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#include "qlogvalue3daxisformatter_p.h"
#include "qvalue3daxis_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
* \class QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
* \inmodule QtDataVisualization
* \brief The QLogValue3DAxisFormatter class provides formatting rules for a
* logarithmic value axis.
* \since QtDataVisualization 1.1
* When a formatter is attached to a value axis, the axis range
* cannot include negative values or the zero.
* \sa QValue3DAxisFormatter
* \qmltype LogValueAxis3DFormatter
* \inqmlmodule QtDataVisualization
* \since QtDataVisualization 1.1
* \ingroup datavisualization_qml
* \instantiates QLogValue3DAxisFormatter
* \inherits ValueAxis3DFormatter
* \brief Provides formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis.
* When a formatter is attached to a value axis, the axis range
* cannot include negative values or the zero.
* \qmlproperty real LogValueAxis3DFormatter::base
* The base of the logarithm used to map axis values. If the base is non-zero, the parent axis
* segment count will be ignored when the grid line and label positions are calculated.
* If you want the range to be divided into equal segments like a normal value axis, set this
* property value to zero.
* The base has to be zero or a positive value and it cannot be equal to one.
* Defaults to ten.
* \sa ValueAxis3D::segmentCount
* \qmlproperty bool LogValueAxis3DFormatter::autoSubGrid
* Defines whether sub-grid positions are generated automatically.
* If this property value is set to \c true, the parent axis sub-segment count is ignored
* when calculating sub-grid line positions. The sub-grid positions are generated automatically
* according to the \l base property value.
* The number of sub-grid lines is set to the base value minus one, rounded down.
* This property is ignored when the base value is zero.
* Defaults to \c true.
* \sa base, ValueAxis3D::subSegmentCount
* \qmlproperty bool LogValueAxis3DFormatter::showEdgeLabels
* Defines whether the first and last label on the axis are visible.
* When the \l base property value is non-zero, the whole axis range is often
* not equally divided into
* segments. The first and last segments are often smaller than the other segments.
* In extreme cases, this can lead to overlapping labels on the first and last two grid lines.
* By setting this property to \c false, you can suppress showing the minimum and maximum labels
* for the axis in cases where the segments do not exactly fit the axis.
* Defaults to \c true.
* \sa base, AbstractAxis3D::labels
* \internal
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::QLogValue3DAxisFormatter(QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *d,
QObject *parent) :
QValue3DAxisFormatter(d, parent)
* Constructs a new logarithmic value 3D axis formatter with the optional
* parent \a parent.
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::QLogValue3DAxisFormatter(QObject *parent) :
QValue3DAxisFormatter(new QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate(this), parent)
* Deletes the logarithmic value 3D axis formatter.
* \property QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::base
* \brief The base of the logarithm used to map axis values.
* If the base is non-zero, the parent axis
* segment count will be ignored when the grid line and label positions are calculated.
* If you want the range to be divided into equal segments like a normal value axis, set this
* property value to zero.
* The base has to be zero or a positive value and it cannot be equal to one.
* Defaults to ten.
* \sa QValue3DAxis::segmentCount
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::setBase(qreal base)
if (base < 0.0f || base == 1.0f) {
qWarning() << "Warning: The logarithm base must be greater than 0 and not equal to 1,"
<< "attempted:" << base;
if (dptr()->m_base != base) {
dptr()->m_base = base;
emit baseChanged(base);
qreal QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::base() const
return dptrc()->m_base;
* \property QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::autoSubGrid
* \brief Whether sub-grid positions are generated automatically.
* If this property value is set to \c true, the parent axis sub-segment count is ignored
* when calculating sub-grid line positions. The sub-grid positions are generated automatically
* according to the \l base property value. The number of sub-grid lines is set
* to the base value minus one, rounded down. This property is ignored when the
* base value is zero.
* Defaults to \c true.
* \sa base, QValue3DAxis::subSegmentCount
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::setAutoSubGrid(bool enabled)
if (dptr()->m_autoSubGrid != enabled) {
dptr()->m_autoSubGrid = enabled;
emit autoSubGridChanged(enabled);
bool QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::autoSubGrid() const
return dptrc()->m_autoSubGrid;
* \property QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::showEdgeLabels
* \brief Whether the first and last label on the axis are visible.
* When the \l base property value is non-zero, the whole axis range is often
* not equally divided into
* segments. The first and last segments are often smaller than the other segments.
* In extreme cases, this can lead to overlapping labels on the first and last two grid lines.
* By setting this property to \c false, you can suppress showing the minimum and maximum labels
* for the axis in cases where the segments do not exactly fit the axis.
* Defaults to \c true.
* \sa base, QAbstract3DAxis::labels
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::setShowEdgeLabels(bool enabled)
if (dptr()->m_showEdgeLabels != enabled) {
dptr()->m_showEdgeLabels = enabled;
emit showEdgeLabelsChanged(enabled);
bool QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::showEdgeLabels() const
return dptrc()->m_showEdgeLabels;
* \internal
QValue3DAxisFormatter *QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::createNewInstance() const
return new QLogValue3DAxisFormatter();
* \internal
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::recalculate()
* \internal
float QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::positionAt(float value) const
return dptrc()->positionAt(value);
* \internal
float QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::valueAt(float position) const
return dptrc()->valueAt(position);
* \internal
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::populateCopy(QValue3DAxisFormatter &copy) const
* \internal
QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::dptr()
return static_cast<QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *>(;
* \internal
const QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::dptrc() const
return static_cast<const QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *>(;
// QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate
QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate(QLogValue3DAxisFormatter *q)
: QValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate(q),
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::recalculate()
// When doing position/value mappings, base doesn't matter, so just use natural logarithm
m_logMin = qLn(qreal(m_min));
m_logMax = qLn(qreal(m_max));
m_logRangeNormalizer = m_logMax - m_logMin;
int subGridCount = m_axis->subSegmentCount() - 1;
int segmentCount = m_axis->segmentCount();
QString labelFormat = m_axis->labelFormat();
qreal segmentStep;
if (m_base > 0.0) {
// Update parent axis segment counts
qreal logMin = qLn(qreal(m_min)) / qLn(m_base);
qreal logMax = qLn(qreal(m_max)) / qLn(m_base);
qreal logRangeNormalizer = logMax - logMin;
qreal minDiff = qCeil(logMin) - logMin;
qreal maxDiff = logMax - qFloor(logMax);
m_evenMinSegment = qFuzzyCompare(0.0, minDiff);
m_evenMaxSegment = qFuzzyCompare(0.0, maxDiff);
segmentCount = qRound(logRangeNormalizer - minDiff - maxDiff);
if (!m_evenMinSegment)
if (!m_evenMaxSegment)
segmentStep = 1.0 / logRangeNormalizer;
if (m_autoSubGrid) {
subGridCount = qCeil(m_base) - 2; // -2 for subgrid because subsegment count is base - 1
if (subGridCount < 0)
subGridCount = 0;
m_gridPositions.resize(segmentCount + 1);
m_subGridPositions.resize(segmentCount * subGridCount);
m_labelPositions.resize(segmentCount + 1);
m_labelStrings.reserve(segmentCount + 1);
// Calculate segment positions
int index = 0;
if (!m_evenMinSegment) {
m_gridPositions[0] = 0.0f;
m_labelPositions[0] = 0.0f;
if (m_showEdgeLabels)
m_labelStrings << qptr()->stringForValue(qreal(m_min), labelFormat);
m_labelStrings << QString();
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
float gridValue = float((minDiff + qreal(i)) / qreal(logRangeNormalizer));
m_gridPositions[index] = gridValue;
m_labelPositions[index] = gridValue;
m_labelStrings << qptr()->stringForValue(qPow(m_base, minDiff + qreal(i) + logMin),
// Ensure max value doesn't suffer from any rounding errors
m_gridPositions[segmentCount] = 1.0f;
m_labelPositions[segmentCount] = 1.0f;
QString finalLabel;
if (m_showEdgeLabels || m_evenMaxSegment)
finalLabel = qptr()->stringForValue(qreal(m_max), labelFormat);
if (m_labelStrings.size() > segmentCount)
m_labelStrings.replace(segmentCount, finalLabel);
m_labelStrings << finalLabel;
} else {
// Grid lines and label positions are the same as the parent class, so call parent impl
// first to populate those
// Label string list needs to be repopulated
segmentStep = 1.0 / qreal(segmentCount);
m_labelStrings << qptr()->stringForValue(qreal(m_min), labelFormat);
for (int i = 1; i < m_labelPositions.size() - 1; i++)
m_labelStrings[i] = qptr()->stringForValue(qExp(segmentStep * qreal(i)
* m_logRangeNormalizer + m_logMin),
m_labelStrings << qptr()->stringForValue(qreal(m_max), labelFormat);
m_evenMaxSegment = true;
m_evenMinSegment = true;
// Subgrid line positions are logarithmically spaced
if (subGridCount > 0) {
float oneSegmentRange = valueAt(float(segmentStep)) - m_min;
float subSegmentStep = oneSegmentRange / float(subGridCount + 1);
// Since the logarithm has the same curvature across whole axis range, we can just calculate
// subgrid positions for the first segment and replicate them to other segments.
QVector<float> actualSubSegmentSteps(subGridCount);
for (int i = 0; i < subGridCount; i++) {
float currentSubPosition = positionAt(m_min + ((i + 1) * subSegmentStep));
actualSubSegmentSteps[i] = currentSubPosition;
float firstPartialSegmentAdjustment = float(segmentStep) -;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < subGridCount; j++) {
float position = +;
if (!m_evenMinSegment && i == 0)
position -= firstPartialSegmentAdjustment;
if (position > 1.0f)
position = 1.0f;
if (position < 0.0f)
position = 0.0f;
m_subGridPositions[i * subGridCount + j] = position;
void QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::populateCopy(QValue3DAxisFormatter &copy) const
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter *logFormatter = static_cast<QLogValue3DAxisFormatter *>(&copy);
QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate *priv = logFormatter->dptr();
priv->m_base = m_base;
priv->m_logMin = m_logMin;
priv->m_logMax = m_logMax;
priv->m_logRangeNormalizer = m_logRangeNormalizer;
float QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::positionAt(float value) const
qreal logValue = qLn(qreal(value));
float retval = float((logValue - m_logMin) / m_logRangeNormalizer);
return retval;
float QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::valueAt(float position) const
qreal logValue = (qreal(position) * m_logRangeNormalizer) + m_logMin;
return float(qExp(logValue));
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter *QLogValue3DAxisFormatterPrivate::qptr()
return static_cast<QLogValue3DAxisFormatter *>(q_ptr);