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\headerfile <QtMath>
\title Generic Math Functions
\ingroup funclists
\brief The <QtMath> header file provides various math functions.
These functions are partly convenience definitions for basic math operations
not available in the C or Standard Template Libraries.
The header also ensures some constants specified in POSIX, but not present
in C++ standards (so absent from <math.h> on some platforms), are defined:
\value M_E The base of the natural logarithms, e = exp(1)
\value M_LOG2E The base-two logarithm of e
\value M_LOG10E The base-ten logarithm of e
\value M_LN2 The natural logarithm of two
\value M_LN10 The natural logarithm of ten
\value M_PI The ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter, \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_PI_2 Half M_PI, \unicode{0x3C0} / 2
\value M_PI_4 Quarter M_PI, \unicode{0x3C0} / 4
\value M_1_PI The inverse of M_PI, 1 / \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_2_PI Twice the inverse of M_PI, 2 / \unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_2_SQRTPI Two divided by the square root of pi, 2 / \unicode{0x221A}\unicode{0x3C0}
\value M_SQRT2 The square root of two, \unicode{0x221A}2
\value M_SQRT1_2 The square roof of half, 1 / \unicode{0x221A}2
\fn int qCeil(qreal v)
Return the ceiling of the value \a v.
The ceiling is the smallest integer that is not less than \a v.
For example, if \a v is 41.2, then the ceiling is 42.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qFloor()
\fn int qFloor(qreal v)
Return the floor of the value \a v.
The floor is the largest integer that is not greater than \a v.
For example, if \a v is 41.2, then the floor is 41.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qCeil()
\fn qreal qFabs(qreal v)
Returns the absolute value of \a v as a qreal.
\relates <QtMath>
\fn qreal qSin(qreal v)
Returns the sine of the angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qCos(), qTan()
\fn qreal qCos(qreal v)
Returns the cosine of an angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qTan()
\fn qreal qTan(qreal v)
Returns the tangent of an angle \a v in radians.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qCos()
\fn qreal qAcos(qreal v)
Returns the arccosine of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arccosine is the inverse operation of cosine.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qAtan(), qAsin(), qCos()
\fn qreal qAsin(qreal v)
Returns the arcsine of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arcsine is the inverse operation of sine.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSin(), qAtan(), qAcos()
\fn qreal qAtan(qreal v)
Returns the arctangent of \a v as an angle in radians.
Arctangent is the inverse operation of tangent.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qTan(), qAcos(), qAsin()
\fn qreal qAtan2(qreal y, qreal x)
Returns the arctangent of a point specified by the coordinates \a y and \a x.
This function will return the angle (argument) of that point.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qAtan()
\fn qreal qSqrt(qreal v)
Returns the square root of \a v.
This function returns a NaN if \a v is a negative number.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qPow()
\fn qreal qLn(qreal v)
Returns the natural logarithm of \a v. Natural logarithm uses base e.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qExp()
\fn qreal qExp(qreal v)
Returns the exponential function of \c e to the power of \a v.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qLn()
\fn qreal qPow(qreal x, qreal y)
Returns the value of \a x raised to the power of \a y.
That is, \a x is the base and \a y is the exponent.
\relates <QtMath>
\sa qSqrt()
\fn float qDegreesToRadians(float degrees)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a degrees in float to radians.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 0
\sa qRadiansToDegrees()
\fn double qDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a degrees in double to radians.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 1
\sa qRadiansToDegrees()
\fn float qRadiansToDegrees(float radians)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a radians in float to degrees.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 2
\sa qDegreesToRadians()
\fn double qRadiansToDegrees(double radians)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.1
This function converts the \a radians in double to degrees.
\snippet code/src_corelib_kernel_qmath.cpp 3
\sa qDegreesToRadians()
\fn quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint32 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^31 it returns 0.
\fn quint32 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint32 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For negative values it returns 0.
\fn quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(quint64 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For 0 it returns 1, and for values larger than or equal to 2^63 it returns 0.
\fn quint64 qNextPowerOfTwo(qint64 value)
\relates <QtMath>
\since 5.4
This function returns the nearest power of two greater than \a value. For negative values it returns 0.