blob: 07776a4a766b0262f479ced02bf17e401ab238e9 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2012 BogDan Vatra <>
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** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qandroidassetsfileenginehandler.h"
#include "androidjnimain.h"
#include <optional>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtCore/private/qjni_p.h>
static const QLatin1String assetsPrefix("assets:");
const static int prefixSize = 7;
static inline QString cleanedAssetPath(QString file)
if (file.startsWith(assetsPrefix))
file.remove(0, prefixSize);
file.replace(QLatin1String("//"), QLatin1String("/"));
if (file.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
file.remove(0, 1);
if (file.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
return file;
static inline QString prefixedPath(QString path)
path = assetsPrefix + QLatin1Char('/') + path;
path.replace(QLatin1String("//"), QLatin1String("/"));
return path;
struct AssetItem {
enum class Type {
AssetItem() = default;
AssetItem (const QString &rawName)
: name(rawName)
if (name.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
type = Type::Folder;
Type type = Type::File;
QString name;
using AssetItemList = QVector<AssetItem>;
class FolderIterator : public AssetItemList
static QSharedPointer<FolderIterator> fromCache(const QString &path, bool clone)
QMutexLocker lock(&m_assetsCacheMutex);
QSharedPointer<FolderIterator> *folder = m_assetsCache.object(path);
if (!folder) {
folder = new QSharedPointer<FolderIterator>{new FolderIterator{path}};
if ((*folder)->empty() || !m_assetsCache.insert(path, folder)) {
QSharedPointer<FolderIterator> res = *folder;
delete folder;
return res;
return clone ? QSharedPointer<FolderIterator>{new FolderIterator{*(*folder)}} : *folder;
static AssetItem::Type fileType(const QString &filePath)
if (filePath.isEmpty())
return AssetItem::Type::Folder;
const QStringList paths = filePath.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
QString fullPath;
AssetItem::Type res = AssetItem::Type::Invalid;
for (const auto &path: paths) {
auto folder = fromCache(fullPath, false);
auto it = std::lower_bound(folder->begin(), folder->end(), AssetItem{path}, [](const AssetItem &val, const AssetItem &assetItem) {
return <;
if (it == folder->end() || it->name != path)
return AssetItem::Type::Invalid;
if (!fullPath.isEmpty())
fullPath += path;
res = it->type;
return res;
FolderIterator(const FolderIterator &other)
: AssetItemList(other)
, m_index(-1)
, m_path(other.m_path)
FolderIterator(const QString &path)
: m_path(path)
QJNIObjectPrivate files = QJNIObjectPrivate::callStaticObjectMethod(QtAndroid::applicationClass(),
QtAndroid::assets(), QJNIObjectPrivate::fromString(path).object());
if (files.isValid()) {
QJNIEnvironmentPrivate env;
jobjectArray jFiles = static_cast<jobjectArray>(files.object());
const jint nFiles = env->GetArrayLength(jFiles);
for (int i = 0; i < nFiles; ++i) {
AssetItem item{QJNIObjectPrivate::fromLocalRef(env->GetObjectArrayElement(jFiles, i)).toString()};
insert(std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), item, [](const auto &a, const auto &b){
return <;
}), item);
m_path = assetsPrefix + QLatin1Char('/') + m_path + QLatin1Char('/');
m_path.replace(QLatin1String("//"), QLatin1String("/"));
QString currentFileName() const
if (m_index < 0 || m_index >= size())
return {};
return at(m_index).name;
QString currentFilePath() const
if (m_index < 0 || m_index >= size())
return {};
return m_path + at(m_index).name;
bool hasNext() const
return !empty() && m_index + 1 < size();
std::optional<std::pair<QString, AssetItem>> next()
if (!hasNext())
return {};
return std::pair<QString, AssetItem>(currentFileName(), at(m_index));
int m_index = -1;
QString m_path;
static QCache<QString, QSharedPointer<FolderIterator>> m_assetsCache;
static QMutex m_assetsCacheMutex;
QCache<QString, QSharedPointer<FolderIterator>> FolderIterator::m_assetsCache(std::max(50, qEnvironmentVariableIntValue("QT_ANDROID_MAX_ASSETS_CACHE_SIZE")));
QMutex FolderIterator::m_assetsCacheMutex;
class AndroidAbstractFileEngineIterator: public QAbstractFileEngineIterator
AndroidAbstractFileEngineIterator(QDir::Filters filters,
const QStringList &nameFilters,
const QString &path)
: QAbstractFileEngineIterator(filters, nameFilters)
m_currentIterator = FolderIterator::fromCache(cleanedAssetPath(path), true);
QFileInfo currentFileInfo() const override
return QFileInfo(currentFilePath());
QString currentFileName() const override
if (!m_currentIterator)
return {};
return m_currentIterator->currentFileName();
virtual QString currentFilePath() const
if (!m_currentIterator)
return {};
return m_currentIterator->currentFilePath();
bool hasNext() const override
if (!m_currentIterator)
return false;
return m_currentIterator->hasNext();
QString next() override
if (!m_currentIterator)
return {};
auto res = m_currentIterator->next();
if (!res)
return {};
return res->first;
QSharedPointer<FolderIterator> m_currentIterator;
class AndroidAbstractFileEngine: public QAbstractFileEngine
explicit AndroidAbstractFileEngine(AAssetManager *assetManager, const QString &fileName)
: m_assetManager(assetManager)
bool open(QIODevice::OpenMode openMode) override
if (m_isFolder || (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly))
return false;
m_assetFile = AAssetManager_open(m_assetManager, m_fileName.toUtf8(), AASSET_MODE_BUFFER);
return m_assetFile;
bool close() override
if (m_assetFile) {
m_assetFile = 0;
return true;
m_isFolder = false;
return false;
qint64 size() const override
if (m_assetFile)
return AAsset_getLength(m_assetFile);
return -1;
qint64 pos() const override
if (m_assetFile)
return AAsset_seek(m_assetFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
return -1;
bool seek(qint64 pos) override
if (m_assetFile)
return pos == AAsset_seek(m_assetFile, pos, SEEK_SET);
return false;
qint64 read(char *data, qint64 maxlen) override
if (m_assetFile)
return AAsset_read(m_assetFile, data, maxlen);
return -1;
bool isSequential() const override
return false;
bool caseSensitive() const override
return true;
bool isRelativePath() const override
return false;
FileFlags fileFlags(FileFlags type = FileInfoAll) const override
FileFlags commonFlags(ReadOwnerPerm|ReadUserPerm|ReadGroupPerm|ReadOtherPerm|ExistsFlag);
FileFlags flags;
if (m_assetFile)
flags = FileType | commonFlags;
else if (m_isFolder)
flags = DirectoryType | commonFlags;
return type & flags;
QString fileName(FileName file = DefaultName) const override
int pos;
switch (file) {
case DefaultName:
case AbsoluteName:
case CanonicalName:
return prefixedPath(m_fileName);
case BaseName:
if ((pos = m_fileName.lastIndexOf(QChar(QLatin1Char('/')))) != -1)
return prefixedPath(m_fileName.mid(pos));
return prefixedPath(m_fileName);
case PathName:
case AbsolutePathName:
case CanonicalPathName:
if ((pos = m_fileName.lastIndexOf(QChar(QLatin1Char('/')))) != -1)
return prefixedPath(m_fileName.left(pos));
return prefixedPath(m_fileName);
return QString();
void setFileName(const QString &file) override
if (m_fileName == cleanedAssetPath(file))
m_fileName = cleanedAssetPath(file);
switch (FolderIterator::fileType(m_fileName)) {
case AssetItem::Type::File:
case AssetItem::Type::Folder:
m_isFolder = true;
case AssetItem::Type::Invalid:
Iterator *beginEntryList(QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList &filterNames) override
if (m_isFolder)
return new AndroidAbstractFileEngineIterator(filters, filterNames, m_fileName);
return nullptr;
AAsset *m_assetFile = nullptr;
AAssetManager *m_assetManager = nullptr;
// initialize with a name that can't be used as a file name
QString m_fileName = QLatin1String(".");
bool m_isFolder = false;
m_assetManager = QtAndroid::assetManager();
QAbstractFileEngine * AndroidAssetsFileEngineHandler::create(const QString &fileName) const
if (fileName.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
if (!fileName.startsWith(assetsPrefix))
return nullptr;
QString path = fileName.mid(prefixSize);
path.replace(QLatin1String("//"), QLatin1String("/"));
if (path.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
path.remove(0, 1);
if (path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
return new AndroidAbstractFileEngine(m_assetManager, path);