blob: 291a27b15e013bd919a2a3ac54cf002819e2344f [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformwindow.h>
#include <QRect>
#include <QPointer>
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
#include "qcocoaglcontext.h"
#include "qnsview.h"
#include "qnswindow.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan)
#include <MoltenVK/mvk_vulkan.h>
class QDebug;
// QCocoaWindow
// QCocoaWindow is an NSView (not an NSWindow!) in the sense
// that it relies on a NSView for all event handling and
// graphics output and does not require a NSWindow, except for
// for the window-related functions like setWindowTitle.
// As a consequence of this it is possible to embed the QCocoaWindow
// in an NSView hierarchy by getting a pointer to the "backing"
// NSView and not calling QCocoaWindow::show():
// QWindow *qtWindow = new MyWindow();
// qtWindow->create();
// QPlatformNativeInterface *platformNativeInterface = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
// NSView *qtView = (NSView *)platformNativeInterface->nativeResourceForWindow("nsview", qtWindow);
// [parentView addSubview:qtView];
// See the qt_on_cocoa manual tests for a working example, located
// in tests/manual/cocoa at the time of writing.
#ifdef Q_MOC_RUN
#define Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(notification)
class QCocoaMenuBar;
class QCocoaWindow : public QObject, public QPlatformWindow
QCocoaWindow(QWindow *tlw, WId nativeHandle = 0);
void initialize() override;
void setGeometry(const QRect &rect) override;
QRect geometry() const override;
void setCocoaGeometry(const QRect &rect);
void setVisible(bool visible) override;
void setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags) override;
void setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates state) override;
void setWindowTitle(const QString &title) override;
void setWindowFilePath(const QString &filePath) override;
void setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon) override;
void setAlertState(bool enabled) override;
bool isAlertState() const override;
void raise() override;
void lower() override;
bool isExposed() const override;
bool isEmbedded() const override;
bool isOpaque() const;
void propagateSizeHints() override;
void setOpacity(qreal level) override;
void setMask(const QRegion &region) override;
bool setKeyboardGrabEnabled(bool grab) override;
bool setMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab) override;
QMargins frameMargins() const override;
QSurfaceFormat format() const override;
bool isForeignWindow() const override;
void requestUpdate() override;
bool updatesWithDisplayLink() const;
void deliverUpdateRequest() override;
void requestActivateWindow() override;
WId winId() const override;
void setParent(const QPlatformWindow *window) override;
NSView *view() const;
NSWindow *nativeWindow() const;
void setEmbeddedInForeignView();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification) void viewDidChangeFrame();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification) void viewDidChangeGlobalFrame();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowWillMoveNotification) void windowWillMove();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidMoveNotification) void windowDidMove();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidResizeNotification) void windowDidResize();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification) void windowDidEndLiveResize();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification) void windowDidBecomeKey();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification) void windowDidResignKey();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification) void windowDidMiniaturize();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification) void windowDidDeminiaturize();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification) void windowWillEnterFullScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification) void windowDidEnterFullScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification) void windowWillExitFullScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification) void windowDidExitFullScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidOrderOnScreenAndFinishAnimatingNotification) void windowDidOrderOnScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidOrderOffScreenNotification) void windowDidOrderOffScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidChangeOcclusionStateNotification) void windowDidChangeOcclusionState();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification) void windowDidChangeScreen();
Q_NOTIFICATION_HANDLER(NSWindowWillCloseNotification) void windowWillClose();
bool windowShouldClose();
bool windowIsPopupType(Qt::WindowType type = Qt::Widget) const;
NSInteger windowLevel(Qt::WindowFlags flags);
NSUInteger windowStyleMask(Qt::WindowFlags flags);
void setWindowZoomButton(Qt::WindowFlags flags);
bool setWindowModified(bool modified) override;
void setFrameStrutEventsEnabled(bool enabled) override;
bool frameStrutEventsEnabled() const override
{ return m_frameStrutEventsEnabled; }
void setMenubar(QCocoaMenuBar *mb);
QCocoaMenuBar *menubar() const;
void setWindowCursor(NSCursor *cursor);
void registerTouch(bool enable);
void setContentBorderThickness(int topThickness, int bottomThickness);
void registerContentBorderArea(quintptr identifier, int upper, int lower);
void setContentBorderAreaEnabled(quintptr identifier, bool enable);
void setContentBorderEnabled(bool enable);
bool testContentBorderAreaPosition(int position) const;
void applyContentBorderThickness(NSWindow *window = nullptr);
void updateNSToolbar();
qreal devicePixelRatio() const override;
QWindow *childWindowAt(QPoint windowPoint);
bool shouldRefuseKeyWindowAndFirstResponder();
static QPoint bottomLeftClippedByNSWindowOffsetStatic(QWindow *window);
QPoint bottomLeftClippedByNSWindowOffset() const;
enum RecreationReason {
RecreationNotNeeded = 0,
ParentChanged = 0x1,
MissingWindow = 0x2,
WindowModalityChanged = 0x4,
ContentViewChanged = 0x10,
PanelChanged = 0x20,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RecreationReasons, RecreationReason)
void recreateWindowIfNeeded();
QCocoaNSWindow *createNSWindow(bool shouldBePanel);
Qt::WindowState windowState() const;
void applyWindowState(Qt::WindowStates newState);
void toggleMaximized();
void toggleFullScreen();
bool isTransitioningToFullScreen() const;
bool startSystemMove() override;
// private:
public: // for QNSView
friend class QCocoaBackingStore;
friend class QCocoaNativeInterface;
bool isContentView() const;
bool alwaysShowToolWindow() const;
void removeMonitor();
enum HandleFlags {
NoHandleFlags = 0,
HandleUnconditionally = 1
void handleGeometryChange();
void handleWindowStateChanged(HandleFlags flags = NoHandleFlags);
void handleExposeEvent(const QRegion &region);
NSView *m_view;
QCocoaNSWindow *m_nsWindow;
Qt::WindowStates m_lastReportedWindowState;
Qt::WindowModality m_windowModality;
QPointer<QWindow> m_enterLeaveTargetWindow;
bool m_windowUnderMouse;
bool m_initialized;
bool m_inSetVisible;
bool m_inSetGeometry;
bool m_inSetStyleMask;
QCocoaMenuBar *m_menubar;
bool m_needsInvalidateShadow;
bool m_frameStrutEventsEnabled;
QRect m_exposedRect;
int m_registerTouchCount;
bool m_resizableTransientParent;
static const int NoAlertRequest;
NSInteger m_alertRequest;
id monitor;
bool m_drawContentBorderGradient;
int m_topContentBorderThickness;
int m_bottomContentBorderThickness;
struct BorderRange {
BorderRange(quintptr i, int u, int l) : identifier(i), upper(u), lower(l) { }
quintptr identifier;
int upper;
int lower;
bool operator<(BorderRange const& right) const {
return upper < right.upper;
QHash<quintptr, BorderRange> m_contentBorderAreas; // identifer -> uppper/lower
QHash<quintptr, bool> m_enabledContentBorderAreas; // identifer -> enabled state (true/false)
#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan)
VkSurfaceKHR m_vulkanSurface = nullptr;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QCocoaWindow *window);