blob: 748ec8f371d08edce03842fad68c2537632bf76d [file] [log] [blame]
Qt 5.4 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 5.3.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:
The Qt version 5.4 series is binary compatible with the 5.3.x series.
Applications compiled for 5.3 will continue to run with 5.4.
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* General *
General Improvements
- The Declarative State Machine Framework extends Qt's State Machine
Framework (QSM) into QML. This gives you the power of deterministic
state machines, but declaratively.
- Added QML linter tool.
Third party components
* Important Behavior Changes *
- [QTBUG-40431] When a JavaScript object/array is passed to C++ through
a QVariant, the engine no longer immediately converts the object
recursively into a QVariantMap or QVariantList but instead stores a
QJSValue in the QVariant. This prevents a loss of data when the JS
object contains non-primitive types such as function objects for
example. Code that expects the variant type to be exactly
QVariant::Map or QVariant::List may need to be adapted. Registered
conversion functions however ensure that code that merely calls
toMap() or toList() continues to work.
- [QTBUG-39971] Qt 5.3 changed the mapping of "var" parameters in QML
declared signals to QJSValue. This was reverted to the behavior of
earlier Qt versions to use QVariant. The original issue of not being
able to pass function objects through var parameters of QML declared
signals is solved by wrapping a QJSValue inside the QVariant.
* Library *
- qmldir:
[QTBUG-41489] added the ability to declare dependencies on other
modules in a module definition qmldir file
- Accessibility for Qt Quick is now included in the qtquick library
instead of being a separate plugin.
- QQuickWindow will compresses touch events and delivers at most one touch
event per frame.
- [QTBUG-38539] Added property MouseArea.drag.smoothed for toggling
whether the drag target is moved to the current mouse position after a
drag operation has started.
- [QTBUG-37944] Introduced QQuickRenderControl as a public API.
- [QTBUG-37589] Added QQuickWidget::grabFramebuffer() for capturing the
content into a QImage.
- tools and examples consistently use the QtProject organization name
- [QTBUG-40130] Add containsPress property to MouseArea
- Added QQuickFontMetrics, which provides a subset of QFontMetricsF's API.
- Added QQuickTextMetrics, which provides a declarative API for the
functions in QFontMetricsF which take arguments.
- Introduced OpenGLInfo attached type that provides information about the
currently used OpenGL version.
- Images exceeding GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE will be downscaled to fit so they
will still show.
- [QTBUG-42096] Fixed nodes sometimes disappearing when adding many new
nodes to the tree.
- Canvas:
* Implement antialiasing on FramebufferObject based render targets
through super-sampling (SSAA) when framebuffer multisampling is not
- Important Behavior Changes:
* Drag and Drop events now propagate to child items before their
* [QTBUG-40329] TextInput::displayText now includes also partial input
from an input method and thus matches with the actual displayed text.
- Item:
* Added functions QQuickItem::grabToImage() and Item::grabToImage() to
allow grabbing of items into system-memory images.
* When Item.opacity is set to a value outside the range of 0 to 1, it
will be clamped.
- ListView:
* Introduced headerPositioning and footerPositioning properties to
control whether header and footer are positioned inline, as overlays,
or so that they slide away and can be pulled back regardless of the
content position.
- QQuickItem:
* Added signals sceneGraphInitialized and sceneGraphInvalidated
- QQuickWindow:
* Added QQuickWindow::scheduleRenderJob(), a convenience alternative to
the equivalent signals for one-shot tasks.
- SceneGraph:
* There might not be an OpenGL context bound when
QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated() is emitted if an error occurs
while cleaning up the scene graph (such as EGL_CONTEXT_LOST). This is
according to the documentation, but has never occurred in practice
- TextInput:
* Added passwordMaskDelay property
* [QTBUG-38934] Added TextInput::ensureVisible(int pos) method to be
able to control the scrolling position of a TextInput that has
automatic scrolling enabled.
- Window:
* Added Item.Window attached property
- [QTBUG-39365] FontDialog: support keyboard navigation
- [QTBUG-39231] FileDialog: added sidebarVisible property and button