blob: 6d65eecb5602ab77e9f5a9bd6f8b1489448b187b [file] [log] [blame]
include($$QTWEBENGINE_OUT_ROOT/src/core/qtwebenginecore-config.pri) # workaround for QTBUG-68093
QT_FOR_CONFIG += webenginecore webenginecore-private
TEMPLATE = subdirs
defaultsurfaceformat \
devtools \
faviconmanager \
loadsignals \
offscreen \
origins \
proxy \
proxypac \
schemes \
shutdown \
qwebenginedownloaditem \
qwebenginepage \
qwebenginehistory \
qwebengineprofile \
qwebenginescript \
qwebenginesettings \
qtConfig(accessibility) {
SUBDIRS += accessibility
qtConfig(webengine-printing-and-pdf) {
SUBDIRS += printing
qtConfig(ssl) {
SUBDIRS += certificateerror
qtConfig(webengine-spellchecker):!cross_compile {
!qtConfig(webengine-native-spellchecker) {
SUBDIRS += spellchecking
} else {
message("Spellcheck test will not be built because it depends on usage of Hunspell dictionaries.")
# QTBUG-60268
boot2qt: SUBDIRS -= accessibility defaultsurfaceformat devtools \
qwebenginepage \
qwebengineprofile \
win32: SUBDIRS -= offscreen