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\class QSslCertificate
\brief The QSslCertificate class provides a convenient API for an X509 certificate.
\since 4.3
\ingroup network
\ingroup ssl
\ingroup shared
\inmodule QtNetwork
QSslCertificate stores an X509 certificate, and is commonly used
to verify the identity and store information about the local host,
a remotely connected peer, or a trusted third party Certificate
There are many ways to construct a QSslCertificate. The most
common way is to call QSslSocket::peerCertificate(), which returns
a QSslCertificate object, or QSslSocket::peerCertificateChain(),
which returns a list of them. You can also load certificates from
a DER (binary) or PEM (Base64) encoded bundle, typically stored as
one or more local files, or in a Qt Resource.
You can call isNull() to check if your certificate is null. By default,
QSslCertificate constructs a null certificate. A null certificate is
invalid, but an invalid certificate is not necessarily null. If you want
to reset all contents in a certificate, call clear().
After loading a certificate, you can find information about the
certificate, its subject, and its issuer, by calling one of the
many accessor functions, including version(), serialNumber(),
issuerInfo() and subjectInfo(). You can call effectiveDate() and
expiryDate() to check when the certificate starts being
effective and when it expires.
The publicKey() function returns the certificate
subject's public key as a QSslKey. You can call issuerInfo() or
subjectInfo() to get detailed information about the certificate
issuer and its subject.
Internally, QSslCertificate is stored as an X509 structure. You
can access this handle by calling handle(), but the results are
likely to not be portable.
\sa QSslSocket, QSslKey, QSslCipher, QSslError
\enum QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo
Describes keys that you can pass to QSslCertificate::issuerInfo() or
QSslCertificate::subjectInfo() to get information about the certificate
issuer or subject.
\value Organization "O" The name of the organization.
\value CommonName "CN" The common name; most often this is used to store
the host name.
\value LocalityName "L" The locality.
\value OrganizationalUnitName "OU" The organizational unit name.
\value CountryName "C" The country.
\value StateOrProvinceName "ST" The state or province.
\value DistinguishedNameQualifier The distinguished name qualifier
\value SerialNumber The certificate's serial number
\value EmailAddress The email address associated with the certificate
\enum QSslCertificate::PatternSyntax
\since 5.15
The syntax used to interpret the meaning of the pattern.
\value RegularExpression A rich Perl-like pattern matching syntax.
\value Wildcard This provides a simple pattern matching syntax
similar to that used by shells (command interpreters) for "file
globbing". See \l{QRegularExpression Wildcard matching}.
\value FixedString The pattern is a fixed string. This is
equivalent to using the RegularExpression pattern on a string in
which all metacharacters are escaped using escape(). This is the
#include <QtNetwork/qtnetworkglobal.h>
#include "qsslsocket_openssl_symbols_p.h"
#if defined(Q_OS_WINRT) && QT_CONFIG(ssl)
#include "qsslsocket_winrt_p.h"
#include "qsslsocket_mac_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(schannel)
#include "qsslsocket_schannel_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
#include "qregularexpression.h"
#include "qssl_p.h"
#include "qsslcertificate.h"
#include "qsslcertificate_p.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_SSL
#include "qsslkey_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
#include <QtCore/qdiriterator.h>
#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
Constructs a QSslCertificate by reading \a format encoded data
from \a device and using the first certificate found. You can
later call isNull() to see if \a device contained a certificate,
and if this certificate was loaded successfully.
QSslCertificate::QSslCertificate(QIODevice *device, QSsl::EncodingFormat format)
: d(new QSslCertificatePrivate)
if (device && QSslSocket::supportsSsl())
if (device)
d->init(device->readAll(), format);
Constructs a QSslCertificate by parsing the \a format encoded
\a data and using the first available certificate found. You can
later call isNull() to see if \a data contained a certificate,
and if this certificate was loaded successfully.
QSslCertificate::QSslCertificate(const QByteArray &data, QSsl::EncodingFormat format)
: d(new QSslCertificatePrivate)
if (QSslSocket::supportsSsl())
d->init(data, format);
Constructs an identical copy of \a other.
QSslCertificate::QSslCertificate(const QSslCertificate &other) : d(other.d)
Destroys the QSslCertificate.
Copies the contents of \a other into this certificate, making the two
certificates identical.
QSslCertificate &QSslCertificate::operator=(const QSslCertificate &other)
d = other.d;
return *this;
\fn void QSslCertificate::swap(QSslCertificate &other)
\since 5.0
Swaps this certificate instance with \a other. This function is
very fast and never fails.
\fn bool QSslCertificate::operator==(const QSslCertificate &other) const
Returns \c true if this certificate is the same as \a other; otherwise
returns \c false.
\fn bool QSslCertificate::operator!=(const QSslCertificate &other) const
Returns \c true if this certificate is not the same as \a other; otherwise
returns \c false.
\fn bool QSslCertificate::isNull() const
Returns \c true if this is a null certificate (i.e., a certificate
with no contents); otherwise returns \c false.
By default, QSslCertificate constructs a null certificate.
\sa clear()
\fn bool QSslCertificate::isValid() const
To verify a certificate, use verify().
To check if a certificate is blacklisted, use isBlacklisted().
To check if a certificate has expired or is not yet valid, compare
expiryDate() and effectiveDate() with QDateTime::currentDateTime()
This function checks that the current
date-time is within the date-time range during which the
certificate is considered valid, and checks that the
certificate is not in a blacklist of fraudulent certificates.
\sa isNull(), verify(), isBlacklisted(), expiryDate(), effectiveDate()
Returns \c true if this certificate is blacklisted; otherwise
returns \c false.
\sa isNull()
bool QSslCertificate::isBlacklisted() const
return QSslCertificatePrivate::isBlacklisted(*this);
\fn bool QSslCertificate::isSelfSigned() const
\since 5.4
Returns \c true if this certificate is self signed; otherwise
returns \c false.
A certificate is considered self-signed its issuer and subject
are identical.
Clears the contents of this certificate, making it a null
\sa isNull()
void QSslCertificate::clear()
if (isNull())
d = new QSslCertificatePrivate;
\fn QByteArray QSslCertificate::version() const
Returns the certificate's version string.
\fn QByteArray QSslCertificate::serialNumber() const
Returns the certificate's serial number string in hexadecimal format.
Returns a cryptographic digest of this certificate. By default,
an MD5 digest will be generated, but you can also specify a
custom \a algorithm.
QByteArray QSslCertificate::digest(QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algorithm) const
return QCryptographicHash::hash(toDer(), algorithm);
\fn QString QSslCertificate::issuerInfo(SubjectInfo subject) const
Returns the issuer information for the \a subject from the
certificate, or an empty list if there is no information for
\a subject in the certificate. There can be more than one entry
of each type.
\sa subjectInfo()
\fn QStringList QSslCertificate::issuerInfo(const QByteArray &attribute) const
Returns the issuer information for \a attribute from the certificate,
or an empty list if there is no information for \a attribute in the
certificate. There can be more than one entry for an attribute.
\sa subjectInfo()
\fn QString QSslCertificate::subjectInfo(SubjectInfo subject) const
Returns the information for the \a subject, or an empty list if
there is no information for \a subject in the certificate. There
can be more than one entry of each type.
\sa issuerInfo()
\fn QStringList QSslCertificate::subjectInfo(const QByteArray &attribute) const
Returns the subject information for \a attribute, or an empty list if
there is no information for \a attribute in the certificate. There
can be more than one entry for an attribute.
\sa issuerInfo()
\fn QList<QByteArray> QSslCertificate::subjectInfoAttributes() const
\since 5.0
Returns a list of the attributes that have values in the subject
information of this certificate. The information associated
with a given attribute can be accessed using the subjectInfo()
method. Note that this list may include the OIDs for any
elements that are not known by the SSL backend.
\sa subjectInfo()
\fn QList<QByteArray> QSslCertificate::issuerInfoAttributes() const
\since 5.0
Returns a list of the attributes that have values in the issuer
information of this certificate. The information associated
with a given attribute can be accessed using the issuerInfo()
method. Note that this list may include the OIDs for any
elements that are not known by the SSL backend.
\sa subjectInfo()
\fn QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternateNameEntryType, QString> QSslCertificate::alternateSubjectNames() const
Use QSslCertificate::subjectAlternativeNames();
\fn QMultiMap<QSsl::AlternativeNameEntryType, QString> QSslCertificate::subjectAlternativeNames() const
Returns the list of alternative subject names for this
certificate. The alternative names typically contain host
names, optionally with wildcards, that are valid for this
These names are tested against the connected peer's host name, if
either the subject information for \l CommonName doesn't define a
valid host name, or the subject info name doesn't match the peer's
host name.
\sa subjectInfo()
\fn QDateTime QSslCertificate::effectiveDate() const
Returns the date-time that the certificate becomes valid, or an
empty QDateTime if this is a null certificate.
\sa expiryDate()
\fn QDateTime QSslCertificate::expiryDate() const
Returns the date-time that the certificate expires, or an empty
QDateTime if this is a null certificate.
\sa effectiveDate()
\fn Qt::HANDLE QSslCertificate::handle() const
Returns a pointer to the native certificate handle, if there is
one, else \nullptr.
You can use this handle, together with the native API, to access
extended information about the certificate.
\warning Use of this function has a high probability of being
non-portable, and its return value may vary from platform to
platform or change from minor release to minor release.
\fn QSslKey QSslCertificate::publicKey() const
Returns the certificate subject's public key.
\fn QList<QSslCertificateExtension> QSslCertificate::extensions() const
Returns a list containing the X509 extensions of this certificate.
\since 5.0
\fn QByteArray QSslCertificate::toPem() const
Returns this certificate converted to a PEM (Base64) encoded
\fn QByteArray QSslCertificate::toDer() const
Returns this certificate converted to a DER (binary) encoded
\fn QString QSslCertificate::toText() const
Returns this certificate converted to a human-readable text
\since 5.0
Searches all files in the \a path for certificates encoded in the
specified \a format and returns them in a list. \a path must be a file
or a pattern matching one or more files, as specified by \a syntax.
\snippet code/src_network_ssl_qsslcertificate.cpp 0
\sa fromData()
QList<QSslCertificate> QSslCertificate::fromPath(const QString &path,
QSsl::EncodingFormat format,
QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax)
// $, (,), *, +, ., ?, [, ,], ^, {, | and }.
// make sure to use the same path separators on Windows and Unix like systems.
QString sourcePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path);
// Find the path without the filename
QString pathPrefix = sourcePath.left(sourcePath.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')));
// Check if the path contains any special chars
int pos = -1;
if (syntax == QRegExp::Wildcard)
pos = pathPrefix.indexOf(QRegExp(QLatin1String("[*?[]")));
else if (syntax != QRegExp::FixedString)
pos = sourcePath.indexOf(QRegExp(QLatin1String("[\\$\\(\\)\\*\\+\\.\\?\\[\\]\\^\\{\\}\\|]")));
if (pos != -1) {
// there was a special char in the path so cut of the part containing that char.
pathPrefix = pathPrefix.left(pos);
const int lastIndexOfSlash = pathPrefix.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
if (lastIndexOfSlash != -1)
pathPrefix = pathPrefix.left(lastIndexOfSlash);
} else {
// Check if the path is a file.
if (QFileInfo(sourcePath).isFile()) {
QFile file(sourcePath);
QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly;
if (format == QSsl::Pem)
openMode |= QIODevice::Text;
if (
return QSslCertificate::fromData(file.readAll(), format);
return QList<QSslCertificate>();
// Special case - if the prefix ends up being nothing, use "." instead.
int startIndex = 0;
if (pathPrefix.isEmpty()) {
pathPrefix = QLatin1String(".");
startIndex = 2;
// The path can be a file or directory.
QList<QSslCertificate> certs;
QRegExp pattern(sourcePath, Qt::CaseSensitive, syntax);
QDirIterator it(pathPrefix, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks | QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {
QString filePath = startIndex == 0 ? :;
if (!pattern.exactMatch(filePath))
QFile file(filePath);
QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly;
if (format == QSsl::Pem)
openMode |= QIODevice::Text;
if (
certs += QSslCertificate::fromData(file.readAll(), format);
return certs;
#endif // QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5,15)
\since 5.15
Searches all files in the \a path for certificates encoded in the
specified \a format and returns them in a list. \a path must be a file
or a pattern matching one or more files, as specified by \a syntax.
\snippet code/src_network_ssl_qsslcertificate.cpp 1
\sa fromData()
QList<QSslCertificate> QSslCertificate::fromPath(const QString &path,
QSsl::EncodingFormat format,
PatternSyntax syntax)
// $, (,), *, +, ., ?, [, ,], ^, {, | and }.
// make sure to use the same path separators on Windows and Unix like systems.
QString sourcePath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(path);
// Find the path without the filename
QString pathPrefix = sourcePath.left(sourcePath.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')));
// Check if the path contains any special chars
int pos = -1;
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
if (syntax == PatternSyntax::Wildcard)
pos = pathPrefix.indexOf(QRegularExpression(QLatin1String("[*?[]")));
else if (syntax == PatternSyntax::RegularExpression)
pos = sourcePath.indexOf(QRegularExpression(QLatin1String("[\\$\\(\\)\\*\\+\\.\\?\\[\\]\\^\\{\\}\\|]")));
if (syntax == PatternSyntax::Wildcard || syntax == PatternSyntax::RegExp)
qWarning("Regular expression support is disabled in this build. Only fixed string can be searched");
return QList<QSslCertificate>();
if (pos != -1) {
// there was a special char in the path so cut of the part containing that char.
pathPrefix = pathPrefix.left(pos);
const int lastIndexOfSlash = pathPrefix.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
if (lastIndexOfSlash != -1)
pathPrefix = pathPrefix.left(lastIndexOfSlash);
} else {
// Check if the path is a file.
if (QFileInfo(sourcePath).isFile()) {
QFile file(sourcePath);
QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly;
if (format == QSsl::Pem)
openMode |= QIODevice::Text;
if (
return QSslCertificate::fromData(file.readAll(), format);
return QList<QSslCertificate>();
// Special case - if the prefix ends up being nothing, use "." instead.
int startIndex = 0;
if (pathPrefix.isEmpty()) {
pathPrefix = QLatin1String(".");
startIndex = 2;
// The path can be a file or directory.
QList<QSslCertificate> certs;
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
if (syntax == PatternSyntax::Wildcard)
sourcePath = QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression(sourcePath);
QRegularExpression pattern(QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern(sourcePath));
QDirIterator it(pathPrefix, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks | QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {
QString filePath = startIndex == 0 ? :;
#if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
if (!pattern.match(filePath).hasMatch())
if (sourcePath != filePath)
QFile file(filePath);
QIODevice::OpenMode openMode = QIODevice::ReadOnly;
if (format == QSsl::Pem)
openMode |= QIODevice::Text;
if (
certs += QSslCertificate::fromData(file.readAll(), format);
return certs;
Searches for and parses all certificates in \a device that are
encoded in the specified \a format and returns them in a list of
\sa fromData()
QList<QSslCertificate> QSslCertificate::fromDevice(QIODevice *device, QSsl::EncodingFormat format)
if (!device) {
qCWarning(lcSsl, "QSslCertificate::fromDevice: cannot read from a null device");
return QList<QSslCertificate>();
return fromData(device->readAll(), format);
Searches for and parses all certificates in \a data that are
encoded in the specified \a format and returns them in a list of
\sa fromDevice()
QList<QSslCertificate> QSslCertificate::fromData(const QByteArray &data, QSsl::EncodingFormat format)
return (format == QSsl::Pem)
? QSslCertificatePrivate::certificatesFromPem(data)
: QSslCertificatePrivate::certificatesFromDer(data);
#ifndef QT_NO_SSL
Verifies a certificate chain. The chain to be verified is passed in the
\a certificateChain parameter. The first certificate in the list should
be the leaf certificate of the chain to be verified. If \a hostName is
specified then the certificate is also checked to see if it is valid for
the specified host name.
Note that the root (CA) certificate should not be included in the list to be verified,
this will be looked up automatically either using the CA list specified by
QSslSocket::defaultCaCertificates() or, if possible, it will be loaded on demand
on Unix.
\since 5.0
QList<QSslError> QSslCertificate::verify(const QList<QSslCertificate> &certificateChain, const QString &hostName)
QList<QSslError> QSslCertificate::verify(QList<QSslCertificate> certificateChain, const QString &hostName)
return QSslSocketBackendPrivate::verify(certificateChain, hostName);
\since 5.4
Imports a PKCS#12 (pfx) file from the specified \a device. A PKCS#12
file is a bundle that can contain a number of certificates and keys.
This method reads a single \a key, its \a certificate and any
associated \a caCertificates from the bundle. If a \a passPhrase is
specified then this will be used to decrypt the bundle. Returns
\c true if the PKCS#12 file was successfully loaded.
\note The \a device must be open and ready to be read from.
bool QSslCertificate::importPkcs12(QIODevice *device,
QSslKey *key, QSslCertificate *certificate,
QList<QSslCertificate> *caCertificates,
const QByteArray &passPhrase)
return QSslSocketBackendPrivate::importPkcs12(device, key, certificate, caCertificates, passPhrase);
// These certificates are known to be fraudulent and were created during the comodo
// compromise. See
static const char *const certificate_blacklist[] = {
"04:7e:cb:e9:fc:a5:5f:7b:d0:9e:ae:36:e1:0c:ae:1e", "", // Comodo
"f5:c8:6a:f3:61:62:f1:3a:64:f5:4f:6d:c9:58:7c:06", "", // Comodo
"d7:55:8f:da:f5:f1:10:5b:b2:13:28:2b:70:77:29:a3", "", // Comodo
"39:2a:43:4f:0e:07:df:1f:8a:a3:05:de:34:e0:c2:29", "", // Comodo
"3e:75:ce:d4:6b:69:30:21:21:88:30:ae:86:a8:2a:71", "", // Comodo
"e9:02:8b:95:78:e4:15:dc:1a:71:0a:2b:88:15:44:47", "", // Comodo
"92:39:d5:34:8f:40:d1:69:5a:74:54:70:e1:f2:3f:43", "", // Comodo
"b0:b7:13:3e:d0:96:f9:b5:6f:ae:91:c8:74:bd:3a:c0", "", // Comodo
"d8:f3:5f:4e:b7:87:2b:2d:ab:06:92:e3:15:38:2f:b0", "global trustee", // Comodo
"05:e2:e6:a4:cd:09:ea:54:d6:65:b0:75:fe:22:a2:56", "*", // leaf certificate issued by DigiNotar
"0c:76:da:9c:91:0c:4e:2c:9e:fe:15:d0:58:93:3c:4c", "DigiNotar Root CA", // DigiNotar root
"f1:4a:13:f4:87:2b:56:dc:39:df:84:ca:7a:a1:06:49", "DigiNotar Services CA", // DigiNotar intermediate signed by DigiNotar Root
"36:16:71:55:43:42:1b:9d:e6:cb:a3:64:41:df:24:38", "DigiNotar Services 1024 CA", // DigiNotar intermediate signed by DigiNotar Root
"0a:82:bd:1e:14:4e:88:14:d7:5b:1a:55:27:be:bf:3e", "DigiNotar Root CA G2", // other DigiNotar Root CA
"a4:b6:ce:e3:2e:d3:35:46:26:3c:b3:55:3a:a8:92:21", "CertiID Enterprise Certificate Authority", // DigiNotar intermediate signed by "DigiNotar Root CA G2"
"5b:d5:60:9c:64:17:68:cf:21:0e:35:fd:fb:05:ad:41", "DigiNotar Qualified CA", // DigiNotar intermediate signed by DigiNotar Root
"46:9c:2c:b0", "DigiNotar Services 1024 CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by Entrust
"07:27:10:0d", "DigiNotar Cyber CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by CyberTrust
"07:27:0f:f9", "DigiNotar Cyber CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by CyberTrust
"07:27:10:03", "DigiNotar Cyber CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by CyberTrust
"01:31:69:b0", "DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Overheid en Bedrijven", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by the Dutch government
"01:31:34:bf", "DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Organisatie - G2", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by the Dutch government
"d6:d0:29:77:f1:49:fd:1a:83:f2:b9:ea:94:8c:5c:b4", "DigiNotar Extended Validation CA", // DigiNotar intermediate signed by DigiNotar EV Root
"1e:7d:7a:53:3d:45:30:41:96:40:0f:71:48:1f:45:04", "DigiNotar Public CA 2025", // DigiNotar intermediate
// "(has not been seen in the wild so far)", "DigiNotar Public CA - G2", // DigiNotar intermediate
// "(has not been seen in the wild so far)", "Koninklijke Notariele Beroepsorganisatie CA", // compromised during DigiNotar breach
// "(has not been seen in the wild so far)", "Stichting TTP Infos CA," // compromised during DigiNotar breach
"46:9c:2c:af", "DigiNotar Root CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by Entrust
"46:9c:3c:c9", "DigiNotar Root CA", // DigiNotar intermediate cross-signed by Entrust
"07:27:14:a9", "Digisign Server ID (Enrich)", // (Malaysian) Digicert Sdn. Bhd. cross-signed by Verizon CyberTrust
"4c:0e:63:6a", "Digisign Server ID - (Enrich)", // (Malaysian) Digicert Sdn. Bhd. cross-signed by Entrust
"72:03:21:05:c5:0c:08:57:3d:8e:a5:30:4e:fe:e8:b0", "UTN-USERFirst-Hardware", // comodogate test certificate
"41", "MD5 Collisions Inc. (", //
"08:27", "*.EGO.GOV.TR", // Turktrust mis-issued intermediate certificate
"08:64", "", // Turktrust mis-issued intermediate certificate
"03:1d:a7", "AC DG Tr\xC3\xA9sor SSL", // intermediate certificate linking back to ANSSI French National Security Agency
"27:83", "NIC Certifying Authority", // intermediate certificate from NIC India (2007)
"27:92", "NIC CA 2011", // intermediate certificate from NIC India (2011)
"27:b1", "NIC CA 2014", // intermediate certificate from NIC India (2014)
bool QSslCertificatePrivate::isBlacklisted(const QSslCertificate &certificate)
for (int a = 0; certificate_blacklist[a] != nullptr; a++) {
QString blacklistedCommonName = QString::fromUtf8(certificate_blacklist[(a+1)]);
if (certificate.serialNumber() == certificate_blacklist[a++] &&
(certificate.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName).contains(blacklistedCommonName) ||
return true;
return false;
QByteArray QSslCertificatePrivate::subjectInfoToString(QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo info)
QByteArray str;
switch (info) {
case QSslCertificate::Organization: str = QByteArray("O"); break;
case QSslCertificate::CommonName: str = QByteArray("CN"); break;
case QSslCertificate::LocalityName: str = QByteArray("L"); break;
case QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName: str = QByteArray("OU"); break;
case QSslCertificate::CountryName: str = QByteArray("C"); break;
case QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName: str = QByteArray("ST"); break;
case QSslCertificate::DistinguishedNameQualifier: str = QByteArray("dnQualifier"); break;
case QSslCertificate::SerialNumber: str = QByteArray("serialNumber"); break;
case QSslCertificate::EmailAddress: str = QByteArray("emailAddress"); break;
return str;
\since 5.12
Returns a name that describes the issuer. It returns the QSslCertificate::CommonName
if available, otherwise falls back to the first QSslCertificate::Organization or the
first QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName.
\sa issuerInfo()
QString QSslCertificate::issuerDisplayName() const
QStringList names;
names = issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
names = issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::Organization);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
names = issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
return QString();
\since 5.12
Returns a name that describes the subject. It returns the QSslCertificate::CommonName
if available, otherwise falls back to the first QSslCertificate::Organization or the
first QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName.
\sa subjectInfo()
QString QSslCertificate::subjectDisplayName() const
QStringList names;
names = subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
names = subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::Organization);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
names = subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName);
if (!names.isEmpty())
return names.first();
return QString();
\fn uint qHash(const QSslCertificate &key, uint seed)
Returns the hash value for the \a key, using \a seed to seed the calculation.
\since 5.4
\relates QHash
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QSslCertificate &certificate)
QDebugStateSaver saver(debug);
debug << "QSslCertificate("
<< certificate.version()
<< ", " << certificate.serialNumber()
<< ", " << certificate.digest().toBase64()
<< ", " << certificate.issuerDisplayName()
<< ", " << certificate.subjectDisplayName()
<< ", " << certificate.subjectAlternativeNames()
#if QT_CONFIG(datestring)
<< ", " << certificate.effectiveDate()
<< ", " << certificate.expiryDate()
<< ')';
return debug;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, QSslCertificate::SubjectInfo info)
switch (info) {
case QSslCertificate::Organization: debug << "Organization"; break;
case QSslCertificate::CommonName: debug << "CommonName"; break;
case QSslCertificate::CountryName: debug << "CountryName"; break;
case QSslCertificate::LocalityName: debug << "LocalityName"; break;
case QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName: debug << "OrganizationalUnitName"; break;
case QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName: debug << "StateOrProvinceName"; break;
case QSslCertificate::DistinguishedNameQualifier: debug << "DistinguishedNameQualifier"; break;
case QSslCertificate::SerialNumber: debug << "SerialNumber"; break;
case QSslCertificate::EmailAddress: debug << "EmailAddress"; break;
return debug;