0000080000000000,
QtLocationModule = 0x0000100000000000,
QtWebChannelModule = 0x0000200000000000,
QtTextToSpeechModule = 0x0000400000000000,
QtSerialBusModule = 0x0000800000000000,
QtGamePadModule = 0x0001000000000000,
Qt3DAnimationModule = 0x0002000000000000,
QtWebViewModule = 0x0004000000000000,
Qt3DExtrasModule = 0x0008000000000000
struct QtModuleEntry {
quint64 module;
const char *option;
const char *libraryName;
const char *translation;
static QtModuleEntry qtModuleEntries[] = {
{ QtBluetoothModule, "bluetooth", "Qt5Bluetooth", nullptr },
{ QtConcurrentModule, "concurrent", "Qt5Concurrent", "qtbase" },
{ QtCoreModule, "core", "Qt5Core", "qtbase" },
{ QtDeclarativeModule, "declarative", "Qt5Declarative", "qtquick1" },
{ QtDesignerModule, "designer", "Qt5Designer", nullptr },
{ QtDesignerComponents, "designercomponents", "Qt5DesignerComponents", nullptr },
{ QtEnginioModule, "enginio", "Enginio", nullptr },
{ QtGamePadModule, "gamepad", "Qt5Gamepad", nullptr },
{ QtGuiModule, "gui", "Qt5Gui", "qtbase" },
{ QtHelpModule, "qthelp", "Qt5Help", "qt_help" },
{ QtMultimediaModule, "multimedia", "Qt5Multimedia", "qtmultimedia" },
{ QtMultimediaWidgetsModule, "multimediawidgets", "Qt5MultimediaWidgets", "qtmultimedia" },
{ QtMultimediaQuickModule, "multimediaquick", "Qt5MultimediaQuick_p", "qtmultimedia" },
{ QtNetworkModule, "network", "Qt5Network", "qtbase" },
{ QtNfcModule, "nfc", "Qt5Nfc", nullptr },
{ QtOpenGLModule, "opengl", "Qt5OpenGL", nullptr },
{ QtPositioningModule, "positioning", "Qt5Positioning", nullptr },
{ QtPrintSupportModule, "printsupport", "Qt5PrintSupport", nullptr },
{ QtQmlModule, "qml", "Qt5Qml", "qtdeclarative" },
{ QtQmlToolingModule, "qmltooling", "qmltooling", nullptr },
{ QtQuickModule, "quick", "Qt5Quick", "qtdeclarative" },
{ QtQuickParticlesModule, "quickparticles", "Qt5QuickParticles", nullptr },
{ QtQuickWidgetsModule, "quickwidgets", "Qt5QuickWidgets", nullptr },
{ QtScriptModule, "script", "Qt5Script", "qtscript" },
{ QtScriptToolsModule, "scripttools", "Qt5ScriptTools", "qtscript" },
{ QtSensorsModule, "sensors", "Qt5Sensors", nullptr },
{ QtSerialPortModule, "serialport", "Qt5SerialPort", "qtserialport" },
{ QtSqlModule, "sql", "Qt5Sql", "qtbase" },
{ QtSvgModule, "svg", "Qt5Svg", nullptr },
{ QtTestModule, "test", "Qt5Test", "qtbase" },
{ QtWebKitModule, "webkit", "Qt5WebKit", nullptr },
{ QtWebKitWidgetsModule, "webkitwidgets", "Qt5WebKitWidgets", nullptr },
{ QtWebSocketsModule, "websockets", "Qt5WebSockets", nullptr },
{ QtWidgetsModule, "widgets", "Qt5Widgets", "qtbase" },
{ QtWinExtrasModule, "winextras", "Qt5WinExtras", nullptr },
{ QtXmlModule, "xml", "Qt5Xml", "qtbase" },
{ QtXmlPatternsModule, "xmlpatterns", "Qt5XmlPatterns", "qtxmlpatterns" },
{ QtWebEngineCoreModule, "webenginecore", "Qt5WebEngineCore", nullptr },
{ QtWebEngineModule, "webengine", "Qt5WebEngine", "qtwebengine" },
{ QtWebEngineWidgetsModule, "webenginewidgets", "Qt5WebEngineWidgets", nullptr },
{ Qt3DCoreModule, "3dcore", "Qt53DCore", nullptr },
{ Qt3DRendererModule, "3drenderer", "Qt53DRender", nullptr },
{ Qt3DQuickModule, "3dquick", "Qt53DQuick", nullptr },
{ Qt3DQuickRendererModule, "3dquickrenderer", "Qt53DQuickRender", nullptr },
{ Qt3DInputModule, "3dinput", "Qt53DInput", nullptr },
{ Qt3DAnimationModule, "3danimation", "Qt53DAnimation", nullptr },
{ Qt3DExtrasModule, "3dextras", "Qt53DExtras", nullptr },
{ QtLocationModule, "geoservices", "Qt5Location", nullptr },
{ QtWebChannelModule, "webchannel", "Qt5WebChannel", nullptr },
{ QtTextToSpeechModule, "texttospeech", "Qt5TextToSpeech", nullptr },
{ QtSerialBusModule, "serialbus", "Qt5SerialBus", nullptr },
{ QtWebViewModule, "webview", "Qt5WebView", nullptr }
enum QtPlugin {
QtVirtualKeyboardPlugin = 0x1
static const char webKitProcessC[] = "QtWebProcess";
static const char webEngineProcessC[] = "QtWebEngineProcess";
static inline QString webProcessBinary(const char *binaryName, Platform p)
const QString webProcess = QLatin1String(binaryName);
return (p & WindowsBased) ? webProcess + QStringLiteral(".exe") : webProcess;
static QByteArray formatQtModules(quint64 mask, bool option = false)
QByteArray result;
for (const auto &qtModule : qtModuleEntries) {
if (mask & qtModule.module) {
if (!result.isEmpty())
result.append(' ');
result.append(option ? qtModule.option : qtModule.libraryName);
return result;
static Platform platformFromMkSpec(const QString &xSpec)
if (xSpec == QLatin1String("linux-g++"))
return Unix;
if (xSpec.startsWith(QLatin1String("win32-"))) {
if (xSpec.contains(QLatin1String("clang-g++")))
return WindowsDesktopClangMinGW;
if (xSpec.contains(QLatin1String("clang-msvc++")))
return WindowsDesktopClangMsvc;
return xSpec.contains(QLatin1String("g++")) ? WindowsDesktopMinGW : WindowsDesktopMsvc;
if (xSpec.startsWith(QLatin1String("winrt-x")))
return WinRtIntelMsvc;
if (xSpec.startsWith(QLatin1String("winrt-arm")))
return WinRtArmMsvc;
return UnknownPlatform;
// Helpers for exclusive options, "-foo", "--no-foo"
enum ExlusiveOptionValue {
static ExlusiveOptionValue parseExclusiveOptions(const QCommandLineParser *parser,
const QCommandLineOption &enableOption,
const QCommandLineOption &disableOption)
const bool enabled = parser->isSet(enableOption);
const bool disabled = parser->isSet(disableOption);
if (enabled) {
if (disabled) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: both -" << enableOption.names().first()
<< " and -" << disableOption.names().first() << " were specified, defaulting to -"
<< enableOption.names().first() << ".\n";
return OptionEnabled;
return disabled ? OptionDisabled : OptionAuto;
static ExlusiveOptionValue optWebKit2 = OptionAuto;
struct Options {
enum DebugDetection {
enum AngleDetection {
bool plugins = true;
bool libraries = true;
bool quickImports = true;
bool translations = true;
bool systemD3dCompiler = true;
bool compilerRunTime = false;
unsigned disabledPlugins = 0;
AngleDetection angleDetection = AngleDetectionAuto;
bool softwareRasterizer = true;
Platform platform = WindowsDesktopMsvc;
quint64 additionalLibraries = 0;
quint64 disabledLibraries = 0;
unsigned updateFileFlags = 0;
QStringList qmlDirectories; // Project's QML files.
QStringList qmlImportPaths; // Custom QML module locations.
QString directory;
QString translationsDirectory; // Translations target directory
QString libraryDirectory;
QString pluginDirectory;
QStringList binaries;
JsonOutput *json = nullptr;
ListOption list = ListNone;
DebugDetection debugDetection = DebugDetectionAuto;
bool deployPdb = false;
bool dryRun = false;
bool patchQt = true;
inline bool isWinRt() const { return platform.testFlag(WinRt); }
// Return binary from folder
static inline QString findBinary(const QString &directory, Platform platform)
const QStringList nameFilters = (platform & WindowsBased) ?
QStringList(QStringLiteral("*.exe")) : QStringList();
const QFileInfoList &binaries =
QDir(QDir::cleanPath(directory)).entryInfoList(nameFilters, QDir::Files | QDir::Executable);
for (const QFileInfo &binaryFi : binaries) {
const QString binary = binaryFi.fileName();
if (!binary.contains(QLatin1String(webKitProcessC), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
&& !binary.contains(QLatin1String(webEngineProcessC), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
return binaryFi.absoluteFilePath();
return QString();
static QString msgFileDoesNotExist(const QString & file)
return QLatin1Char('"') + QDir::toNativeSeparators(file)
+ QStringLiteral("\" does not exist.");
enum CommandLineParseFlag {
CommandLineParseError = 0x1,
CommandLineParseHelpRequested = 0x2
static inline int parseArguments(const QStringList &arguments, QCommandLineParser *parser,
Options *options, QString *errorMessage)
using CommandLineOptionPtr = QSharedPointer<QCommandLineOption>;
using OptionPtrVector = QVector<CommandLineOptionPtr>;
parser->setApplicationDescription(QStringLiteral("Qt Deploy Tool ") + QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR)
+ QLatin1String("\n\nThe simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt\n"
"installation (e.g. <QT_DIR\\bin>) to the PATH variable and then run:\n windeployqt <path-to-app-binary>\n"
"If ICU, ANGLE, etc. are not in the bin directory, they need to be in the PATH\nvariable. "
"If your application uses Qt Quick, run:\n windeployqt --qmldir <path-to-app-qml-files> <path-to-app-binary>"));
const QCommandLineOption helpOption = parser->addHelpOption();
QCommandLineOption dirOption(QStringLiteral("dir"),
QStringLiteral("Use directory instead of binary directory."),
QCommandLineOption libDirOption(QStringLiteral("libdir"),
QStringLiteral("Copy libraries to path."),
QCommandLineOption pluginDirOption(QStringLiteral("plugindir"),
QStringLiteral("Copy plugins to path."),
QCommandLineOption debugOption(QStringLiteral("debug"),
QStringLiteral("Assume debug binaries."));
QCommandLineOption releaseOption(QStringLiteral("release"),
QStringLiteral("Assume release binaries."));
QCommandLineOption releaseWithDebugInfoOption(QStringLiteral("release-with-debug-info"),
QStringLiteral("Assume release binaries with debug information."));
releaseWithDebugInfoOption.setFlags(QCommandLineOption::HiddenFromHelp); // Deprecated by improved debug detection.
QCommandLineOption deployPdbOption(QStringLiteral("pdb"),
QStringLiteral("Deploy .pdb files (MSVC)."));
QCommandLineOption forceOption(QStringLiteral("force"),
QStringLiteral("Force updating files."));
QCommandLineOption dryRunOption(QStringLiteral("dry-run"),
QStringLiteral("Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do not copy/update any files."));
QCommandLineOption noPatchQtOption(QStringLiteral("no-patchqt"),
QStringLiteral("Do not patch the Qt5Core library."));
QCommandLineOption noPluginsOption(QStringLiteral("no-plugins"),
QStringLiteral("Skip plugin deployment."));
QCommandLineOption noLibraryOption(QStringLiteral("no-libraries"),
QStringLiteral("Skip library deployment."));
QCommandLineOption qmlDirOption(QStringLiteral("qmldir"),
QStringLiteral("Scan for QML-imports starting from directory."),
QCommandLineOption qmlImportOption(QStringLiteral("qmlimport"),
QStringLiteral("Add the given path to the QML module search locations."),
QCommandLineOption noQuickImportOption(QStringLiteral("no-quick-import"),
QStringLiteral("Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports."));
QCommandLineOption noTranslationOption(QStringLiteral("no-translations"),
QStringLiteral("Skip deployment of translations."));
QCommandLineOption noSystemD3DCompilerOption(QStringLiteral("no-system-d3d-compiler"),
QStringLiteral("Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler."));
QCommandLineOption compilerRunTimeOption(QStringLiteral("compiler-runtime"),
QStringLiteral("Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only)."));
QCommandLineOption noVirtualKeyboardOption(QStringLiteral("no-virtualkeyboard"),
QStringLiteral("Disable deployment of the Virtual Keyboard."));
QCommandLineOption noCompilerRunTimeOption(QStringLiteral("no-compiler-runtime"),
QStringLiteral("Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only)."));
QCommandLineOption webKitOption(QStringLiteral("webkit2"),
QStringLiteral("Deployment of WebKit2 (web process)."));
QCommandLineOption noWebKitOption(QStringLiteral("no-webkit2"),
QStringLiteral("Skip deployment of WebKit2."));
QCommandLineOption jsonOption(QStringLiteral("json"),
QStringLiteral("Print to stdout in JSON format."));
QCommandLineOption angleOption(QStringLiteral("angle"),
QStringLiteral("Force deployment of ANGLE."));
QCommandLineOption noAngleOption(QStringLiteral("no-angle"),
QStringLiteral("Disable deployment of ANGLE."));
QCommandLineOption suppressSoftwareRasterizerOption(QStringLiteral("no-opengl-sw"),
QStringLiteral("Do not deploy the software rasterizer library."));
QCommandLineOption listOption(QStringLiteral("list"),
QLatin1String("Print only the names of the files copied.\n"
"Available options:\n"
" source: absolute path of the source files\n"
" target: absolute path of the target files\n"
" relative: paths of the target files, relative\n"
" to the target directory\n"
" mapping: outputs the source and the relative\n"
" target, suitable for use within an\n"
" Appx mapping file"),
QCommandLineOption verboseOption(QStringLiteral("verbose"),
QStringLiteral("Verbose level (0-2)."),
QStringLiteral("Binaries or directory containing the binary."));
OptionPtrVector enabledModuleOptions;
OptionPtrVector disabledModuleOptions;
const int qtModulesCount = int(sizeof(qtModuleEntries) / sizeof(QtModuleEntry));
for (int i = 0; i < qtModulesCount; ++i) {
const QString option = QLatin1String(qtModuleEntries[i].option);
const QString name = QLatin1String(qtModuleEntries[i].libraryName);
const QString enabledDescription = QStringLiteral("Add ") + name + QStringLiteral(" module.");
CommandLineOptionPtr enabledOption(new QCommandLineOption(option, enabledDescription));
const QString disabledDescription = QStringLiteral("Remove ") + name + QStringLiteral(" module.");
CommandLineOptionPtr disabledOption(new QCommandLineOption(QStringLiteral("no-") + option,
const bool success = parser->parse(arguments);
if (parser->isSet(helpOption))
return CommandLineParseHelpRequested;
if (!success) {
*errorMessage = parser->errorText();
return CommandLineParseError;
options->libraryDirectory = parser->value(libDirOption);
options->pluginDirectory = parser->value(pluginDirOption);
options->plugins = !parser->isSet(noPluginsOption);
options->libraries = !parser->isSet(noLibraryOption);
options->translations = !parser->isSet(noTranslationOption);
options->systemD3dCompiler = !parser->isSet(noSystemD3DCompilerOption);
options->quickImports = !parser->isSet(noQuickImportOption);
if (parser->isSet(compilerRunTimeOption))
options->compilerRunTime = true;
else if (parser->isSet(noCompilerRunTimeOption))
options->compilerRunTime = false;
if (options->compilerRunTime && options->platform != WindowsDesktopMinGW && options->platform != WindowsDesktopMsvc) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Deployment of the compiler runtime is implemented for Desktop MSVC/g++ only.");
return CommandLineParseError;
if (parser->isSet(noVirtualKeyboardOption))
options->disabledPlugins |= QtVirtualKeyboardPlugin;
if (parser->isSet(releaseWithDebugInfoOption))
std::wcerr << "Warning: " << releaseWithDebugInfoOption.names().first() << " is obsolete.";
switch (parseExclusiveOptions(parser, debugOption, releaseOption)) {
case OptionAuto:
case OptionEnabled:
options->debugDetection = Options::DebugDetectionForceDebug;
case OptionDisabled:
options->debugDetection = Options::DebugDetectionForceRelease;
if (parser->isSet(deployPdbOption)) {
if (options->platform.testFlag(WindowsBased) && !options->platform.testFlag(MinGW))
options->deployPdb = true;
std::wcerr << "Warning: --" << deployPdbOption.names().first() << " is not supported on this platform.\n";
switch (parseExclusiveOptions(parser, angleOption, noAngleOption)) {
case OptionAuto:
case OptionEnabled:
options->angleDetection = Options::AngleDetectionForceOn;
case OptionDisabled:
options->angleDetection = Options::AngleDetectionForceOff;
if (parser->isSet(suppressSoftwareRasterizerOption))
options->softwareRasterizer = false;
optWebKit2 = parseExclusiveOptions(parser, webKitOption, noWebKitOption);
if (parser->isSet(forceOption))
options->updateFileFlags |= ForceUpdateFile;
if (parser->isSet(dryRunOption)) {
options->dryRun = true;
options->updateFileFlags |= SkipUpdateFile;
options->patchQt = !parser->isSet(noPatchQtOption);
for (int i = 0; i < qtModulesCount; ++i) {
if (parser->isSet(*
options->additionalLibraries |= qtModuleEntries[i].module;
if (parser->isSet(*
options->disabledLibraries |= qtModuleEntries[i].module;
// Add some dependencies
if (options->additionalLibraries & QtQuickModule)
options->additionalLibraries |= QtQmlModule;
if (options->additionalLibraries & QtDesignerComponents)
options->additionalLibraries |= QtDesignerModule;
if (parser->isSet(listOption)) {
const QString value = parser->value(listOption);
if (value == QStringLiteral("source")) {
options->list = ListSource;
} else if (value == QStringLiteral("target")) {
options->list = ListTarget;
} else if (value == QStringLiteral("relative")) {
options->list = ListRelative;
} else if (value == QStringLiteral("mapping")) {
options->list = ListMapping;
} else {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Please specify a valid option for -list (source, target, relative, mapping).");
return CommandLineParseError;
if (parser->isSet(jsonOption) || options->list) {
optVerboseLevel = 0;
options->json = new JsonOutput;
} else {
if (parser->isSet(verboseOption)) {
bool ok;
const QString value = parser->value(verboseOption);
optVerboseLevel = value.toInt(&ok);
if (!ok || optVerboseLevel < 0) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Invalid value \"%1\" passed for verbose level.").arg(value);
return CommandLineParseError;
const QStringList posArgs = parser->positionalArguments();
if (posArgs.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Please specify the binary or folder.");
return CommandLineParseError | CommandLineParseHelpRequested;
if (parser->isSet(dirOption))
options->directory = parser->value(dirOption);
if (parser->isSet(qmlDirOption))
options->qmlDirectories = parser->values(qmlDirOption);
if (parser->isSet(qmlImportOption))
options->qmlImportPaths = parser->values(qmlImportOption);
const QString &file = posArgs.front();
const QFileInfo fi(QDir::cleanPath(file));
if (!fi.exists()) {
*errorMessage = msgFileDoesNotExist(file);
return CommandLineParseError;
if (!options->directory.isEmpty() && !fi.isFile()) { // -dir was specified - expecting file.
*errorMessage = QLatin1Char('"') + file + QStringLiteral("\" is not an executable file.");
return CommandLineParseError;
if (fi.isFile()) {
if (options->directory.isEmpty())
options->directory = fi.absolutePath();
} else {
const QString binary = findBinary(fi.absoluteFilePath(), options->platform);
if (binary.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Unable to find binary in \"") + file + QLatin1Char('"');
return CommandLineParseError;
options->directory = fi.absoluteFilePath();
} // directory.
// Remaining files or plugin directories
for (int i = 1; i < posArgs.size(); ++i) {
const QFileInfo fi(QDir::cleanPath(;
const QString path = fi.absoluteFilePath();
if (!fi.exists()) {
*errorMessage = msgFileDoesNotExist(path);
return CommandLineParseError;
if (fi.isDir()) {
const QStringList libraries =
findSharedLibraries(QDir(path), options->platform, MatchDebugOrRelease, QString());
for (const QString &library : libraries)
options->binaries.append(path + QLatin1Char('/') + library);
} else {
options->translationsDirectory = options->directory + QLatin1String("/translations");
return 0;
// Simple line wrapping at 80 character boundaries.
static inline QString lineBreak(QString s)
for (int i = 80; i < s.size(); i += 80) {
const int lastBlank = s.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(' '), i);
if (lastBlank >= 0) {
s[lastBlank] = QLatin1Char('\n');
i = lastBlank + 1;
return s;
static inline QString helpText(const QCommandLineParser &p)
QString result = p.helpText();
// Replace the default-generated text which is too long by a short summary
// explaining how to enable single libraries.
const int moduleStart = result.indexOf(QLatin1String("\n --bluetooth"));
const int argumentsStart = result.lastIndexOf(QLatin1String("\nArguments:"));
if (moduleStart >= argumentsStart)
return result;
QString moduleHelp = QLatin1String(
"\n\nQt libraries can be added by passing their name (-xml) or removed by passing\n"
"the name prepended by --no- (--no-xml). Available libraries:\n");
moduleHelp += lineBreak(QString::fromLatin1(formatQtModules(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull, true)));
moduleHelp += QLatin1Char('\n');
result.replace(moduleStart, argumentsStart - moduleStart, moduleHelp);
return result;
static inline bool isQtModule(const QString &libName)
// Match Standard modules named Qt5XX.dll
if (libName.size() < 3 || !libName.startsWith(QLatin1String("Qt"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return false;
const QChar version =;
return version.isDigit() && (version.toLatin1() - '0') == QT_VERSION_MAJOR;
// Helper for recursively finding all dependent Qt libraries.
static bool findDependentQtLibraries(const QString &qtBinDir, const QString &binary, Platform platform,
QString *errorMessage, QStringList *result,
unsigned *wordSize = nullptr, bool *isDebug = nullptr,
unsigned short *machineArch = nullptr,
int *directDependencyCount = nullptr, int recursionDepth = 0)
QStringList dependentLibs;
if (directDependencyCount)
*directDependencyCount = 0;
if (!readExecutable(binary, platform, errorMessage, &dependentLibs, wordSize, isDebug, machineArch)) {
errorMessage->prepend(QLatin1String("Unable to find dependent libraries of ") +
QDir::toNativeSeparators(binary) + QLatin1String(" :"));
return false;
// Filter out the Qt libraries. Note that depends.exe finds libs from optDirectory if we
// are run the 2nd time (updating). We want to check against the Qt bin dir libraries
const int start = result->size();
for (const QString &lib : qAsConst(dependentLibs)) {
if (isQtModule(lib)) {
const QString path = normalizeFileName(qtBinDir + QLatin1Char('/') + QFileInfo(lib).fileName());
if (!result->contains(path))
const int end = result->size();
if (directDependencyCount)
*directDependencyCount = end - start;
// Recurse
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)
if (!findDependentQtLibraries(qtBinDir, result->at(i), platform, errorMessage, result,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, recursionDepth + 1))
return false;
return true;
// Base class to filter debug/release Windows DLLs for functions to be passed to updateFile().
// Tries to pre-filter by namefilter and does check via PE.
class DllDirectoryFileEntryFunction {
explicit DllDirectoryFileEntryFunction(Platform platform,
DebugMatchMode debugMatchMode, const QString &prefix = QString()) :
m_platform(platform), m_debugMatchMode(debugMatchMode), m_prefix(prefix) {}
QStringList operator()(const QDir &dir) const
{ return findSharedLibraries(dir, m_platform, m_debugMatchMode, m_prefix); }
const Platform m_platform;
const DebugMatchMode m_debugMatchMode;
const QString m_prefix;
static QString pdbFileName(QString libraryFileName)
const int lastDot = libraryFileName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')) + 1;
if (lastDot <= 0)
return QString();
libraryFileName.replace(lastDot, libraryFileName.size() - lastDot, QLatin1String("pdb"));
return libraryFileName;
static inline QStringList qmlCacheFileFilters()
return QStringList() << QStringLiteral("*.jsc") << QStringLiteral("*.qmlc");
// File entry filter function for updateFile() that returns a list of files for
// QML import trees: DLLs (matching debgug) and .qml/,js, etc.
class QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction {
enum Flags {
DeployPdb = 0x1,
SkipSources = 0x2
explicit QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction(Platform platform, DebugMatchMode debugMatchMode, unsigned flags)
: m_flags(flags), m_qmlNameFilter(QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction::qmlNameFilters(flags))
, m_dllFilter(platform, debugMatchMode)
QStringList operator()(const QDir &dir) const
QStringList result;
const QStringList &libraries = m_dllFilter(dir);
for (const QString &library : libraries) {
if (m_flags & DeployPdb) {
const QString pdb = pdbFileName(library);
if (QFileInfo(dir.absoluteFilePath(pdb)).isFile())
return result;
static inline QStringList qmlNameFilters(unsigned flags)
QStringList result;
result << QStringLiteral("qmldir") << QStringLiteral("*.qmltypes")
<< QStringLiteral("*.frag") << QStringLiteral("*.vert") // Shaders
<< QStringLiteral("*.ttf");
if (!(flags & SkipSources)) {
result << QStringLiteral("*.js") << QStringLiteral("*.qml") << QStringLiteral("*.png");
return result;
const unsigned m_flags;
NameFilterFileEntryFunction m_qmlNameFilter;
DllDirectoryFileEntryFunction m_dllFilter;
struct PluginModuleMapping
const char *directoryName;
quint64 module;
static const PluginModuleMapping pluginModuleMappings[] =
{"qml1tooling", QtDeclarativeModule},
{"gamepads", QtGamePadModule},
{"accessible", QtGuiModule},
{"iconengines", QtGuiModule},
{"imageformats", QtGuiModule},
{"platforms", QtGuiModule},
{"platforminputcontexts", QtGuiModule},
{"virtualkeyboard", QtGuiModule},
{"geoservices", QtLocationModule},
{"audio", QtMultimediaModule},
{"mediaservice", QtMultimediaModule},
{"playlistformats", QtMultimediaModule},
{"bearer", QtNetworkModule},
{"position", QtPositioningModule},
{"printsupport", QtPrintSupportModule},
{"scenegraph", QtQuickModule},
{"qmltooling", QtQuickModule | QtQmlToolingModule},
{"sensors", QtSensorsModule},
{"sensorgestures", QtSensorsModule},
{"canbus", QtSerialBusModule},
{"sqldrivers", QtSqlModule},
{"texttospeech", QtTextToSpeechModule},
{"qtwebengine", QtWebEngineModule | QtWebEngineCoreModule | QtWebEngineWidgetsModule},
{"styles", QtWidgetsModule},
{"sceneparsers", Qt3DRendererModule},
{"renderplugins", Qt3DRendererModule},
{"geometryloaders", Qt3DRendererModule},
{"webview", QtWebViewModule}
static inline quint64 qtModuleForPlugin(const QString &subDirName)
const auto end = std::end(pluginModuleMappings);
const auto result =
std::find_if(std::begin(pluginModuleMappings), end,
[&subDirName] (const PluginModuleMapping &m) { return subDirName == QLatin1String(m.directoryName); });
return result != end ? result->module : 0; // "designer"
static quint64 qtModule(QString module, const QString &infix)
// Match needle 'path/Qt5Core<infix><d>.dll' or 'path/libQt5Core<infix>.so.5.0'
const int lastSlashPos = module.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
if (lastSlashPos > 0)
module.remove(0, lastSlashPos + 1);
if (module.startsWith(QLatin1String("lib")))
module.remove(0, 3);
int endPos = infix.isEmpty() ? -1 : module.lastIndexOf(infix);
if (endPos == -1)
endPos = module.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.')); // strip suffixes '.so.5.0'.
if (endPos > 0)
// That should leave us with 'Qt5Core<d>'.
for (const auto &qtModule : qtModuleEntries) {
const QLatin1String libraryName(qtModule.libraryName);
if (module == libraryName
|| (module.size() == libraryName.size() + 1 && module.startsWith(libraryName))) {
return qtModule.module;
return 0;
QStringList findQtPlugins(quint64 *usedQtModules, quint64 disabledQtModules,
unsigned disabledPlugins,
const QString &qtPluginsDirName, const QString &libraryLocation,
const QString &infix,
DebugMatchMode debugMatchModeIn, Platform platform, QString *platformPlugin)
QString errorMessage;
if (qtPluginsDirName.isEmpty())
return QStringList();
QDir pluginsDir(qtPluginsDirName);
QStringList result;
const QFileInfoList &pluginDirs = pluginsDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(QLatin1String("*")), QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (const QFileInfo &subDirFi : pluginDirs) {
const QString subDirName = subDirFi.fileName();
const quint64 module = qtModuleForPlugin(subDirName);
if (module & *usedQtModules) {
const DebugMatchMode debugMatchMode = (module & QtWebEngineCoreModule)
? MatchDebugOrRelease // QTBUG-44331: Debug detection does not work for webengine, deploy all.
: debugMatchModeIn;
QDir subDir(subDirFi.absoluteFilePath());
// Filter out disabled plugins
if ((disabledPlugins & QtVirtualKeyboardPlugin) && subDirName == QLatin1String("virtualkeyboard"))
if (disabledQtModules & QtQmlToolingModule && subDirName == QLatin1String("qmltooling"))
// Filter for platform or any.
QString filter;
const bool isPlatformPlugin = subDirName == QLatin1String("platforms");
if (isPlatformPlugin) {
switch (platform) {
case WindowsDesktopMsvc:
case WindowsDesktopMinGW:
filter = QStringLiteral("qwindows");
case WinRtIntelMsvc:
case WinRtArmMsvc:
filter = QStringLiteral("qwinrt");
case Unix:
filter = QStringLiteral("libqxcb");
case UnknownPlatform:
} else {
filter = QLatin1String("*");
const QStringList plugins = findSharedLibraries(subDir, platform, debugMatchMode, filter);
for (const QString &plugin : plugins) {
// Filter out disabled plugins
if ((disabledPlugins & QtVirtualKeyboardPlugin)
&& plugin.startsWith(QLatin1String("qtvirtualkeyboardplugin"))) {
const QString pluginPath = subDir.absoluteFilePath(plugin);
if (isPlatformPlugin)
*platformPlugin = pluginPath;
QStringList dependentQtLibs;
quint64 neededModules = 0;
if (findDependentQtLibraries(libraryLocation, pluginPath, platform, &errorMessage, &dependentQtLibs)) {
for (int d = 0; d < dependentQtLibs.size(); ++ d)
neededModules |= qtModule(, infix);
} else {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot determine dependencies of "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(pluginPath) << ": " << errorMessage << '\n';
if (const quint64 missingModules = neededModules & disabledQtModules) {
if (optVerboseLevel) {
std::wcout << "Skipping plugin " << plugin
<< " due to disabled dependencies ("
<< formatQtModules(missingModules).constData() << ").\n";
} else {
if (const quint64 missingModules = (neededModules & ~*usedQtModules)) {
*usedQtModules |= missingModules;
if (optVerboseLevel)
std::wcout << "Adding " << formatQtModules(missingModules).constData() << " for " << plugin << '\n';
} // for filter
} // type matches
} // for plugin folder
return result;
static QStringList translationNameFilters(quint64 modules, const QString &prefix)
QStringList result;
for (const auto &qtModule : qtModuleEntries) {
if ((qtModule.module & modules) && qtModule.translation) {
const QString name = QLatin1String(qtModule.translation) +
QLatin1Char('_') + prefix + QStringLiteral(".qm");
if (!result.contains(name))
return result;
static bool deployTranslations(const QString &sourcePath, quint64 usedQtModules,
const QString &target, const Options &options,
QString *errorMessage)
// Find available languages prefixes by checking on qtbase.
QStringList prefixes;
QDir sourceDir(sourcePath);
const QStringList qmFilter = QStringList(QStringLiteral("qtbase_*.qm"));
const QFileInfoList &qmFiles = sourceDir.entryInfoList(qmFilter);
for (const QFileInfo &qmFi : qmFiles) {
QString qmFile = qmFi.baseName();
qmFile.remove(0, 7);
if (prefixes.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Could not find any translations in "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourcePath) << " (developer build?)\n.";
return true;
// Run lconvert to concatenate all files into a single named "qt_<prefix>.qm" in the application folder
// Use QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS as working directory to keep the command line short.
const QString absoluteTarget = QFileInfo(target).absoluteFilePath();
const QString binary = QStringLiteral("lconvert");
QStringList arguments;
for (const QString &prefix : qAsConst(prefixes)) {
const QString targetFile = QStringLiteral("qt_") + prefix + QStringLiteral(".qm");
const QString targetFilePath = absoluteTarget + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFile;
if (options.json)
options.json->addFile(sourcePath + QLatin1Char('/') + targetFile, absoluteTarget);
const QFileInfoList &langQmFiles = sourceDir.entryInfoList(translationNameFilters(usedQtModules, prefix));
for (const QFileInfo &langQmFileFi : langQmFiles) {
// winrt relies on a proper list of deployed files. We cannot cheat an mention files we do not ship here.
if (options.json && !options.isWinRt()) {
if (optVerboseLevel)
std::wcout << "Creating " << targetFile << "...\n";
unsigned long exitCode;
if ((options.updateFileFlags & SkipUpdateFile) == 0
&& (!runProcess(binary, arguments, sourcePath, &exitCode, nullptr, nullptr, errorMessage)
|| exitCode)) {
return false;
} // for prefixes.
return true;
struct DeployResult
operator bool() const { return success; }
bool success = false;
bool isDebug = false;
quint64 directlyUsedQtLibraries = 0;
quint64 usedQtLibraries = 0;
quint64 deployedQtLibraries = 0;
static QString libraryPath(const QString &libraryLocation, const char *name,
const QString &qtLibInfix, Platform platform, bool debug)
QString result = libraryLocation + QLatin1Char('/');
if (platform & WindowsBased) {
result += QLatin1String(name);
result += qtLibInfix;
if (debug && platformHasDebugSuffix(platform))
result += QLatin1Char('d');
} else if (platform.testFlag(UnixBased)) {
result += QStringLiteral("lib");
result += QLatin1String(name);
result += qtLibInfix;
result += sharedLibrarySuffix(platform);
return result;
static QString vcDebugRedistDir() { return QStringLiteral("Debug_NonRedist"); }
static QString vcRedistDir()
const char vcDirVar[] = "VCINSTALLDIR";
const QChar slash(QLatin1Char('/'));
QString vcRedistDirName = QDir::cleanPath(QFile::decodeName(qgetenv(vcDirVar)));
if (vcRedistDirName.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, " << vcDirVar
<< " is not set.\n";
return QString();
if (!vcRedistDirName.endsWith(slash))
if (!QFileInfo(vcRedistDirName).isDir()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio redist directory, "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(vcRedistDirName).toStdWString() << ".\n";
return QString();
const QString vc2017RedistDirName = vcRedistDirName + QStringLiteral("/MSVC");
if (!QFileInfo(vc2017RedistDirName).isDir())
return vcRedistDirName; // pre 2017
// Look in reverse order for folder containing the debug redist folder
const QFileInfoList subDirs =
QDir(vc2017RedistDirName).entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name | QDir::Reversed);
const bool isWindows10 = QOperatingSystemVersion::current() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows10;
for (const QFileInfo &f : subDirs) {
QString path = f.absoluteFilePath();
if (QFileInfo(path + slash + vcDebugRedistDir()).isDir())
return path;
if (isWindows10) {
path += QStringLiteral("/onecore");
if (QFileInfo(path + slash + vcDebugRedistDir()).isDir())
return path;
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio redist directory under "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(vc2017RedistDirName).toStdWString() << ".\n";
return QString();
static QStringList compilerRunTimeLibs(Platform platform, bool isDebug, unsigned short machineArch)
QStringList result;
switch (platform) {
case WindowsDesktopMinGW: { // MinGW: Add runtime libraries
static const char *minGwRuntimes[] = {"*gcc_", "*stdc++", "*winpthread"};
const QString gcc = findInPath(QStringLiteral("g++.exe"));
if (gcc.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find GCC installation directory. g++.exe must be in the path.\n";
const QString binPath = QFileInfo(gcc).absolutePath();
QStringList filters;
const QString suffix = QLatin1Char('*') + sharedLibrarySuffix(platform);
for (auto minGwRuntime : minGwRuntimes)
filters.append(QLatin1String(minGwRuntime) + suffix);
const QFileInfoList &dlls = QDir(binPath).entryInfoList(filters, QDir::Files);
for (const QFileInfo &dllFi : dlls)
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
case WindowsDesktopMsvc: { // MSVC/Desktop: Add redistributable packages.
QString vcRedistDirName = vcRedistDir();
if (vcRedistDirName.isEmpty())
QStringList redistFiles;
QDir vcRedistDir(vcRedistDirName);
const QString machineArchString = getArchString(machineArch);
if (isDebug) {
// Append DLLs from Debug_NonRedist\x??\Microsoft.VC<version>.DebugCRT.
if ( && {
const QStringList names = vcRedistDir.entryList(QStringList(QStringLiteral("Microsoft.VC*.DebugCRT")), QDir::Dirs);
if (!names.isEmpty() && {
const QFileInfoList &dlls = vcRedistDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(QLatin1String("*.dll")));
for (const QFileInfo &dll : dlls)
} else { // release: Bundle vcredist<>.exe
QString releaseRedistDir = vcRedistDirName;
const QStringList countryCodes = vcRedistDir.entryList(QStringList(QStringLiteral("[0-9]*")), QDir::Dirs);
if (!countryCodes.isEmpty()) // Pre MSVC2017
releaseRedistDir += QLatin1Char('/') + countryCodes.constFirst();
QFileInfo fi(releaseRedistDir + QLatin1Char('/') + QStringLiteral("vc_redist.")
+ machineArchString + QStringLiteral(".exe"));
if (!fi.isFile()) { // Pre MSVC2017/15.5
fi.setFile(releaseRedistDir + QLatin1Char('/') + QStringLiteral("vcredist_")
+ machineArchString + QStringLiteral(".exe"));
if (fi.isFile())
if (redistFiles.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio " << (isDebug ? "debug" : "release")
<< " redistributable files in " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(vcRedistDirName).toStdWString() << ".\n";
#endif // Q_OS_WIN
return result;
static inline int qtVersion(const QMap<QString, QString> &qmakeVariables)
const QString versionString = qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_VERSION"));
const QChar dot = QLatin1Char('.');
const int majorVersion = versionString.section(dot, 0, 0).toInt();
const int minorVersion = versionString.section(dot, 1, 1).toInt();
const int patchVersion = versionString.section(dot, 2, 2).toInt();
return (majorVersion << 16) | (minorVersion << 8) | patchVersion;
// Determine the Qt lib infix from the library path of "Qt5Core<qtblibinfix>[d].dll".
static inline QString qtlibInfixFromCoreLibName(const QString &path, bool isDebug, Platform platform)
const int startPos = path.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 8;
int endPos = path.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
if (isDebug && (platform & WindowsBased))
return endPos > startPos ? path.mid(startPos, endPos - startPos) : QString();
// Deploy a library along with its .pdb debug info file (MSVC) should it exist.
static bool updateLibrary(const QString &sourceFileName, const QString &targetDirectory,
const Options &options, QString *errorMessage)
if (!updateFile(sourceFileName, targetDirectory, options.updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage))
return false;
if (options.deployPdb) {
const QFileInfo pdb(pdbFileName(sourceFileName));
if (pdb.isFile())
return updateFile(pdb.absoluteFilePath(), targetDirectory, options.updateFileFlags, nullptr, errorMessage);
return true;
static DeployResult deploy(const Options &options,
const QMap<QString, QString> &qmakeVariables,
QString *errorMessage)
DeployResult result;
const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
const QString qtBinDir = qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_BINS"));
const QString libraryLocation = options.platform == Unix ? qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_LIBS")) : qtBinDir;
const QString infix = qmakeVariables.value(QLatin1String(qmakeInfixKey));
const int version = qtVersion(qmakeVariables);
if (optVerboseLevel > 1)
std::wcout << "Qt binaries in " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(qtBinDir) << '\n';
QStringList dependentQtLibs;
bool detectedDebug;
unsigned wordSize;
unsigned short machineArch;
int directDependencyCount = 0;
if (!findDependentQtLibraries(libraryLocation, options.binaries.first(), options.platform, errorMessage, &dependentQtLibs, &wordSize,
&detectedDebug, &machineArch, &directDependencyCount)) {
return result;
for (int b = 1; b < options.binaries.size(); ++b) {
if (!findDependentQtLibraries(libraryLocation,, options.platform, errorMessage, &dependentQtLibs,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
return result;
DebugMatchMode debugMatchMode = MatchDebugOrRelease;
result.isDebug = false;
switch (options.debugDetection) {
case Options::DebugDetectionAuto:
// Debug detection is only relevant for Msvc/ClangMsvc which have distinct
// runtimes and binaries. For anything else, use MatchDebugOrRelease
// since also debug cannot be reliably detect for MinGW.
if (options.platform.testFlag(Msvc) || options.platform.testFlag(ClangMsvc)) {
result.isDebug = detectedDebug;
debugMatchMode = result.isDebug ? MatchDebug : MatchRelease;
case Options::DebugDetectionForceDebug:
result.isDebug = true;
debugMatchMode = MatchDebug;
case Options::DebugDetectionForceRelease:
debugMatchMode = MatchRelease;
// Determine application type, check Quick2 is used by looking at the
// direct dependencies (do not be fooled by QtWebKit depending on it).
QString qtLibInfix;
for (int m = 0; m < directDependencyCount; ++m) {
const quint64 module = qtModule(, infix);
result.directlyUsedQtLibraries |= module;
if (module == QtCoreModule)
qtLibInfix = qtlibInfixFromCoreLibName(, detectedDebug, options.platform);
const bool usesQml2 = !(options.disabledLibraries & QtQmlModule)
&& ((result.directlyUsedQtLibraries & (QtQmlModule | QtQuickModule | Qt3DQuickModule))
|| (options.additionalLibraries & QtQmlModule));
if (optVerboseLevel) {
std::wcout << QDir::toNativeSeparators(options.binaries.first()) << ' '
<< wordSize << " bit, " << (result.isDebug ? "debug" : "release")
<< " executable";
if (usesQml2)
std::wcout << " [QML]";
std::wcout << '\n';
if (dependentQtLibs.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = QDir::toNativeSeparators(options.binaries.first()) + QStringLiteral(" does not seem to be a Qt executable.");
return result;
// Some Windows-specific checks: Qt5Core depends on ICU when configured with "-icu". Other than
// that, Qt5WebKit has a hard dependency on ICU.
if (options.platform.testFlag(WindowsBased)) {
const QStringList qtLibs = dependentQtLibs.filter(QStringLiteral("Qt5Core"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
+ dependentQtLibs.filter(QStringLiteral("Qt5WebKit"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
for (const QString &qtLib : qtLibs) {
QStringList icuLibs = findDependentLibraries(qtLib, options.platform, errorMessage).filter(QStringLiteral("ICU"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (!icuLibs.isEmpty()) {
// Find out the ICU version to add the data library icudtXX.dll, which does not show
// as a dependency.
QRegExp numberExpression(QStringLiteral("\\d+"));
const int index = numberExpression.indexIn(icuLibs.front());
if (index >= 0) {
const QString icuVersion = icuLibs.front().mid(index, numberExpression.matchedLength());
if (optVerboseLevel > 1)
std::wcout << "Adding ICU version " << icuVersion << '\n';
icuLibs.push_back(QStringLiteral("icudt") + icuVersion + QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix));
for (const QString &icuLib : qAsConst(icuLibs)) {
const QString icuPath = findInPath(icuLib);
if (icuPath.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Unable to locate ICU library ") + icuLib;
return result;
} // for each icuLib
} // !icuLibs.isEmpty()
} // Qt5Core/Qt5WebKit
} // Windows
// Scan Quick2 imports
QmlImportScanResult qmlScanResult;
if (options.quickImports && usesQml2) {
// Custom list of import paths provided by user
QStringList qmlImportPaths = options.qmlImportPaths;
// Qt's own QML modules
qmlImportPaths << qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_QML"));
QStringList qmlDirectories = options.qmlDirectories;
if (qmlDirectories.isEmpty()) {
const QString qmlDirectory = findQmlDirectory(options.platform,;
if (!qmlDirectory.isEmpty())
for (const QString &qmlDirectory : qAsConst(qmlDirectories)) {
if (optVerboseLevel >= 1)
std::wcout << "Scanning " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(qmlDirectory) << ":\n";
const QmlImportScanResult scanResult =
runQmlImportScanner(qmlDirectory, qmlImportPaths,
result.directlyUsedQtLibraries & QtWidgetsModule,
options.platform, debugMatchMode, errorMessage);
if (!scanResult.ok)
return result;
// Additional dependencies of QML plugins.
for (const QString &plugin : qAsConst(qmlScanResult.plugins)) {
if (!findDependentQtLibraries(libraryLocation, plugin, options.platform, errorMessage, &dependentQtLibs, &wordSize, &detectedDebug, &machineArch))
return result;
if (optVerboseLevel >= 1) {
std::wcout << "QML imports:\n";
for (const QmlImportScanResult::Module &mod : qAsConst(qmlScanResult.modules)) {
std::wcout << " '" << << "' "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(mod.sourcePath) << '\n';
if (optVerboseLevel >= 2) {
std::wcout << "QML plugins:\n";
for (const QString &p : qAsConst(qmlScanResult.plugins))
std::wcout << " " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(p) << '\n';
// Find the plugins and check whether ANGLE, D3D are required on the platform plugin.
QString platformPlugin;
// Sort apart Qt 5 libraries in the ones that are represented by the
// QtModule enumeration (and thus controlled by flags) and others.
QStringList deployedQtLibraries;
for (int i = 0 ; i < dependentQtLibs.size(); ++i) {
if (const quint64 qtm = qtModule(, infix))
result.usedQtLibraries |= qtm;
deployedQtLibraries.push_back(; // Not represented by flag.
result.deployedQtLibraries = (result.usedQtLibraries | options.additionalLibraries) & ~options.disabledLibraries;
const QStringList plugins =
// For non-QML applications, disable QML to prevent it from being pulled in by the qtaccessiblequick plugin.
options.disabledLibraries | (usesQml2 ? 0 : (QtQmlModule | QtQuickModule)),
qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS")), libraryLocation, infix,
debugMatchMode, options.platform, &platformPlugin);
// Apply options flags and re-add library names.
QString qtGuiLibrary;
for (const auto &qtModule : qtModuleEntries) {
if (result.deployedQtLibraries & qtModule.module) {
const QString library = libraryPath(libraryLocation, qtModule.libraryName, qtLibInfix, options.platform, result.isDebug);
if (qtModule.module == QtGuiModule)
qtGuiLibrary = library;
if (optVerboseLevel >= 1) {
std::wcout << "Direct dependencies: " << formatQtModules(result.directlyUsedQtLibraries).constData()
<< "\nAll dependencies : " << formatQtModules(result.usedQtLibraries).constData()
<< "\nTo be deployed : " << formatQtModules(result.deployedQtLibraries).constData() << '\n';
if (optVerboseLevel > 1)
std::wcout << "Plugins: " << plugins.join(QLatin1Char(',')) << '\n';
if ((result.deployedQtLibraries & QtGuiModule) && platformPlugin.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage =QStringLiteral("Unable to find the platform plugin.");
return result;
// Check for ANGLE on the Qt5Gui library.
if (options.platform.testFlag(WindowsBased) && !qtGuiLibrary.isEmpty()) {
QString libGlesName = QStringLiteral("libGLESV2");
if (result.isDebug && platformHasDebugSuffix(options.platform))
libGlesName += QLatin1Char('d');
libGlesName += QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix);
QString libCombinedQtAngleName = QStringLiteral("QtANGLE");
if (result.isDebug && platformHasDebugSuffix(options.platform))
libCombinedQtAngleName += QLatin1Char('d');
libCombinedQtAngleName += QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix);
const QStringList guiLibraries = findDependentLibraries(qtGuiLibrary, options.platform, errorMessage);
const bool dependsOnAngle = !guiLibraries.filter(libGlesName, Qt::CaseInsensitive).isEmpty();
const bool dependsOnCombinedAngle = !guiLibraries.filter(libCombinedQtAngleName, Qt::CaseInsensitive).isEmpty();
const bool dependsOnOpenGl = !guiLibraries.filter(QStringLiteral("opengl32"), Qt::CaseInsensitive).isEmpty();
if (options.angleDetection != Options::AngleDetectionForceOff
&& (dependsOnAngle || dependsOnCombinedAngle || !dependsOnOpenGl || options.angleDetection == Options::AngleDetectionForceOn)) {
const QString combinedAngleFullPath = qtBinDir + slash + libCombinedQtAngleName;
if (QFileInfo::exists(combinedAngleFullPath)) {
} else {
const QString libGlesFullPath = qtBinDir + slash + libGlesName;
QString libEglFullPath = qtBinDir + slash + QStringLiteral("libEGL");
if (result.isDebug && platformHasDebugSuffix(options.platform))
libEglFullPath += QLatin1Char('d');
libEglFullPath += QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix);
// Find the system D3d Compiler matching the D3D library.
// Any arm64 OS will be new enough to be shipped with the D3DCompiler inbox.
if (options.systemD3dCompiler && !options.isWinRt() && machineArch != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64) {
const QString d3dCompiler = findD3dCompiler(options.platform, qtBinDir, wordSize);
if (d3dCompiler.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find any version of the d3dcompiler DLL.\n";
} else {
} // deployAngle
if (options.softwareRasterizer && !dependsOnOpenGl) {
const QFileInfo softwareRasterizer(qtBinDir + slash + QStringLiteral("opengl32sw") + QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix));
if (softwareRasterizer.isFile())
} // Windows
// We need to copy ucrtbased.dll on WinRT as this library is not part of
// the c runtime package. VS 2015 does the same when deploying to a device
// or creating an appx.
if (result.isDebug && options.platform == WinRtArmMsvc
&& qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QMAKE_XSPEC")).endsWith(QLatin1String("msvc2015"))) {
const QString extensionPath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("ExtensionSdkDir"));
const QString ucrtVersion = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("UCRTVersion"));
if (extensionPath.isEmpty() || ucrtVersion.isEmpty()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find ucrtbased.dll as either "
<< "ExtensionSdkDir or UCRTVersion is not set in "
<< "your environment.\n";
} else {
const QString ucrtbasedLib = extensionPath
+ QStringLiteral("/Microsoft.UniversalCRT.Debug/")
+ ucrtVersion
+ QStringLiteral("/Redist/Debug/arm/ucrtbased.dll");
const QFileInfo ucrtPath(ucrtbasedLib);
if (ucrtPath.exists() && ucrtPath.isFile()) {
} else {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find ucrtbased.dll at "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(ucrtbasedLib)
<< " or it is not a file.\n";
// Update libraries
if (options.libraries) {
const QString targetPath = options.libraryDirectory.isEmpty() ? : options.libraryDirectory;
QStringList libraries = deployedQtLibraries;
if (options.compilerRunTime)
libraries.append(compilerRunTimeLibs(options.platform, result.isDebug, machineArch));
for (const QString &qtLib : qAsConst(libraries)) {
if (!updateLibrary(qtLib, targetPath, options, errorMessage))
return result;
if (options.patchQt && !options.dryRun && !options.isWinRt()) {
const QString qt5CoreName = QFileInfo(libraryPath(libraryLocation, "Qt5Core", qtLibInfix,
options.platform, result.isDebug)).fileName();
if (!patchQtCore(targetPath + QLatin1Char('/') + qt5CoreName, errorMessage)) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: " << *errorMessage << '\n';
} // optLibraries
// Update plugins
if (options.plugins) {
const QString targetPath = options.pluginDirectory.isEmpty() ? : options.pluginDirectory;
QDir dir(targetPath);
if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkpath(QStringLiteral("."))) {
*errorMessage = QLatin1String("Cannot create ") +
QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.absolutePath()) + QLatin1Char('.');
return result;
for (const QString &plugin : plugins) {
const QString targetDirName = plugin.section(slash, -2, -2);
const QString targetPath = dir.absoluteFilePath(targetDirName);
if (!dir.exists(targetDirName)) {
if (optVerboseLevel)
std::wcout << "Creating directory " << targetPath << ".\n";
if (!(options.updateFileFlags & SkipUpdateFile) && !dir.mkdir(targetDirName)) {
*errorMessage = QStringLiteral("Cannot create ") + targetDirName + QLatin1Char('.');
return result;
if (!updateLibrary(plugin, targetPath, options, errorMessage))
return result;
} // optPlugins
// Update Quick imports
const bool usesQuick1 = result.deployedQtLibraries & QtDeclarativeModule;
// Do not be fooled by QtWebKit.dll depending on Quick into always installing Quick imports
// for WebKit1-applications. Check direct dependency only.
if (options.quickImports && (usesQuick1 || usesQml2)) {
if (usesQml2) {
for (const QmlImportScanResult::Module &module : qAsConst(qmlScanResult.modules)) {
const QString installPath = module.installPath(;
if (optVerboseLevel > 1)
std::wcout << "Installing: '" <<
<< "' from " << module.sourcePath << " to "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(installPath) << '\n';
if (installPath != && !createDirectory(installPath, errorMessage))
return result;
unsigned updateFileFlags = options.updateFileFlags | SkipQmlDesignerSpecificsDirectories;
unsigned qmlDirectoryFileFlags = 0;
if (options.deployPdb)
qmlDirectoryFileFlags |= QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction::DeployPdb;
if (!updateFile(module.sourcePath, QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction(options.platform, debugMatchMode, qmlDirectoryFileFlags),
installPath, updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage)) {
return result;
} // Quick 2
if (usesQuick1) {
const QString quick1ImportPath = qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS"));
const QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction qmlFileEntryFunction(options.platform, debugMatchMode, options.deployPdb ? QmlDirectoryFileEntryFunction::DeployPdb : 0);
QStringList quick1Imports(QStringLiteral("Qt"));
if (result.deployedQtLibraries & QtWebKitModule)
quick1Imports << QStringLiteral("QtWebKit");
for (const QString &quick1Import : qAsConst(quick1Imports)) {
const QString sourceFile = quick1ImportPath + slash + quick1Import;
if (!updateFile(sourceFile, qmlFileEntryFunction,, options.updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage))
return result;
} // Quick 1
} // optQuickImports
if (options.translations) {
if (!options.dryRun && !createDirectory(options.translationsDirectory, errorMessage))
return result;
if (!deployTranslations(qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS")),
result.deployedQtLibraries, options.translationsDirectory,
options, errorMessage)) {
return result;
result.success = true;
return result;
static bool deployWebProcess(const QMap<QString, QString> &qmakeVariables,
const char *binaryName,
const Options &sourceOptions, QString *errorMessage)
// Copy the web process and its dependencies
const QString webProcess = webProcessBinary(binaryName, sourceOptions.platform);
const QString webProcessSource = qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_LIBEXECS")) +
QLatin1Char('/') + webProcess;
if (!updateFile(webProcessSource,, sourceOptions.updateFileFlags, sourceOptions.json, errorMessage))
return false;
Options options(sourceOptions);
options.binaries.append( + QLatin1Char('/') + webProcess);
options.quickImports = false;
options.translations = false;
return deploy(options, qmakeVariables, errorMessage);
static bool deployWebEngineCore(const QMap<QString, QString> &qmakeVariables,
const Options &options, bool isDebug, QString *errorMessage)
static const char *installDataFiles[] = {"icudtl.dat",
QByteArray webEngineProcessName(webEngineProcessC);
if (isDebug && platformHasDebugSuffix(options.platform))
if (optVerboseLevel)
std::wcout << "Deploying: " << webEngineProcessName.constData() << "...\n";
if (!deployWebProcess(qmakeVariables, webEngineProcessName, options, errorMessage))
return false;
const QString resourcesSubDir = QStringLiteral("/resources");
const QString resourcesSourceDir
= qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_DATA")) + resourcesSubDir
+ QLatin1Char('/');
const QString resourcesTargetDir( + resourcesSubDir);
if (!createDirectory(resourcesTargetDir, errorMessage))
return false;
for (auto installDataFile : installDataFiles) {
if (!updateFile(resourcesSourceDir + QLatin1String(installDataFile),
resourcesTargetDir, options.updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage)) {
return false;
const QFileInfo translations(qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"))
+ QStringLiteral("/qtwebengine_locales"));
if (!translations.isDir()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find the translation files of the QtWebEngine module at "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(translations.absoluteFilePath()) << ".\n";
return true;
if (options.translations) {
// Copy the whole translations directory.
return createDirectory(options.translationsDirectory, errorMessage)
&& updateFile(translations.absoluteFilePath(), options.translationsDirectory,
options.updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage);
// Translations have been turned off, but QtWebEngine needs at least one.
const QFileInfo enUSpak(translations.filePath() + QStringLiteral("/en-US.pak"));
if (!enUSpak.exists()) {
std::wcerr << "Warning: Cannot find "
<< QDir::toNativeSeparators(enUSpak.absoluteFilePath()) << ".\n";
return true;
const QString webEngineTranslationsDir = options.translationsDirectory + QLatin1Char('/')
+ translations.fileName();
if (!createDirectory(webEngineTranslationsDir, errorMessage))
return false;
return updateFile(enUSpak.absoluteFilePath(), webEngineTranslationsDir,
options.updateFileFlags, options.json, errorMessage);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
const QByteArray qtBinPath = QFile::encodeName(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()));
QByteArray path = qgetenv("PATH");
if (!path.contains(qtBinPath)) { // QTBUG-39177, ensure Qt is in the path so that qt.conf is taken into account.
path += ';';
path += qtBinPath;
qputenv("PATH", path);
Options options;
QString errorMessage;
const QMap<QString, QString> qmakeVariables = queryQMakeAll(&errorMessage);
const QString xSpec = qmakeVariables.value(QStringLiteral("QMAKE_XSPEC"));
options.platform = platformFromMkSpec(xSpec);
if (options.platform == WindowsDesktopMinGW || options.platform == WindowsDesktopMsvc)
options.compilerRunTime = true;
{ // Command line
QCommandLineParser parser;
QString errorMessage;
const int result = parseArguments(QCoreApplication::arguments(), &parser, &options, &errorMessage);
if (result & CommandLineParseError)
std::wcerr << errorMessage << "\n\n";
if (result & CommandLineParseHelpRequested)
std::fputs(qPrintable(helpText(parser)), stdout);
if (result & CommandLineParseError)
return 1;
if (result & CommandLineParseHelpRequested)
return 0;
if (qmakeVariables.isEmpty() || xSpec.isEmpty() || !qmakeVariables.contains(QStringLiteral("QT_INSTALL_BINS"))) {
std::wcerr << "Unable to query qmake: " << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if (options.platform == UnknownPlatform) {
std::wcerr << "Unsupported platform " << xSpec << '\n';
return 1;
// Create directories
if (!createDirectory(, &errorMessage)) {
std::wcerr << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if (!options.libraryDirectory.isEmpty() && options.libraryDirectory !=
&& !createDirectory(options.libraryDirectory, &errorMessage)) {
std::wcerr << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if (optWebKit2 == OptionEnabled)
options.additionalLibraries |= QtWebKitModule;
const DeployResult result = deploy(options, qmakeVariables, &errorMessage);
if (!result) {
std::wcerr << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if ((optWebKit2 != OptionDisabled)
&& (optWebKit2 == OptionEnabled
|| ((result.deployedQtLibraries & QtWebKitModule)
&& (result.directlyUsedQtLibraries & QtQuickModule)))) {
if (optVerboseLevel)
std::wcout << "Deploying: " << webKitProcessC << "...\n";
if (!deployWebProcess(qmakeVariables, webKitProcessC, options, &errorMessage)) {
std::wcerr << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if (result.deployedQtLibraries & QtWebEngineCoreModule) {
if (!deployWebEngineCore(qmakeVariables, options, result.isDebug, &errorMessage)) {
std::wcerr << errorMessage << '\n';
return 1;
if (options.json) {
if (options.list)
std::fputs(options.json->toList(options.list,, stdout);
std::fputs(options.json->toJson().constData(), stdout);
delete options.json;
options.json = nullptr;
return 0;