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** Copyright (C) 2014 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
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** This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qaspectengine.h"
#include "qaspectengine_p.h"
#include <Qt3DCore/qabstractaspect.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/qcomponent.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/qentity.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/qnode.h>
#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/corelogging_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qaspectmanager_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qchangearbiter_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qeventfilterservice_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qnode_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qnodevisitor_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qpostman_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qscene_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qservicelocator_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qsysteminformationservice_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/qt3dcore-config.h>
QVector<Qt3DCore::QNode *> getNodesForCreation(Qt3DCore::QNode *root)
using namespace Qt3DCore;
QVector<QNode *> nodes;
QNodeVisitor visitor;
visitor.traverse(root, [&nodes](QNode *node) {
// Store the metaobject of the node in the QNode so that we have it available
// to us during destruction in the QNode destructor. This allows us to send
// the QNodeId and the metaobject as typeinfo to the backend aspects so they
// in turn can find the correct QBackendNodeMapper object to handle the destruction
// of the corresponding backend nodes.
QNodePrivate *d = QNodePrivate::get(node);
d->m_typeInfo = const_cast<QMetaObject*>(QNodePrivate::findStaticMetaObject(node->metaObject()));
// Mark this node as having been handled for creation so that it is picked up
d->m_hasBackendNode = true;
return nodes;
QVector<Qt3DCore::QNode *> getNodesForRemoval(Qt3DCore::QNode *root)
using namespace Qt3DCore;
QVector<QNode *> nodes;
QNodeVisitor visitor;
visitor.traverse(root, [&nodes](QNode *node) {
// Mark this node as having been handled for destruction so we don't
// repeat it unnecessarily in an O(n^2) manner
QNodePrivate::get(node)->m_hasBackendNode = false;
return nodes;
namespace Qt3DCore {
QAspectEnginePrivate *QAspectEnginePrivate::get(QAspectEngine *q)
return q->d_func();
: QObjectPrivate()
, m_aspectManager(nullptr)
, m_postman(nullptr)
, m_scene(nullptr)
, m_initialized(false)
, m_runMode(QAspectEngine::Automatic)
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QAbstractAspect *>();
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QObserverInterface *>();
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QNode *>();
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QEntity *>();
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QScene *>();
qRegisterMetaType<Qt3DCore::QAbstractPostman *>();
* \internal
* Used to init the scene tree when the Qt3D aspect is first started. Basically,
* sets the scene/change arbiter on the items and stores the entity - component
* pairs in the scene
void QAspectEnginePrivate::initNode(QNode *node)
void QAspectEnginePrivate::initEntity(QEntity *entity)
const auto components = entity->components();
for (QComponent *comp : components) {
if (!m_scene->hasEntityForComponent(comp->id(), entity->id())) {
if (!comp->isShareable() && !m_scene->entitiesForComponent(comp->id()).isEmpty())
qWarning() << "Trying to assign a non shareable component to more than one Entity";
m_scene->addEntityForComponent(comp->id(), entity->id());
void QAspectEnginePrivate::addNode(QNode *node)
void QAspectEnginePrivate::removeNode(QNode *node)
* \class Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine
* \inheaderfile Qt3DCore/QAspectEngine
* \inherits QObject
* \inmodule Qt3DCore
* \brief Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have
* been registered with the scene.
* The Qt3D run loop is controlled by the Qt3DRender::QAspectEngine.
* Qt3DCore::QAbstractAspect subclasses can be registered by calling
* Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine::registerAspect() which will take care of registering
* the aspect and in turn that will call Qt3DCore::QAbstractAspect::onRegistered();
* The simulation loop is launched as soon as a root Qt3DCore::QEntity
* is set on the Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine. This is followed by a call to
* onEngineStartup() on each aspect so that they can start their simulation
* work.
* The simulation loop is stopped when the root entity is set to
* Qt3DCore::QEntityPtr(). This calls onEngineShutdown() on each aspect so
* that they can stop performing their simulation work.
* Setting a new valid root entity would restart the simulation loop again.
* \internal
* This loop is executed in a separate thread called the AspectThread in
* Qt3DCore::QAspectThread. This thread is started when the
* Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine is created and provides the
* Qt3DCore::QAspectManager which lives in this thread for as long as it's
* running.
* Once the AspectThread is running, it starts the run loop and waits for
* aspects to be registered.
* Destroying the Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine instance stops the AspectThread and
* properly terminates the run loop.
* \typedef Qt3DCore::QEntityPtr
* \relates Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine
* A shared pointer for QEntity.
* Constructs a new QAspectEngine with \a parent.
QAspectEngine::QAspectEngine(QObject *parent)
: QObject(*new QAspectEnginePrivate, parent)
qCDebug(Aspects) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
d->m_scene = new QScene(this);
d->m_postman = new QPostman(this);
d->m_aspectManager = new QAspectManager(this);
* Destroys the engine.
// Shutdown the simulation loop by setting an empty scene
// Note: this sets an atomic which allows the AspectThread to break out of
// the inner simulation loop in the AspectThread::exec function
// Unregister all aspects and exit the main loop
const auto aspects = d->m_aspects;
for (auto aspect : aspects)
delete d->m_postman;
delete d->m_scene;
void QAspectEnginePrivate::initNodeTree(QNode *node)
// Set the root entity on the scene
QNodeVisitor visitor;
visitor.traverse(node, this, &QAspectEnginePrivate::initNode, &QAspectEnginePrivate::initEntity);
void QAspectEnginePrivate::initialize()
QChangeArbiter *arbiter = m_aspectManager->changeArbiter();
m_initialized = true;
* \internal
* Called when we unset the root entity. Causes the QAspectManager's simulation
* loop to be exited. The main loop should keep processing events ready
* to start up the simulation again with a new root entity.
void QAspectEnginePrivate::shutdown()
qCDebug(Aspects) << Q_FUNC_INFO;
// Flush any change batch waiting in the postman that may contain node
// destruction changes that the aspects should process before we exit
// the simulation loop
// Exit the simulation loop. Waits for this to be completed on the aspect
// thread before returning
// Cleanup the scene before quitting the backend
QChangeArbiter *arbiter = m_aspectManager->changeArbiter();
m_initialized = false;
void QAspectEnginePrivate::exitSimulationLoop()
Registers a new \a aspect to the AspectManager. The QAspectEngine takes
ownership of the aspect and will delete it when the aspect is unregistered.
//! Called in the main thread
void QAspectEngine::registerAspect(QAbstractAspect *aspect)
// The aspect is moved to the AspectThread
// AspectManager::registerAspect is called in the context
// of the AspectThread. This is turns call aspect->onInitialize
// still in the same AspectThread context
d->m_aspects << aspect;
* Registers a new aspect to the AspectManager based on its \a name
* Uses the currently set aspect factory to create the actual aspect
* instance.
void QAspectEngine::registerAspect(const QString &name)
QAbstractAspect *aspect = d->m_factory.createAspect(QLatin1String(name.toUtf8()));
if (aspect) {
d->m_namedAspects.insert(name, aspect);
* Unregisters and deletes the given \a aspect.
void QAspectEngine::unregisterAspect(QAbstractAspect *aspect)
if (!d->m_aspects.contains(aspect)) {
qWarning() << "Attempting to unregister an aspect that is not registered";
// Cleanly shutdown this aspect by setting its root entity to null which
// will cause its onEngineShutdown() virtual to be called to allow it to
// cleanup any resources. Then remove it from the QAspectManager's list
// of aspects.
// TODO: Implement this once we are able to cleanly shutdown
// Tell the aspect manager to give the aspect a chance to do some cleanup
// in its QAbstractAspect::onUnregistered() virtual
// Remove from our collection of named aspects (if present)
const auto it = std::find_if(d->m_namedAspects.begin(), d->m_namedAspects.end(),
[aspect](QAbstractAspect *v) { return v == aspect; });
if (it != d->m_namedAspects.end())
// Finally, scheduly the aspect for deletion. Do this via the event loop
// in case we are unregistering the aspect in response to a signal from it.
* Unregisters and deletes the aspect with the given \a name.
void QAspectEngine::unregisterAspect(const QString &name)
if (!d->m_namedAspects.contains(name)) {
qWarning() << "Attempting to unregister an aspect that is not registered";
// Delegate unregistering and removal to the overload
QAbstractAspect *aspect = d->m_namedAspects.value(name);
* \return the aspects owned by the aspect engine.
QVector<QAbstractAspect *> QAspectEngine::aspects() const
Q_D(const QAspectEngine);
return d->m_aspects;
* Executes the given \a command on aspect engine. Valid commands are:
* \list
* \li "list aspects"
* \endlist
* \return the reply for the command.
QVariant QAspectEngine::executeCommand(const QString &command)
if (command == QLatin1String("list aspects")) {
if (d->m_aspects.isEmpty())
return QLatin1String("No loaded aspect");
const QStringList names = d->m_aspectManager->serviceLocator()->systemInformation()->aspectNames();
return names.join(QLatin1String("\n"));
if (command == QLatin1String("dump jobs")) {
return QLatin1String("Dump in next frame in working directory");
QStringList args = command.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
QString aspectName = args.takeFirst();
for (QAbstractAspect *aspect : qAsConst(d->m_aspects)) {
if (aspectName == d->m_factory.aspectName(aspect))
return aspect->executeCommand(args);
return QVariant();
* If using the manual run mode, this function executes the jobs for each aspect.
* It is blocking and won't return until all jobs have been completed.
* If you are using the QRenderAspect,
void QAspectEngine::processFrame()
Q_ASSERT(d->m_runMode == QAspectEngine::Manual);
* Sets the \a root entity for the aspect engine.
void QAspectEngine::setRootEntity(QEntityPtr root)
qCDebug(Aspects) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "root =" << root;
if (d->m_root == root)
const bool shutdownNeeded = d->m_root && d->m_initialized;
// Set the new root object. This will cause the old tree to be deleted
// and the deletion of the old frontend tree will cause the backends to
// free any related resources
d->m_root = root;
if (shutdownNeeded)
// Do we actually have a new scene?
if (!d->m_root)
// Set postman/scene/arbiter ...
// The aspect engine takes ownership of the scene root. We also set the
// parent of the scene root to be the engine
static_cast<QObject *>(d->>setParent(this);
// Prepare the frontend tree for use by giving each node a pointer to the
// scene object and adding each node to the scene
// TODO: We probably need a call symmetric to this one above in order to
// deregister the nodes from the scene
const QVector<QNode *> nodes = getNodesForCreation(;
// Specify if the AspectManager should be driving the simulation loop or not
// Finally, tell the aspects about the new scene object tree. This is done
// in a blocking manner to allow the aspects to get synchronized before the
// main thread starts triggering potentially more notifications
// TODO: Pass the creation changes via the arbiter rather than relying upon
// an invokeMethod call.
qCDebug(Aspects) << "Begin setting scene root on aspect manager";
d->m_aspectManager->setRootEntity(, nodes);
qCDebug(Aspects) << "Done setting scene root on aspect manager";
* \return the root entity of the aspect engine.
QEntityPtr QAspectEngine::rootEntity() const
Q_D(const QAspectEngine);
return d->m_root;
void QAspectEngine::setRunMode(QAspectEngine::RunMode mode)
d->m_runMode = mode;
if (d->m_aspectManager)
QAspectEngine::RunMode QAspectEngine::runMode() const
Q_D(const QAspectEngine);
return d->m_runMode;
} // namespace Qt3DCore