blob: 2b9042759187e61227a90313a8d0a4542c5f017e [file] [log] [blame]
A REPL client for any qwebchannel service using a websocket transport.
A nice tool for testing qwebchannel endpoints.
- qmake && make from the qwebchannel sources or examples.
- npm install
- qwclient.js <autoconnect server>
- openChannel(url) in the REPL to open a new connection, multiple channels are OK
- channel object lists are aliased to c<channelnumber> i.e. c0, c1, ...
Example using the standalone example server:
- Launch standalone example server
- qwclient localhost:12345
- c0.receiveText('test')
- 'test' should be displayed in the standalone server UI