blob: 9b3b05b7d3e75e112007e76183f14a7701d1a363 [file] [log] [blame]
#Additional HTML settings
HTML.nonavigationbar = "false"
HTML.tocdepth = 2
HTML.extraimages += template/images/arrow_bc.png \
template/images/home.png \
template/images/ico_out.png \
template/images/ico_note.png \
template/images/ico_note_attention.png \
template/images/btn_prev.png \
template/images/btn_next.png \
template/images/bullet_dn.png \
template/images/bullet_sq.png \
template/images/bgrContent.png \
#specify which files in the output directory should be packed into the qch file.
#these files are assumed to be in each module's output directory."qtquick/images/ico_out.png" for example.
qhp.extraFiles += images/arrow_bc.png \
images/home.png \
images/ico_out.png \
images/ico_note.png \
images/ico_note_attention.png \
images/btn_prev.png \
images/btn_next.png \
images/bullet_dn.png \
images/bullet_sq.png \
images/bgrContent.png \