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#include "qplatformdefs.h"
#include "qlibrary.h"
#include "qfactoryloader_p.h"
#include "qlibrary_p.h"
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <private/qcoreapplication_p.h>
#include <private/qsystemerror_p.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
# include <private/qcore_mac_p.h>
#ifndef NO_ERRNO_H
#include <errno.h>
#endif // NO_ERROR_H
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qvector.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qendian.h>
#include <qjsondocument.h>
#include <qjsonvalue.h>
#include "qelfparser_p.h"
#include "qmachparser_p.h"
#include <qtcore_tracepoints_p.h>
#ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
# define QLIBRARY_AS_DEBUG false
# define QLIBRARY_AS_DEBUG true
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) || (defined(Q_CC_MINGW) && !QT_CONFIG(debug_and_release))
// We don't use separate debug and release libs on UNIX, so we want
// to allow loading plugins, regardless of how they were built.
\class QLibrary
\inmodule QtCore
\brief The QLibrary class loads shared libraries at runtime.
\ingroup plugins
An instance of a QLibrary object operates on a single shared
object file (which we call a "library", but is also known as a
"DLL"). A QLibrary provides access to the functionality in the
library in a platform independent way. You can either pass a file
name in the constructor, or set it explicitly with setFileName().
When loading the library, QLibrary searches in all the
system-specific library locations (e.g. \c LD_LIBRARY_PATH on
Unix), unless the file name has an absolute path.
If the file name is an absolute path then an attempt is made to
load this path first. If the file cannot be found, QLibrary tries
the name with different platform-specific file prefixes, like
"lib" on Unix and Mac, and suffixes, like ".so" on Unix, ".dylib"
on the Mac, or ".dll" on Windows.
If the file path is not absolute then QLibrary modifies the search
order to try the system-specific prefixes and suffixes first,
followed by the file path specified.
This makes it possible to specify shared libraries that are only
identified by their basename (i.e. without their suffix), so the
same code will work on different operating systems yet still
minimise the number of attempts to find the library.
The most important functions are load() to dynamically load the
library file, isLoaded() to check whether loading was successful,
and resolve() to resolve a symbol in the library. The resolve()
function implicitly tries to load the library if it has not been
loaded yet. Multiple instances of QLibrary can be used to access
the same physical library. Once loaded, libraries remain in memory
until the application terminates. You can attempt to unload a
library using unload(), but if other instances of QLibrary are
using the same library, the call will fail, and unloading will
only happen when every instance has called unload().
A typical use of QLibrary is to resolve an exported symbol in a
library, and to call the C function that this symbol represents.
This is called "explicit linking" in contrast to "implicit
linking", which is done by the link step in the build process when
linking an executable against a library.
The following code snippet loads a library, resolves the symbol
"mysymbol", and calls the function if everything succeeded. If
something goes wrong, e.g. the library file does not exist or the
symbol is not defined, the function pointer will be \nullptr and
won't be called.
\snippet code/src_corelib_plugin_qlibrary.cpp 0
The symbol must be exported as a C function from the library for
resolve() to work. This means that the function must be wrapped in
an \c{extern "C"} block if the library is compiled with a C++
compiler. On Windows, this also requires the use of a \c dllexport
macro; see resolve() for the details of how this is done. For
convenience, there is a static resolve() function which you can
use if you just want to call a function in a library without
explicitly loading the library first:
\snippet code/src_corelib_plugin_qlibrary.cpp 1
\sa QPluginLoader
\enum QLibrary::LoadHint
This enum describes the possible hints that can be used to change the way
libraries are handled when they are loaded. These values indicate how
symbols are resolved when libraries are loaded, and are specified using
the setLoadHints() function.
\value ResolveAllSymbolsHint
Causes all symbols in a library to be resolved when it is loaded, not
simply when resolve() is called.
\value ExportExternalSymbolsHint
Exports unresolved and external symbols in the library so that they can be
resolved in other dynamically-loaded libraries loaded later.
\value LoadArchiveMemberHint
Allows the file name of the library to specify a particular object file
within an archive file.
If this hint is given, the filename of the library consists of
a path, which is a reference to an archive file, followed by
a reference to the archive member.
\value PreventUnloadHint
Prevents the library from being unloaded from the address space if close()
is called. The library's static variables are not reinitialized if open()
is called at a later time.
\value DeepBindHint
Instructs the linker to prefer definitions in the loaded library
over exported definitions in the loading application when resolving
external symbols in the loaded library. This option is only supported
on Linux.
\sa loadHints
static qsizetype qt_find_pattern(const char *s, qsizetype s_len,
const char *pattern, ulong p_len)
we search from the end of the file because on the supported
systems, the read-only data/text segments are placed at the end
of the file. HOWEVER, when building with debugging enabled, all
the debug symbols are placed AFTER the data/text segments.
what does this mean? when building in release mode, the search
is fast because the data we are looking for is at the end of the
file... when building in debug mode, the search is slower
because we have to skip over all the debugging symbols first
if (!s || !pattern || qsizetype(p_len) > s_len)
return -1;
size_t i, hs = 0, hp = 0, delta = s_len - p_len;
for (i = 0; i < p_len; ++i) {
hs += s[delta + i];
hp += pattern[i];
i = delta;
for (;;) {
if (hs == hp && qstrncmp(s + i, pattern, p_len) == 0)
return i; // can't overflow, by construction
if (i == 0)
hs -= s[i + p_len];
hs += s[i];
return -1;
This opens the specified library, mmaps it into memory, and searches
for the QT_PLUGIN_VERIFICATION_DATA. The advantage of this approach is that
we can get the verification data without have to actually load the library.
This lets us detect mismatches more safely.
Returns \c false if version information is not present, or if the
information could not be read.
Returns true if version information is present and successfully read.
static bool findPatternUnloaded(const QString &library, QLibraryPrivate *lib)
QFile file(library);
if (! {
if (lib)
lib->errorString = file.errorString();
if (qt_debug_component()) {
qWarning("%s: %ls", QFile::encodeName(library).constData(),
return false;
// Files can be bigger than the virtual memory size on 32-bit systems, so
// we limit to 512 MB there. For 64-bit, we allow up to 2^40 bytes.
constexpr qint64 MaxMemoryMapSize =
Q_INT64_C(1) << (sizeof(qsizetype) > 4 ? 40 : 29);
QByteArray data;
qsizetype fdlen = qMin(file.size(), MaxMemoryMapSize);
const char *filedata = reinterpret_cast<char *>(, fdlen));
if (filedata == nullptr) {
// Try reading the data into memory instead (up to 64 MB).
data = * 1024 * 1024);
filedata = data.constData();
fdlen = data.size();
ELF and Mach-O binaries with GCC have .qplugin sections.
bool hasMetaData = false;
qsizetype pos = 0;
char pattern[] = "qTMETADATA ";
pattern[0] = 'Q'; // Ensure the pattern "QTMETADATA" is not found in this library should QPluginLoader ever encounter it.
const ulong plen = qstrlen(pattern);
#if defined (Q_OF_ELF) && defined(Q_CC_GNU)
int r = QElfParser().parse(filedata, fdlen, library, lib, &pos, &fdlen);
if (r == QElfParser::Corrupt || r == QElfParser::NotElf) {
if (lib && qt_debug_component()) {
qWarning("QElfParser: %ls", qUtf16Printable(lib->errorString));
return false;
} else if (r == QElfParser::QtMetaDataSection) {
qsizetype rel = qt_find_pattern(filedata + pos, fdlen, pattern, plen);
if (rel < 0)
pos = -1;
pos += rel;
hasMetaData = true;
#elif defined (Q_OF_MACH_O)
QString errorString;
int r = QMachOParser::parse(filedata, fdlen, library, &errorString, &pos, &fdlen);
if (r == QMachOParser::NotSuitable) {
if (qt_debug_component())
qWarning("QMachOParser: %ls", qUtf16Printable(errorString));
if (lib)
lib->errorString = errorString;
return false;
// even if the metadata section was not found, the Mach-O parser will
// at least return the boundaries of the right architecture
qsizetype rel = qt_find_pattern(filedata + pos, fdlen, pattern, plen);
if (rel < 0)
pos = -1;
pos += rel;
hasMetaData = true;
pos = qt_find_pattern(filedata, fdlen, pattern, plen);
if (pos > 0)
hasMetaData = true;
#endif // defined(Q_OF_ELF) && defined(Q_CC_GNU)
bool ret = false;
if (pos >= 0 && hasMetaData) {
const char *data = filedata + pos;
QString errMsg;
QJsonDocument doc = qJsonFromRawLibraryMetaData(data, fdlen, &errMsg);
if (doc.isNull()) {
qWarning("Found invalid metadata in lib %ls: %ls",
qUtf16Printable(library), qUtf16Printable(errMsg));
} else {
lib->metaData = doc.object();
if (qt_debug_component())
qWarning("Found metadata in lib %s, metadata=\n%s\n",
library.toLocal8Bit().constData(), doc.toJson().constData());
ret = !doc.isNull();
if (!ret && lib)
lib->errorString = QLibrary::tr("Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'").arg(library);
return ret;
static void installCoverageTool(QLibraryPrivate *libPrivate)
__COVERAGESCANNER__ is defined when Qt has been instrumented for code
coverage by TestCocoon. CoverageScanner is the name of the tool that
generates the code instrumentation.
This code is required here when code coverage analysis with TestCocoon
is enabled in order to allow the loading application to register the plugin
and then store its execution report. The execution report gathers information
about each part of the plugin's code that has been used when
the plugin was loaded by the launching application.
The execution report for the plugin will go to the same execution report
as the one defined for the application loading it.
int ret = __coveragescanner_register_library(libPrivate->fileName.toLocal8Bit());
if (qt_debug_component()) {
if (ret >= 0) {
qDebug("coverage data for %ls registered",
} else {
qWarning("could not register %ls: error %d; coverage data may be incomplete",
class QLibraryStore
inline ~QLibraryStore();
static inline QLibraryPrivate *findOrCreate(const QString &fileName, const QString &version, QLibrary::LoadHints loadHints);
static inline void releaseLibrary(QLibraryPrivate *lib);
static inline void cleanup();
static inline QLibraryStore *instance();
// all members and instance() are protected by qt_library_mutex
typedef QMap<QString, QLibraryPrivate*> LibraryMap;
LibraryMap libraryMap;
static QBasicMutex qt_library_mutex;
static QLibraryStore *qt_library_data = nullptr;
static bool qt_library_data_once;
qt_library_data = nullptr;
inline void QLibraryStore::cleanup()
QLibraryStore *data = qt_library_data;
if (!data)
// find any libraries that are still loaded but have a no one attached to them
LibraryMap::Iterator it = data->libraryMap.begin();
for (; it != data->libraryMap.end(); ++it) {
QLibraryPrivate *lib = it.value();
if (lib->libraryRefCount.loadRelaxed() == 1) {
if (lib->libraryUnloadCount.loadRelaxed() > 0) {
#ifdef __GLIBC__
// glibc has a bug in unloading from global destructors
// see
// and
delete lib;
it.value() = 0;
if (qt_debug_component()) {
// dump all objects that remain
for (QLibraryPrivate *lib : qAsConst(data->libraryMap)) {
if (lib)
qDebug() << "On QtCore unload," << lib->fileName << "was leaked, with"
<< lib->libraryRefCount.loadRelaxed() << "users";
delete data;
static void qlibraryCleanup()
// must be called with a locked mutex
QLibraryStore *QLibraryStore::instance()
if (Q_UNLIKELY(!qt_library_data_once && !qt_library_data)) {
// only create once per process lifetime
qt_library_data = new QLibraryStore;
qt_library_data_once = true;
return qt_library_data;
inline QLibraryPrivate *QLibraryStore::findOrCreate(const QString &fileName, const QString &version,
QLibrary::LoadHints loadHints)
QMutexLocker locker(&qt_library_mutex);
QLibraryStore *data = instance();
// check if this library is already loaded
QLibraryPrivate *lib = nullptr;
if (Q_LIKELY(data)) {
lib = data->libraryMap.value(fileName);
if (lib)
if (!lib)
lib = new QLibraryPrivate(fileName, version, loadHints);
// track this library
if (Q_LIKELY(data) && !fileName.isEmpty())
data->libraryMap.insert(fileName, lib);
return lib;
inline void QLibraryStore::releaseLibrary(QLibraryPrivate *lib)
QMutexLocker locker(&qt_library_mutex);
QLibraryStore *data = instance();
if (lib->libraryRefCount.deref()) {
// still in use
// no one else is using
Q_ASSERT(lib->libraryUnloadCount.loadRelaxed() == 0);
if (Q_LIKELY(data) && !lib->fileName.isEmpty()) {
QLibraryPrivate *that = data->libraryMap.take(lib->fileName);
Q_ASSERT(lib == that);
delete lib;
QLibraryPrivate::QLibraryPrivate(const QString &canonicalFileName, const QString &version, QLibrary::LoadHints loadHints)
: fileName(canonicalFileName), fullVersion(version), pluginState(MightBeAPlugin)
if (canonicalFileName.isEmpty())
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The shared library was not found.");
QLibraryPrivate *QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(const QString &fileName, const QString &version,
QLibrary::LoadHints loadHints)
return QLibraryStore::findOrCreate(fileName, version, loadHints);
void QLibraryPrivate::mergeLoadHints(QLibrary::LoadHints lh)
// if the library is already loaded, we can't change the load hints
if (pHnd.loadRelaxed())
QFunctionPointer QLibraryPrivate::resolve(const char *symbol)
if (!pHnd.loadRelaxed())
return nullptr;
return resolve_sys(symbol);
void QLibraryPrivate::setLoadHints(QLibrary::LoadHints lh)
// this locks a global mutex
QMutexLocker lock(&qt_library_mutex);
QObject *QLibraryPrivate::pluginInstance()
// first, check if the instance is cached and hasn't been deleted
QObject *obj = (QMutexLocker(&mutex),;
if (obj)
return obj;
// We need to call the plugin's factory function. Is that cached?
// skip increasing the reference count (why? -Thiago)
QtPluginInstanceFunction factory = instanceFactory.loadAcquire();
if (!factory)
factory = loadPlugin();
if (!factory)
return nullptr;
obj = factory();
// cache again
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if (inst)
obj = inst;
inst = obj;
return obj;
bool QLibraryPrivate::load()
if (pHnd.loadRelaxed()) {
return true;
if (fileName.isEmpty())
return false;
Q_TRACE(QLibraryPrivate_load_entry, fileName);
bool ret = load_sys();
if (qt_debug_component()) {
if (ret) {
qDebug() << "loaded library" << fileName;
} else {
qDebug() << qUtf8Printable(errorString);
if (ret) {
//when loading a library we add a reference to it so that the QLibraryPrivate won't get deleted
//this allows to unload the library at a later time
Q_TRACE(QLibraryPrivate_load_exit, ret);
return ret;
bool QLibraryPrivate::unload(UnloadFlag flag)
if (!pHnd.loadRelaxed())
return false;
if (libraryUnloadCount.loadRelaxed() > 0 && !libraryUnloadCount.deref()) { // only unload if ALL QLibrary instance wanted to
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if (flag == NoUnloadSys || unload_sys()) {
if (qt_debug_component())
qWarning() << "QLibraryPrivate::unload succeeded on" << fileName
<< (flag == NoUnloadSys ? "(faked)" : "");
//when the library is unloaded, we release the reference on it so that 'this'
//can get deleted
return true;
return false;
void QLibraryPrivate::release()
QtPluginInstanceFunction QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin()
if (auto ptr = instanceFactory.loadAcquire()) {
return ptr;
if (pluginState == IsNotAPlugin)
return nullptr;
if (load()) {
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<QtPluginInstanceFunction>(resolve("qt_plugin_instance"));
instanceFactory.storeRelease(ptr); // two threads may store the same value
return ptr;
if (qt_debug_component())
qWarning() << "QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on" << fileName << ":" << errorString;
pluginState = IsNotAPlugin;
return nullptr;
Returns \c true if \a fileName has a valid suffix for a loadable
library; otherwise returns \c false.
\header \li Platform \li Valid suffixes
\row \li Windows \li \c .dll, \c .DLL
\row \li Unix/Linux \li \c .so
\row \li AIX \li \c .a
\row \li HP-UX \li \c .sl, \c .so (HP-UXi)
\row \li \macos and iOS \li \c .dylib, \c .bundle, \c .so
Trailing versioning numbers on Unix are ignored.
bool QLibrary::isLibrary(const QString &fileName)
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
return fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".dll"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
#else // Generic Unix
QString completeSuffix = QFileInfo(fileName).completeSuffix();
if (completeSuffix.isEmpty())
return false;
const QVector<QStringRef> suffixes = completeSuffix.splitRef(QLatin1Char('.'));
QStringList validSuffixList;
# if defined(Q_OS_HPUX)
See "HP-UX Linker and Libraries User's Guide", section "Link-time Differences between PA-RISC and IPF":
"In PA-RISC (PA-32 and PA-64) shared libraries are suffixed with .sl. In IPF (32-bit and 64-bit),
the shared libraries are suffixed with .so. For compatibility, the IPF linker also supports the .sl suffix."
validSuffixList << QLatin1String("sl");
# if defined __ia64
validSuffixList << QLatin1String("so");
# endif
# elif defined(Q_OS_AIX)
validSuffixList << QLatin1String("a") << QLatin1String("so");
# elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
// On Apple platforms, dylib look like libmylib.1.0.0.dylib
if (suffixes.last() == QLatin1String("dylib"))
return true;
validSuffixList << QLatin1String("so") << QLatin1String("bundle");
# elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
validSuffixList << QLatin1String("so");
# endif
// Examples of valid library names:
int suffix;
int suffixPos = -1;
for (suffix = 0; suffix < validSuffixList.count() && suffixPos == -1; ++suffix)
suffixPos = suffixes.indexOf(QStringRef(&;
bool valid = suffixPos != -1;
for (int i = suffixPos + 1; i < suffixes.count() && valid; ++i)
if (i != suffixPos);
return valid;
static bool qt_get_metadata(QLibraryPrivate *priv, QString *errMsg)
auto getMetaData = [](QFunctionPointer fptr) {
auto f = reinterpret_cast<const char * (*)()>(fptr);
return qMakePair<const char *, size_t>(f(), INT_MAX);
auto getMetaData = [](QFunctionPointer fptr) {
auto f = reinterpret_cast<QPair<const char *, size_t> (*)()>(fptr);
return f();
QFunctionPointer pfn = priv->resolve("qt_plugin_query_metadata");
if (!pfn)
return false;
auto metaData = getMetaData(pfn);
QJsonDocument doc = qJsonFromRawLibraryMetaData(metaData.first, metaData.second, errMsg);
if (doc.isNull())
return false;
priv->metaData = doc.object();
return true;
bool QLibraryPrivate::isPlugin()
if (pluginState == MightBeAPlugin)
return pluginState == IsAPlugin;
void QLibraryPrivate::updatePluginState()
QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
if (pluginState != MightBeAPlugin)
bool success = false;
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC)
if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".debug"))) {
// refuse to load a file that ends in .debug
// these are the debug symbols from the libraries
// the problem is that they are valid shared library files
// and dlopen is known to crash while opening them
// pretend we didn't see the file
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The shared library was not found.");
pluginState = IsNotAPlugin;
if (!pHnd.loadRelaxed()) {
// scan for the plugin metadata without loading
success = findPatternUnloaded(fileName, this);
} else {
// library is already loaded (probably via QLibrary)
// simply get the target function and call it.
success = qt_get_metadata(this, &errorString);
if (!success) {
if (errorString.isEmpty()){
if (fileName.isEmpty())
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The shared library was not found.");
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.").arg(fileName);
pluginState = IsNotAPlugin;
pluginState = IsNotAPlugin; // be pessimistic
uint qt_version = (uint)metaData.value(QLatin1String("version")).toDouble();
bool debug = metaData.value(QLatin1String("debug")).toBool();
if ((qt_version & 0x00ff00) > (QT_VERSION & 0x00ff00) || (qt_version & 0xff0000) != (QT_VERSION & 0xff0000)) {
if (qt_debug_component()) {
qWarning("In %s:\n"
" Plugin uses incompatible Qt library (%d.%d.%d) [%s]",
(qt_version&0xff0000) >> 16, (qt_version&0xff00) >> 8, qt_version&0xff,
debug ? "debug" : "release");
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]")
.arg((qt_version&0xff0000) >> 16)
.arg((qt_version&0xff00) >> 8)
.arg(debug ? QLatin1String("debug") : QLatin1String("release"));
} else if(debug != QLIBRARY_AS_DEBUG) {
//don't issue a qWarning since we will hopefully find a non-debug? --Sam
errorString = QLibrary::tr("The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library."
" (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)").arg(fileName);
} else {
pluginState = IsAPlugin;
Loads the library and returns \c true if the library was loaded
successfully; otherwise returns \c false. Since resolve() always
calls this function before resolving any symbols it is not
necessary to call it explicitly. In some situations you might want
the library loaded in advance, in which case you would use this
\sa unload()
bool QLibrary::load()
if (!d)
return false;
if (did_load)
return d->pHnd.loadRelaxed();
did_load = true;
return d->load();
Unloads the library and returns \c true if the library could be
unloaded; otherwise returns \c false.
This happens automatically on application termination, so you
shouldn't normally need to call this function.
If other instances of QLibrary are using the same library, the
call will fail, and unloading will only happen when every instance
has called unload().
Note that on Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther), dynamic libraries cannot be unloaded.
\sa resolve(), load()
bool QLibrary::unload()
if (did_load) {
did_load = false;
return d->unload();
return false;
Returns \c true if the library is loaded; otherwise returns \c false.
\sa load()
bool QLibrary::isLoaded() const
return d && d->pHnd.loadRelaxed();
Constructs a library with the given \a parent.
QLibrary::QLibrary(QObject *parent)
:QObject(parent), d(nullptr), did_load(false)
Constructs a library object with the given \a parent that will
load the library specified by \a fileName.
We recommend omitting the file's suffix in \a fileName, since
QLibrary will automatically look for the file with the appropriate
suffix in accordance with the platform, e.g. ".so" on Unix,
".dylib" on \macos and iOS, and ".dll" on Windows. (See \l{fileName}.)
QLibrary::QLibrary(const QString& fileName, QObject *parent)
:QObject(parent), d(nullptr), did_load(false)
Constructs a library object with the given \a parent that will
load the library specified by \a fileName and major version number \a verNum.
Currently, the version number is ignored on Windows.
We recommend omitting the file's suffix in \a fileName, since
QLibrary will automatically look for the file with the appropriate
suffix in accordance with the platform, e.g. ".so" on Unix,
".dylib" on \macos and iOS, and ".dll" on Windows. (See \l{fileName}.)
QLibrary::QLibrary(const QString& fileName, int verNum, QObject *parent)
:QObject(parent), d(nullptr), did_load(false)
setFileNameAndVersion(fileName, verNum);
Constructs a library object with the given \a parent that will
load the library specified by \a fileName and full version number \a version.
Currently, the version number is ignored on Windows.
We recommend omitting the file's suffix in \a fileName, since
QLibrary will automatically look for the file with the appropriate
suffix in accordance with the platform, e.g. ".so" on Unix,
".dylib" on \macos and iOS, and ".dll" on Windows. (See \l{fileName}.)
QLibrary::QLibrary(const QString& fileName, const QString &version, QObject *parent)
:QObject(parent), d(nullptr), did_load(false)
setFileNameAndVersion(fileName, version);
Destroys the QLibrary object.
Unless unload() was called explicitly, the library stays in memory
until the application terminates.
\sa isLoaded(), unload()
if (d)
\property QLibrary::fileName
\brief the file name of the library
We recommend omitting the file's suffix in the file name, since
QLibrary will automatically look for the file with the appropriate
suffix (see isLibrary()).
When loading the library, QLibrary searches in all system-specific
library locations (for example, \c LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix), unless the
file name has an absolute path. After loading the library
successfully, fileName() returns the fully-qualified file name of
the library, including the full path to the library if one was given
in the constructor or passed to setFileName().
For example, after successfully loading the "GL" library on Unix
platforms, fileName() will return "". If the file name was
originally passed as "/usr/lib/libGL", fileName() will return
void QLibrary::setFileName(const QString &fileName)
QLibrary::LoadHints lh;
if (d) {
lh = d->loadHints();
d = nullptr;
did_load = false;
d = QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(fileName, QString(), lh);
QString QLibrary::fileName() const
if (d) {
QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
return d->qualifiedFileName.isEmpty() ? d->fileName : d->qualifiedFileName;
return QString();
\fn void QLibrary::setFileNameAndVersion(const QString &fileName, int versionNumber)
Sets the fileName property and major version number to \a fileName
and \a versionNumber respectively.
The \a versionNumber is ignored on Windows.
\sa setFileName()
void QLibrary::setFileNameAndVersion(const QString &fileName, int verNum)
QLibrary::LoadHints lh;
if (d) {
lh = d->loadHints();
d = nullptr;
did_load = false;
d = QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(fileName, verNum >= 0 ? QString::number(verNum) : QString(), lh);
\since 4.4
Sets the fileName property and full version number to \a fileName
and \a version respectively.
The \a version parameter is ignored on Windows.
\sa setFileName()
void QLibrary::setFileNameAndVersion(const QString &fileName, const QString &version)
QLibrary::LoadHints lh;
if (d) {
lh = d->loadHints();
d = nullptr;
did_load = false;
d = QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(fileName, version, lh);
Returns the address of the exported symbol \a symbol. The library is
loaded if necessary. The function returns \nullptr if the symbol could
not be resolved or if the library could not be loaded.
\snippet code/src_corelib_plugin_qlibrary.cpp 2
The symbol must be exported as a C function from the library. This
means that the function must be wrapped in an \c{extern "C"} if
the library is compiled with a C++ compiler. On Windows you must
also explicitly export the function from the DLL using the
\c{__declspec(dllexport)} compiler directive, for example:
\snippet code/src_corelib_plugin_qlibrary.cpp 3
with \c MY_EXPORT defined as
\snippet code/src_corelib_plugin_qlibrary.cpp 4
QFunctionPointer QLibrary::resolve(const char *symbol)
if (!isLoaded() && !load())
return nullptr;
return d->resolve(symbol);
Loads the library \a fileName and returns the address of the
exported symbol \a symbol. Note that \a fileName should not
include the platform-specific file suffix; (see \l{fileName}). The
library remains loaded until the application exits.
The function returns \nullptr if the symbol could not be resolved or if
the library could not be loaded.
\sa resolve()
QFunctionPointer QLibrary::resolve(const QString &fileName, const char *symbol)
QLibrary library(fileName);
return library.resolve(symbol);
Loads the library \a fileName with major version number \a verNum and
returns the address of the exported symbol \a symbol.
Note that \a fileName should not include the platform-specific file suffix;
(see \l{fileName}). The library remains loaded until the application exits.
\a verNum is ignored on Windows.
The function returns \nullptr if the symbol could not be resolved or if
the library could not be loaded.
\sa resolve()
QFunctionPointer QLibrary::resolve(const QString &fileName, int verNum, const char *symbol)
QLibrary library(fileName, verNum);
return library.resolve(symbol);
\since 4.4
Loads the library \a fileName with full version number \a version and
returns the address of the exported symbol \a symbol.
Note that \a fileName should not include the platform-specific file suffix;
(see \l{fileName}). The library remains loaded until the application exits.
\a version is ignored on Windows.
The function returns \nullptr if the symbol could not be resolved or if
the library could not be loaded.
\sa resolve()
QFunctionPointer QLibrary::resolve(const QString &fileName, const QString &version, const char *symbol)
QLibrary library(fileName, version);
return library.resolve(symbol);
\since 4.2
Returns a text string with the description of the last error that occurred.
Currently, errorString will only be set if load(), unload() or resolve() for some reason fails.
QString QLibrary::errorString() const
QString str;
if (d) {
QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex);
str = d->errorString;
return str.isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : str;
\property QLibrary::loadHints
\brief Give the load() function some hints on how it should behave.
You can give some hints on how the symbols are resolved. Usually,
the symbols are not resolved at load time, but resolved lazily,
(that is, when resolve() is called). If you set the loadHints to
ResolveAllSymbolsHint, then all symbols will be resolved at load time
if the platform supports it.
Setting ExportExternalSymbolsHint will make the external symbols in the
library available for resolution in subsequent loaded libraries.
If LoadArchiveMemberHint is set, the file name
is composed of two components: A path which is a reference to an
archive file followed by the second component which is the reference to
the archive member. For instance, the fileName \c libGL.a(shr_64.o) will refer
to the library \c shr_64.o in the archive file named \c libGL.a. This
is only supported on the AIX platform.
The interpretation of the load hints is platform dependent, and if
you use it you are probably making some assumptions on which platform
you are compiling for, so use them only if you understand the consequences
of them.
By default, none of these flags are set, so libraries will be loaded with
lazy symbol resolution, and will not export external symbols for resolution
in other dynamically-loaded libraries.
\note Setting this property after the library has been loaded has no effect
and loadHints() will not reflect those changes.
\note This property is shared among all QLibrary instances that refer to
the same library.
void QLibrary::setLoadHints(LoadHints hints)
if (!d) {
d = QLibraryPrivate::findOrCreate(QString()); // ugly, but we need a d-ptr
QLibrary::LoadHints QLibrary::loadHints() const
return d ? d->loadHints() : QLibrary::LoadHints();
/* Internal, for debugging */
bool qt_debug_component()
static int debug_env = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qEnvironmentVariableIntValue)("QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS");
return debug_env != 0;
#include "moc_qlibrary.cpp"