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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qscreen.h"
#include "qscreen_p.h"
#include "qpixmap.h"
#include "qguiapplication_p.h"
#include <qpa/qplatformscreen.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformscreen_p.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/private/qobject_p.h>
#include "qhighdpiscaling_p.h"
\class QScreen
\since 5.0
\brief The QScreen class is used to query screen properties.
\inmodule QtGui
A note on logical vs physical dots per inch: physical DPI is based on the
actual physical pixel sizes when available, and is useful for print preview
and other cases where it's desirable to know the exact physical dimensions
of screen displayed contents.
Logical dots per inch are used to convert font and user interface elements
from point sizes to pixel sizes, and might be different from the physical
dots per inch. The logical dots per inch are sometimes user-settable in the
desktop environment's settings panel, to let the user globally control UI
and font sizes in different applications.
\inmodule QtGui
QScreen::QScreen(QPlatformScreen *screen)
: QObject(*new QScreenPrivate(), nullptr)
void QScreenPrivate::updateGeometriesWithSignals()
const QRect oldGeometry = geometry;
const QRect oldAvailableGeometry = availableGeometry;
emitGeometryChangeSignals(oldGeometry != geometry, oldAvailableGeometry != availableGeometry);
void QScreenPrivate::emitGeometryChangeSignals(bool geometryChanged, bool availableGeometryChanged)
if (availableGeometryChanged)
emit q->availableGeometryChanged(availableGeometry);
if (geometryChanged || availableGeometryChanged) {
const auto siblings = q->virtualSiblings();
for (QScreen* sibling : siblings)
emit sibling->virtualGeometryChanged(sibling->virtualGeometry());
void QScreenPrivate::setPlatformScreen(QPlatformScreen *screen)
platformScreen = screen;
platformScreen->d_func()->screen = q;
orientation = platformScreen->orientation();
logicalDpi = QPlatformScreen::overrideDpi(platformScreen->logicalDpi());
refreshRate = platformScreen->refreshRate();
// safeguard ourselves against buggy platform behavior...
if (refreshRate < 1.0)
refreshRate = 60.0;
filteredOrientation = orientation;
if (filteredOrientation == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
filteredOrientation = primaryOrientation;
Destroys the screen.
// Remove screen
const bool wasPrimary = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() == this;
if (!qGuiApp)
QScreen *newPrimaryScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
if (wasPrimary && newPrimaryScreen)
emit qGuiApp->primaryScreenChanged(newPrimaryScreen);
// Allow clients to manage windows that are affected by the screen going
// away, before we fall back to moving them to the primary screen.
emit qApp->screenRemoved(this);
if (QGuiApplication::closingDown())
bool movingFromVirtualSibling = newPrimaryScreen
&& newPrimaryScreen->handle()->virtualSiblings().contains(handle());
// Move any leftover windows to the primary screen
const auto allWindows = QGuiApplication::allWindows();
for (QWindow *window : allWindows) {
if (!window->isTopLevel() || window->screen() != this)
const bool wasVisible = window->isVisible();
// Re-show window if moved from a virtual sibling screen. Otherwise
// leave it up to the application developer to show the window.
if (movingFromVirtualSibling)
Get the platform screen handle.
\sa {Qt Platform Abstraction}{Qt Platform Abstraction (QPA)}
QPlatformScreen *QScreen::handle() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen;
\property QScreen::name
\brief a user presentable string representing the screen
For example, on X11 these correspond to the XRandr screen names,
typically "VGA1", "HDMI1", etc.
QString QScreen::name() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->name();
\property QScreen::manufacturer
\brief the manufacturer of the screen
\since 5.9
QString QScreen::manufacturer() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->manufacturer();
\property QScreen::model
\brief the model of the screen
\since 5.9
QString QScreen::model() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->model();
\property QScreen::serialNumber
\brief the serial number of the screen
\since 5.9
QString QScreen::serialNumber() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->serialNumber();
\property QScreen::depth
\brief the color depth of the screen
int QScreen::depth() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->depth();
\property QScreen::size
\brief the pixel resolution of the screen
QSize QScreen::size() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->geometry.size();
\property QScreen::physicalDotsPerInchX
\brief the number of physical dots or pixels per inch in the horizontal direction
This value represents the actual horizontal pixel density on the screen's display.
Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be
entirely accurate.
\sa physicalDotsPerInchY()
qreal QScreen::physicalDotsPerInchX() const
return size().width() / physicalSize().width() * qreal(25.4);
\property QScreen::physicalDotsPerInchY
\brief the number of physical dots or pixels per inch in the vertical direction
This value represents the actual vertical pixel density on the screen's display.
Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be
entirely accurate.
\sa physicalDotsPerInchX()
qreal QScreen::physicalDotsPerInchY() const
return size().height() / physicalSize().height() * qreal(25.4);
\property QScreen::physicalDotsPerInch
\brief the number of physical dots or pixels per inch
This value represents the pixel density on the screen's display.
Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value might not be
entirely accurate.
This is a convenience property that's simply the average of the physicalDotsPerInchX
and physicalDotsPerInchY properties.
\sa physicalDotsPerInchX()
\sa physicalDotsPerInchY()
qreal QScreen::physicalDotsPerInch() const
QSize sz = size();
QSizeF psz = physicalSize();
return ((sz.height() / psz.height()) + (sz.width() / psz.width())) * qreal(25.4 * 0.5);
\property QScreen::logicalDotsPerInchX
\brief the number of logical dots or pixels per inch in the horizontal direction
This value is used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.
\sa logicalDotsPerInchY()
qreal QScreen::logicalDotsPerInchX() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
if (QHighDpiScaling::isActive())
return QHighDpiScaling::logicalDpi(this).first;
return d->logicalDpi.first;
\property QScreen::logicalDotsPerInchY
\brief the number of logical dots or pixels per inch in the vertical direction
This value is used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.
\sa logicalDotsPerInchX()
qreal QScreen::logicalDotsPerInchY() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
if (QHighDpiScaling::isActive())
return QHighDpiScaling::logicalDpi(this).second;
return d->logicalDpi.second;
\property QScreen::logicalDotsPerInch
\brief the number of logical dots or pixels per inch
This value can be used to convert font point sizes to pixel sizes.
This is a convenience property that's simply the average of the logicalDotsPerInchX
and logicalDotsPerInchY properties.
\sa logicalDotsPerInchX()
\sa logicalDotsPerInchY()
qreal QScreen::logicalDotsPerInch() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
QDpi dpi = QHighDpiScaling::isActive() ? QHighDpiScaling::logicalDpi(this) : d->logicalDpi;
return (dpi.first + dpi.second) * qreal(0.5);
\property QScreen::devicePixelRatio
\brief the screen's ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels
\since 5.5
Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels for the screen.
Common values are 1.0 on normal displays and 2.0 on "retina" displays.
Higher values are also possible.
\sa QWindow::devicePixelRatio(), QGuiApplication::devicePixelRatio()
qreal QScreen::devicePixelRatio() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->devicePixelRatio() * QHighDpiScaling::factor(this);
\property QScreen::physicalSize
\brief the screen's physical size (in millimeters)
The physical size represents the actual physical dimensions of the
screen's display.
Depending on what information the underlying system provides the value
might not be entirely accurate.
QSizeF QScreen::physicalSize() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->physicalSize();
\property QScreen::availableSize
\brief the screen's available size in pixels
The available size is the size excluding window manager reserved areas
such as task bars and system menus.
QSize QScreen::availableSize() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->availableGeometry.size();
\property QScreen::geometry
\brief the screen's geometry in pixels
As an example this might return QRect(0, 0, 1280, 1024), or in a
virtual desktop setting QRect(1280, 0, 1280, 1024).
QRect QScreen::geometry() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->geometry;
\property QScreen::availableGeometry
\brief the screen's available geometry in pixels
The available geometry is the geometry excluding window manager reserved areas
such as task bars and system menus.
Note, on X11 this will return the true available geometry only on systems with one monitor and
if window manager has set _NET_WORKAREA atom. In all other cases this is equal to geometry().
This is a limitation in X11 window manager specification.
QRect QScreen::availableGeometry() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->availableGeometry;
Get the screen's virtual siblings.
The virtual siblings are the screen instances sharing the same virtual desktop.
They share a common coordinate system, and windows can freely be moved or
positioned across them without having to be re-created.
QList<QScreen *> QScreen::virtualSiblings() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
const QList<QPlatformScreen *> platformScreens = d->platformScreen->virtualSiblings();
QList<QScreen *> screens;
for (QPlatformScreen *platformScreen : platformScreens)
screens << platformScreen->screen();
return screens;
\property QScreen::virtualSize
\brief the pixel size of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs
Returns the pixel size of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.
This is the combined size of the virtual siblings' individual geometries.
\sa virtualSiblings()
QSize QScreen::virtualSize() const
return virtualGeometry().size();
\property QScreen::virtualGeometry
\brief the pixel geometry of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs
Returns the pixel geometry of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.
This is the union of the virtual siblings' individual geometries.
\sa virtualSiblings()
QRect QScreen::virtualGeometry() const
QRect result;
const auto screens = virtualSiblings();
for (QScreen *screen : screens)
result |= screen->geometry();
return result;
\property QScreen::availableVirtualSize
\brief the available size of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs
Returns the available pixel size of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.
This is the combined size of the virtual siblings' individual available geometries.
\sa availableSize(), virtualSiblings()
QSize QScreen::availableVirtualSize() const
return availableVirtualGeometry().size();
\property QScreen::availableVirtualGeometry
\brief the available geometry of the virtual desktop to which this screen belongs
Returns the available geometry of the virtual desktop corresponding to this screen.
This is the union of the virtual siblings' individual available geometries.
\sa availableGeometry(), virtualSiblings()
QRect QScreen::availableVirtualGeometry() const
QRect result;
const auto screens = virtualSiblings();
for (QScreen *screen : screens)
result |= screen->availableGeometry();
return result;
Sets the orientations that the application is interested in receiving
updates for in conjunction with this screen.
For example, to receive orientation() updates and thus have
orientationChanged() signals being emitted for LandscapeOrientation and
InvertedLandscapeOrientation, call setOrientationUpdateMask() with
\a{mask} set to Qt::LandscapeOrientation | Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation.
The default, 0, means no orientationChanged() signals are fired.
void QScreen::setOrientationUpdateMask(Qt::ScreenOrientations mask)
d->orientationUpdateMask = mask;
Returns the currently set orientation update mask.
\sa setOrientationUpdateMask()
Qt::ScreenOrientations QScreen::orientationUpdateMask() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->orientationUpdateMask;
\property QScreen::orientation
\brief the screen orientation
The screen orientation represents the physical orientation
of the display. For example, the screen orientation of a mobile device
will change based on how it is being held. A change to the orientation
might or might not trigger a change to the primary orientation of the screen.
Changes to this property will be filtered by orientationUpdateMask(),
so in order to receive orientation updates the application must first
call setOrientationUpdateMask() with a mask of the orientations it wants
to receive.
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is never returned.
\sa primaryOrientation()
Qt::ScreenOrientation QScreen::orientation() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->filteredOrientation;
\property QScreen::refreshRate
\brief the approximate vertical refresh rate of the screen in Hz
qreal QScreen::refreshRate() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->refreshRate;
\property QScreen::primaryOrientation
\brief the primary screen orientation
The primary screen orientation is Qt::LandscapeOrientation
if the screen geometry's width is greater than or equal to its
height, or Qt::PortraitOrientation otherwise. This property might
change when the screen orientation was changed (i.e. when the
display is rotated).
The behavior is however platform dependent and can often be specified in
an application manifest file.
Qt::ScreenOrientation QScreen::primaryOrientation() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->primaryOrientation;
\property QScreen::nativeOrientation
\brief the native screen orientation
\since 5.2
The native orientation of the screen is the orientation where the logo
sticker of the device appears the right way up, or Qt::PrimaryOrientation
if the platform does not support this functionality.
The native orientation is a property of the hardware, and does not change.
Qt::ScreenOrientation QScreen::nativeOrientation() const
Q_D(const QScreen);
return d->platformScreen->nativeOrientation();
Convenience function to compute the angle of rotation to get from
rotation \a a to rotation \a b.
The result will be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is interpreted as the screen's primaryOrientation().
int QScreen::angleBetween(Qt::ScreenOrientation a, Qt::ScreenOrientation b) const
if (a == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
a = primaryOrientation();
if (b == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
b = primaryOrientation();
return QPlatformScreen::angleBetween(a, b);
Convenience function to compute a transform that maps from the coordinate system
defined by orientation \a a into the coordinate system defined by orientation
\a b and target dimensions \a target.
Example, \a a is Qt::Landscape, \a b is Qt::Portrait, and \a target is QRect(0, 0, w, h)
the resulting transform will be such that the point QPoint(0, 0) is mapped to QPoint(0, w),
and QPoint(h, w) is mapped to QPoint(0, h). Thus, the landscape coordinate system QRect(0, 0, h, w)
is mapped (with a 90 degree rotation) into the portrait coordinate system QRect(0, 0, w, h).
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is interpreted as the screen's primaryOrientation().
QTransform QScreen::transformBetween(Qt::ScreenOrientation a, Qt::ScreenOrientation b, const QRect &target) const
if (a == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
a = primaryOrientation();
if (b == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
b = primaryOrientation();
return QPlatformScreen::transformBetween(a, b, target);
Maps the rect between two screen orientations.
This will flip the x and y dimensions of the rectangle \a{rect} if the orientation \a{a} is
Qt::PortraitOrientation or Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation and orientation \a{b} is
Qt::LandscapeOrientation or Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation, or vice versa.
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is interpreted as the screen's primaryOrientation().
QRect QScreen::mapBetween(Qt::ScreenOrientation a, Qt::ScreenOrientation b, const QRect &rect) const
if (a == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
a = primaryOrientation();
if (b == Qt::PrimaryOrientation)
b = primaryOrientation();
return QPlatformScreen::mapBetween(a, b, rect);
Convenience function that returns \c true if \a o is either portrait or inverted portrait;
otherwise returns \c false.
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is interpreted as the screen's primaryOrientation().
bool QScreen::isPortrait(Qt::ScreenOrientation o) const
return o == Qt::PortraitOrientation || o == Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation
|| (o == Qt::PrimaryOrientation && primaryOrientation() == Qt::PortraitOrientation);
Convenience function that returns \c true if \a o is either landscape or inverted landscape;
otherwise returns \c false.
Qt::PrimaryOrientation is interpreted as the screen's primaryOrientation().
bool QScreen::isLandscape(Qt::ScreenOrientation o) const
return o == Qt::LandscapeOrientation || o == Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation
|| (o == Qt::PrimaryOrientation && primaryOrientation() == Qt::LandscapeOrientation);
\fn void QScreen::orientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
This signal is emitted when the orientation of the screen
changes with \a orientation as an argument.
\sa orientation()
\fn void QScreen::primaryOrientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
This signal is emitted when the primary orientation of the screen
changes with \a orientation as an argument.
\sa primaryOrientation()
void QScreenPrivate::updatePrimaryOrientation()
primaryOrientation = geometry.width() >= geometry.height() ? Qt::LandscapeOrientation : Qt::PortraitOrientation;
Returns the screen at \a point within the set of \l QScreen::virtualSiblings(),
or \c nullptr if outside of any screen.
The \a point is in relation to the virtualGeometry() of each set of virtual
\since 5.15
QScreen *QScreen::virtualSiblingAt(QPoint point)
const auto &siblings = virtualSiblings();
for (QScreen *sibling : siblings) {
if (sibling->geometry().contains(point))
return sibling;
return nullptr;
Creates and returns a pixmap constructed by grabbing the contents
of the given \a window restricted by QRect(\a x, \a y, \a width,
\a height).
The arguments (\a{x}, \a{y}) specify the offset in the window,
whereas (\a{width}, \a{height}) specify the area to be copied. If
\a width is negative, the function copies everything to the right
border of the window. If \a height is negative, the function
copies everything to the bottom of the window.
The offset and size arguments are specified in device independent
pixels. The returned pixmap may be larger than the requested size
when grabbing from a high-DPI screen. Call QPixmap::devicePixelRatio()
to determine if this is the case.
The window system identifier (\c WId) can be retrieved using the
QWidget::winId() function. The rationale for using a window
identifier and not a QWidget, is to enable grabbing of windows
that are not part of the application, window system frames, and so
\warning Grabbing windows that are not part of the application is
not supported on systems such as iOS, where sandboxing/security
prevents reading pixels of windows not owned by the application.
The grabWindow() function grabs pixels from the screen, not from
the window, i.e. if there is another window partially or entirely
over the one you grab, you get pixels from the overlying window,
too. The mouse cursor is generally not grabbed.
Note on X11 that if the given \a window doesn't have the same depth
as the root window, and another window partially or entirely
obscures the one you grab, you will \e not get pixels from the
overlying window. The contents of the obscured areas in the
pixmap will be undefined and uninitialized.
On Windows Vista and above grabbing a layered window, which is
created by setting the Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground attribute, will
not work. Instead grabbing the desktop widget should work.
\warning In general, grabbing an area outside the screen is not
safe. This depends on the underlying window system.
QPixmap QScreen::grabWindow(WId window, int x, int y, int width, int height)
const QPlatformScreen *platformScreen = handle();
if (!platformScreen) {
qWarning("invoked with handle==0");
return QPixmap();
const qreal factor = QHighDpiScaling::factor(this);
if (qFuzzyCompare(factor, 1))
return platformScreen->grabWindow(window, x, y, width, height);
const QPoint nativePos = QHighDpi::toNative(QPoint(x, y), factor);
QSize nativeSize(width, height);
if (nativeSize.isValid())
nativeSize = QHighDpi::toNative(nativeSize, factor);
QPixmap result =
platformScreen->grabWindow(window, nativePos.x(), nativePos.y(),
nativeSize.width(), nativeSize.height());
result.setDevicePixelRatio(result.devicePixelRatio() * factor);
return result;
static inline void formatRect(QDebug &debug, const QRect r)
debug << r.width() << 'x' << r.height()
<< Qt::forcesign << r.x() << r.y() << Qt::noforcesign;
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QScreen *screen)
const QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
debug << "QScreen(" << (const void *)screen;
if (screen) {
debug << ", name=" << screen->name();
if (debug.verbosity() > 2) {
if (screen == QGuiApplication::primaryScreen())
debug << ", primary";
debug << ", geometry=";
formatRect(debug, screen->geometry());
debug << ", available=";
formatRect(debug, screen->availableGeometry());
debug << ", logical DPI=" << screen->logicalDotsPerInchX()
<< ',' << screen->logicalDotsPerInchY()
<< ", physical DPI=" << screen->physicalDotsPerInchX()
<< ',' << screen->physicalDotsPerInchY()
<< ", devicePixelRatio=" << screen->devicePixelRatio()
<< ", orientation=" << screen->orientation()
<< ", physical size=" << screen->physicalSize().width()
<< 'x' << screen->physicalSize().height() << "mm";
debug << ')';
return debug;