blob: 1f05a71f6e1c620cda01df60ab07c8e2f937d6ff [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2014 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
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** This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qmesh.h"
#include "qmesh_p.h"
#include <QtCore/private/qfactoryloader_p.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QScopedPointer>
#include <QMimeDatabase>
#include <QMimeType>
#include <QtCore/QBuffer>
#include <Qt3DRender/QRenderAspect>
#include <Qt3DCore/QAspectEngine>
#include <Qt3DCore/qpropertyupdatedchange.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qscene_p.h>
#include <Qt3DCore/private/qdownloadhelperservice_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/qrenderaspect_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/nodemanagers_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/qgeometryloaderinterface_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/renderlogging_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/qurlhelper_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/qgeometryloaderfactory_p.h>
#include <Qt3DRender/private/geometryrenderermanager_p.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace Qt3DRender {
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(QFactoryLoader, geometryLoader, (QGeometryLoaderFactory_iid, QLatin1String("/geometryloaders"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
: QGeometryRendererPrivate()
, m_status(QMesh::None)
QMeshPrivate *QMeshPrivate::get(QMesh *q)
return q->d_func();
void QMeshPrivate::setScene(Qt3DCore::QScene *scene)
void QMeshPrivate::updateFunctor()
q->setGeometryFactory(QGeometryFactoryPtr(new MeshLoaderFunctor(q)));
void QMeshPrivate::setStatus(QMesh::Status status)
if (m_status != status) {
m_status = status;
const bool wasBlocked = q->blockNotifications(true);
emit q->statusChanged(status);
* \qmltype Mesh
* \instantiates Qt3DRender::QMesh
* \inqmlmodule Qt3D.Render
* \brief A custom mesh loader.
* Loads mesh data from external files in a variety of formats.
* In Qt3D 5.9, Mesh supports the following formats:
* \list
* \li Wavefront OBJ
* \li Stanford Triangle Format PLY
* \li STL (STereoLithography)
* \endlist
* QMesh will also support the following format if the SDK is installed and the fbx geometry loader plugin is built and found.
* \list
* \li Autodesk FBX
* \endlist
* \qmlproperty url Mesh::source
* Holds the source url to the file containing the custom mesh.
* \qmlproperty string Mesh::meshName
* Filter indicating which part of the mesh should be loaded.
* If meshName is empty (the default), then the entire mesh is loaded.
* If meshName is a plain string, then only the sub-mesh matching that name, if present, will be loaded.
* If meshName is a regular expression, than all sub-meshes matching the expression will be loaded.
* \note Only Wavefront OBJ files support sub-meshes.
* \sa QRegularExpression
\qmlproperty enumeration Mesh::status
Holds the status of the mesh loading.
\sa Qt3DRender::QMesh::Status
* \class Qt3DRender::QMesh
* \inheaderfile Qt3DRender/QMesh
* \inmodule Qt3DRender
* \inherits Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer
* \brief A custom mesh loader.
* Loads mesh data from external files in a variety of formats.
* Qt3DRender::QMesh loads data into a single mesh.
* In Qt3D 5.9, QMesh supports the following formats:
* \list
* \li Wavefront OBJ
* \li Stanford Triangle Format PLY
* \li STL (STereoLithography)
* \endlist
* QMesh will also support the following format if the SDK is installed and the fbx geometry loader plugin is built and found:
* \list
* \li Autodesk FBX
* \endlist
* If you wish to load an entire scene made of several objects, you should rather use the Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader instead.
* \sa Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader
\enum Qt3DRender::QMesh::Status
This enum identifies the status of shader used.
\value None A source mesh hasn't been assigned a source yet
\value Loading The mesh geometry is loading
\value Ready The mesh geometry was successfully loaded
\value Error An error occurred while loading the mesh
* Constructs a new QMesh with \a parent.
QMesh::QMesh(QNode *parent)
: QGeometryRenderer(*new QMeshPrivate, parent)
/*! \internal */
/*! \internal */
QMesh::QMesh(QMeshPrivate &dd, QNode *parent)
: QGeometryRenderer(dd, parent)
// TODO Unused remove in Qt6
void QMesh::sceneChangeEvent(const Qt3DCore::QSceneChangePtr &)
void QMesh::setSource(const QUrl& source)
if (d->m_source == source)
d->m_source = source;
const bool blocked = blockNotifications(true);
emit sourceChanged(source);
* \property QMesh::source
* Holds the \a source url to the file containing the custom mesh.
QUrl QMesh::source() const
Q_D(const QMesh);
return d->m_source;
void QMesh::setMeshName(const QString &meshName)
if (d->m_meshName == meshName)
d->m_meshName = meshName;
const bool blocked = blockNotifications(true);
emit meshNameChanged(meshName);
* \property QMesh::meshName
* Holds the name of the mesh.
QString QMesh::meshName() const
Q_D(const QMesh);
return d->m_meshName;
\property QMesh::status
Holds the status of the mesh loading.
\sa Qt3DRender::QMesh::Status
QMesh::Status QMesh::status() const
Q_D(const QMesh);
return d->m_status;
* \internal
MeshLoaderFunctor::MeshLoaderFunctor(QMesh *mesh, const QByteArray &sourceData)
: QGeometryFactory()
, m_mesh(mesh->id())
, m_sourcePath(mesh->source())
, m_meshName(mesh->meshName())
, m_sourceData(sourceData)
, m_nodeManagers(nullptr)
, m_downloaderService(nullptr)
, m_status(QMesh::None)
* \internal
QGeometry *MeshLoaderFunctor::operator()()
m_status = QMesh::Loading;
if (m_sourcePath.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(Render::Jobs) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Mesh is empty, nothing to load";
m_status = QMesh::Error;
return nullptr;
QStringList ext;
if (!Qt3DCore::QDownloadHelperService::isLocal(m_sourcePath)) {
if (m_sourceData.isEmpty()) {
if (m_mesh) {
// Output a warning in the case a user is calling the functor directly
// in the frontend
if (m_nodeManagers == nullptr || m_downloaderService == nullptr) {
qWarning() << "Mesh source points to a remote URL. Remotes meshes can only be loaded if the geometry is processed by the Qt3DRender backend";
m_status = QMesh::Error;
return nullptr;
Qt3DCore::QDownloadRequestPtr request(new MeshDownloadRequest(m_mesh, m_sourcePath, m_nodeManagers));
return nullptr;
QMimeDatabase db;
QMimeType mtype = db.mimeTypeForData(m_sourceData);
if (mtype.isValid()) {
ext = mtype.suffixes();
QFileInfo finfo(m_sourcePath.path());
ext << finfo.suffix();
if (!ext.contains(QLatin1String("obj")))
ext << QLatin1String("obj");
} else {
QString filePath = Qt3DRender::QUrlHelper::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(m_sourcePath);
QFileInfo finfo(filePath);
if (finfo.suffix().isEmpty())
ext << QLatin1String("obj");
ext << finfo.suffix();
QScopedPointer<QGeometryLoaderInterface> loader;
for (const QString &e: qAsConst(ext)) {
loader.reset(qLoadPlugin<QGeometryLoaderInterface, QGeometryLoaderFactory>(geometryLoader(), e));
if (loader)
if (!loader) {
qCWarning(Render::Jobs, "unsupported format encountered (%s)", qPrintable(ext.join(QLatin1String(", "))));
m_status = QMesh::Error;
return nullptr;
if (m_sourceData.isEmpty()) {
QString filePath = Qt3DRender::QUrlHelper::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(m_sourcePath);
QFile file(filePath);
if (! {
qCDebug(Render::Jobs) << "Could not open file" << filePath << "for reading";
m_status = QMesh::Error;
return nullptr;
if (loader->load(&file, m_meshName)) {
Qt3DRender::QGeometry *geometry = loader->geometry();
m_status = geometry != nullptr ? QMesh::Ready : QMesh::Error;
return geometry;
qCWarning(Render::Jobs) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Mesh loading failure for:" << filePath;
} else {
QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QBuffer) buffer(&m_sourceData);
if (! {
m_status = QMesh::Error;
return nullptr;
if (loader->load(&buffer, m_meshName)) {
Qt3DRender::QGeometry *geometry = loader->geometry();
m_status = geometry != nullptr ? QMesh::Ready : QMesh::Error;
return geometry;
qCWarning(Render::Jobs) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Mesh loading failure for:" << m_sourcePath;
return nullptr;
* \internal
bool MeshLoaderFunctor::operator ==(const QGeometryFactory &other) const
const MeshLoaderFunctor *otherFunctor = functor_cast<MeshLoaderFunctor>(&other);
if (otherFunctor != nullptr)
return (otherFunctor->m_sourcePath == m_sourcePath &&
otherFunctor->m_sourceData.isEmpty() == m_sourceData.isEmpty() &&
otherFunctor->m_meshName == m_meshName &&
otherFunctor->m_downloaderService == m_downloaderService &&
otherFunctor->m_nodeManagers == m_nodeManagers);
return false;
* \internal
MeshDownloadRequest::MeshDownloadRequest(Qt3DCore::QNodeId mesh, QUrl source, Render::NodeManagers *managers)
: Qt3DCore::QDownloadRequest(source)
, m_mesh(mesh)
, m_nodeManagers(managers)
// Called in Aspect Thread context (not a Qt3D AspectJob)
// We are sure that when this is called, no AspectJob are running
void MeshDownloadRequest::onCompleted()
if (cancelled() || !succeeded())
if (!m_nodeManagers)
Render::GeometryRenderer *renderer = m_nodeManagers->geometryRendererManager()->lookupResource(m_mesh);
if (!renderer)
QGeometryFactoryPtr geometryFactory = renderer->geometryFactory();
if (!geometryFactory.isNull() && geometryFactory->id() == Qt3DRender::functorTypeId<MeshLoaderFunctor>()) {
QSharedPointer<MeshLoaderFunctor> functor = qSharedPointerCast<MeshLoaderFunctor>(geometryFactory);
// We make sure we are setting the result for the right request
// (the functor for the mesh could have changed in the meantime)
if (m_url == functor->sourcePath()) {
// mark the component as dirty so that the functor runs again in the correct job
} // namespace Qt3DRender