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** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtQuick module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include "qquicktableview_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
#include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmltableinstancemodel_p.h>
#include <QtQml/private/qqmlincubator_p.h>
#include <QtQmlModels/private/qqmlchangeset_p.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickflickable_p_p.h>
#include <QtQuick/private/qquickitemviewfxitem_p_p.h>
static const qreal kDefaultRowHeight = 50;
static const qreal kDefaultColumnWidth = 50;
class FxTableItem;
class QQuickTableSectionSizeProviderPrivate;
class Q_QUICK_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQuickTableSectionSizeProvider : public QObject {
QQuickTableSectionSizeProvider(QObject *parent=nullptr);
void setSize(int section, qreal size);
qreal size(int section);
bool resetSize(int section);
void resetAll();
void sizeChanged();
class Q_QUICK_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQuickTableViewPrivate : public QQuickFlickablePrivate
class TableEdgeLoadRequest
// Whenever we need to load new rows or columns in the
// table, we fill out a TableEdgeLoadRequest.
// TableEdgeLoadRequest is just a struct that keeps track
// of which cells that needs to be loaded, and which cell
// the table is currently loading. The loading itself is
// done by QQuickTableView.
void begin(const QPoint &cell, const QPointF &pos, QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode)
m_active = true;
m_edge = Qt::Edge(0);
m_mode = incubationMode;
m_edgeIndex = cell.x();
m_currentIndex = 0;
m_startPos = pos;
qCDebug(lcTableViewDelegateLifecycle()) << "begin top-left:" << toString();
void begin(Qt::Edge edgeToLoad, int edgeIndex, const QList<int> visibleCellsInEdge, QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode)
m_active = true;
m_edge = edgeToLoad;
m_edgeIndex = edgeIndex;
m_visibleCellsInEdge = visibleCellsInEdge;
m_mode = incubationMode;
m_currentIndex = 0;
qCDebug(lcTableViewDelegateLifecycle()) << "begin:" << toString();
inline void markAsDone() { m_active = false; }
inline bool isActive() { return m_active; }
inline QPoint currentCell() { return cellAt(m_currentIndex); }
inline bool hasCurrentCell() { return m_currentIndex < m_visibleCellsInEdge.count(); }
inline void moveToNextCell() { ++m_currentIndex; }
inline Qt::Edge edge() { return m_edge; }
inline int row() { return cellAt(0).y(); }
inline int column() { return cellAt(0).x(); }
inline QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode() { return m_mode; }
inline QPointF startPosition() { return m_startPos; }
QString toString()
QString str;
QDebug dbg(&str);
dbg.nospace() << "TableSectionLoadRequest(" << "edge:"
<< m_edge << ", edgeIndex:" << m_edgeIndex << ", incubation:";
switch (m_mode) {
case QQmlIncubator::Asynchronous:
dbg << "Asynchronous";
case QQmlIncubator::AsynchronousIfNested:
dbg << "AsynchronousIfNested";
case QQmlIncubator::Synchronous:
dbg << "Synchronous";
return str;
Qt::Edge m_edge = Qt::Edge(0);
QList<int> m_visibleCellsInEdge;
int m_edgeIndex = 0;
int m_currentIndex = 0;
bool m_active = false;
QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode m_mode = QQmlIncubator::AsynchronousIfNested;
QPointF m_startPos;
inline QPoint cellAt(int index) {
return !m_edge || (m_edge & (Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::RightEdge))
? QPoint(m_edgeIndex, m_visibleCellsInEdge[index])
: QPoint(m_visibleCellsInEdge[index], m_edgeIndex);
class EdgeRange {
bool containsIndex(Qt::Edge edge, int index);
int startIndex;
int endIndex;
qreal size;
enum class RebuildState {
Begin = 0,
enum class RebuildOption {
None = 0,
LayoutOnly = 0x1,
ViewportOnly = 0x2,
CalculateNewTopLeftRow = 0x4,
CalculateNewTopLeftColumn = 0x8,
All = 0x10,
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(RebuildOptions, RebuildOption)
~QQuickTableViewPrivate() override;
static inline QQuickTableViewPrivate *get(QQuickTableView *q) { return q->d_func(); }
void updatePolish() override;
void fixup(AxisData &data, qreal minExtent, qreal maxExtent) override;
QHash<int, FxTableItem *> loadedItems;
// model, tableModel and modelVariant all point to the same model. modelVariant
// is the model assigned by the user. And tableModel is the wrapper model we create
// around it. But if the model is an instance model directly, we cannot wrap it, so
// we need a pointer for that case as well.
QQmlInstanceModel* model = nullptr;
QPointer<QQmlTableInstanceModel> tableModel = nullptr;
QVariant modelVariant;
// When the applications assignes a new model or delegate to the view, we keep them
// around until we're ready to take them into use (syncWithPendingChanges).
QVariant assignedModel = QVariant(int(0));
QQmlComponent *assignedDelegate = nullptr;
// loadedRows/Columns describes the rows and columns that are currently loaded (from top left
// row/column to bottom right row/column). loadedTableOuterRect describes the actual
// pixels that all the loaded delegate items cover, and is matched agains the viewport to determine when
// we need to fill up with more rows/columns. loadedTableInnerRect describes the pixels
// that the loaded table covers if you remove one row/column on each side of the table, and
// is used to determine rows/columns that are no longer visible and can be unloaded.
QMap<int, int> loadedColumns;
QMap<int, int> loadedRows;
QRectF loadedTableOuterRect;
QRectF loadedTableInnerRect;
QPointF origin = QPointF(0, 0);
QSizeF endExtent = QSizeF(0, 0);
QRectF viewportRect = QRectF(0, 0, -1, -1);
QSize tableSize;
RebuildState rebuildState = RebuildState::Done;
RebuildOptions rebuildOptions = RebuildOption::All;
RebuildOptions scheduledRebuildOptions = RebuildOption::All;
TableEdgeLoadRequest loadRequest;
QSizeF cellSpacing = QSizeF(0, 0);
QQmlTableInstanceModel::ReusableFlag reusableFlag = QQmlTableInstanceModel::Reusable;
bool blockItemCreatedCallback = false;
bool layoutWarningIssued = false;
bool polishing = false;
bool syncVertically = false;
bool syncHorizontally = false;
bool inSetLocalViewportPos = false;
bool inSyncViewportPosRecursive = false;
bool inUpdateContentSize = false;
// isTransposed is currently only used by HeaderView.
// Consider making it public.
bool isTransposed = false;
QJSValue rowHeightProvider;
QJSValue columnWidthProvider;
QQuickTableSectionSizeProvider rowHeights;
QQuickTableSectionSizeProvider columnWidths;
EdgeRange cachedNextVisibleEdgeIndex[4];
EdgeRange cachedColumnWidth;
EdgeRange cachedRowHeight;
// TableView uses contentWidth/height to report the size of the table (this
// will e.g make scrollbars written for Flickable work out of the box). This
// value is continuously calculated, and will change/improve as more columns
// are loaded into view. At the same time, we want to open up for the
// possibility that the application can set the content width explicitly, in
// case it knows what the exact width should be from the start. We therefore
// override the contentWidth/height properties from QQuickFlickable, to be able
// to implement this combined behavior. This also lets us lazy build the table
// if the application needs to know the content size early on.
QQmlNullableValue<qreal> explicitContentWidth;
QQmlNullableValue<qreal> explicitContentHeight;
QSizeF averageEdgeSize;
QPointer<QQuickTableView> assignedSyncView;
QPointer<QQuickTableView> syncView;
QList<QPointer<QQuickTableView> > syncChildren;
Qt::Orientations assignedSyncDirection = Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical;
const static QPoint kLeft;
const static QPoint kRight;
const static QPoint kUp;
const static QPoint kDown;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
QString forcedIncubationMode = qEnvironmentVariable("QT_TABLEVIEW_INCUBATION_MODE");
QQuickTableViewAttached *getAttachedObject(const QObject *object) const;
int modelIndexAtCell(const QPoint &cell) const;
QPoint cellAtModelIndex(int modelIndex) const;
qreal sizeHintForColumn(int column);
qreal sizeHintForRow(int row);
QSize calculateTableSize();
void updateTableSize();
inline bool isColumnHidden(int column);
inline bool isRowHidden(int row);
qreal getColumnLayoutWidth(int column);
qreal getRowLayoutHeight(int row);
qreal getColumnWidth(int column);
qreal getRowHeight(int row);
inline int topRow() const { return loadedRows.firstKey(); }
inline int bottomRow() const { return loadedRows.lastKey(); }
inline int leftColumn() const { return loadedColumns.firstKey(); }
inline int rightColumn() const { return loadedColumns.lastKey(); }
QQuickTableView *rootSyncView() const;
bool updateTableRecursive();
bool updateTable();
void relayoutTableItems();
void layoutVerticalEdge(Qt::Edge tableEdge);
void layoutHorizontalEdge(Qt::Edge tableEdge);
void layoutTopLeftItem();
void layoutTableEdgeFromLoadRequest();
void updateContentWidth();
void updateContentHeight();
void updateAverageEdgeSize();
RebuildOptions checkForVisibilityChanges();
void forceLayout();
void updateExtents();
void syncLoadedTableRectFromLoadedTable();
void syncLoadedTableFromLoadRequest();
int nextVisibleEdgeIndex(Qt::Edge edge, int startIndex);
int nextVisibleEdgeIndexAroundLoadedTable(Qt::Edge edge);
inline int edgeToArrayIndex(Qt::Edge edge);
void clearEdgeSizeCache();
bool canLoadTableEdge(Qt::Edge tableEdge, const QRectF fillRect) const;
bool canUnloadTableEdge(Qt::Edge tableEdge, const QRectF fillRect) const;
Qt::Edge nextEdgeToLoad(const QRectF rect);
Qt::Edge nextEdgeToUnload(const QRectF rect);
qreal cellWidth(const QPoint &cell);
qreal cellHeight(const QPoint &cell);
FxTableItem *loadedTableItem(const QPoint &cell) const;
FxTableItem *createFxTableItem(const QPoint &cell, QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode);
FxTableItem *loadFxTableItem(const QPoint &cell, QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode);
void releaseItem(FxTableItem *fxTableItem, QQmlTableInstanceModel::ReusableFlag reusableFlag);
void releaseLoadedItems(QQmlTableInstanceModel::ReusableFlag reusableFlag);
void unloadItem(const QPoint &cell);
void loadEdge(Qt::Edge edge, QQmlIncubator::IncubationMode incubationMode);
void unloadEdge(Qt::Edge edge);
void loadAndUnloadVisibleEdges();
void drainReusePoolAfterLoadRequest();
void processLoadRequest();
void processRebuildTable();
bool moveToNextRebuildState();
void calculateTopLeft(QPoint &topLeft, QPointF &topLeftPos);
void beginRebuildTable();
void layoutAfterLoadingInitialTable();
void scheduleRebuildTable(QQuickTableViewPrivate::RebuildOptions options);
int resolveImportVersion();
void createWrapperModel();
void initItemCallback(int modelIndex, QObject *item);
void itemCreatedCallback(int modelIndex, QObject *object);
void itemPooledCallback(int modelIndex, QObject *object);
void itemReusedCallback(int modelIndex, QObject *object);
void modelUpdated(const QQmlChangeSet &changeSet, bool reset);
virtual void syncWithPendingChanges();
virtual void syncDelegate();
virtual QVariant modelImpl() const;
virtual void setModelImpl(const QVariant &newModel);
virtual void syncModel();
inline void syncRebuildOptions();
virtual void syncSyncView();
void connectToModel();
void disconnectFromModel();
void rowsMovedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row);
void columnsMovedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int column);
void rowsInsertedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int begin, int end);
void rowsRemovedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int begin, int end);
void columnsInsertedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int begin, int end);
void columnsRemovedCallback(const QModelIndex &parent, int begin, int end);
void layoutChangedCallback(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint);
void modelResetCallback();
void scheduleRebuildIfFastFlick();
void setLocalViewportX(qreal contentX);
void setLocalViewportY(qreal contentY);
void syncViewportPosRecursive();
void fetchMoreData();
void _q_componentFinalized();
void registerCallbackWhenBindingsAreEvaluated();
inline QString tableLayoutToString() const;
void dumpTable() const;
class FxTableItem : public QQuickItemViewFxItem
FxTableItem(QQuickItem *item, QQuickTableView *table, bool own)
: QQuickItemViewFxItem(item, own, QQuickTableViewPrivate::get(table))
qreal position() const override { return 0; }
qreal endPosition() const override { return 0; }
qreal size() const override { return 0; }
qreal sectionSize() const override { return 0; }
bool contains(qreal, qreal) const override { return false; }
QPoint cell;