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#include "qcborstreamreader.h"
#include <private/qcborcommon_p.h>
#include <private/qbytearray_p.h>
#include <private/qnumeric_p.h>
#include <private/qutfcodec_p.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qstack.h>
static bool qt_cbor_decoder_can_read(void *token, size_t len);
static void qt_cbor_decoder_advance(void *token, size_t len);
static void *qt_cbor_decoder_read(void *token, void *userptr, size_t offset, size_t len);
static CborError qt_cbor_decoder_transfer_string(void *token, const void **userptr, size_t offset, size_t len);
#define CBOR_PARSER_CAN_READ_BYTES_FUNCTION qt_cbor_decoder_can_read
#define CBOR_PARSER_ADVANCE_BYTES_FUNCTION qt_cbor_decoder_advance
#define CBOR_PARSER_TRANSFER_STRING_FUNCTION qt_cbor_decoder_transfer_string
#define CBOR_PARSER_READ_BYTES_FUNCTION qt_cbor_decoder_read
QT_WARNING_DISABLE_MSVC(4334) // '<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits (was 64-bit shift intended?)
#include <cborparser.c>
static CborError _cbor_value_dup_string(const CborValue *, void **, size_t *, CborValue *)
return CborErrorInternalError;
static CborError Q_DECL_UNUSED cbor_value_get_half_float_as_float(const CborValue *, float *)
return CborErrorInternalError;
// confirm our constants match TinyCBOR's
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger) == CborIntegerType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::ByteString) == CborByteStringType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::TextString) == CborTextStringType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Array) == CborArrayType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Map) == CborMapType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Tag) == CborTagType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::SimpleType) == CborSimpleType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::HalfFloat) == CborHalfFloatType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Float) == CborFloatType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Double) == CborDoubleType);
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(int(QCborStreamReader::Invalid) == CborInvalidType);
\class QCborStreamReader
\inmodule QtCore
\ingroup cbor
\since 5.12
\brief The QCborStreamReader class is a simple CBOR stream decoder, operating
on either a QByteArray or QIODevice.
This class can be used to decode a stream of CBOR content directly from
either a QByteArray or a QIODevice. CBOR is the Concise Binary Object
Representation, a very compact form of binary data encoding that is
compatible with JSON. It was created by the IETF Constrained RESTful
Environments (CoRE) WG, which has used it in many new RFCs. It is meant to
be used alongside the \l{}{CoAP
QCborStreamReader provides a StAX-like API, similar to that of
\l{QXmlStreamReader}. Using it requires a bit of knowledge of CBOR encoding.
For a simpler API, see \l{QCborValue} and especially the decoding function
Typically, one creates a QCborStreamReader by passing the source QByteArray
or QIODevice as a parameter to the constructor, then pop elements off the
stream if there were no errors in decoding. There are three kinds of CBOR
\header \li Kind \li Types \li Behavior
\row \li Fixed-width \li Integers, Tags, Simple types, Floating point
\li Value is pre-parsed by QCborStreamReader, so accessor functions
are \c const. Must call next() to advance.
\row \li Strings \li Byte arrays, Text strings
\li Length (if known) is pre-parsed, but the string itself is not.
The accessor functions are not const and may allocate memory.
Once called, the accessor functions automatically advance to
the next element.
\row \li Containers \li Arrays, Maps
\li Length (if known) is pre-parsed. To access the elements, you
must call enterContainer(), read all elements, then call
leaveContainer(). That function advances to the next element.
So a processor function typically looks like this:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 24
\section1 CBOR support
The following table lists the CBOR features that QCborStreamReader supports.
\header \li Feature \li Support
\row \li Unsigned numbers \li Yes (full range)
\row \li Negative numbers \li Yes (full range)
\row \li Byte strings \li Yes
\row \li Text strings \li Yes
\row \li Chunked strings \li Yes
\row \li Tags \li Yes (arbitrary)
\row \li Booleans \li Yes
\row \li Null \li Yes
\row \li Undefined \li Yes
\row \li Arbitrary simple values \li Yes
\row \li Half-precision float (16-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Single-precision float (32-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Double-precision float (64-bit) \li Yes
\row \li Infinities and NaN floating point \li Yes
\row \li Determinate-length arrays and maps \li Yes
\row \li Indeterminate-length arrays and maps \li Yes
\row \li Map key types other than strings and integers \li Yes (arbitrary)
\section1 Dealing with invalid or incomplete CBOR streams
QCborStreamReader is capable of detecting corrupt input on its own. The
library it uses has been extensively tested against invalid input of any
kind and is quite able to report errors. If any is detected,
QCborStreamReader will set lastError() to a value besides
QCborError::NoError, indicating which situation was detected.
Most errors detected by QCborStreamReader during normal item parsing are not
recoverable. The code using QCborStreamReader may opt to handle the data
that was properly decoded or it can opt to discard the entire data.
The only recoverable error is QCborError::EndOfFile, which indicates that
more data is required in order to complete the parsing. This situation is
useful when data is being read from an asynchronous source, such as a pipe
(QProcess) or a socket (QTcpSocket, QUdpSocket, QNetworkReply, etc.). When
more data arrives, the surrounding code needs to call either addData(), if
parsing from a QByteArray, or reparse(), if it is instead reading directly
a the QIDOevice that now has more data available (see setDevice()).
\sa QCborStreamWriter, QCborValue, QXmlStreamReader
\enum QCborStreamReader::Type
This enumeration contains all possible CBOR types as decoded by
QCborStreamReader. CBOR has 7 major types, plus a number of simple types
carrying no value, and floating point values.
\value UnsignedInteger (Major type 0) Ranges from 0 to 2\sup{64} - 1
\value NegativeInteger (Major type 1) Ranges from -1 to -2\sup{64}
\value ByteArray (Major type 2) Arbitrary binary data.
\value ByteString An alias to ByteArray.
\value String (Major type 3) Unicode text, possibly containing NULs.
\value TextString An alias to String
\value Array (Major type 4) Array of heterogeneous items.
\value Map (Major type 5) Map/dictionary of heterogeneous items.
\value Tag (Major type 6) Numbers giving further semantic value
to generic CBOR items. See \l QCborTag for more information.
\value SimpleType (Major type 7) Types carrying no further value. Includes
booleans (true and false), null, undefined.
\value Float16 IEEE 754 half-precision floating point (\c qfloat16).
\value HalfFloat An alias to Float16.
\value Float IEEE 754 single-precision floating point (\tt float).
\value Double IEEE 754 double-precision floating point (\tt double).
\value Invalid Not a valid type, either due to parsing error or due to
reaching the end of an array or map.
\enum QCborStreamReader::StringResultCode
This enum is returned by readString() and readByteArray() and is used to
indicate what the status of the parsing is.
\value EndOfString The parsing for the string is complete, with no error.
\value Ok The function returned data; there was no error.
\value Error Parsing failed with an error.
\class QCborStreamReader::StringResult
\inmodule QtCore
This class is returned by readString() and readByteArray(), with either the
contents of the string that was read or an indication that the parsing is
done or found an error.
The contents of \l data are valid only if \l status is
\l{StringResultCode}{Ok}. Otherwise, it should be null.
\variable QCborStreamReader::StringResult::data
Contains the actual data from the string if \l status is \c Ok.
\variable QCborStreamReader::StringResult::status
Contains the status of the attempt of reading the string from the stream.
\fn QCborStreamReader::Type QCborStreamReader::type() const
Returns the type of the current element. It is one of the valid types or
\sa isValid(), isUnsignedInteger(), isNegativeInteger(), isInteger(),
isByteArray(), isString(), isArray(), isMap(), isTag(), isSimpleType(),
isBool(), isFalse(), isTrue(), isNull(), isUndefined(), isFloat16(),
isFloat(), isDouble()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isValid() const
Returns true if the current element is valid, false otherwise. The current
element may be invalid if there was a decoding error or we've just parsed
the last element in an array or map.
\note This function is not the opposite of isNull(). Null is a normal CBOR
type that must be handled by the application.
\sa type(), isInvalid()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isInvalid() const
Returns true if the current element is invalid, false otherwise. The current
element may be invalid if there was a decoding error or we've just parsed
the last element in an array or map.
\note This function is not to be confused with isNull(). Null is a normal
CBOR type that must be handled by the application.
\sa type(), isValid()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isUnsignedInteger() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is an unsigned integer (that
is if type() returns QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger). If this function
returns true, you may call toUnsignedInteger() or toInteger() to read that value.
\sa type(), toUnsignedInteger(), toInteger(), isInteger(), isNegativeInteger()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isNegativeInteger() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is a negative integer (that
is if type() returns QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger). If this function
returns true, you may call toNegativeInteger() or toInteger() to read that value.
\sa type(), toNegativeInteger(), toInteger(), isInteger(), isUnsignedInteger()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isInteger() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is either an unsigned
integer or a negative one (that is, if type() returns
QCborStreamReader::UnsignedInteger or QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger).
If this function returns true, you may call toInteger() to read that
\sa type(), toInteger(), toUnsignedInteger(), toNegativeInteger(),
isUnsignedInteger(), isNegativeInteger()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isByteArray() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is a byte array (that is,
if type() returns QCborStreamReader::ByteArray). If this function returns
true, you may call readByteArray() to read that data.
\sa type(), readByteArray(), isString()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isString() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is a text string (that is,
if type() returns QCborStreamReader::String). If this function returns
true, you may call readString() to read that data.
\sa type(), readString(), isByteArray()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isArray() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is an array (that is,
if type() returns QCborStreamReader::Array). If this function returns
true, you may call enterContainer() to begin parsing that container.
When the current element is an array, you may also call isLengthKnown() to
find out if the array's size is explicit in the CBOR stream. If it is, that
size can be obtained by calling length().
The following example pre-allocates a QVariantList given the array's size
for more efficient decoding:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 25
\note The code above does not validate that the length is a sensible value.
If the input stream reports that the length is 1 billion elements, the above
function will try to allocate some 16 GB or more of RAM, which can lead to a
\sa type(), isMap(), isLengthKnown(), length(), enterContainer(), leaveContainer()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isMap() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is a map (that is, if type()
returns QCborStreamReader::Map). If this function returns true, you may call
enterContainer() to begin parsing that container.
When the current element is a map, you may also call isLengthKnown() to
find out if the map's size is explicit in the CBOR stream. If it is, that
size can be obtained by calling length().
The following example pre-allocates a QVariantMap given the map's size
for more efficient decoding:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 26
The example above uses a function called \c readElementAsString to read the
map's keys and obtain a string. That is because CBOR maps may contain any
type as keys, not just strings. User code needs to either perform this
conversion, reject non-string keys, or instead use a different container
besides \l QVariantMap and \l QVariantHash. For example, if the map is
expected to contain integer keys, which is recommended as it reduces stream
size and parsing, the correct container would be \c{\l{QMap}<int, QVariant>}
or \c{\l{QHash}<int, QVariant>}.
\note The code above does not validate that the length is a sensible value.
If the input stream reports that the length is 1 billion elements, the above
function will try to allocate some 24 GB or more of RAM, which can lead to a
\sa type(), isArray(), isLengthKnown(), length(), enterContainer(), leaveContainer()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isTag() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is a CBOR tag (that is,
if type() returns QCborStreamReader::Tag). If this function returns
true, you may call toTag() to read that data.
\sa type(), toTag()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isFloat16() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is an IEEE 754
half-precision floating point (that is, if type() returns
QCborStreamReader::Float16). If this function returns true, you may call
toFloat16() to read that data.
\sa type(), toFloat16(), isFloat(), isDouble()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isFloat() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is an IEEE 754
single-precision floating point (that is, if type() returns
QCborStreamReader::Float). If this function returns true, you may call
toFloat() to read that data.
\sa type(), toFloat(), isFloat16(), isDouble()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isDouble() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is an IEEE 754
double-precision floating point (that is, if type() returns
QCborStreamReader::Double). If this function returns true, you may call
toDouble() to read that data.
\sa type(), toDouble(), isFloat16(), isFloat()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isSimpleType() const
Returns true if the type of the current element is any CBOR simple type,
including a boolean value (true and false) as well as null and undefined. To
find out which simple type this is, call toSimpleType(). Alternatively, to
test for one specific simple type, call the overload that takes a
QCborSimpleType parameter.
CBOR simple types are types that do not carry extra value. There are 255
possibilities, but there are currently only four values that have defined
meaning. Code is not expected to cope with unknown simple types and may
simply discard the stream as invalid if it finds an unknown one.
\sa QCborSimpleType, type(), isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const
Returns true if the type of the current element is the simple type \a st,
false otherwise. If this function returns true, then toSimpleType() will
return \a st.
CBOR simple types are types that do not carry extra value. There are 255
possibilities, but there are currently only four values that have defined
meaning. Code is not expected to cope with unknown simple types and may
simply discard the stream as invalid if it finds an unknown one.
\sa QCborSimpleType, type(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isFalse() const
Returns true if the current element is the \c false value, false if it is
anything else.
\sa type(), isTrue(), isBool(), toBool(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isTrue() const
Returns true if the current element is the \c true value, false if it is
anything else.
\sa type(), isFalse(), isBool(), toBool(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isBool() const
Returns true if the current element is a boolean value (\c true or \c
false), false if it is anything else. If this function returns true, you may
call toBool() to retrieve the value of the boolean. You may also call
toSimpleType() and compare to either QCborSimpleValue::True or
\sa type(), isFalse(), isTrue(), toBool(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isNull() const
Returns true if the current element is the \c null value, false if it is
anything else. Null values may be used to indicate the absence of some
optional data.
\note This function is not the opposite of isValid(). A Null value is a
valid CBOR value.
\sa type(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isUndefined() const
Returns true if the current element is the \c undefined value, false if it
is anything else. Undefined values may be encoded to indicate that some
conversion failed or was not possible when creating the stream.
QCborStreamReader never performs any replacement and this function will only
return true if the stream contains an explicit undefined value.
\sa type(), isSimpleType(), toSimpleType()
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::isContainer() const
Returns true if the current element is a container (that is, an array or a
map), false if it is anything else. If the current element is a container,
the isLengthKnown() function may be used to find out if the container's size
is explicit in the stream and, if so, length() can be used to get that size.
More importantly, for a container, the enterContainer() function is
available to begin iterating through the elements contained therein.
\sa type(), isArray(), isMap(), isLengthKnown(), length(), enterContainer(),
leaveContainer(), containerDepth()
class QCborStreamReaderPrivate
enum {
// 9 bytes is the maximum size for any integer, floating point or
// length in CBOR.
MaxCborIndividualSize = 9,
IdealIoBufferSize = 256
QIODevice *device;
QByteArray buffer;
QStack<CborValue> containerStack;
CborParser parser;
CborValue currentElement;
QCborError lastError = {};
QByteArray::size_type bufferStart;
bool corrupt = false;
QCborStreamReaderPrivate(const QByteArray &data)
: device(nullptr), buffer(data)
QCborStreamReaderPrivate(QIODevice *device)
void setDevice(QIODevice *dev)
device = dev;
void initDecoder()
bufferStart = 0;
if (device) {
buffer.reserve(IdealIoBufferSize); // sets the CapacityReserved flag
if (CborError err = cbor_parser_init_reader(nullptr, &parser, &currentElement, this))
lastError = { QCborError::NoError };
char *bufferPtr()
return const_cast<char *>(buffer.constData()) + bufferStart;
void preread()
if (device && buffer.size() - bufferStart < MaxCborIndividualSize) {
// load more, but only if there's more to be read
qint64 avail = device->bytesAvailable();
Q_ASSERT(avail >= buffer.size());
if (avail == buffer.size())
if (bufferStart)
device->skip(bufferStart); // skip what we've already parsed
if (buffer.size() != IdealIoBufferSize)
bufferStart = 0;
qint64 read = device->peek(bufferPtr(), IdealIoBufferSize);
if (read < 0)
else if (read != IdealIoBufferSize)
void handleError(CborError err) noexcept
// is the error fatal?
if (err != CborErrorUnexpectedEOF)
corrupt = true;
lastError = QCborError { QCborError::Code(int(err)) };
void updateBufferAfterString(qsizetype offset, qsizetype size)
bufferStart += offset;
qsizetype newStart = bufferStart + size;
qsizetype remainingInBuffer = buffer.size() - newStart;
if (remainingInBuffer <= 0) {
// We've read from the QIODevice more than what was in the buffer.
} else {
// There's still data buffered, but we need to move it around.
char *ptr =;
memmove(ptr, ptr + newStart, remainingInBuffer);
bufferStart = 0;
bool ensureStringIteration();
void qt_cbor_stream_set_error(QCborStreamReaderPrivate *d, QCborError error)
static inline bool qt_cbor_decoder_can_read(void *token, size_t len)
Q_ASSERT(len <= QCborStreamReaderPrivate::MaxCborIndividualSize);
auto self = static_cast<QCborStreamReaderPrivate *>(token);
qint64 avail = self->buffer.size() - self->bufferStart;
return len <= quint64(avail);
static void qt_cbor_decoder_advance(void *token, size_t len)
Q_ASSERT(len <= QCborStreamReaderPrivate::MaxCborIndividualSize);
auto self = static_cast<QCborStreamReaderPrivate *>(token);
Q_ASSERT(len <= size_t(self->buffer.size() - self->bufferStart));
self->bufferStart += int(len);
static void *qt_cbor_decoder_read(void *token, void *userptr, size_t offset, size_t len)
Q_ASSERT(len == 1 || len == 2 || len == 4 || len == 8);
Q_ASSERT(offset == 0 || offset == 1);
auto self = static_cast<const QCborStreamReaderPrivate *>(token);
// we must have pre-read the data
Q_ASSERT(len + offset <= size_t(self->buffer.size() - self->bufferStart));
return memcpy(userptr, self->buffer.constData() + self->bufferStart + offset, len);
static CborError qt_cbor_decoder_transfer_string(void *token, const void **userptr, size_t offset, size_t len)
auto self = static_cast<QCborStreamReaderPrivate *>(token);
Q_ASSERT(offset <= size_t(self->buffer.size()));
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) >= sizeof(QByteArray::size_type));
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(qsizetype));
// check that we will have enough data from the QIODevice before we advance
// (otherwise, we'd lose the length information)
qsizetype total;
if (len > size_t(std::numeric_limits<QByteArray::size_type>::max())
|| add_overflow<qsizetype>(offset, len, &total))
return CborErrorDataTooLarge;
// our string transfer is just saving the offset to the userptr
*userptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(offset);
qint64 avail = (self->device ? self->device->bytesAvailable() : self->buffer.size()) -
return total > avail ? CborErrorUnexpectedEOF : CborNoError;
bool QCborStreamReaderPrivate::ensureStringIteration()
if (currentElement.flags & CborIteratorFlag_IteratingStringChunks)
return true;
CborError err = cbor_value_begin_string_iteration(&currentElement);
if (!err)
return true;
return false;
inline void QCborStreamReader::preparse()
if (lastError() == QCborError::NoError) {
type_ = cbor_value_get_type(&d->currentElement);
if (type_ == CborInvalidType) {
// We may have reached the end.
if (d->device && d->containerStack.isEmpty()) {
if (d->bufferStart)
d->bufferStart = 0;
} else {
d->lastError = {};
// Undo the type mapping that TinyCBOR does (we have an explicit type
// for negative integer and we don't have separate types for Boolean,
// Null and Undefined).
if (type_ == CborBooleanType || type_ == CborNullType || type_ == CborUndefinedType) {
type_ = CborSimpleType;
value64 = quint8(d->>bufferStart)) - CborSimpleType;
} else {
// Using internal TinyCBOR API!
value64 = _cbor_value_extract_int64_helper(&d->currentElement);
if (cbor_value_is_negative_integer(&d->currentElement))
type_ = quint8(QCborStreamReader::NegativeInteger);
} else {
type_ = Invalid;
Creates a QCborStreamReader object with no source data. After construction,
QCborStreamReader will report an error parsing.
You can add more data by calling addData() or by setting a different source
device using setDevice().
\sa addData(), isValid()
: QCborStreamReader(QByteArray())
Creates a QCborStreamReader object with \a len bytes of data starting at \a
data. The pointer must remain valid until QCborStreamReader is destroyed.
QCborStreamReader::QCborStreamReader(const char *data, qsizetype len)
: QCborStreamReader(QByteArray::fromRawData(data, len))
Creates a QCborStreamReader object with \a len bytes of data starting at \a
data. The pointer must remain valid until QCborStreamReader is destroyed.
QCborStreamReader::QCborStreamReader(const quint8 *data, qsizetype len)
: QCborStreamReader(QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), len))
Creates a QCborStreamReader object that will parse the CBOR stream found in
\a data.
QCborStreamReader::QCborStreamReader(const QByteArray &data)
: d(new QCborStreamReaderPrivate(data))
Creates a QCborStreamReader object that will parse the CBOR stream found by
reading from \a device. QCborStreamReader does not take ownership of \a
device, so it must remain valid until this oject is destroyed.
QCborStreamReader::QCborStreamReader(QIODevice *device)
: d(new QCborStreamReaderPrivate(device))
Destroys this QCborStreamReader object and frees any associated resources.
Sets the source of data to \a device, resetting the decoder to its initial
void QCborStreamReader::setDevice(QIODevice *device)
Returns the QIODevice that was set with either setDevice() or the
QCborStreamReader constructor. If this object was reading from a QByteArray,
this function returns nullptr instead.
QIODevice *QCborStreamReader::device() const
return d->device;
Adds \a data to the CBOR stream and reparses the current element. This
function is useful if the end of the data was previously reached while
processing the stream, but now more data is available.
void QCborStreamReader::addData(const QByteArray &data)
addData(data.constData(), data.size());
\fn void QCborStreamReader::addData(const quint8 *data, qsizetype len)
Adds \a len bytes of data starting at \a data to the CBOR stream and
reparses the current element. This function is useful if the end of the data
was previously reached while processing the stream, but now more data is
Adds \a len bytes of data starting at \a data to the CBOR stream and
reparses the current element. This function is useful if the end of the data
was previously reached while processing the stream, but now more data is
void QCborStreamReader::addData(const char *data, qsizetype len)
if (!d->device) {
if (len > 0)
d->buffer.append(data, len);
} else {
qWarning("QCborStreamReader: addData() with device()");
Reparses the current element. This function must be called when more data
becomes available in the source QIODevice after parsing failed due to
reaching the end of the input data before the end of the CBOR stream.
When reading from QByteArray(), the addData() function automatically calls
this function. Calling it when the reading had not failed is a no-op.
void QCborStreamReader::reparse()
d->lastError = {};
if (CborError err = cbor_value_reparse(&d->currentElement))
Clears the decoder state and resets the input source data to an empty byte
array. After this function is called, QCborStreamReader will be indicating
an error parsing.
Call addData() to add more data to be parsed.
\sa reset(), setDevice()
void QCborStreamReader::clear()
Resets the source back to the beginning and clears the decoder state. If the
source data was a QByteArray, QCborStreamReader will restart from the
beginning of the array.
If the source data is a QIODevice, this function will call
QIODevice::reset(), which will seek to byte position 0. If the CBOR stream
is not found at the beginning of the device (e.g., beginning of a file),
then this function will likely do the wrong thing. Instead, position the
QIODevice to the right offset and call setDevice().
\sa clear(), setDevice()
void QCborStreamReader::reset()
if (d->device)
d->lastError = {};
Returns the last error in decoding the stream, if any. If no error
was encountered, this returns an QCborError::NoError.
\sa isValid()
QCborError QCborStreamReader::lastError()
return d->lastError;
Returns the offset in the input stream of the item currently being decoded.
The current offset is the number of decoded bytes so far only if the source
data is a QByteArray or it is a QIODevice that was positioned at its
beginning when decoding started.
\sa reset(), clear(), device()
qint64 QCborStreamReader::currentOffset() const
return (d->device ? d->device->pos() : 0) + d->bufferStart;
Returns the number of containers that this stream has entered with
enterContainer() but not yet left.
\sa enterContainer(), leaveContainer()
int QCborStreamReader::containerDepth() const
return d->containerStack.size();
Returns either QCborStreamReader::Array or QCborStreamReader::Map,
indicating whether the container that contains the current item was an array
or map, respectively. If we're currently parsing the root element, this
function returns QCborStreamReader::Invalid.
\sa containerDepth(), enterContainer()
QCborStreamReader::Type QCborStreamReader::parentContainerType() const
if (d->containerStack.isEmpty())
return Invalid;
return Type(cbor_value_get_type(&qAsConst(d->containerStack).top()));
Returns true if there are more items to be decoded in the current container
or false of we've reached its end. If we're parsing the root element,
hasNext() returning false indicates the parsing is complete; otherwise, if
the container depth is non-zero, then the outer code needs to call
\sa parentContainerType(), containerDepth(), leaveContainer()
bool QCborStreamReader::hasNext() const noexcept
return cbor_value_is_valid(&d->currentElement) &&
Advance the CBOR stream decoding one element. You should usually call this
function when parsing fixed-width basic elements (that is, integers, simple
values, tags and floating point values). But this function can be called
when the current item is a string, array or map too and it will skip over
that entire element, including all contained elements.
This function returns true if advancing was successful, false otherwise. It
may fail if the stream is corrupt, incomplete or if the nesting level of
arrays and maps exceeds \a maxRecursion. Calling this function when
hasNext() has returned false is also an error. If this function returns
false, lastError() will return the error code detailing what the failure
\sa lastError(), isValid(), hasNext()
bool QCborStreamReader::next(int maxRecursion)
if (lastError() != QCborError::NoError)
return false;
if (!hasNext()) {
} else if (maxRecursion < 0) {
} else if (isContainer()) {
// iterate over each element
while (lastError() == QCborError::NoError && hasNext())
next(maxRecursion - 1);
if (lastError() == QCborError::NoError)
} else if (isString() || isByteArray()) {
auto r = _readByteArray_helper();
while (r.status == Ok) {
if (isString() && > MaxStringSize) {
if (isString() && !QUtf8::isValidUtf8(, {
r = _readByteArray_helper();
} else {
// fixed types
CborError err = cbor_value_advance_fixed(&d->currentElement);
if (err)
return d->lastError == QCborError::NoError;
Returns true if the length of the current array, map, byte array or string
is known (explicit in the CBOR stream), false otherwise. This function
should only be called if the element is one of those.
If the length is known, it may be obtained by calling length().
If the length of a map or an array is not known, it is implied by the number
of elements present in the stream. QCborStreamReader has no API to calculate
the length in that condition.
Strings and byte arrays may also have indeterminate length (that is, they
may be transmitted in multiple chunks). Those cannot currently be created
with QCborStreamWriter, but they could be with other encoders, so
QCborStreamReader supports them.
\sa length(), QCborStreamWriter::startArray(), QCborStreamWriter::startMap()
bool QCborStreamReader::isLengthKnown() const noexcept
return cbor_value_is_length_known(&d->currentElement);
Returns the length of the string or byte array, or the number of items in an
array or the number, of item pairs in a map, if known. This function must
not be called if the length is unknown (that is, if isLengthKnown() returned
false). It is an error to do that and it will cause QCborStreamReader to
stop parsing the input stream.
\sa isLengthKnown(), QCborStreamWriter::startArray(), QCborStreamWriter::startMap()
quint64 QCborStreamReader::length() const
CborError err;
switch (type()) {
case String:
case ByteArray:
case Map:
case Array:
if (isLengthKnown())
return value64;
err = CborErrorUnknownLength;
err = CborErrorIllegalType;
return quint64(-1);
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::enterContainer()
Enters the array or map that is the current item and prepares for iterating
the elements contained in the container. Returns true if entering the
container succeeded, false otherwise (usually, a parsing error). Each call
to enterContainer() must be paired with a call to leaveContainer().
This function may only be called if the current item is an array or a map
(that is, if isArray(), isMap() or isContainer() is true). Calling it in any
other condition is an error.
\sa leaveContainer(), isContainer(), isArray(), isMap()
bool QCborStreamReader::_enterContainer_helper()
CborError err = cbor_value_enter_container(&d->, &d->currentElement);
if (!err) {
return true;
return false;
Leaves the array or map whose items were being processed and positions the
decoder at the next item after the end of the container. Returns true if
leaving the container succeeded, false otherwise (usually, a parsing error).
Each call to enterContainer() must be paired with a call to
This function may only be called if hasNext() has returned false and
containerDepth() is not zero. Calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa enterContainer(), parentContainerType(), containerDepth()
bool QCborStreamReader::leaveContainer()
if (d->containerStack.isEmpty()) {
qWarning("QCborStreamReader::leaveContainer: trying to leave top-level element");
return false;
if (d->corrupt)
return false;
CborValue container = d->containerStack.pop();
CborError err = cbor_value_leave_container(&container, &d->currentElement);
d->currentElement = container;
if (err) {
return false;
return true;
\fn bool QCborStreamReader::toBool() const
Returns the boolean value of the current element.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from integer.
Therefore, it may only be called if isTrue(), isFalse() or isBool() returned
true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa isBool(), isTrue(), isFalse(), toInteger()
\fn QCborTag QCborStreamReader::toTag() const
Returns the tag value of the current element.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from integer.
Therefore, it may only be called if isTag() is true; calling it in any other
condition is an error.
Tags are 64-bit numbers attached to generic CBOR types that give them
further meaning. For a list of known tags, see the \l QCborKnownTags
\sa isTag(), toInteger(), QCborKnownTags
\fn quint64 QCborStreamReader::toUnsignedInteger() const
Returns the unsigned integer value of the current element.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from boolean
or CBOR tag. Therefore, it may only be called if isUnsignedInteger() is
true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
This function may be used to obtain numbers beyond the range of the return
type of toInteger().
\sa type(), toInteger(), isUnsignedInteger(), isNegativeInteger()
\fn QCborNegativeValue QCborStreamReader::toNegativeInteger() const
Returns the negative integer value of the current element.
QCborNegativeValue is a 64-bit unsigned integer containing the absolute
value of the negative number that was stored in the CBOR stream.
Additionally, QCborNegativeValue(0) represents the number -2\sup{64}.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from boolean
or CBOR tag. Therefore, it may only be called if isNegativeInteger() is
true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
This function may be used to obtain numbers beyond the range of the return
type of toInteger(). However, use of negative numbers smaller than -2\sup{63}
is extremely discouraged.
\sa type(), toInteger(), isNegativeInteger(), isUnsignedInteger()
\fn qint64 QCborStreamReader::toInteger() const
Returns the integer value of the current element, be it negative, positive
or zero. If the value is larger than 2\sup{63} - 1 or smaller than
-2\sup{63}, the returned value will overflow and will have an incorrect
sign. If handling those values is required, use toUnsignedInteger() or
toNegativeInteger() instead.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from boolean
or CBOR tag. Therefore, it may only be called if isInteger() is true;
calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa isInteger(), toUnsignedInteger(), toNegativeInteger()
\fn QCborSimpleType QCborStreamReader::toSimpleType() const
Returns value of the current simple type.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from integer.
Therefore, it may only be called if isSimpleType() is true; calling it in
any other condition is an error.
\sa isSimpleType(), isTrue(), isFalse(), isBool(), isNull(), isUndefined()
\fn qfloat16 QCborStreamReader::toFloat16() const
Returns the 16-bit half-precision floating point value of the current element.
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from other
floating point types or from integer values. Therefore, it may only be
called if isFloat16() is true; calling it in any other condition is an
\sa isFloat16(), toFloat(), toDouble()
\fn float QCborStreamReader::toFloat() const
Returns the 32-bit single-precision floating point value of the current
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from other
floating point types or from integer values. Therefore, it may only be
called if isFloat() is true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa isFloat(), toFloat16(), toDouble()
\fn double QCborStreamReader::toDouble() const
Returns the 64-bit double-precision floating point value of the current
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from other
floating point types or from integer values. Therefore, it may only be
called if isDouble() is true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa isDouble(), toFloat16(), toFloat()
\fn QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QString> QCborStreamReader::readString()
Decodes one string chunk from the CBOR string and returns it. This function
is used for both regular and chunked string contents, so the caller must
always loop around calling this function, even if isLengthKnown() has
is true. The typical use of this function is as follows:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 27
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from integers
or from byte arrays. Therefore, it may only be called if isString() returned
true; calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa readByteArray(), isString(), readStringChunk()
QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QString> QCborStreamReader::_readString_helper()
auto r = _readByteArray_helper();
QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QString> result;
result.status = r.status;
if (r.status == Ok) {
// See QUtf8::convertToUnicode() a detailed explanation of why this
// conversion uses the same number of words or less.
CborError err = CborNoError;
if ( > MaxStringSize) {
err = CborErrorDataTooLarge;
} else {
QTextCodec::ConverterState cs; = QUtf8::convertToUnicode(,, &cs);
if (cs.invalidChars != 0 || cs.remainingChars != 0)
err = CborErrorInvalidUtf8TextString;
if (err) {
result.status = Error;
return result;
\fn QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QString> QCborStreamReader::readByteArray()
Decodes one byte array chunk from the CBOR string and returns it. This
function is used for both regular and chunked contents, so the caller must
always loop around calling this function, even if isLengthKnown() has
is true. The typical use of this function is as follows:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 28
This function does not perform any type conversions, including from integers
or from strings. Therefore, it may only be called if isByteArray() is true;
calling it in any other condition is an error.
\sa readString(), isByteArray(), readStringChunk()
QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QByteArray> QCborStreamReader::_readByteArray_helper()
QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QByteArray> result;
result.status = Error;
qsizetype len = _currentStringChunkSize();
if (len < 0)
return result;
if (len > MaxByteArraySize) {
return result;
auto r = readStringChunk(, len);
Q_ASSERT(r.status != Ok || == len);
result.status = r.status;
return result;
\fn qsizetype QCborStreamReader::currentStringChunkSize() const
Returns the size of the current text or byte string chunk. If the CBOR
stream contains a non-chunked string (that is, if isLengthKnown() returns
\c true), this function returns the size of the entire string, the same as
This function is useful to pre-allocate the buffer whose pointer can be passed
to readStringChunk() later.
\sa readString(), readByteArray(), readStringChunk()
qsizetype QCborStreamReader::_currentStringChunkSize() const
if (!d->ensureStringIteration())
return -1;
size_t len;
CborError err = cbor_value_get_string_chunk_size(&d->currentElement, &len);
if (err == CborErrorNoMoreStringChunks)
return 0; // not a real error
else if (err)
else if (qsizetype(len) < 0)
return qsizetype(len);
return -1;
Reads the current string chunk into the buffer pointed to by \a ptr, whose
size is \a maxlen. This function returns a \l StringResult object, with the
number of bytes copied into \a ptr saved in the \c \l StringResult::data
member. The \c \l StringResult::status member indicates whether there was
an error reading the string, whether data was copied or whether this was
the last chunk.
This function can be called for both \l String and \l ByteArray types.
For the latter, this function will read the same data that readByteArray()
would have returned. For strings, it returns the UTF-8 equivalent of the \l
QString that would have been returned.
This function is usually used alongside currentStringChunkSize() in a loop.
For example:
\snippet code/src_corelib_serialization_qcborstream.cpp 29
Unlike readByteArray() and readString(), this function is not limited by
implementation limits of QByteArray and QString.
\note This function does not perform verification that the UTF-8 contents
are properly formatted. That means this function does not produce the
QCborError::InvalidUtf8String error, even when readString() does.
\sa currentStringChunkSize(), readString(), readByteArray(),
isString(), isByteArray()
QCborStreamReader::readStringChunk(char *ptr, qsizetype maxlen)
CborError err;
size_t len;
const void *content = nullptr;
QCborStreamReader::StringResult<qsizetype> result; = 0;
result.status = Error;
d->lastError = {};
if (!d->ensureStringIteration())
return result;
#if 1
// Using internal TinyCBOR API!
err = _cbor_value_get_string_chunk(&d->currentElement, &content, &len, &d->currentElement);
// the above is effectively the same as:
if (cbor_value_is_byte_string(&currentElement))
err = cbor_value_get_byte_string_chunk(&d->currentElement, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t **>(&content),
&len, &d->currentElement);
err = cbor_value_get_text_string_chunk(&d->currentElement, reinterpret_cast<const char **>(&content),
&len, &d->currentElement);
// Range check: using implementation-defined behavior in converting an
// unsigned value out of range of the destination signed type (same as
// "len > size_t(std::numeric_limits<qsizetype>::max())", but generates
// better code with ICC and MSVC).
if (!err && qsizetype(len) < 0)
err = CborErrorDataTooLarge;
if (err) {
if (err == CborErrorNoMoreStringChunks) {
err = cbor_value_finish_string_iteration(&d->currentElement);
result.status = EndOfString;
if (err)
return result;
// Read the chunk into the user's buffer.
qint64 actuallyRead;
qptrdiff offset = qptrdiff(content);
qsizetype toRead = qsizetype(len);
qsizetype left = toRead - maxlen;
if (left < 0)
left = 0; // buffer bigger than string
toRead = maxlen; // buffer smaller than string
if (d->device) {
// This first skip can't fail because we've already read this many bytes.
d->device->skip(d->bufferStart + qptrdiff(content));
actuallyRead = d->device->read(ptr, toRead);
if (actuallyRead != toRead) {
actuallyRead = -1;
} else if (left) {
qint64 skipped = d->device->skip(left);
if (skipped != left)
actuallyRead = -1;
if (actuallyRead < 0) {
return result;
d->updateBufferAfterString(offset, len);
} else {
actuallyRead = toRead;
memcpy(ptr, d->buffer.constData() + d->bufferStart + offset, toRead);
d->bufferStart += QByteArray::size_type(offset + len);
d->preread(); = actuallyRead;
result.status = Ok;
return result;
#include "moc_qcborstreamreader.cpp"