blob: 23694e2de3398ce34d2c3ed8afa240519e27f1fd [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtQuick module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qquickitemanimation_p.h"
#include "qquickitemanimation_p_p.h"
#include "qquickstateoperations_p.h"
#include <private/qqmlproperty_p.h>
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_path)
#include <private/qquickpath_p.h>
#include "private/qparallelanimationgroupjob_p.h"
#include "private/qsequentialanimationgroupjob_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <QtGui/qtransform.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
\qmltype ParentAnimation
\instantiates QQuickParentAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-animation-properties
\since 5.0
\inherits Animation
\brief Animates changes in parent values.
ParentAnimation is used to animate a parent change for an \l Item.
For example, the following ParentChange changes \c blueRect to become
a child of \c redRect when it is clicked. The inclusion of the
ParentAnimation, which defines a NumberAnimation to be applied during
the transition, ensures the item animates smoothly as it moves to
its new parent:
\snippet qml/parentanimation.qml 0
A ParentAnimation can contain any number of animations. These animations will
be run in parallel; to run them sequentially, define them within a
In some cases, such as when reparenting between items with clipping enabled, it is useful
to animate the parent change via another item that does not have clipping
enabled. Such an item can be set using the \l via property.
ParentAnimation is typically used within a \l Transition in conjunction
with a ParentChange. When used in this manner, it animates any
ParentChange that has occurred during the state change. This can be
overridden by setting a specific target item using the \l target property.
\sa {Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}, {Qt Quick Examples - Animation}
QQuickParentAnimation::QQuickParentAnimation(QObject *parent)
: QQuickAnimationGroup(*(new QQuickParentAnimationPrivate), parent)
\qmlproperty Item QtQuick::ParentAnimation::target
The item to reparent.
When used in a transition, if no target is specified, all
ParentChange occurrences are animated by the ParentAnimation.
QQuickItem *QQuickParentAnimation::target() const
Q_D(const QQuickParentAnimation);
return d->target;
void QQuickParentAnimation::setTargetObject(QQuickItem *target)
if (target == d->target)
d->target = target;
emit targetChanged();
\qmlproperty Item QtQuick::ParentAnimation::newParent
The new parent to animate to.
If the ParentAnimation is defined within a \l Transition,
this value defaults to the value defined in the end state of the
\l Transition.
QQuickItem *QQuickParentAnimation::newParent() const
Q_D(const QQuickParentAnimation);
return d->newParent;
void QQuickParentAnimation::setNewParent(QQuickItem *newParent)
if (newParent == d->newParent)
d->newParent = newParent;
emit newParentChanged();
\qmlproperty Item QtQuick::ParentAnimation::via
The item to reparent via. This provides a way to do an unclipped animation
when both the old parent and new parent are clipped.
ParentAnimation {
target: myItem
via: topLevelItem
// ...
\note This only works when the ParentAnimation is used in a \l Transition
in conjunction with a ParentChange.
QQuickItem *QQuickParentAnimation::via() const
Q_D(const QQuickParentAnimation);
return d->via;
void QQuickParentAnimation::setVia(QQuickItem *via)
if (via == d->via)
d->via = via;
emit viaChanged();
//### mirrors same-named function in QQuickItem
QPointF QQuickParentAnimationPrivate::computeTransformOrigin(QQuickItem::TransformOrigin origin, qreal width, qreal height) const
switch (origin) {
case QQuickItem::TopLeft:
return QPointF(0, 0);
case QQuickItem::Top:
return QPointF(width / 2., 0);
case QQuickItem::TopRight:
return QPointF(width, 0);
case QQuickItem::Left:
return QPointF(0, height / 2.);
case QQuickItem::Center:
return QPointF(width / 2., height / 2.);
case QQuickItem::Right:
return QPointF(width, height / 2.);
case QQuickItem::BottomLeft:
return QPointF(0, height);
case QQuickItem::Bottom:
return QPointF(width / 2., height);
case QQuickItem::BottomRight:
return QPointF(width, height);
struct QQuickParentAnimationData : public QAbstractAnimationAction
QQuickParentAnimationData() : reverse(false) {}
~QQuickParentAnimationData() { qDeleteAll(pc); }
QQuickStateActions actions;
//### reverse should probably apply on a per-action basis
bool reverse;
QList<QQuickParentChange *> pc;
void doAction() override
for (int ii = 0; ii < actions.count(); ++ii) {
const QQuickStateAction &action =;
if (reverse)
QAbstractAnimationJob* QQuickParentAnimation::transition(QQuickStateActions &actions,
QQmlProperties &modified,
TransitionDirection direction,
QObject *defaultTarget)
QQuickParentAnimationData *data = new QQuickParentAnimationData;
QQuickParentAnimationData *viaData = new QQuickParentAnimationData;
bool hasExplicit = false;
if (d->target && d->newParent) {
data->reverse = false;
QQuickStateAction myAction;
QQuickParentChange *pc = new QQuickParentChange;
myAction.event = pc;
data->pc << pc;
data->actions << myAction;
hasExplicit = true;
if (d->via) {
viaData->reverse = false;
QQuickStateAction myVAction;
QQuickParentChange *vpc = new QQuickParentChange;
myVAction.event = vpc;
viaData->pc << vpc;
viaData->actions << myVAction;
//### once actions have concept of modified,
// loop to match appropriate ParentChanges and mark as modified
if (!hasExplicit)
for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i) {
QQuickStateAction &action = actions[i];
if (action.event && action.event->type() == QQuickStateActionEvent::ParentChange
&& (!d->target || static_cast<QQuickParentChange*>(action.event)->object() == d->target)) {
QQuickParentChange *pc = static_cast<QQuickParentChange*>(action.event);
QQuickStateAction myAction = action;
data->reverse = action.reverseEvent;
//### this logic differs from PropertyAnimation
// (probably a result of modified vs. done)
if (d->newParent) {
QQuickParentChange *epc = new QQuickParentChange;
myAction.event = epc;
data->pc << epc;
data->actions << myAction;
pc = epc;
} else {
action.actionDone = true;
data->actions << myAction;
if (d->via) {
viaData->reverse = false;
QQuickStateAction myAction;
QQuickParentChange *vpc = new QQuickParentChange;
myAction.event = vpc;
viaData->pc << vpc;
viaData->actions << myAction;
QQuickStateAction dummyAction;
QQuickStateAction &xAction = pc->xIsSet() && i < actions.size()-1 ? actions[++i] : dummyAction;
QQuickStateAction &yAction = pc->yIsSet() && i < actions.size()-1 ? actions[++i] : dummyAction;
QQuickStateAction &sAction = pc->scaleIsSet() && i < actions.size()-1 ? actions[++i] : dummyAction;
QQuickStateAction &rAction = pc->rotationIsSet() && i < actions.size()-1 ? actions[++i] : dummyAction;
QQuickItem *target = pc->object();
QQuickItem *targetParent = action.reverseEvent ? pc->originalParent() : pc->parent();
//### this mirrors the logic in QQuickParentChange.
bool ok;
const QTransform &transform = targetParent->itemTransform(d->via, &ok);
if (transform.type() >= QTransform::TxShear || !ok) {
qmlWarning(this) << QQuickParentAnimation::tr("Unable to preserve appearance under complex transform");
ok = false;
qreal scale = 1;
qreal rotation = 0;
bool isRotate = (transform.type() == QTransform::TxRotate) || (transform.m11() < 0);
if (ok && !isRotate) {
if (transform.m11() == transform.m22())
scale = transform.m11();
else {
qmlWarning(this) << QQuickParentAnimation::tr("Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale");
ok = false;
} else if (ok && isRotate) {
if (transform.m11() == transform.m22())
scale = qSqrt(transform.m11()*transform.m11() + transform.m12()*transform.m12());
else {
qmlWarning(this) << QQuickParentAnimation::tr("Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale");
ok = false;
if (scale != 0)
rotation = qRadiansToDegrees(qAtan2(transform.m12() / scale, transform.m11() / scale));
else {
qmlWarning(this) << QQuickParentAnimation::tr("Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0");
ok = false;
const QPointF &point =,yAction.toValue.toReal()));
qreal x = point.x();
qreal y = point.y();
if (ok && target->transformOrigin() != QQuickItem::TopLeft) {
qreal w = target->width();
qreal h = target->height();
if (pc->widthIsSet() && i < actions.size() - 1)
w =;
if (pc->heightIsSet() && i < actions.size() - 1)
h =;
const QPointF &transformOrigin
= d->computeTransformOrigin(target->transformOrigin(), w,h);
qreal tempxt = transformOrigin.x();
qreal tempyt = transformOrigin.y();
QTransform t;
t.translate(-tempxt, -tempyt);
t.scale(scale, scale);
t.translate(tempxt, tempyt);
const QPointF &offset =,0));
x += offset.x();
y += offset.y();
if (ok) {
//qDebug() << x << y << rotation << scale;
xAction.toValue = x;
yAction.toValue = y;
sAction.toValue = sAction.toValue.toReal() * scale;
rAction.toValue = rAction.toValue.toReal() + rotation;
if (data->actions.count()) {
QSequentialAnimationGroupJob *topLevelGroup = new QSequentialAnimationGroupJob;
QActionAnimation *viaAction = d->via ? new QActionAnimation : nullptr;
QActionAnimation *targetAction = new QActionAnimation;
//we'll assume the common case by far is to have children, and always create ag
QParallelAnimationGroupJob *ag = new QParallelAnimationGroupJob;
if (d->via)
//take care of any child animations
bool valid = d->defaultProperty.isValid();
QAbstractAnimationJob* anim;
for (int ii = 0; ii < d->animations.count(); ++ii) {
if (valid)
anim = d->>transition(actions, modified, direction, defaultTarget);
if (anim)
//TODO: simplify/clarify logic
bool forwards = direction == QQuickAbstractAnimation::Forward;
if (forwards) {
topLevelGroup->appendAnimation(d->via ? viaAction : targetAction);
if (d->via)
} else {
if (d->via)
topLevelGroup->appendAnimation(d->via ? viaAction : targetAction);
return initInstance(topLevelGroup);
} else {
delete data;
delete viaData;
return nullptr;
\qmltype AnchorAnimation
\instantiates QQuickAnchorAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-animation-properties
\inherits Animation
\brief Animates changes in anchor values.
AnchorAnimation is used to animate an anchor change.
In the following snippet we animate the addition of a right anchor to a \l Rectangle:
\snippet qml/anchoranimation.qml 0
When an AnchorAnimation is used in a \l Transition, it will
animate any AnchorChanges that have occurred during the state change.
This can be overridden by setting a specific target item using the
\l {AnchorChanges::target}{} property.
\note AnchorAnimation can only be used in a \l Transition and in
conjunction with an AnchorChange. It cannot be used in behaviors and
other types of animations.
\sa {Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}, AnchorChanges
QQuickAnchorAnimation::QQuickAnchorAnimation(QObject *parent)
: QQuickAbstractAnimation(*(new QQuickAnchorAnimationPrivate), parent)
\qmlproperty list<Item> QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::targets
The items to reanchor.
If no targets are specified all AnchorChanges will be
animated by the AnchorAnimation.
QQmlListProperty<QQuickItem> QQuickAnchorAnimation::targets()
return QQmlListProperty<QQuickItem>(this, &(d->targets));
\qmlproperty int QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::duration
This property holds the duration of the animation, in milliseconds.
The default value is 250.
int QQuickAnchorAnimation::duration() const
Q_D(const QQuickAnchorAnimation);
return d->duration;
void QQuickAnchorAnimation::setDuration(int duration)
if (duration < 0) {
qmlWarning(this) << tr("Cannot set a duration of < 0");
if (d->duration == duration)
d->duration = duration;
emit durationChanged(duration);
\qmlpropertygroup QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::easing
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::easing.type
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::easing.amplitude
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::easing.overshoot
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::AnchorAnimation::easing.period
\brief Specifies the easing curve used for the animation
To specify an easing curve you need to specify at least the type. For some curves you can also specify
amplitude, period and/or overshoot. The default easing curve is
AnchorAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
See the \l{PropertyAnimation::easing.type} documentation for information
about the different types of easing curves.
QEasingCurve QQuickAnchorAnimation::easing() const
Q_D(const QQuickAnchorAnimation);
return d->easing;
void QQuickAnchorAnimation::setEasing(const QEasingCurve &e)
if (d->easing == e)
d->easing = e;
emit easingChanged(e);
QAbstractAnimationJob* QQuickAnchorAnimation::transition(QQuickStateActions &actions,
QQmlProperties &modified,
TransitionDirection direction,
QObject *defaultTarget)
QQuickAnimationPropertyUpdater *data = new QQuickAnimationPropertyUpdater;
data->interpolatorType = QMetaType::QReal;
data->interpolator = d->interpolator;
data->reverse = direction == Backward ? true : false;
data->fromSourced = false;
data->fromDefined = false;
for (int ii = 0; ii < actions.count(); ++ii) {
QQuickStateAction &action = actions[ii];
if (action.event && action.event->type() == QQuickStateActionEvent::AnchorChanges
&& (d->targets.isEmpty() || d->targets.contains(static_cast<QQuickAnchorChanges*>(action.event)->object()))) {
data->actions << static_cast<QQuickAnchorChanges*>(action.event)->additionalActions();
QQuickBulkValueAnimator *animator = new QQuickBulkValueAnimator;
if (data->actions.count()) {
} else {
delete data;
return initInstance(animator);
#if QT_CONFIG(quick_path)
\qmltype PathAnimation
\instantiates QQuickPathAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick
\ingroup qtquick-animation-properties
\inherits Animation
\since 5.0
\brief Animates an item along a path.
When used in a transition, the path can be specified without start
or end points, for example:
PathAnimation {
path: Path {
//no startX, startY
PathCurve { x: 100; y: 100}
PathCurve {} //last element is empty with no end point specified
In the above case, the path start will be the item's current position, and the
path end will be the item's target position in the target state.
\sa {Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}, PathInterpolator
QQuickPathAnimation::QQuickPathAnimation(QObject *parent)
: QQuickAbstractAnimation(*(new QQuickPathAnimationPrivate), parent)
typedef QHash<QQuickItem*, QQuickPathAnimationAnimator* >::iterator ActiveAnimationsIt;
for (ActiveAnimationsIt it = d->activeAnimations.begin(), end = d->activeAnimations.end(); it != end; ++it)
\qmlproperty int QtQuick::PathAnimation::duration
This property holds the duration of the animation, in milliseconds.
The default value is 250.
int QQuickPathAnimation::duration() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->duration;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setDuration(int duration)
if (duration < 0) {
qmlWarning(this) << tr("Cannot set a duration of < 0");
if (d->duration == duration)
d->duration = duration;
emit durationChanged(duration);
\qmlpropertygroup QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing.type
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing.amplitude
\qmlproperty list<real> QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing.bezierCurve
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing.overshoot
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::easing.period
\brief the easing curve used for the animation.
To specify an easing curve you need to specify at least the type. For some curves you can also specify
amplitude, period, overshoot or custom bezierCurve data. The default easing curve is \c Easing.Linear.
See the \l{PropertyAnimation::easing.type} documentation for information
about the different types of easing curves.
QEasingCurve QQuickPathAnimation::easing() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->easingCurve;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setEasing(const QEasingCurve &e)
if (d->easingCurve == e)
d->easingCurve = e;
emit easingChanged(e);
\qmlproperty Path QtQuick::PathAnimation::path
This property holds the path to animate along.
For more information on defining a path see the \l Path documentation.
QQuickPath *QQuickPathAnimation::path() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->path;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setPath(QQuickPath *path)
if (d->path == path)
d->path = path;
emit pathChanged();
\qmlproperty Item QtQuick::PathAnimation::target
This property holds the item to animate.
QQuickItem *QQuickPathAnimation::target() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->target;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setTargetObject(QQuickItem *target)
if (d->target == target)
d->target = target;
emit targetChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick::PathAnimation::orientation
This property controls the rotation of the item as it animates along the path.
If a value other than \c Fixed is specified, the PathAnimation will rotate the
item to achieve the specified orientation as it travels along the path.
\li PathAnimation.Fixed (default) - the PathAnimation will not control
the rotation of the item.
\li PathAnimation.RightFirst - The right side of the item will lead along the path.
\li PathAnimation.LeftFirst - The left side of the item will lead along the path.
\li PathAnimation.BottomFirst - The bottom of the item will lead along the path.
\li PathAnimation.TopFirst - The top of the item will lead along the path.
QQuickPathAnimation::Orientation QQuickPathAnimation::orientation() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->orientation;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setOrientation(Orientation orientation)
if (d->orientation == orientation)
d->orientation = orientation;
emit orientationChanged(d->orientation);
\qmlproperty point QtQuick::PathAnimation::anchorPoint
This property holds the anchor point for the item being animated.
By default, the upper-left corner of the target (its 0,0 point)
will be anchored to (or follow) the path. The anchorPoint property can be used to
specify a different point for anchoring. For example, specifying an anchorPoint of
5,5 for a 10x10 item means the center of the item will follow the path.
QPointF QQuickPathAnimation::anchorPoint() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->anchorPoint;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setAnchorPoint(const QPointF &point)
if (d->anchorPoint == point)
d->anchorPoint = point;
emit anchorPointChanged(point);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::orientationEntryDuration
This property holds the duration (in milliseconds) of the transition in to the orientation.
If an orientation has been specified for the PathAnimation, and the starting
rotation of the item does not match that given by the orientation,
orientationEntryDuration can be used to smoothly transition from the item's
starting rotation to the rotation given by the path orientation.
int QQuickPathAnimation::orientationEntryDuration() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->entryDuration;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setOrientationEntryDuration(int duration)
if (d->entryDuration == duration)
d->entryDuration = duration;
emit orientationEntryDurationChanged(duration);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::orientationExitDuration
This property holds the duration (in milliseconds) of the transition out of the orientation.
If an orientation and endRotation have been specified for the PathAnimation,
orientationExitDuration can be used to smoothly transition from the rotation given
by the path orientation to the specified endRotation.
int QQuickPathAnimation::orientationExitDuration() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->exitDuration;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setOrientationExitDuration(int duration)
if (d->exitDuration == duration)
d->exitDuration = duration;
emit orientationExitDurationChanged(duration);
\qmlproperty real QtQuick::PathAnimation::endRotation
This property holds the ending rotation for the target.
If an orientation has been specified for the PathAnimation,
and the path doesn't end with the item at the desired rotation,
the endRotation property can be used to manually specify an end
This property is typically used with orientationExitDuration, as specifying
an endRotation without an orientationExitDuration may cause a jump to
the final rotation, rather than a smooth transition.
qreal QQuickPathAnimation::endRotation() const
Q_D(const QQuickPathAnimation);
return d->endRotation.isNull ? qreal(0) : d->endRotation.value;
void QQuickPathAnimation::setEndRotation(qreal rotation)
if (!d->endRotation.isNull && d->endRotation == rotation)
d->endRotation = rotation;
emit endRotationChanged(d->endRotation);
QAbstractAnimationJob* QQuickPathAnimation::transition(QQuickStateActions &actions,
QQmlProperties &modified,
TransitionDirection direction,
QObject *defaultTarget)
QQuickItem *target = d->target ? d->target : qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(defaultTarget);
QQuickPathAnimationUpdater prevData;
bool havePrevData = false;
if (d->activeAnimations.contains(target)) {
havePrevData = true;
prevData = *d->activeAnimations[target]->pathUpdater();
for (auto it = d->activeAnimations.begin(); it != d->activeAnimations.end();) {
QQuickPathAnimationAnimator *anim = it.value();
if (anim->state() == QAbstractAnimationJob::Stopped) {
it = d->activeAnimations.erase(it);
} else {
QQuickPathAnimationUpdater *data = new QQuickPathAnimationUpdater();
QQuickPathAnimationAnimator *pa = new QQuickPathAnimationAnimator(d);
d->activeAnimations[target] = pa;
data->orientation = d->orientation;
data->anchorPoint = d->anchorPoint;
data->entryInterval = d->duration ? qreal(d->entryDuration) / d->duration : qreal(0);
data->exitInterval = d->duration ? qreal(d->exitDuration) / d->duration : qreal(0);
data->endRotation = d->endRotation;
data->reverse = direction == Backward ? true : false;
data->fromSourced = false;
data->fromDefined = (d->path && d->path->hasStartX() && d->path->hasStartY()) ? true : false;
data->toDefined = d->path ? true : false;
int origModifiedSize = modified.count();
for (int i = 0; i < actions.count(); ++i) {
QQuickStateAction &action = actions[i];
if (action.event)
if (action.specifiedObject == target && == QLatin1String("x")) {
data->toX = action.toValue.toReal();
modified <<;
action.fromValue = action.toValue;
if (action.specifiedObject == target && == QLatin1String("y")) {
data->toY = action.toValue.toReal();
modified <<;
action.fromValue = action.toValue;
if (target && d->path &&
(modified.count() > origModifiedSize || data->toDefined)) {
data->target = target;
data->path = d->path;
if (havePrevData) {
// get the original start angle that was used (so we can exactly reverse).
data->startRotation = prevData.startRotation;
// treat interruptions specially, otherwise we end up with strange paths
if ((data->reverse || prevData.reverse) && prevData.currentV > 0 && prevData.currentV < 1) {
if (!data->fromDefined && !data->toDefined && !prevData.painterPath.isEmpty()) {
QPointF pathPos = QQuickPath::sequentialPointAt(prevData.painterPath, prevData.pathLength, prevData.attributePoints, prevData.prevBez, prevData.currentV);
if (!prevData.anchorPoint.isNull())
pathPos -= prevData.anchorPoint;
if (pathPos == data->target->position()) { //only treat as interruption if we interrupted ourself
data->painterPath = prevData.painterPath;
data->toDefined = data->fromDefined = data->fromSourced = true;
data->prevBez.isValid = false;
data->interruptStart = prevData.currentV;
data->startRotation = prevData.startRotation;
data->pathLength = prevData.pathLength;
data->attributePoints = prevData.attributePoints;
return initInstance(pa);
} else {
delete pa;
delete data;
return nullptr;
void QQuickPathAnimationUpdater::setValue(qreal v)
v = qMin(qMax(v, (qreal)0.0), (qreal)1.0);;
if (interruptStart.isValid()) {
if (reverse)
v = 1 - v;
qreal end = reverse ? 0.0 : 1.0;
v = interruptStart + v * (end-interruptStart);
currentV = v;
bool atStart = ((reverse && v == 1.0) || (!reverse && v == 0.0));
if (!fromSourced && (!fromDefined || !toDefined)) {
qreal startX = reverse ? toX + anchorPoint.x() : target->x() + anchorPoint.x();
qreal startY = reverse ? toY + anchorPoint.y() : target->y() + anchorPoint.y();
qreal endX = reverse ? target->x() + anchorPoint.x() : toX + anchorPoint.x();
qreal endY = reverse ? target->y() + anchorPoint.y() : toY + anchorPoint.y();
prevBez.isValid = false;
painterPath = path->createPath(QPointF(startX, startY), QPointF(endX, endY), QStringList(), pathLength, attributePoints);
fromSourced = true;
qreal angle;
bool fixed = orientation == QQuickPathAnimation::Fixed;
QPointF currentPos = !painterPath.isEmpty() ? path->sequentialPointAt(painterPath, pathLength, attributePoints, prevBez, v, fixed ? nullptr : &angle) : path->sequentialPointAt(v, fixed ? nullptr : &angle);
//adjust position according to anchor point
if (!anchorPoint.isNull()) {
currentPos -= anchorPoint;
if (atStart) {
if (!anchorPoint.isNull() && !fixed)
//adjust angle according to orientation
if (!fixed) {
switch (orientation) {
case QQuickPathAnimation::RightFirst:
angle = -angle;
case QQuickPathAnimation::TopFirst:
angle = -angle + 90;
case QQuickPathAnimation::LeftFirst:
angle = -angle + 180;
case QQuickPathAnimation::BottomFirst:
angle = -angle + 270;
angle = 0;
if (atStart && !reverse) {
startRotation = target->rotation();
//shortest distance to correct orientation
qreal diff = angle - startRotation;
while (diff > 180.0) {
startRotation.value += 360.0;
diff -= 360.0;
while (diff < -180.0) {
startRotation.value -= 360.0;
diff += 360.0;
//smoothly transition to the desired orientation
//TODO: shortest distance calculations
if (startRotation.isValid()) {
if (reverse && v == 0.0)
angle = startRotation;
else if (v < entryInterval)
angle = angle * v / entryInterval + startRotation * (entryInterval - v) / entryInterval;
if (endRotation.isValid()) {
qreal exitStart = 1 - entryInterval;
if (!reverse && v == 1.0)
angle = endRotation;
else if (v > exitStart)
angle = endRotation * (v - exitStart) / exitInterval + angle * (exitInterval - (v - exitStart)) / exitInterval;
NOTE: we don't always reset the transform origin, as it can cause a
visual jump if ending on an angle. This means that in some cases
(anchor point and orientation both specified, and ending at an angle)
the transform origin will always be set after running the path animation.
if ((reverse && v == 0.0) || (!reverse && v == 1.0)) {
if (!anchorPoint.isNull() && !fixed && qFuzzyIsNull(angle))
QQuickPathAnimationAnimator::QQuickPathAnimationAnimator(QQuickPathAnimationPrivate *priv)
: animationTemplate(priv)
if (animationTemplate && pathUpdater()) {
QHash<QQuickItem*, QQuickPathAnimationAnimator* >::iterator it =
if (it != animationTemplate->activeAnimations.end() && it.value() == this)
#endif // quick_path
#include "moc_qquickitemanimation_p.cpp"