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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <private/qbinaryjsonvalue_p.h>
#include <private/qendian_p.h>
#include <qjsondocument.h>
#include <limits>
// in qstring.cpp
void qt_to_latin1_unchecked(uchar *dst, const ushort *uc, qsizetype len);
void qt_from_latin1(ushort *dst, const char *str, size_t size) noexcept;
This defines a binary data structure for Json data. The data structure is optimised for fast reading
and minimum allocations. The whole data structure can be mmap'ed and used directly.
In most cases the binary structure is not as space efficient as a utf8 encoded text representation, but
much faster to access.
The size requirements are:
Latin1 data: 2 bytes header + string.length()
Full Unicode: 4 bytes header + 2*(string.length())
Values: 4 bytes + size of data (size can be 0 for some data)
bool: 0 bytes
double: 8 bytes (0 if integer with less than 27bits)
string: see above
array: size of array
object: size of object
Array: 12 bytes + 4*length + size of Value data
Object: 12 bytes + 8*length + size of Key Strings + size of Value data
For an example such as
{ // object: 12 + 5*8 = 52
"firstName": "John", // key 12, value 8 = 20
"lastName" : "Smith", // key 12, value 8 = 20
"age" : 25, // key 8, value 0 = 8
"address" : // key 12, object below = 140
{ // object: 12 + 4*8
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", // key 16, value 16
"city" : "New York", // key 8, value 12
"state" : "NY", // key 8, value 4
"postalCode" : "10021" // key 12, value 8
}, // object total: 128
"phoneNumber": // key: 16, value array below = 172
[ // array: 12 + 2*4 + values below: 156
{ // object 12 + 2*8
"type" : "home", // key 8, value 8
"number": "212 555-1234" // key 8, value 16
}, // object total: 68
{ // object 12 + 2*8
"type" : "fax", // key 8, value 8
"number": "646 555-4567" // key 8, value 16
} // object total: 68
] // array total: 156
} // great total: 412 bytes
The uncompressed text file used roughly 500 bytes, so in this case we end up using about
the same space as the text representation.
Other measurements have shown a slightly bigger binary size than a compact text
representation where all possible whitespace was stripped out.
namespace QBinaryJsonPrivate {
class Array;
class Object;
class Value;
class Entry;
template<typename T>
using q_littleendian = QLEInteger<T>;
using qle_short = q_littleendian<short>;
using qle_ushort = q_littleendian<unsigned short>;
using qle_int = q_littleendian<int>;
using qle_uint = q_littleendian<unsigned int>;
template<int pos, int width>
using qle_bitfield = QLEIntegerBitfield<uint, pos, width>;
template<int pos, int width>
using qle_signedbitfield = QLEIntegerBitfield<int, pos, width>;
using offset = qle_uint;
// round the size up to the next 4 byte boundary
inline uint alignedSize(uint size) { return (size + 3) & ~3; }
const int MaxLatin1Length = 0x7fff;
static inline bool useCompressed(QStringView s)
if (s.length() > MaxLatin1Length)
return false;
return QtPrivate::isLatin1(s);
static inline bool useCompressed(QLatin1String s)
return s.size() <= MaxLatin1Length;
static inline uint qStringSize(const QString &string, bool compress)
uint l = 2 + string.size();
if (!compress)
l *= 2;
return alignedSize(l);
// returns INT_MAX if it can't compress it into 28 bits
static inline int compressedNumber(double d)
// this relies on details of how ieee floats are represented
const int exponent_off = 52;
const quint64 fraction_mask = 0x000fffffffffffffULL;
const quint64 exponent_mask = 0x7ff0000000000000ULL;
quint64 val;
memcpy (&val, &d, sizeof(double));
int exp = (int)((val & exponent_mask) >> exponent_off) - 1023;
if (exp < 0 || exp > 25)
return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
quint64 non_int = val & (fraction_mask >> exp);
if (non_int)
return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
bool neg = (val >> 63) != 0;
val &= fraction_mask;
val |= ((quint64)1 << 52);
int res = (int)(val >> (52 - exp));
return neg ? -res : res;
class Latin1String;
class String
explicit String(const char *data) : d(reinterpret_cast<const Data *>(data)) {}
struct Data {
qle_uint length;
qle_ushort utf16[1];
const Data *d;
uint byteSize() const { return sizeof(uint) + sizeof(ushort) * d->length; }
bool isValid(uint maxSize) const
// Check byteSize() <= maxSize, avoiding integer overflow
return maxSize >= sizeof(uint)
&& uint(d->length) <= (maxSize - sizeof(uint)) / sizeof(ushort);
static void copy(char *dest, QStringView str)
Data *data = reinterpret_cast<Data *>(dest);
data->length = str.length();
qToLittleEndian<quint16>(str.utf16(), str.length(), data->utf16);
static void fillTrailingZeros(Data *data)
if (data->length & 1)
data->utf16[data->length] = 0;
bool operator ==(QStringView str) const
int slen = str.length();
int l = d->length;
if (slen != l)
return false;
const auto *s = reinterpret_cast<const ushort *>(str.utf16());
const qle_ushort *a = d->utf16;
const ushort *b = s;
while (l-- && *a == *b)
return (l == -1);
bool operator ==(const String &str) const
if (d->length != str.d->length)
return false;
return !memcmp(d->utf16, str.d->utf16, d->length * sizeof(ushort));
QString toString() const
return QString(reinterpret_cast<const QChar *>(d->utf16), d->length);
const uint l = d->length;
QString str(l, Qt::Uninitialized);
QChar *ch =;
for (uint i = 0; i < l; ++i)
ch[i] = QChar(d->utf16[i]);
return str;
class Latin1String
explicit Latin1String(const char *data) : d(reinterpret_cast<const Data *>(data)) {}
struct Data {
qle_ushort length;
char latin1[1];
const Data *d;
uint byteSize() const { return sizeof(ushort) + sizeof(char) * (d->length); }
bool isValid(uint maxSize) const { return byteSize() <= maxSize; }
static void copy(char *dest, QStringView src)
Data *data = reinterpret_cast<Data *>(dest);
data->length = src.length();
auto *l = reinterpret_cast<uchar *>(data->latin1);
const auto *uc = reinterpret_cast<const ushort *>(src.utf16());
qt_to_latin1_unchecked(l, uc, data->length);
for (uint len = data->length; quintptr(l + len) & 0x3; ++len)
l[len] = 0;
QLatin1String toQLatin1String() const noexcept { return QLatin1String(d->latin1, d->length); }
QString toString() const { return QString::fromLatin1(d->latin1, d->length); }
static inline void copyString(char *dest, QStringView str, bool compress)
if (compress)
Latin1String::copy(dest, str);
String::copy(dest, str);
Base is the base class for both Object and Array. Both classes work more or less the same way.
The class starts with a header (defined by the struct below), then followed by data (the data for
values in the Array case and Entry's (see below) for objects.
After the data a table follows (tableOffset points to it) containing Value objects for Arrays, and
offsets from the beginning of the object to Entry's in the case of Object.
Entry's in the Object's table are lexicographically sorted by key in the table(). This allows the usage
of a binary search over the keys in an Object.
class Base
qle_uint size;
union {
uint _dummy;
qle_bitfield<0, 1> is_object;
qle_bitfield<1, 31> length;
offset tableOffset;
// content follows here
bool isObject() const { return !!is_object; }
bool isArray() const { return !isObject(); }
offset *table()
return reinterpret_cast<offset *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + tableOffset);
const offset *table() const
return reinterpret_cast<const offset *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + tableOffset);
uint reserveSpace(uint dataSize, uint posInTable, uint numItems, bool replace);
class Object : public Base
const Entry *entryAt(uint i) const
return reinterpret_cast<const Entry *>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + table()[i]);
Entry *entryAt(uint i)
return reinterpret_cast<Entry *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this) + table()[i]);
uint indexOf(QStringView key, bool *exists) const;
QJsonObject toJsonObject() const;
bool isValid(uint maxSize) const;
class Array : public Base
const Value *at(uint i) const { return reinterpret_cast<const Value *>(table() + i); }
Value *at(uint i) { return reinterpret_cast<Value *>(table() + i); }
QJsonArray toJsonArray() const;
bool isValid(uint maxSize) const;
class Value
enum {
MaxSize = (1 << 27) - 1
union {
uint _dummy;
qle_bitfield<0, 3> type;
qle_bitfield<3, 1> latinOrIntValue;
qle_bitfield<4, 1> latinKey;
qle_bitfield<5, 27> value;
qle_signedbitfield<5, 27> int_value;
inline const char *data(const Base *b) const
return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(b) + value;
uint usedStorage(const Base *b) const;
bool toBoolean() const
Q_ASSERT(type == QJsonValue::Bool);
return value != 0;
double toDouble(const Base *b) const
Q_ASSERT(type == QJsonValue::Double);
if (latinOrIntValue)
return int_value;
auto i = qFromLittleEndian<quint64>(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(b) + value);
double d;
memcpy(&d, &i, sizeof(double));
return d;
QString toString(const Base *b) const
return latinOrIntValue
? asLatin1String(b).toString()
: asString(b).toString();
String asString(const Base *b) const
Q_ASSERT(type == QJsonValue::String && !latinOrIntValue);
return String(data(b));
Latin1String asLatin1String(const Base *b) const
Q_ASSERT(type == QJsonValue::String && latinOrIntValue);
return Latin1String(data(b));
const Base *base(const Base *b) const
Q_ASSERT(type == QJsonValue::Array || type == QJsonValue::Object);
return reinterpret_cast<const Base *>(data(b));
QJsonValue toJsonValue(const Base *b) const;
bool isValid(const Base *b) const;
static uint requiredStorage(const QBinaryJsonValue &v, bool *compressed);
static uint valueToStore(const QBinaryJsonValue &v, uint offset);
static void copyData(const QBinaryJsonValue &v, char *dest, bool compressed);
class Entry {
Value value;
// key
// value data follows key
uint size() const
uint s = sizeof(Entry);
if (value.latinKey)
s += shallowLatin1Key().byteSize();
s += shallowKey().byteSize();
return alignedSize(s);
uint usedStorage(Base *b) const
return size() + value.usedStorage(b);
String shallowKey() const
return String(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + sizeof(Entry));
Latin1String shallowLatin1Key() const
return Latin1String(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) + sizeof(Entry));
QString key() const
return value.latinKey
? shallowLatin1Key().toString()
: shallowKey().toString();
bool isValid(uint maxSize) const
if (maxSize < sizeof(Entry))
return false;
maxSize -= sizeof(Entry);
return value.latinKey
? shallowLatin1Key().isValid(maxSize)
: shallowKey().isValid(maxSize);
bool operator ==(QStringView key) const
return value.latinKey
? (shallowLatin1Key().toQLatin1String() == key)
: (shallowKey() == key);
bool operator >=(QStringView key) const
return value.latinKey
? (shallowLatin1Key().toQLatin1String() >= key)
: (shallowKey().toString() >= key);
class Header {
qle_uint tag; // 'qbjs'
qle_uint version; // 1
Base *root() { return reinterpret_cast<Base *>(this + 1); }
const Base *root() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Base *>(this + 1); }
class ConstData
const uint alloc;
union {
const char *rawData;
const Header *header;
ConstData(const char *raw, uint a) : alloc(a), rawData(raw) {}
bool isValid() const;
QJsonDocument toJsonDocument() const;
class MutableData
QAtomicInt ref;
uint alloc;
union {
char *rawData;
Header *header;
uint compactionCounter : 31;
MutableData(char *raw, uint a)
: alloc(a), rawData(raw), compactionCounter(0)
MutableData(uint reserved, QJsonValue::Type valueType)
: rawData(nullptr), compactionCounter(0)
Q_ASSERT(valueType == QJsonValue::Array || valueType == QJsonValue::Object);
alloc = sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Base) + reserved + sizeof(offset);
header = reinterpret_cast<Header *>(malloc(alloc));
header->tag = QJsonDocument::BinaryFormatTag;
header->version = 1;
Base *b = header->root();
b->size = sizeof(Base);
b->is_object = (valueType == QJsonValue::Object);
b->tableOffset = sizeof(Base);
b->length = 0;
MutableData *clone(const Base *b, uint reserve = 0)
uint size = sizeof(Header) + b->size;
if (b == header->root() && ref.loadRelaxed() == 1 && alloc >= size + reserve)
return this;
if (reserve) {
if (reserve < 128)
reserve = 128;
size = qMax(size + reserve, qMin(size *2, uint(Value::MaxSize)));
if (size > Value::MaxSize) {
qWarning("QJson: Document too large to store in data structure");
return nullptr;
char *raw = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(size));
memcpy(raw + sizeof(Header), b, b->size);
auto *h = reinterpret_cast<Header *>(raw);
h->tag = QJsonDocument::BinaryFormatTag;
h->version = 1;
auto *d = new MutableData(raw, size);
d->compactionCounter = (b == header->root()) ? compactionCounter : 0;
return d;
char *takeRawData(uint *size)
*size = alloc;
char *result = rawData;
rawData = nullptr;
alloc = 0;
return result;
void compact();
} // namespace QBinaryJsonPrivate