blob: d314053a4c5d9d2f66edbd70bf483eb2bbf691e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/layered_resource_handler.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_controller.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "ppapi/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/fetch/fetch_api_request.mojom.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
namespace content {
class InterceptingResourceHandler;
class PluginService;
class ResourceController;
class ResourceDispatcherHostImpl;
struct WebPluginInfo;
// ResourceHandler that, if necessary, buffers a response body without passing
// it to the next ResourceHandler until it can perform mime sniffing on it.
// Uses the buffer provided by the original event handler for buffering, and
// continues to reuses it until it can determine the MIME type
// subsequent reads until it's done buffering. As a result, the buffer
// returned by the next ResourceHandler must have a capacity of at least
// net::kMaxBytesToSniff * 2.
// Before a request is sent, this ResourceHandler will also set an appropriate
// Accept header on the request based on its ResourceType, if one isn't already
// present.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MimeSniffingResourceHandler
: public LayeredResourceHandler {
std::unique_ptr<ResourceHandler> next_handler,
ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* host,
PluginService* plugin_service,
InterceptingResourceHandler* intercepting_handler,
net::URLRequest* request,
blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type);
~MimeSniffingResourceHandler() override;
class Controller;
friend class MimeSniffingResourceHandlerTest;
enum State {
// Starting state of the MimeSniffingResourceHandler. In this state, it is
// acting as a blind pass-through ResourceHandler until the response is
// received.
// In this state, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler is buffering the response
// data in read_buffer_, waiting to sniff the mime type and make a choice
// about request interception.
// In these states, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler is calling OnWillRead on
// the downstream ResourceHandler and then waiting for the response.
// In this state, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler has identified the mime
// type and made a decision on whether the request should be intercepted or
// not. It is nows attempting to replay the response to downstream
// handlers.
// In this state, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler is replaying the buffered
// OnResponseStarted event to the downstream ResourceHandlers.
// In these states, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler is replaying the pair of
// OnWillRead + OnReadCompleted(0) calls that indicates end of the response
// body. See also |need_to_replay_extra_eof_packet_|.
// In this state, the MimeSniffingResourceHandler is just a blind
// pass-through
// ResourceHandler.
// ResourceHandler implementation:
void OnWillStart(const GURL&,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) override;
void OnResponseStarted(
network::ResourceResponse* response,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) override;
void OnWillRead(scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>* buf,
int* buf_size,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) override;
void OnReadCompleted(int bytes_read,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) override;
void OnResponseCompleted(
const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
std::unique_ptr<ResourceController> controller) override;
void ResumeInternal();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following methods replay the buffered data to the downstream
// ResourceHandlers. They return false if the request should be cancelled,
// true otherwise. Each of them will set |defer| to true if the request will
// proceed to the next stage asynchronously.
// Used to advance through the states of the state machine.
void AdvanceState();
// Intercepts the request as a stream/download if needed.
void MaybeIntercept();
// Calls OnWillRead on the downstream handlers.
void CallOnWillRead();
// Copies received buffer to parent.
void BufferReceived();
// Replays OnResponseStarted on the downstream handlers.
void ReplayResponseReceived();
// Replays OnReadCompleted on the downstreams handlers.
void ReplayReadCompleted();
// Replays OnWillRead if needed to notify the downstream handler about EOF.
void ReplayWillReadEof();
// Replays OnReadCompleted(0) if needed to notify the downstream handler about
// EOF.
void ReplayReadCompletedEof();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks whether this request should be intercepted as a stream or a
// download. If this is the case, sets up the new ResourceHandler that will be
// used for interception.
// Returns true on synchronous success, false if the operation will need to
// complete asynchronously or failure. On failure, also cancels the request.
bool MaybeStartInterception();
// Determines whether a plugin will handle the current request. Returns false
// if there is an error and the request should be cancelled and true
// otherwise. If the request is directed to a plugin, |handled_by_plugin| is
// set to true.
// Returns true on synchronous success, false if the operation will need to
// complete asynchronously or failure. On failure, also cancels the request.
bool CheckForPluginHandler(bool* handled_by_plugin);
// Whether this request is allowed to be intercepted as a download or a
// stream.
bool CanBeIntercepted();
// Whether the response we received is not provisional.
bool CheckResponseIsNotProvisional();
bool MustDownload();
// Called on the IO thread once the list of plugins has been loaded.
void OnPluginsLoaded(const std::vector<WebPluginInfo>& plugins);
State state_;
ResourceDispatcherHostImpl* host_;
PluginService* plugin_service_;
bool must_download_;
bool must_download_is_set_;
// Used to buffer the response received until replay.
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceResponse> response_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> read_buffer_;
int read_buffer_size_;
int bytes_read_;
bool need_to_replay_extra_eof_packet_;
// Pointers to parent-owned read buffer and its size. Only used for first
// OnWillRead call.
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer>* parent_read_buffer_;
int* parent_read_buffer_size_;
// The InterceptingResourceHandler that will perform ResourceHandler swap if
// needed.
InterceptingResourceHandler* intercepting_handler_;
blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type_;
// True if current in an AdvanceState loop. Used to prevent re-entrancy and
// avoid an extra PostTask.
bool in_state_loop_;
// Set to true if Resume() is called while |in_state_loop_| is true. When
// returning to the parent AdvanceState loop, will synchronously advance to
// the next state when control returns to the AdvanceState loop.
bool advance_state_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MimeSniffingResourceHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace content