blob: 1e2909c1a80d8bd3a526f9a23218624b8236f870 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB).
## Contact:
## This file is part of the Qt3D module of the Qt Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see For further
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## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
## packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
## ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
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## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
## General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
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## Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
## included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
## information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
## be met: and
# Required Blender information.
bl_info = {
"name": "Qt3D Animation Exporter",
"author": "Sean Harmer <>, Paul Lemire <>",
"version": (0, 5),
"blender": (2, 80, 0),
"location": "File > Export > Qt3D Animation (.json)",
"description": "Export animations to json to use with Qt3D",
"warning": "",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"
import bpy
import os
import struct
import mathutils
import math
import json
from array import array
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper
from bpy.props import (
from collections import defaultdict
def frameToTime(frame):
# Get the fps to convert from frame number to time in seconds for x values
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps
# Calculate time, remembering that blender uses 1-based frame numbers
return (frame - 1) / fps;
def findResolvingObject(rootId):
if rootId == "OBJECT":
elif rootId == "MATERIAL":
return None
# Note that we swap the Y and Z components because blender uses Z-up
# whereas Qt 3D tends to use Y-Up convention.
def arrayIndexFromTypeAndIndex(dataPath, index):
if dataPath.startswith("rotation"):
# Swap Y and Z components of rotations
if index == 2:
return 3
elif index == 3:
return 2
elif dataPath.startswith("location"):
# Swap Y and Z components of locations
if index == 1:
return 2
elif index == 2:
return 1
# Otherwise keep the original index
return index
def componentSuffix(typeName, componentIndex):
vectorComponents = ["X", "Y", "Z", "W"]
quaternionComponents = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z"]
colorComponents = ["R", "G", "B"]
if typeName == "Vector":
return vectorComponents[componentIndex]
elif typeName == "Quaternion":
return quaternionComponents[componentIndex]
elif typeName == "Color":
return colorComponents[componentIndex]
return "Unknown"
def resolveDataType(object, dataPath):
value = object.path_resolve(dataPath)
if isinstance(value, mathutils.Vector):
return "Vector"
elif isinstance(value, mathutils.Quaternion):
return "Quaternion"
elif isinstance(value, mathutils.Euler):
return "Euler" + value.order
elif isinstance(value, mathutils.Color):
return "Color"
return "Unknown type"
class PropertyData:
m_action = None
m_name = ""
m_resolverObject = None
m_dataPath = ""
m_fcurveIndices = []
m_componentIndices = []
m_dataType = ""
m_outputDataType = ""
m_outputChannelCount = 0
m_outputChannelSuffixes = []
def __init__(self):
self.m_action = None
self.m_resolverObject = None
self.m_dataPath = ""
self.m_fcurveIndices = []
self.m_componentIndices = []
self.m_dataType = ""
self.m_outputDataType = ""
self.m_outputChannelCount = 0
self.m_outputChannelSuffixes = []
def setDataPath(self, dataPath):
self.m_dataPath = dataPath
if dataPath.startswith("rotation"):
self.m_name = "Rotation"
self.m_name = dataPath.title()
self.m_name = self.m_name.replace("_", " ")
def print(self):
print("Action = " + \
+ "DataPath = " + self.m_dataPath \
+ "Name = " + self.m_name)
# + "fcurve indices =" + self.m_componentIndices
def generateKeyframesData(self, outputComponentIndex):
outputKeyframes = []
print("generateKeyframesData: fcurveIndices: " + str(self.m_fcurveIndices) + " curve index: " + str(outputComponentIndex))
# Lookup fcurve index for this component
# Invert the sign of the 2nd component of quaternions for rotations
# We already swap the Y and Z components in the componentSuffix function
axisOrientationfactor = 1.0
if self.m_name == "Rotation" and outputComponentIndex == 2:
axisOrientationfactor = -1.0
if self.m_dataType == self.m_outputDataType:
fcurveIndex = self.m_fcurveIndices[outputComponentIndex]
# We can take easy route if no data type conversion is needed
# Iterate over keyframes
fcurve = self.m_action.fcurves[fcurveIndex]
for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:
outputKeyframe = { \
"coords": [frameToTime(, axisOrientationfactor *], \
"leftHandle": [frameToTime(keyframe.handle_left.x), axisOrientationfactor * keyframe.handle_left.y], \
"rightHandle": [frameToTime(keyframe.handle_right.x), axisOrientationfactor * keyframe.handle_right.y] }
# Iterate over keyframes - we assume that all channels were keyed at the same times
# This is usually the case as blender doesn't support keying individual components
# but a user could have tweaked the individual channels
fcurve = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]]
for keyframeIndex, keyframe in enumerate(fcurve.keyframe_points):
# Get data for this property
if not self.m_dataType.startswith("Euler"):
print("Unhandled data type conversion")
return None
# Convert the control point to a quaternion
eulerOrder = self.m_dataType[-3:]
time_co = frameToTime(self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].co.x)
rotX = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].co.y
rotY = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[1]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].co.y
rotZ = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[2]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].co.y
euler = mathutils.Euler((rotX, rotY, rotZ), eulerOrder)
q_co = euler.to_quaternion()
# Convert the left handle to a quaternion
time_hl = frameToTime(self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.x)
rotX = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
rotY = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[1]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
rotZ = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[2]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
euler = mathutils.Euler((rotX, rotY, rotZ), eulerOrder)
q_hl = euler.to_quaternion()
# Convert the right handle to a quaternion
time_hr = frameToTime(self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.x)
rotX = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[0]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
rotY = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[1]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
rotZ = self.m_action.fcurves[self.m_fcurveIndices[2]].keyframe_points[keyframeIndex].handle_left.y
euler = mathutils.Euler((rotX, rotY, rotZ), eulerOrder)
q_hr = euler.to_quaternion()
# Extract the corresponding component
co = []
handle_left = []
handle_right = []
if outputComponentIndex == 0:
co = [time_co, axisOrientationfactor * q_co.w]
handle_left = [time_hl, axisOrientationfactor * q_hl.w]
handle_right = [time_hr, axisOrientationfactor * q_hr.w]
elif outputComponentIndex == 1:
co = [time_co, axisOrientationfactor * q_co.x]
handle_left = [time_hl, axisOrientationfactor * q_hl.x]
handle_right = [time_hr, axisOrientationfactor * q_hr.x]
elif outputComponentIndex == 2:
co = [time_co, axisOrientationfactor * q_co.y]
handle_left = [time_hl, axisOrientationfactor * q_hl.y]
handle_right = [time_hr, axisOrientationfactor * q_hr.y]
elif outputComponentIndex == 3:
co = [time_co, axisOrientationfactor * q_co.z]
handle_left = [time_hl, axisOrientationfactor * q_hl.z]
handle_right = [time_hr, axisOrientationfactor * q_hr.z]
outputKeyframe = { \
"coords": co, \
"leftHandle": handle_left, \
"rightHandle": handle_right }
return outputKeyframes
def generateChannelComponentsData(self):
# First find the data type stored in the blender file
self.m_dataType = resolveDataType(self.m_resolverObject, self.m_dataPath)
# Convert this to an output data type - we force rotations as quaternions
if self.m_dataType.startswith("Euler"):
self.m_outputDataType = "Quaternion"
self.m_outputChannelCount = 4
for i in range(0, 4):
index = arrayIndexFromTypeAndIndex(self.m_dataPath, i)
suffix = componentSuffix(self.m_outputDataType, index)
self.m_outputDataType = self.m_dataType
self.m_outputChannelCount = len(self.m_componentIndices)
for i in self.m_componentIndices:
index = arrayIndexFromTypeAndIndex(self.m_dataPath, i)
suffix = componentSuffix(self.m_outputDataType, index)
outputChannels = []
for i in range(0, self.m_outputChannelCount):
outputChannel = { "channelComponentName": self.m_name + " " + self.m_outputChannelSuffixes[i], "keyFrames": [] }
keyframes = self.generateKeyframesData(i)
outputChannel["keyFrames"] = keyframes
return outputChannels
class Qt3DAnimationConverter:
def animationsToJson(self):
propertyDataMap = defaultdict(list)
# Pass 1 - collect data we need to produce the output in pass 2
for action in
groupCount = len(action.groups)
#print(" " + + " for type " + action.id_root)
# We need a datablock of the right type to be able to resolve an fcurve data path to a value.
# We need the value to be able to determine the type and eventually the correct name for the
# exported fcurve.
resolverObject = findResolvingObject(action.id_root)
fcurveCount = len(action.fcurves)
#print(" " + + " has " + str(fcurveCount) + " fcurves")
if fcurveCount == 0:
lastTitle = ""
property = PropertyData()
for fcurveIndex, fcurve in enumerate(action.fcurves):
title = fcurve.data_path.title()
# For debugging
groupName = "<NoGroup>"
if != None:
groupName =
dataPath = fcurve.data_path
type = resolveDataType(resolverObject, dataPath)
labelSuffix = componentSuffix("Vector", fcurve.array_index)
# Create a new PropertyData if this fcurve is for a new property
if title != lastTitle:
property = PropertyData()
property.m_action = action
property.m_resolverObject = resolverObject
arrayIndex = arrayIndexFromTypeAndIndex(fcurve.data_path, fcurve.array_index)
print(" " + str(fcurveIndex) + ": Group: " + groupName \
+ ", Title = " + title \
+ ", Component:" + str(fcurve.array_index) \
+ ", Data Path: " + dataPath \
+ ", Data Type: " + type \
+ ", Label: " + labelSuffix \
+ ", fCurveIndices: " + str(property.m_fcurveIndices))
lastTitle = title
# For debugging
print("animationsToJson: Pass 1 - Collected data for " + str(len(propertyDataMap)) + " actions")
actionIndex = 0
for key in propertyDataMap:
print(str(actionIndex) + ": " + key + " has " + str(len(propertyDataMap[key])) + " properties")
for propertyIndex, property in enumerate(propertyDataMap[key]):
print(" " + str(propertyIndex) + ": " + property.m_name)
actionIndex = actionIndex + 1
# Pass 2
print("animationsToJson: Pass 2")
# The data structure that will be exported
output = {"animations": []}
actionIndex = 0
for key in propertyDataMap:
#print(str(actionIndex) + ": " + key)
# Create an output action
outputAction = { "animationName": key, "channels": []}
for propertyIndex, property in enumerate(propertyDataMap[key]):
#print(" " + str(propertyIndex) + ": " + property.m_name)
# Create an output group and append it to the output action
outputGroup = { "channelComponents": [], "channelName": property.m_name }
# Populate the channels list from the property object
outputChannels = property.generateChannelComponentsData()
outputGroup["channelComponents"] = outputChannels
actionIndex = actionIndex + 1
print("animationsToJson: Generating JSON data")
jsonData = json.dumps(output, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))
return jsonData
class Qt3DExporter(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
"""Qt3D Exporter"""
bl_idname = "export_scene.qt3d_exporter";
bl_label = "Qt3DExporter";
bl_options = {'PRESET'};
filename_ext = ""
use_filter_folder = True
# TO DO: Handle properly
use_mesh_modifiers = BoolProperty(
name="Apply Modifiers",
description="Apply modifiers (preview resolution)",
# TO DO: Handle properly
use_selection_only = BoolProperty(
name="Selection Only",
description="Only export select objects",
def __init__(self):
def execute(self, context):
print("In Execute" +
self.userpath =
# unselect all
converter = Qt3DAnimationConverter()
fileContent = converter.animationsToJson()
with open(self.userpath + ".json", '+w') as f:
return {'FINISHED'}
def createBlenderMenu(self, context):
self.layout.operator(Qt3DExporter.bl_idname, text="Qt3D Animation(.json)")
# Register against Blender
def register():
if < (2, 80, 0):
def unregister():
if < (2, 80, 0):
# Handle running the script from Blender's text editor.
if (__name__ == "__main__"):