blob: 618babde73a5750d2924f32d76b91227d6ec12c0 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "coreprotocol.h"
#include <qwayland-server-xdg-shell.h>
namespace MockCompositor {
class XdgSurface;
class XdgToplevel;
class XdgPopup;
using XdgPositioner = QtWaylandServer::xdg_positioner;
class XdgWmBase : public Global, public QtWaylandServer::xdg_wm_base
explicit XdgWmBase(CoreCompositor *compositor, int version = 1);
using QtWaylandServer::xdg_wm_base::send_ping;
void send_ping(uint32_t) = delete; // It's a global, use resource specific instead
bool isClean() override { return m_xdgSurfaces.empty(); }
QString dirtyMessage() override { return m_xdgSurfaces.empty() ? "clean" : "remaining xdg surfaces"; }
QVector<XdgSurface *> m_xdgSurfaces;
XdgToplevel *toplevel(int i = 0);
XdgPopup *popup(int i = 0);
XdgPopup *m_topmostGrabbingPopup = nullptr;
CoreCompositor *m_compositor = nullptr;
void pong(uint serial);
void xdgSurfaceCreated(XdgSurface *xdgSurface);
void toplevelCreated(XdgToplevel *toplevel);
void xdg_wm_base_get_xdg_surface(Resource *resource, uint32_t id, ::wl_resource *surface) override;
void xdg_wm_base_pong(Resource *resource, uint32_t serial) override;
void xdg_wm_base_create_positioner(Resource *resource, uint32_t id) override
new XdgPositioner(resource->client(), id, resource->version());
class XdgSurface : public QObject, public QtWaylandServer::xdg_surface
explicit XdgSurface(XdgWmBase *xdgWmBase, Surface *surface, wl_client *client, int id, int version);
void send_configure(uint serial) = delete; // Use the one below instead, as it tracks state
void sendConfigure(uint serial);
uint sendConfigure();
bool isTopmostGrabbingPopup() const { return m_popup && m_xdgWmBase->m_topmostGrabbingPopup == m_popup; }
bool isValidPopupGrabParent() const { return isTopmostGrabbingPopup() || (m_toplevel && !m_xdgWmBase->m_topmostGrabbingPopup); }
// Role objects
XdgToplevel *m_toplevel = nullptr;
XdgPopup *m_popup = nullptr;
XdgWmBase *m_xdgWmBase = nullptr;
Surface *m_surface = nullptr;
bool m_configureSent = false;
QVector<uint> m_pendingConfigureSerials;
uint m_ackedConfigureSerial = 0;
uint m_committedConfigureSerial = 0;
struct DoubleBufferedState {
QRect windowGeometry = {0, 0, 0, 0};
} m_pending, m_committed;
QVector<XdgPopup *> m_popups;
public slots:
void verifyConfigured() { QVERIFY(m_configureSent); }
void configureCommitted(uint);
void toplevelCreated(XdgToplevel *toplevel);
void xdg_surface_get_toplevel(Resource *resource, uint32_t id) override;
void xdg_surface_get_popup(Resource *resource, uint32_t id, ::wl_resource *parent, ::wl_resource *positioner) override;
void xdg_surface_destroy_resource(Resource *resource) override;
void xdg_surface_destroy(Resource *resource) override;
void xdg_surface_set_window_geometry(Resource *resource, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height) override;
void xdg_surface_ack_configure(Resource *resource, uint32_t serial) override;
class XdgToplevel : public QObject, public QtWaylandServer::xdg_toplevel
explicit XdgToplevel(XdgSurface *xdgSurface, int id, int version = 1);
void sendConfigure(const QSize &size = {0, 0}, const QVector<uint> &states = {});
uint sendCompleteConfigure(const QSize &size = {0, 0}, const QVector<uint> &states = {});
Surface *surface() { return m_xdgSurface->m_surface; }
XdgSurface *m_xdgSurface = nullptr;
struct DoubleBufferedState {
QSize minSize = {0, 0};
QSize maxSize = {0, 0};
} m_pending, m_committed;
void xdg_toplevel_set_max_size(Resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) override;
void xdg_toplevel_set_min_size(Resource *resource, int32_t width, int32_t height) override;
class XdgPopup : public QObject, public QtWaylandServer::xdg_popup
explicit XdgPopup(XdgSurface *xdgSurface, XdgSurface *parent, int id, int version = 1);
void sendConfigure(const QRect &geometry);
uint sendCompleteConfigure(const QRect &geometry);
Surface *surface() { return m_xdgSurface->m_surface; }
XdgSurface *m_xdgSurface = nullptr;
XdgSurface *m_parentXdgSurface = nullptr;
bool m_grabbed = false;
uint m_grabSerial = 0;
void destroyRequested();
void xdg_popup_grab(Resource *resource, ::wl_resource *seat, uint32_t serial) override;
void xdg_popup_destroy(Resource *resource) override;
} // namespace MockCompositor