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#include "qhttpmultipart.h"
#include "qhttpmultipart_p.h"
#include "QtCore/qdatetime.h" // for initializing the random number generator with QTime
#include "QtCore/qmutex.h"
#include "QtCore/qrandom.h"
\class QHttpPart
\brief The QHttpPart class holds a body part to be used inside a
HTTP multipart MIME message.
\since 4.8
\ingroup network
\ingroup shared
\inmodule QtNetwork
The QHttpPart class holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP
multipart MIME message (which is represented by the QHttpMultiPart class).
A QHttpPart consists of a header block
and a data block, which are separated by each other by two
consecutive new lines. An example for one part would be:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qhttppart.cpp 0
For setting headers, use setHeader() and setRawHeader(), which behave
exactly like QNetworkRequest::setHeader() and QNetworkRequest::setRawHeader().
For reading small pieces of data, use setBody(); for larger data blocks
like e.g. images, use setBodyDevice(). The latter method saves memory by
not copying the data internally, but reading directly from the device.
This means that the device must be opened and readable at the moment when
the multipart message containing the body part is sent on the network via
To construct a QHttpPart with a small body, consider the following snippet
(this produces the data shown in the example above):
\snippet code/src_network_access_qhttppart.cpp 1
To construct a QHttpPart reading from a device (e.g. a file), the following
can be applied:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qhttppart.cpp 2
Be aware that QHttpPart does not take ownership of the device when set, so
it is the developer's responsibility to destroy it when it is not needed anymore.
A good idea might be to set the multipart message as parent object for the device,
as documented at the documentation for QHttpMultiPart.
\sa QHttpMultiPart, QNetworkAccessManager
Constructs an empty QHttpPart object.
QHttpPart::QHttpPart() : d(new QHttpPartPrivate)
Creates a copy of \a other.
QHttpPart::QHttpPart(const QHttpPart &other) : d(other.d)
Destroys this QHttpPart.
d = nullptr;
Creates a copy of \a other.
QHttpPart &QHttpPart::operator=(const QHttpPart &other)
d = other.d;
return *this;
\fn void QHttpPart::swap(QHttpPart &other)
\since 5.0
Swaps this HTTP part with \a other. This function is very fast and
never fails.
Returns \c true if this object is the same as \a other (i.e., if they
have the same headers and body).
\sa operator!=()
bool QHttpPart::operator==(const QHttpPart &other) const
return d == other.d || *d == *other.d;
\fn bool QHttpPart::operator!=(const QHttpPart &other) const
Returns \c true if this object is not the same as \a other.
\sa operator==()
Sets the value of the known header \a header to be \a value,
overriding any previously set headers.
\sa QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, setRawHeader(), QNetworkRequest::setHeader()
void QHttpPart::setHeader(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders header, const QVariant &value)
d->setCookedHeader(header, value);
Sets the header \a headerName to be of value \a headerValue. If \a
headerName corresponds to a known header (see
QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders), the raw format will be parsed and
the corresponding "cooked" header will be set as well.
\note Setting the same header twice overrides the previous
setting. To accomplish the behaviour of multiple HTTP headers of
the same name, you should concatenate the two values, separating
them with a comma (",") and set one single raw header.
\sa QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, setHeader(), QNetworkRequest::setRawHeader()
void QHttpPart::setRawHeader(const QByteArray &headerName, const QByteArray &headerValue)
d->setRawHeader(headerName, headerValue);
Sets the body of this MIME part to \a body. The body set with this method
will be used unless the device is set via setBodyDevice(). For a large
amount of data (e.g. an image), use setBodyDevice(), which will not copy
the data internally.
\sa setBodyDevice()
void QHttpPart::setBody(const QByteArray &body)
Sets the device to read the content from to \a device. For large amounts of data
this method should be preferred over setBody(),
because the content is not copied when using this method, but read
directly from the device.
\a device must be open and readable. QHttpPart does not take ownership
of \a device, i.e. the device must be closed and destroyed if necessary.
if \a device is sequential (e.g. sockets, but not files),
QNetworkAccessManager::post() should be called after \a device has
emitted finished().
For unsetting the device and using data set via setBody(), use
\sa setBody(), QNetworkAccessManager::post()
void QHttpPart::setBodyDevice(QIODevice *device)
\class QHttpMultiPart
\brief The QHttpMultiPart class resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP.
\since 4.8
\ingroup network
\inmodule QtNetwork
The QHttpMultiPart resembles a MIME multipart message, as described in RFC 2046,
which is to be sent over HTTP.
A multipart message consists of an arbitrary number of body parts (see QHttpPart),
which are separated by a unique boundary. The boundary of the QHttpMultiPart is
constructed with the string "boundary_.oOo._" followed by random characters,
and provides enough uniqueness to make sure it does not occur inside the parts itself.
If desired, the boundary can still be set via setBoundary().
As an example, consider the following code snippet, which constructs a multipart
message containing a text part followed by an image part:
\snippet code/src_network_access_qhttpmultipart.cpp 0
\sa QHttpPart, QNetworkAccessManager::post()
\enum QHttpMultiPart::ContentType
List of known content types for a multipart subtype as described
in RFC 2046 and others.
\value MixedType corresponds to the "multipart/mixed" subtype,
meaning the body parts are independent of each other, as described
in RFC 2046.
\value RelatedType corresponds to the "multipart/related" subtype,
meaning the body parts are related to each other, as described in RFC 2387.
\value FormDataType corresponds to the "multipart/form-data"
subtype, meaning the body parts contain form elements, as described in RFC 2388.
\value AlternativeType corresponds to the "multipart/alternative"
subtype, meaning the body parts are alternative representations of
the same information, as described in RFC 2046.
\sa setContentType()
Constructs a QHttpMultiPart with content type MixedType and sets
\a parent as the parent object.
\sa QHttpMultiPart::ContentType
QHttpMultiPart::QHttpMultiPart(QObject *parent) : QObject(*new QHttpMultiPartPrivate, parent)
d->contentType = MixedType;
Constructs a QHttpMultiPart with content type \a contentType and
sets parent as the parent object.
\sa QHttpMultiPart::ContentType
QHttpMultiPart::QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::ContentType contentType, QObject *parent) : QObject(*new QHttpMultiPartPrivate, parent)
d->contentType = contentType;
Destroys the multipart.
Appends \a httpPart to this multipart.
void QHttpMultiPart::append(const QHttpPart &httpPart)
Sets the content type to \a contentType. The content type will be used
in the HTTP header section when sending the multipart message via
In case you want to use a multipart subtype not contained in
you can add the "Content-Type" header field to the QNetworkRequest
by hand, and then use this request together with the multipart
message for posting.
\sa QHttpMultiPart::ContentType, QNetworkAccessManager::post()
void QHttpMultiPart::setContentType(QHttpMultiPart::ContentType contentType)
d_func()->contentType = contentType;
returns the boundary.
\sa setBoundary()
QByteArray QHttpMultiPart::boundary() const
return d_func()->boundary;
Sets the boundary to \a boundary.
Usually, you do not need to generate a boundary yourself; upon construction
the boundary is initiated with the string "boundary_.oOo._" followed by random
characters, and provides enough uniqueness to make sure it does not occur
inside the parts itself.
\sa boundary()
void QHttpMultiPart::setBoundary(const QByteArray &boundary)
d_func()->boundary = boundary;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------- implementations of private classes: ------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
qint64 QHttpPartPrivate::bytesAvailable() const
qint64 bytesAvailable = header.count();
if (bodyDevice) {
bytesAvailable += bodyDevice->bytesAvailable() - readPointer;
} else {
bytesAvailable += body.count() - readPointer;
// the device might have closed etc., so make sure we do not return a negative value
return qMax(bytesAvailable, (qint64) 0);
qint64 QHttpPartPrivate::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
qint64 bytesRead = 0;
qint64 headerDataCount = header.count();
// read header if it has not been read yet
if (readPointer < headerDataCount) {
bytesRead = qMin(headerDataCount - readPointer, maxSize);
const char *headerData = header.constData();
memcpy(data, headerData + readPointer, bytesRead);
readPointer += bytesRead;
// read content if there is still space
if (bytesRead < maxSize) {
if (bodyDevice) {
qint64 dataBytesRead = bodyDevice->read(data + bytesRead, maxSize - bytesRead);
if (dataBytesRead == -1)
return -1;
bytesRead += dataBytesRead;
readPointer += dataBytesRead;
} else {
qint64 contentBytesRead = qMin(body.count() - readPointer + headerDataCount, maxSize - bytesRead);
const char *contentData = body.constData();
// if this method is called several times, we need to find the
// right offset in the content ourselves:
memcpy(data + bytesRead, contentData + readPointer - headerDataCount, contentBytesRead);
bytesRead += contentBytesRead;
readPointer += contentBytesRead;
return bytesRead;
qint64 QHttpPartPrivate::size() const
qint64 size = header.count();
if (bodyDevice) {
size += bodyDevice->size();
} else {
size += body.count();
return size;
bool QHttpPartPrivate::reset()
bool ret = true;
if (bodyDevice)
if (!bodyDevice->reset())
ret = false;
readPointer = 0;
return ret;
void QHttpPartPrivate::checkHeaderCreated() const
if (!headerCreated) {
// copied from QHttpNetworkRequestPrivate::header() and adapted
QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > fields = allRawHeaders();
QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> >::const_iterator it = fields.constBegin();
for (; it != fields.constEnd(); ++it)
header += it->first + ": " + it->second + "\r\n";
header += "\r\n";
headerCreated = true;
QHttpMultiPartPrivate::QHttpMultiPartPrivate() : contentType(QHttpMultiPart::MixedType), device(new QHttpMultiPartIODevice(this))
// 24 random bytes, becomes 32 characters when encoded to Base64
quint32 random[6];
boundary = "boundary_.oOo._"
+ QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<char *>(random), sizeof(random)).toBase64();
// boundary must not be longer than 70 characters, see RFC 2046, section 5.1.1
Q_ASSERT(boundary.count() <= 70);
qint64 QHttpMultiPartIODevice::size() const
// if not done yet, we calculate the size and the offsets of each part,
// including boundary (needed later in readData)
if (deviceSize == -1) {
qint64 currentSize = 0;
qint64 boundaryCount = multiPart->boundary.count();
for (int a = 0; a < multiPart->parts.count(); a++) {
// 4 additional bytes for the "--" before and the "\r\n" after the boundary,
// and 2 bytes for the "\r\n" after the content
currentSize += boundaryCount + 4 + multiPart->>size() + 2;
currentSize += boundaryCount + 6; // size for ending boundary, 2 beginning and ending dashes and "\r\n"
deviceSize = currentSize;
return deviceSize;
bool QHttpMultiPartIODevice::isSequential() const
for (int a = 0; a < multiPart->parts.count(); a++) {
QIODevice *device = multiPart->>bodyDevice;
// we are sequential if any of the bodyDevices of our parts are sequential;
// when reading from a byte array, we are not sequential
if (device && device->isSequential())
return true;
return false;
bool QHttpMultiPartIODevice::reset()
// Reset QIODevice's data
for (int a = 0; a < multiPart->parts.count(); a++)
if (!multiPart->parts[a].d->reset())
return false;
readPointer = 0;
return true;
qint64 QHttpMultiPartIODevice::readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize)
qint64 bytesRead = 0, index = 0;
// skip the parts we have already read
while (index < multiPart->parts.count() &&
readPointer >= + multiPart->>size()
+ multiPart->boundary.count() + 6) // 6 == 2 boundary dashes, \r\n after boundary, \r\n after multipart
// read the data
while (bytesRead < maxSize && index < multiPart->parts.count()) {
// check whether we need to read the boundary of the current part
QByteArray boundaryData = "--" + multiPart->boundary + "\r\n";
qint64 boundaryCount = boundaryData.count();
qint64 partIndex = readPointer -;
if (partIndex < boundaryCount) {
qint64 boundaryBytesRead = qMin(boundaryCount - partIndex, maxSize - bytesRead);
memcpy(data + bytesRead, boundaryData.constData() + partIndex, boundaryBytesRead);
bytesRead += boundaryBytesRead;
readPointer += boundaryBytesRead;
partIndex += boundaryBytesRead;
// check whether we need to read the data of the current part
if (bytesRead < maxSize && partIndex >= boundaryCount && partIndex < boundaryCount + multiPart->>size()) {
qint64 dataBytesRead = multiPart->parts[index].d->readData(data + bytesRead, maxSize - bytesRead);
if (dataBytesRead == -1)
return -1;
bytesRead += dataBytesRead;
readPointer += dataBytesRead;
partIndex += dataBytesRead;
// check whether we need to read the ending CRLF of the current part
if (bytesRead < maxSize && partIndex >= boundaryCount + multiPart->>size()) {
if (bytesRead == maxSize - 1)
return bytesRead;
memcpy(data + bytesRead, "\r\n", 2);
bytesRead += 2;
readPointer += 2;
// check whether we need to return the final boundary
if (bytesRead < maxSize && index == multiPart->parts.count()) {
QByteArray finalBoundary = "--" + multiPart->boundary + "--\r\n";
qint64 boundaryIndex = readPointer + finalBoundary.count() - size();
qint64 lastBoundaryBytesRead = qMin(finalBoundary.count() - boundaryIndex, maxSize - bytesRead);
memcpy(data + bytesRead, finalBoundary.constData() + boundaryIndex, lastBoundaryBytesRead);
bytesRead += lastBoundaryBytesRead;
readPointer += lastBoundaryBytesRead;
return bytesRead;
qint64 QHttpMultiPartIODevice::writeData(const char *data, qint64 maxSize)
return -1;