blob: 790c187cb951a4bff0c034b2ded6f51cda34ab99 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB.
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** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#ifndef Q_QDOC
#error Do not include qsharedpointer_impl.h directly
#if 0
#pragma qt_sync_skip_header_check
#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing
#if 0
// These macros are duplicated here to make syncqt not complain a about
// this header, as we have a "qt_sync_stop_processing" below, which in turn
// is here because this file contains a template mess and duplicates the
// classes found in qsharedpointer.h
#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing
#include <new>
#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
#include <QtCore/qobject.h> // for qobject_cast
#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
#include <QtCore/qhashfunctions.h>
#include <memory>
// forward declarations
template <class T> class QWeakPointer;
template <class T> class QSharedPointer;
template <class T> class QEnableSharedFromThis;
class QVariant;
template <class X, class T>
QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr);
template <class X, class T>
QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerDynamicCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr);
template <class X, class T>
QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerConstCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr);
template <class X, class T>
QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr);
namespace QtPrivate {
struct EnableInternalData;
namespace QtSharedPointer {
template <class T> class ExternalRefCount;
template <class X, class Y> QSharedPointer<X> copyAndSetPointer(X * ptr, const QSharedPointer<Y> &src);
// used in debug mode to verify the reuse of pointers
Q_CORE_EXPORT void internalSafetyCheckAdd(const void *, const volatile void *);
Q_CORE_EXPORT void internalSafetyCheckRemove(const void *);
template <class T, typename Klass, typename RetVal>
inline void executeDeleter(T *t, RetVal (Klass:: *memberDeleter)())
{ if (t) (t->*memberDeleter)(); }
template <class T, typename Deleter>
inline void executeDeleter(T *t, Deleter d)
{ d(t); }
struct NormalDeleter {};
// this uses partial template specialization
template <class T> struct RemovePointer;
template <class T> struct RemovePointer<T *> { typedef T Type; };
template <class T> struct RemovePointer<QSharedPointer<T> > { typedef T Type; };
template <class T> struct RemovePointer<QWeakPointer<T> > { typedef T Type; };
// This class is the d-pointer of QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer.
// It is a reference-counted reference counter. "strongref" is the inner
// reference counter, and it tracks the lifetime of the pointer itself.
// "weakref" is the outer reference counter and it tracks the lifetime of
// the ExternalRefCountData object.
// The deleter is stored in the destroyer member and is always a pointer to
// a static function in ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter or in
// ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData
struct ExternalRefCountData
typedef void (*DestroyerFn)(ExternalRefCountData *);
QBasicAtomicInt weakref;
QBasicAtomicInt strongref;
DestroyerFn destroyer;
inline ExternalRefCountData(DestroyerFn d)
: destroyer(d)
inline ExternalRefCountData(Qt::Initialization) { }
~ExternalRefCountData() { Q_ASSERT(!weakref.loadRelaxed()); Q_ASSERT(strongref.loadRelaxed() <= 0); }
void destroy() { destroyer(this); }
Q_CORE_EXPORT static ExternalRefCountData *getAndRef(const QObject *);
Q_CORE_EXPORT void setQObjectShared(const QObject *, bool enable);
Q_CORE_EXPORT void checkQObjectShared(const QObject *);
inline void checkQObjectShared(...) { }
inline void setQObjectShared(...) { }
inline void operator delete(void *ptr) { ::operator delete(ptr); }
inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { }
// sizeof(ExternalRefCountData) = 12 (32-bit) / 16 (64-bit)
template <class T, typename Deleter>
struct CustomDeleter
Deleter deleter;
T *ptr;
CustomDeleter(T *p, Deleter d) : deleter(d), ptr(p) {}
void execute() { executeDeleter(ptr, deleter); }
// sizeof(CustomDeleter) = sizeof(Deleter) + sizeof(void*) + padding
// for Deleter = stateless functor: 8 (32-bit) / 16 (64-bit) due to padding
// for Deleter = function pointer: 8 (32-bit) / 16 (64-bit)
// for Deleter = PMF: 12 (32-bit) / 24 (64-bit) (GCC)
// This specialization of CustomDeleter for a deleter of type NormalDeleter
// is an optimization: instead of storing a pointer to a function that does
// the deleting, we simply delete the pointer ourselves.
template <class T>
struct CustomDeleter<T, NormalDeleter>
T *ptr;
CustomDeleter(T *p, NormalDeleter) : ptr(p) {}
void execute() { delete ptr; }
// sizeof(CustomDeleter specialization) = sizeof(void*)
// This class extends ExternalRefCountData and implements
// the static function that deletes the object. The pointer and the
// custom deleter are kept in the "extra" member so we can construct
// and destruct it independently of the full structure.
template <class T, typename Deleter>
struct ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter: public ExternalRefCountData
typedef ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter Self;
typedef ExternalRefCountData BaseClass;
CustomDeleter<T, Deleter> extra;
static inline void deleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
Self *realself = static_cast<Self *>(self);
// delete the deleter too
realself->extra.~CustomDeleter<T, Deleter>();
static void safetyCheckDeleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
static inline Self *create(T *ptr, Deleter userDeleter, DestroyerFn actualDeleter)
Self *d = static_cast<Self *>(::operator new(sizeof(Self)));
// initialize the two sub-objects
new (&d->extra) CustomDeleter<T, Deleter>(ptr, userDeleter);
new (d) BaseClass(actualDeleter); // can't throw
return d;
// prevent construction
ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter() = delete;
~ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter() = delete;
// This class extends ExternalRefCountData and adds a "T"
// member. That way, when the create() function is called, we allocate
// memory for both QSharedPointer's d-pointer and the actual object being
// tracked.
template <class T>
struct ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData: public ExternalRefCountData
typedef ExternalRefCountData Parent;
typedef typename std::remove_cv<T>::type NoCVType;
NoCVType data;
static void deleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *that =
static_cast<ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *>(self);
Q_UNUSED(that); // MSVC warns if T has a trivial destructor
static void safetyCheckDeleter(ExternalRefCountData *self)
static void noDeleter(ExternalRefCountData *) { }
static inline ExternalRefCountData *create(NoCVType **ptr, DestroyerFn destroy)
ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *d =
static_cast<ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData *>(::operator new(sizeof(ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData)));
// initialize the d-pointer sub-object
// leave d->data uninitialized
new (d) Parent(destroy); // can't throw
*ptr = &d->data;
return d;
// prevent construction
ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData() = delete;
~ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData() = delete;
Q_CORE_EXPORT QWeakPointer<QObject> weakPointerFromVariant_internal(const QVariant &variant);
Q_CORE_EXPORT QSharedPointer<QObject> sharedPointerFromVariant_internal(const QVariant &variant);
} // namespace QtSharedPointer
template <class T> class QSharedPointer
typedef T *QSharedPointer:: *RestrictedBool;
typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData Data;
template <typename X>
using IfCompatible = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<X*, T*>::value, bool>::type;
typedef T Type;
typedef T element_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type *pointer;
typedef const value_type *const_pointer;
typedef value_type &reference;
typedef const value_type &const_reference;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
T *data() const noexcept { return value; }
T *get() const noexcept { return value; }
bool isNull() const noexcept { return !data(); }
operator RestrictedBool() const noexcept { return isNull() ? nullptr : &QSharedPointer::value; }
bool operator !() const noexcept { return isNull(); }
T &operator*() const { return *data(); }
T *operator->() const noexcept { return data(); }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR QSharedPointer() noexcept : value(nullptr), d(nullptr) { }
~QSharedPointer() { deref(); }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR QSharedPointer(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : value(nullptr), d(nullptr) { }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline explicit QSharedPointer(X *ptr) : value(ptr) // noexcept
{ internalConstruct(ptr, QtSharedPointer::NormalDeleter()); }
template <class X, typename Deleter, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QSharedPointer(X *ptr, Deleter deleter) : value(ptr) // throws
{ internalConstruct(ptr, deleter); }
template <typename Deleter>
QSharedPointer(std::nullptr_t, Deleter deleter) : value(nullptr)
{ internalConstruct(static_cast<T *>(nullptr), deleter); }
QSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer &other) noexcept : value(other.value), d(other.d)
{ if (d) ref(); }
QSharedPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer &other) noexcept
QSharedPointer copy(other);
return *this;
QSharedPointer(QSharedPointer &&other) noexcept
: value(other.value), d(other.d)
other.d = nullptr;
other.value = nullptr;
QSharedPointer &operator=(QSharedPointer &&other) noexcept
QSharedPointer moved(std::move(other));
return *this;
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
QSharedPointer(QSharedPointer<X> &&other) noexcept
: value(other.value), d(other.d)
other.d = nullptr;
other.value = nullptr;
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
QSharedPointer &operator=(QSharedPointer<X> &&other) noexcept
QSharedPointer moved(std::move(other));
return *this;
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
QSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) noexcept : value(other.value), d(other.d)
{ if (d) ref(); }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QSharedPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<X> &other)
QSharedPointer copy(other);
return *this;
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QSharedPointer(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) : value(nullptr), d(nullptr)
{ *this = other; }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QSharedPointer<T> &operator=(const QWeakPointer<X> &other)
{ internalSet(other.d, other.value); return *this; }
inline void swap(QSharedPointer &other) noexcept
{ this->internalSwap(other); }
inline void reset() { clear(); }
inline void reset(T *t)
{ QSharedPointer copy(t); swap(copy); }
template <typename Deleter>
inline void reset(T *t, Deleter deleter)
{ QSharedPointer copy(t, deleter); swap(copy); }
template <class X>
QSharedPointer<X> staticCast() const
return qSharedPointerCast<X, T>(*this);
template <class X>
QSharedPointer<X> dynamicCast() const
return qSharedPointerDynamicCast<X, T>(*this);
template <class X>
QSharedPointer<X> constCast() const
return qSharedPointerConstCast<X, T>(*this);
template <class X>
QSharedPointer<X> objectCast() const
return qSharedPointerObjectCast<X, T>(*this);
inline void clear() { QSharedPointer copy; swap(copy); }
QWeakPointer<T> toWeakRef() const;
template <typename... Args>
static QSharedPointer create(Args && ...arguments)
typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> Private;
typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;
# else
typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::deleter;
# endif
typename Private::DestroyerFn noDestroy = &Private::noDeleter;
QSharedPointer result(Qt::Uninitialized);
typename std::remove_cv<T>::type *ptr;
result.d = Private::create(&ptr, noDestroy);
// now initialize the data
new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
result.value = ptr;
result.d->destroyer = destroy;
result.d->setQObjectShared(result.value, true);
internalSafetyCheckAdd(result.d, result.value);
# endif
return result;
explicit QSharedPointer(Qt::Initialization) {}
void deref() noexcept
{ deref(d); }
static void deref(Data *dd) noexcept
if (!dd) return;
if (!dd->strongref.deref()) {
if (!dd->weakref.deref())
delete dd;
template <class X>
inline void enableSharedFromThis(const QEnableSharedFromThis<X> *ptr)
ptr->initializeFromSharedPointer(constCast<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>());
inline void enableSharedFromThis(...) {}
template <typename X, typename Deleter>
inline void internalConstruct(X *ptr, Deleter deleter)
typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter<X, Deleter> Private;
typename Private::DestroyerFn actualDeleter = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;
# else
typename Private::DestroyerFn actualDeleter = &Private::deleter;
# endif
d = Private::create(ptr, deleter, actualDeleter);
internalSafetyCheckAdd(d, ptr);
d->setQObjectShared(ptr, true);
void internalSwap(QSharedPointer &other) noexcept
qSwap(d, other.d);
qSwap(this->value, other.value);
template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;
template <class X> friend class QWeakPointer;
template <class X, class Y> friend QSharedPointer<X> QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(X * ptr, const QSharedPointer<Y> &src);
void ref() const noexcept { d->weakref.ref(); d->strongref.ref(); }
inline void internalSet(Data *o, T *actual)
if (o) {
// increase the strongref, but never up from zero
// or less (-1 is used by QWeakPointer on untracked QObject)
int tmp = o->strongref.loadRelaxed();
while (tmp > 0) {
// try to increment from "tmp" to "tmp + 1"
if (o->strongref.testAndSetRelaxed(tmp, tmp + 1))
break; // succeeded
tmp = o->strongref.loadRelaxed(); // failed, try again
if (tmp > 0) {
} else {
o = nullptr;
qSwap(d, o);
qSwap(this->value, actual);
if (!d || d->strongref.loadRelaxed() == 0)
this->value = nullptr;
// dereference saved data
Type *value;
Data *d;
template <class T>
class QWeakPointer
typedef T *QWeakPointer:: *RestrictedBool;
typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData Data;
template <typename X>
using IfCompatible = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<X*, T*>::value, bool>::type;
typedef T element_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type *pointer;
typedef const value_type *const_pointer;
typedef value_type &reference;
typedef const value_type &const_reference;
typedef qptrdiff difference_type;
bool isNull() const noexcept { return d == nullptr || d->strongref.loadRelaxed() == 0 || value == nullptr; }
operator RestrictedBool() const noexcept { return isNull() ? nullptr : &QWeakPointer::value; }
bool operator !() const noexcept { return isNull(); }
QT_DEPRECATED_X("Use toStrongRef() instead, and data() on the returned QSharedPointer")
T *data() const noexcept { return internalData(); }
inline QWeakPointer() noexcept : d(nullptr), value(nullptr) { }
inline ~QWeakPointer() { if (d && !d->weakref.deref()) delete d; }
// special constructor that is enabled only if X derives from QObject
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
QT_DEPRECATED inline QWeakPointer(X *ptr) : d(ptr ? Data::getAndRef(ptr) : nullptr), value(ptr)
{ }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
QT_DEPRECATED inline QWeakPointer &operator=(X *ptr)
{ return *this = QWeakPointer(ptr); }
QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer &other) noexcept : d(other.d), value(other.value)
{ if (d) d->weakref.ref(); }
QWeakPointer(QWeakPointer &&other) noexcept
: d(other.d), value(other.value)
other.d = nullptr;
other.value = nullptr;
QWeakPointer &operator=(QWeakPointer &&other) noexcept
{ QWeakPointer moved(std::move(other)); swap(moved); return *this; }
QWeakPointer &operator=(const QWeakPointer &other) noexcept
QWeakPointer copy(other);
return *this;
void swap(QWeakPointer &other) noexcept
qSwap(this->d, other.d);
qSwap(this->value, other.value);
inline QWeakPointer(const QSharedPointer<T> &o) : d(o.d), value(
{ if (d) d->weakref.ref();}
inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<T> &o)
internalSet(o.d, o.value);
return *this;
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) : d(nullptr), value(nullptr)
{ *this = o; }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QWeakPointer<X> &o)
// conversion between X and T could require access to the virtual table
// so force the operation to go through QSharedPointer
*this = o.toStrongRef();
return *this;
template <class X>
bool operator==(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) const noexcept
{ return d == o.d && value == static_cast<const T *>(o.value); }
template <class X>
bool operator!=(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) const noexcept
{ return !(*this == o); }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QWeakPointer(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) : d(nullptr), value(nullptr)
{ *this = o; }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<X> &o)
return *this;
template <class X>
bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) const noexcept
{ return d == o.d; }
template <class X>
bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) const noexcept
{ return !(*this == o); }
inline void clear() { *this = QWeakPointer(); }
inline QSharedPointer<T> toStrongRef() const { return QSharedPointer<T>(*this); }
// std::weak_ptr compatibility:
inline QSharedPointer<T> lock() const { return toStrongRef(); }
inline T *operator->() const { return data(); }
friend struct QtPrivate::EnableInternalData;
template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;
template <class X> friend class QPointer;
template <class X>
inline QWeakPointer &assign(X *ptr)
{ return *this = QWeakPointer<X>(ptr, true); }
template <class X, IfCompatible<X> = true>
inline QWeakPointer(X *ptr, bool) : d(ptr ? Data::getAndRef(ptr) : nullptr), value(ptr)
{ }
inline void internalSet(Data *o, T *actual)
if (d == o) return;
if (o)
if (d && !d->weakref.deref())
delete d;
d = o;
value = actual;
// ### Qt 6: remove users of this API; no one should ever access
// a weak pointer's data but the weak pointer itself
inline T *internalData() const noexcept
return d == nullptr || d->strongref.loadRelaxed() == 0 ? nullptr : value;
Data *d;
T *value;
namespace QtPrivate {
struct EnableInternalData {
template <typename T>
static T *internalData(const QWeakPointer<T> &p) noexcept { return p.internalData(); }
// hack to delay name lookup to instantiation time by making
// EnableInternalData a dependent name:
template <typename T>
struct EnableInternalDataWrap : EnableInternalData {};
template <class T>
class QEnableSharedFromThis
QEnableSharedFromThis() = default;
QEnableSharedFromThis(const QEnableSharedFromThis &) {}
QEnableSharedFromThis &operator=(const QEnableSharedFromThis &) { return *this; }
inline QSharedPointer<T> sharedFromThis() { return QSharedPointer<T>(weakPointer); }
inline QSharedPointer<const T> sharedFromThis() const { return QSharedPointer<const T>(weakPointer); }
template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;
template <class X>
inline void initializeFromSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr) const
weakPointer = ptr;
mutable QWeakPointer<T> weakPointer;
// operator== and operator!=
template <class T, class X>
bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return ==;
template <class T, class X>
bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return !=;
template <class T, class X>
bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const X *ptr2) noexcept
return == ptr2;
template <class T, class X>
bool operator==(const T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return ptr1 ==;
template <class T, class X>
bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const X *ptr2) noexcept
return !(ptr1 == ptr2);
template <class T, class X>
bool operator!=(const T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return !(ptr2 == ptr1);
template <class T, class X>
bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QWeakPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return ptr2 == ptr1;
template <class T, class X>
bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QWeakPointer<X> &ptr2) noexcept
return ptr2 != ptr1;
template<class T>
inline bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<T> &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
return lhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<T> &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
return !lhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const QSharedPointer<T> &rhs) noexcept
return rhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const QSharedPointer<T> &rhs) noexcept
return !rhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator==(const QWeakPointer<T> &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
return lhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator!=(const QWeakPointer<T> &lhs, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
return !lhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const QWeakPointer<T> &rhs) noexcept
return rhs.isNull();
template<class T>
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const QWeakPointer<T> &rhs) noexcept
return !rhs.isNull();
// operator-
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QSharedPointer<T>::difference_type operator-(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2)
return -;
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QSharedPointer<T>::difference_type operator-(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, X *ptr2)
return - ptr2;
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE typename QSharedPointer<X>::difference_type operator-(T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2)
return ptr1 -;
// operator<
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE bool operator<(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2)
using CT = typename std::common_type<T *, X *>::type;
return std::less<CT>()(,;
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE bool operator<(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr1, X *ptr2)
using CT = typename std::common_type<T *, X *>::type;
return std::less<CT>()(, ptr2);
template <class T, class X>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE bool operator<(T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer<X> &ptr2)
using CT = typename std::common_type<T *, X *>::type;
return std::less<CT>()(ptr1,;
// qHash
template <class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE uint qHash(const QSharedPointer<T> &ptr, uint seed = 0)
return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(, seed);
template <class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QWeakPointer<T> QSharedPointer<T>::toWeakRef() const
return QWeakPointer<T>(*this);
template <class T>
inline void swap(QSharedPointer<T> &p1, QSharedPointer<T> &p2) noexcept
{ p1.swap(p2); }
template <class T>
inline void swap(QWeakPointer<T> &p1, QWeakPointer<T> &p2) noexcept
{ p1.swap(p2); }
namespace QtSharedPointer {
// helper functions:
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> copyAndSetPointer(X *ptr, const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
QSharedPointer<X> result;
result.internalSet(src.d, ptr);
return result;
// cast operators
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
X *ptr = static_cast<X *>(; // if you get an error in this line, the cast is invalid
return QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(ptr, src);
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerCast(const QWeakPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerCast<X, T>(src.toStrongRef());
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerDynamicCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
X *ptr = dynamic_cast<X *>(; // if you get an error in this line, the cast is invalid
if (!ptr)
return QSharedPointer<X>();
return QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(ptr, src);
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerDynamicCast(const QWeakPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerDynamicCast<X, T>(src.toStrongRef());
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerConstCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
X *ptr = const_cast<X *>(; // if you get an error in this line, the cast is invalid
return QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(ptr, src);
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerConstCast(const QWeakPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerConstCast<X, T>(src.toStrongRef());
template <class X, class T>
QWeakPointer<X> qWeakPointerCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerCast<X, T>(src).toWeakRef();
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
X *ptr = qobject_cast<X *>(;
return QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(ptr, src);
template <class X, class T>
Q_INLINE_TEMPLATE QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(const QWeakPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerObjectCast<X>(src.toStrongRef());
template <class X, class T>
inline QSharedPointer<typename QtSharedPointer::RemovePointer<X>::Type>
qobject_cast(const QSharedPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerObjectCast<typename QtSharedPointer::RemovePointer<X>::Type, T>(src);
template <class X, class T>
inline QSharedPointer<typename QtSharedPointer::RemovePointer<X>::Type>
qobject_cast(const QWeakPointer<T> &src)
return qSharedPointerObjectCast<typename QtSharedPointer::RemovePointer<X>::Type, T>(src);
/// ### Qt 6: make this use toStrongRef() (once support for storing
/// non-managed QObjects in QWeakPointer is removed)
template<typename T>
QWeakPointer<typename std::enable_if<QtPrivate::IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<T*>::Value, T>::type>
qWeakPointerFromVariant(const QVariant &variant)
return QWeakPointer<T>(qobject_cast<T*>(QtPrivate::EnableInternalData::internalData(QtSharedPointer::weakPointerFromVariant_internal(variant))));
template<typename T>
QSharedPointer<typename std::enable_if<QtPrivate::IsPointerToTypeDerivedFromQObject<T*>::Value, T>::type>
qSharedPointerFromVariant(const QVariant &variant)
return qSharedPointerObjectCast<T>(QtSharedPointer::sharedPointerFromVariant_internal(variant));
// std::shared_ptr helpers
template <typename X, class T>
std::shared_ptr<X> qobject_pointer_cast(const std::shared_ptr<T> &src)
using element_type = typename std::shared_ptr<X>::element_type;
return std::shared_ptr<X>(src, qobject_cast<element_type *>(src.get()));
template <typename X, class T>
std::shared_ptr<X> qobject_pointer_cast(std::shared_ptr<T> &&src)
using element_type = typename std::shared_ptr<X>::element_type;
auto castResult = qobject_cast<element_type *>(src.get());
if (castResult) {
auto result = std::shared_ptr<X>(std::move(src), castResult);
#if __cplusplus <= 201703L
// C++2a's move aliasing constructor will leave src empty.
// Before C++2a we don't really know if the compiler has support for it.
// The move aliasing constructor is the resolution for LWG2996,
// which does not impose a feature-testing macro. So: clear src.
return result;
return std::shared_ptr<X>();
template <typename X, class T>
std::shared_ptr<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(const std::shared_ptr<T> &src)
return qobject_pointer_cast<X>(src);
template <typename X, class T>
std::shared_ptr<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(std::shared_ptr<T> &&src)
return qobject_pointer_cast<X>(std::move(src));
template<typename T> Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO_BODY(QWeakPointer<T>, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);
template<typename T> Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO_BODY(QSharedPointer<T>, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);