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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qquickshape_p.h"
#include "qquickshape_p_p.h"
#include "qquickshapegenericrenderer_p.h"
#include "qquickshapenvprrenderer_p.h"
#include "qquickshapesoftwarerenderer_p.h"
#include <private/qsgplaintexture_p.h>
#include <private/qquicksvgparser_p.h>
#include <QtGui/private/qdrawhelper_p.h>
#include <QOpenGLFunctions>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QtGui/private/qrhi_p.h>
static void initResources()
#if defined(QT_STATIC)
\qmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes 1.\QtMinorVersion
\title Qt Quick Shapes QML Types
\ingroup qmlmodules
\brief Provides QML types for drawing stroked and filled shapes.
To use the types in this module, import the module with the following line:
\qml \QtMinorVersion
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.\1
void QQuickShapesModule::defineModule()
: strokeColor(Qt::white),
dashPattern << 4 << 2; // 4 * strokeWidth dash followed by 2 * strokeWidth space
\qmltype ShapePath
//! \instantiates QQuickShapePath
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits Path
\brief Describes a Path and associated properties for stroking and filling.
\since 5.10
A \l Shape contains one or more ShapePath elements. At least one ShapePath is
necessary in order to have a Shape output anything visible. A ShapePath
itself is a \l Path with additional properties describing the stroking and
filling parameters, such as the stroke width and color, the fill color or
gradient, join and cap styles, and so on. As with ordinary \l Path objects,
ShapePath also contains a list of path elements like \l PathMove, \l PathLine,
\l PathCubic, \l PathQuad, \l PathArc, together with a starting position.
Any property changes in these data sets will be bubble up and change the
output of the Shape. This means that it is simple and easy to change, or
even animate, the starting and ending position, control points, or any
stroke or fill parameters using the usual QML bindings and animation types
like NumberAnimation.
In the following example the line join style changes automatically based on
the value of joinStyleIndex:
ShapePath {
strokeColor: "black"
strokeWidth: 16
fillColor: "transparent"
capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap
property int joinStyleIndex: 0
property variant styles: [
joinStyle: styles[joinStyleIndex]
startX: 30
startY: 30
PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 }
PathLine { x: 30; y: 100 }
Once associated with a Shape, here is the output with a joinStyleIndex
of 2 (ShapePath.RoundJoin):
\image visualpath-code-example.png
\sa {Qt Quick Examples - Shapes}, Shape
: dirty(DirtyAll)
// Set this QQuickPath to be a ShapePath
isShapePath = true;
QQuickShapePath::QQuickShapePath(QObject *parent)
: QQuickPath(*(new QQuickShapePathPrivate), parent)
// The inherited changed() and the shapePathChanged() signals remain
// distinct, and this is intentional. Combining the two is not possible due
// to the difference in semantics and the need to act (see dirty flag
// below) differently on QQuickPath-related changes.
connect(this, &QQuickPath::changed, [this]() {
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyPath;
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty color QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::strokeColor
This property holds the stroking color.
When set to \c transparent, no stroking occurs.
The default value is \c white.
QColor QQuickShapePath::strokeColor() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.strokeColor;
void QQuickShapePath::setStrokeColor(const QColor &color)
if (d->sfp.strokeColor != color) {
d->sfp.strokeColor = color;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStrokeColor;
emit strokeColorChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::strokeWidth
This property holds the stroke width.
When set to a negative value, no stroking occurs.
The default value is 1.
qreal QQuickShapePath::strokeWidth() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.strokeWidth;
void QQuickShapePath::setStrokeWidth(qreal w)
if (d->sfp.strokeWidth != w) {
d->sfp.strokeWidth = w;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStrokeWidth;
emit strokeWidthChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty color QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::fillColor
This property holds the fill color.
When set to \c transparent, no filling occurs.
The default value is \c white.
QColor QQuickShapePath::fillColor() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.fillColor;
void QQuickShapePath::setFillColor(const QColor &color)
if (d->sfp.fillColor != color) {
d->sfp.fillColor = color;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillColor;
emit fillColorChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::fillRule
This property holds the fill rule. The default value is
\c ShapePath.OddEvenFill. For an explanation on fill rules, see
\value ShapePath.OddEvenFill
Odd-even fill rule.
\value ShapePath.WindingFill
Non-zero winding fill rule.
QQuickShapePath::FillRule QQuickShapePath::fillRule() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.fillRule;
void QQuickShapePath::setFillRule(FillRule fillRule)
if (d->sfp.fillRule != fillRule) {
d->sfp.fillRule = fillRule;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillRule;
emit fillRuleChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::joinStyle
This property defines how joins between two connected lines are drawn. The
default value is \c ShapePath.BevelJoin.
\value ShapePath.MiterJoin
The outer edges of the lines are extended to meet at an angle, and
this area is filled.
\value ShapePath.BevelJoin
The triangular notch between the two lines is filled.
\value ShapePath.RoundJoin
A circular arc between the two lines is filled.
QQuickShapePath::JoinStyle QQuickShapePath::joinStyle() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.joinStyle;
void QQuickShapePath::setJoinStyle(JoinStyle style)
if (d->sfp.joinStyle != style) {
d->sfp.joinStyle = style;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStyle;
emit joinStyleChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty int QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::miterLimit
When joinStyle is set to \c ShapePath.MiterJoin, this property
specifies how far the miter join can extend from the join point.
The default value is 2.
int QQuickShapePath::miterLimit() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.miterLimit;
void QQuickShapePath::setMiterLimit(int limit)
if (d->sfp.miterLimit != limit) {
d->sfp.miterLimit = limit;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStyle;
emit miterLimitChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::capStyle
This property defines how the end points of lines are drawn. The
default value is \c ShapePath.SquareCap.
\value ShapePath.FlatCap
A square line end that does not cover the end point of the line.
\value ShapePath.SquareCap
A square line end that covers the end point and extends beyond it
by half the line width.
\value ShapePath.RoundCap
A rounded line end.
QQuickShapePath::CapStyle QQuickShapePath::capStyle() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.capStyle;
void QQuickShapePath::setCapStyle(CapStyle style)
if (d->sfp.capStyle != style) {
d->sfp.capStyle = style;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStyle;
emit capStyleChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::strokeStyle
This property defines the style of stroking. The default value is
\li ShapePath.SolidLine - A plain line.
\li ShapePath.DashLine - Dashes separated by a few pixels.
QQuickShapePath::StrokeStyle QQuickShapePath::strokeStyle() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.strokeStyle;
void QQuickShapePath::setStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle style)
if (d->sfp.strokeStyle != style) {
d->sfp.strokeStyle = style;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyDash;
emit strokeStyleChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::dashOffset
This property defines the starting point on the dash pattern, measured in
units used to specify the dash pattern.
The default value is 0.
\sa QPen::setDashOffset()
qreal QQuickShapePath::dashOffset() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.dashOffset;
void QQuickShapePath::setDashOffset(qreal offset)
if (d->sfp.dashOffset != offset) {
d->sfp.dashOffset = offset;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyDash;
emit dashOffsetChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty list<real> QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::dashPattern
This property defines the dash pattern when ShapePath.strokeStyle is set
to ShapePath.DashLine. The pattern must be specified as an even number of
positive entries where the entries 1, 3, 5... are the dashes and 2, 4,
6... are the spaces. The pattern is specified in units of the pen's width.
The default value is (4, 2), meaning a dash of 4 * ShapePath.strokeWidth
pixels followed by a space of 2 * ShapePath.strokeWidth pixels.
\sa QPen::setDashPattern()
QVector<qreal> QQuickShapePath::dashPattern() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.dashPattern;
void QQuickShapePath::setDashPattern(const QVector<qreal> &array)
if (d->sfp.dashPattern != array) {
d->sfp.dashPattern = array;
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyDash;
emit dashPatternChanged();
emit shapePathChanged();
\qmlproperty ShapeGradient QtQuick.Shapes::ShapePath::fillGradient
This property defines the fill gradient. By default no gradient is enabled
and the value is \c null. In this case the fill uses a solid color based
on the value of ShapePath.fillColor.
When set, ShapePath.fillColor is ignored and filling is done using one of
the ShapeGradient subtypes.
\note The Gradient type cannot be used here. Rather, prefer using one of
the advanced subtypes, like LinearGradient.
QQuickShapeGradient *QQuickShapePath::fillGradient() const
Q_D(const QQuickShapePath);
return d->sfp.fillGradient;
void QQuickShapePath::setFillGradient(QQuickShapeGradient *gradient)
if (d->sfp.fillGradient != gradient) {
if (d->sfp.fillGradient)
qmlobject_disconnect(d->sfp.fillGradient, QQuickShapeGradient, SIGNAL(updated()),
this, QQuickShapePath, SLOT(_q_fillGradientChanged()));
d->sfp.fillGradient = gradient;
if (d->sfp.fillGradient)
qmlobject_connect(d->sfp.fillGradient, QQuickShapeGradient, SIGNAL(updated()),
this, QQuickShapePath, SLOT(_q_fillGradientChanged()));
d->dirty |= QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillGradient;
emit shapePathChanged();
void QQuickShapePathPrivate::_q_fillGradientChanged()
dirty |= DirtyFillGradient;
emit q->shapePathChanged();
void QQuickShapePath::resetFillGradient()
\qmltype Shape
//! \instantiates QQuickShape
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits Item
\brief Renders a path.
\since 5.10
Renders a path either by generating geometry via QPainterPath and manual
triangulation or by using a GPU vendor extension like
This approach is different from rendering shapes via QQuickPaintedItem or
the 2D Canvas because the path never gets rasterized in software.
Therefore Shape is suitable for creating shapes spreading over larger
areas of the screen, avoiding the performance penalty for texture uploads
or framebuffer blits. In addition, the declarative API allows manipulating,
binding to, and even animating the path element properties like starting
and ending position, the control points, and so on.
The types for specifying path elements are shared between \l PathView and
Shape. However, not all Shape implementations support all path
element types, while some may not make sense for PathView. Shape's
currently supported subset is: PathMove, PathLine, PathQuad, PathCubic,
PathArc, and PathSvg.
See \l Path for a detailed overview of the supported path elements.
Shape {
width: 200
height: 150
anchors.centerIn: parent
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: 4
strokeColor: "red"
fillGradient: LinearGradient {
x1: 20; y1: 20
x2: 180; y2: 130
GradientStop { position: 0; color: "blue" }
GradientStop { position: 0.2; color: "green" }
GradientStop { position: 0.4; color: "red" }
GradientStop { position: 0.6; color: "yellow" }
GradientStop { position: 1; color: "cyan" }
strokeStyle: ShapePath.DashLine
dashPattern: [ 1, 4 ]
startX: 20; startY: 20
PathLine { x: 180; y: 130 }
PathLine { x: 20; y: 130 }
PathLine { x: 20; y: 20 }
\image pathitem-code-example.png
Like \l Item, Shape also allows any visual or non-visual objects to be
declared as children. ShapePath objects are handled specially. This is
useful since it allows adding visual items, like \l Rectangle or \l Image,
and non-visual objects, like \l Timer directly as children of Shape.
The following list summarizes the available Shape rendering approaches:
\li When running with the OpenGL backend of Qt Quick, both the generic,
triangulation-based and the NVIDIA-specific \c{GL_NV_path_rendering}
methods are available. By default only the generic approach is used.
Setting Shape.vendorExtensionsEnabled property to \c true leads to using
NV_path_rendering on NVIDIA systems when running directly on OpenGL, and
the generic method on others. When OpenGL is not used directly by the scene
graph, for example because it is using the graphics abstraction layer
(QRhi), only the generic shape renderer is available.
\li The \c software backend is fully supported. The path is rendered via
QPainter::strokePath() and QPainter::fillPath() in this case.
\li The Direct 3D 12 backend is not currently supported.
\li The OpenVG backend is not currently supported.
When using Shape, it is important to be aware of potential performance
\li When the application is running with the generic, triangulation-based
Shape implementation, the geometry generation happens entirely on the
CPU. This is potentially expensive. Changing the set of path elements,
changing the properties of these elements, or changing certain properties
of the Shape itself all lead to retriangulation of the affected paths on
every change. Therefore, applying animation to such properties can affect
performance on less powerful systems.
\li However, the data-driven, declarative nature of the Shape API often
means better cacheability for the underlying CPU and GPU resources. A
property change in one ShapePath will only lead to reprocessing the
affected ShapePath, leaving other parts of the Shape unchanged. Therefore,
a frequently changing property can still result in a lower overall system
load than with imperative painting approaches (for example, QPainter).
\li If animating properties other than stroke and fill colors is a must,
it is recommended to target systems providing \c{GL_NV_path_rendering}
where the cost of property changes is smaller.
\li At the same time, attention must be paid to the number of Shape
elements in the scene, in particular when using this special accelerated
approach for \c{GL_NV_path_rendering}. The way such a Shape item is
represented in the scene graph is different from an ordinary
geometry-based item, and incurs a certain cost when it comes to OpenGL
state changes.
\li As a general rule, scenes should avoid using separate Shape items when
it is not absolutely necessary. Prefer using one Shape item with multiple
ShapePath elements over multiple Shape items.
\sa {Qt Quick Examples - Shapes}, Path, PathMove, PathLine, PathQuad, PathCubic, PathArc, PathSvg
: effectRefCount(0)
delete renderer;
void QQuickShapePrivate::_q_shapePathChanged()
spChanged = true;
void QQuickShapePrivate::setStatus(QQuickShape::Status newStatus)
if (status != newStatus) {
status = newStatus;
emit q->statusChanged();
QQuickShape::QQuickShape(QQuickItem *parent)
: QQuickItem(*(new QQuickShapePrivate), parent)
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::rendererType
This property determines which path rendering backend is active.
\value Shape.UnknownRenderer
The renderer is unknown.
\value Shape.GeometryRenderer
The generic, driver independent solution for OpenGL. Uses the same
CPU-based triangulation approach as QPainter's OpenGL 2 paint
engine. This is the default on non-NVIDIA hardware when the default,
OpenGL Qt Quick scenegraph backend is in use.
\value Shape.NvprRenderer
Path items are rendered by performing OpenGL calls using the
\c{GL_NV_path_rendering} extension. This is the default on NVIDIA
hardware when the default, OpenGL Qt Quick scenegraph backend is in
\value Shape.SoftwareRenderer
Pure QPainter drawing using the raster paint engine. This is the
default, and only, option when the Qt Quick scenegraph is running
with the \c software backend.
QQuickShape::RendererType QQuickShape::rendererType() const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
return d->rendererType;
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::asynchronous
When rendererType is \c Shape.GeometryRenderer, the input path is
triangulated on the CPU during the polishing phase of the Shape. This is
potentially expensive. To offload this work to separate worker threads,
set this property to \c true.
When enabled, making a Shape visible will not wait for the content to
become available. Instead, the gui/main thread is not blocked and the
results of the path rendering are shown only when all the asynchronous
work has been finished.
The default value is \c false.
bool QQuickShape::asynchronous() const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
return d->async;
void QQuickShape::setAsynchronous(bool async)
if (d->async != async) {
d->async = async;
emit asynchronousChanged();
if (d->componentComplete)
\qmlproperty bool QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::vendorExtensionsEnabled
This property controls the usage of non-standard OpenGL extensions like
\c GL_NV_path_rendering.
The default value is \c false.
As of Qt 5.12 Shape.NvprRenderer is disabled by default and a uniform
behavior, based on triangulating the path and generating QSGGeometryNode
instances, is used regardless of the graphics card and drivers. To enable
using vendor-specific path rendering approaches set the value to \c true.
Depending on the platform and content, this can lead to improved
performance. Setting the value to \c true is safe in any case since
rendering falls back to the default method when the vendor-specific
approach, such as \c GL_NV_path_rendering, is not supported at run time.
bool QQuickShape::vendorExtensionsEnabled() const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
return d->enableVendorExts;
void QQuickShape::setVendorExtensionsEnabled(bool enable)
if (d->enableVendorExts != enable) {
d->enableVendorExts = enable;
emit vendorExtensionsEnabledChanged();
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::status
This property determines the status of the Shape and is relevant when
Shape.asynchronous is set to \c true.
\value Shape.Null
Not yet initialized.
\value Shape.Ready
The Shape has finished processing.
\value Shape.Processing
The path is being processed.
QQuickShape::Status QQuickShape::status() const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
return d->status;
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::containsMode
\since QtQuick.Shapes 1.11
This property determines the definition of \l {QQuickItem::contains()}{contains()}
for the Shape. It is useful in case you add \l {Qt Quick Input Handlers} and you want to
react only when the mouse or touchpoint is fully inside the Shape.
\value Shape.BoundingRectContains
The default implementation of \l QQuickItem::contains() checks only
whether the given point is inside the rectangular bounding box. This is
the most efficient implementation, which is why it's the default.
\value Shape.FillContains
Check whether the interior (the part that would be filled if you are
rendering it with fill) of any \l ShapePath that makes up this Shape
contains the given point. The more complex and numerous ShapePaths you
add, the less efficient this is to check, which can potentially slow
down event delivery in your application. So it should be used with care.
One way to speed up the \c FillContains check is to generate an approximate
outline with as few points as possible, place that in a transparent Shape
on top, and add your Pointer Handlers to that, so that the containment
check is cheaper during event delivery.
QQuickShape::ContainsMode QQuickShape::containsMode() const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
return d->containsMode;
void QQuickShape::setContainsMode(QQuickShape::ContainsMode containsMode)
if (d->containsMode == containsMode)
d->containsMode = containsMode;
emit containsModeChanged();
bool QQuickShape::contains(const QPointF &point) const
Q_D(const QQuickShape);
switch (d->containsMode) {
case BoundingRectContains:
return QQuickItem::contains(point);
case FillContains:
for (QQuickShapePath *path : d->sp) {
if (path->path().contains(point))
return true;
return false;
static void vpe_append(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property, QObject *obj)
QQuickShape *item = static_cast<QQuickShape *>(property->object);
QQuickShapePrivate *d = QQuickShapePrivate::get(item);
QQuickShapePath *path = qobject_cast<QQuickShapePath *>(obj);
if (path)
QQuickItemPrivate::data_append(property, obj);
if (path && d->componentComplete) {
QObject::connect(path, SIGNAL(shapePathChanged()), item, SLOT(_q_shapePathChanged()));
static void vpe_clear(QQmlListProperty<QObject> *property)
QQuickShape *item = static_cast<QQuickShape *>(property->object);
QQuickShapePrivate *d = QQuickShapePrivate::get(item);
for (QQuickShapePath *p : d->sp)
QObject::disconnect(p, SIGNAL(shapePathChanged()), item, SLOT(_q_shapePathChanged()));
if (d->componentComplete)
\qmlproperty list<Object> QtQuick.Shapes::Shape::data
This property holds the ShapePath objects that define the contents of the
Shape. It can also contain any other type of objects, since Shape, like
Item, allows adding any visual or non-visual objects as children.
QQmlListProperty<QObject> QQuickShape::data()
return QQmlListProperty<QObject>(this,
void QQuickShape::classBegin()
void QQuickShape::componentComplete()
for (QQuickShapePath *p : d->sp)
connect(p, SIGNAL(shapePathChanged()), this, SLOT(_q_shapePathChanged()));
void QQuickShape::updatePolish()
const int currentEffectRefCount = d->extra.isAllocated() ? d->extra->recursiveEffectRefCount : 0;
if (!d->spChanged && currentEffectRefCount <= d->effectRefCount)
d->spChanged = false;
d->effectRefCount = currentEffectRefCount;
if (!d->renderer) {
if (!d->renderer)
emit rendererChanged();
// endSync() is where expensive calculations may happen (or get kicked off
// on worker threads), depending on the backend. Therefore do this only
// when the item is visible.
if (isVisible() || d->effectRefCount > 0)
void QQuickShape::itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &data)
// sync may have been deferred; do it now if the item became visible
if (change == ItemVisibleHasChanged && data.boolValue)
else if (change == QQuickItem::ItemSceneChange) {
for (int i = 0; i < d->sp.count(); ++i)
QQuickShapePathPrivate::get(d->sp[i])->dirty = QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyAll;
QQuickItem::itemChange(change, data);
QSGNode *QQuickShape::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *node, UpdatePaintNodeData *)
// Called on the render thread, with the gui thread blocked. We can now
// safely access gui thread data.
if (d->renderer) {
if (!node)
node = d->createNode();
return node;
// the renderer object lives on the gui thread
void QQuickShapePrivate::createRenderer()
QSGRendererInterface *ri = q->window()->rendererInterface();
if (!ri)
switch (ri->graphicsApi()) {
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
case QSGRendererInterface::OpenGL:
if (enableVendorExts && QQuickShapeNvprRenderNode::isSupported()) {
rendererType = QQuickShape::NvprRenderer;
renderer = new QQuickShapeNvprRenderer;
} else {
rendererType = QQuickShape::GeometryRenderer;
renderer = new QQuickShapeGenericRenderer(q);
case QSGRendererInterface::Software:
rendererType = QQuickShape::SoftwareRenderer;
renderer = new QQuickShapeSoftwareRenderer;
if (QSGRendererInterface::isApiRhiBased(ri->graphicsApi())) {
rendererType = QQuickShape::GeometryRenderer;
renderer = new QQuickShapeGenericRenderer(q);
} else {
qWarning("No path backend for this graphics API yet");
// the node lives on the render thread
QSGNode *QQuickShapePrivate::createNode()
QSGNode *node = nullptr;
if (!q->window())
return node;
QSGRendererInterface *ri = q->window()->rendererInterface();
if (!ri)
return node;
switch (ri->graphicsApi()) {
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
case QSGRendererInterface::OpenGL:
if (enableVendorExts && QQuickShapeNvprRenderNode::isSupported()) {
node = new QQuickShapeNvprRenderNode;
static_cast<QQuickShapeNvprRenderer *>(renderer)->setNode(
static_cast<QQuickShapeNvprRenderNode *>(node));
} else {
node = new QQuickShapeGenericNode;
static_cast<QQuickShapeGenericRenderer *>(renderer)->setRootNode(
static_cast<QQuickShapeGenericNode *>(node));
case QSGRendererInterface::Software:
node = new QQuickShapeSoftwareRenderNode(q);
static_cast<QQuickShapeSoftwareRenderer *>(renderer)->setNode(
static_cast<QQuickShapeSoftwareRenderNode *>(node));
if (QSGRendererInterface::isApiRhiBased(ri->graphicsApi())) {
node = new QQuickShapeGenericNode;
static_cast<QQuickShapeGenericRenderer *>(renderer)->setRootNode(
static_cast<QQuickShapeGenericNode *>(node));
} else {
qWarning("No path backend for this graphics API yet");
return node;
void QQuickShapePrivate::asyncShapeReady(void *data)
QQuickShapePrivate *self = static_cast<QQuickShapePrivate *>(data);
if (self->syncTimingActive)
qDebug("[Shape %p] [%d] [dirty=0x%x] async update took %lld ms",
self->q_func(), self->syncTimeCounter, self->syncTimingTotalDirty, self->syncTimer.elapsed());
void QQuickShapePrivate::sync()
syncTimingTotalDirty = 0;
syncTimingActive = QQSHAPE_LOG_TIME_DIRTY_SYNC().isDebugEnabled();
if (syncTimingActive)
const bool useAsync = async && renderer->flags().testFlag(QQuickAbstractPathRenderer::SupportsAsync);
if (useAsync) {
renderer->setAsyncCallback(asyncShapeReady, this);
const int count = sp.count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
QQuickShapePath *p = sp[i];
int &dirty(QQuickShapePathPrivate::get(p)->dirty);
syncTimingTotalDirty |= dirty;
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyPath)
renderer->setPath(i, p);
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStrokeColor)
renderer->setStrokeColor(i, p->strokeColor());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStrokeWidth)
renderer->setStrokeWidth(i, p->strokeWidth());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillColor)
renderer->setFillColor(i, p->fillColor());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillRule)
renderer->setFillRule(i, p->fillRule());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyStyle) {
renderer->setJoinStyle(i, p->joinStyle(), p->miterLimit());
renderer->setCapStyle(i, p->capStyle());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyDash)
renderer->setStrokeStyle(i, p->strokeStyle(), p->dashOffset(), p->dashPattern());
if (dirty & QQuickShapePathPrivate::DirtyFillGradient)
renderer->setFillGradient(i, p->fillGradient());
dirty = 0;
if (syncTimingTotalDirty)
syncTimingActive = false;
if (!useAsync) {
if (syncTimingActive)
qDebug("[Shape %p] [%d] [dirty=0x%x] update took %lld ms",
q_func(), syncTimeCounter, syncTimingTotalDirty, syncTimer.elapsed());
// ***** gradient support *****
\qmltype ShapeGradient
//! \instantiates QQuickShapeGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits Gradient
\brief Base type of Shape fill gradients.
\since 5.10
This is an abstract base class for gradients like LinearGradient and
cannot be created directly. It extends \l Gradient with properties like the
spread mode.
QQuickShapeGradient::QQuickShapeGradient(QObject *parent)
: QQuickGradient(parent),
\qmlproperty enumeration QtQuick.Shapes::ShapeGradient::spread
Specifies how the area outside the gradient area should be filled. The
default value is \c ShapeGradient.PadSpread.
\value ShapeGradient.PadSpread
The area is filled with the closest stop color.
\value ShapeGradient.RepeatSpread
The gradient is repeated outside the gradient area.
\value ShapeGradient.ReflectSpread
The gradient is reflected outside the gradient area.
QQuickShapeGradient::SpreadMode QQuickShapeGradient::spread() const
return m_spread;
void QQuickShapeGradient::setSpread(SpreadMode mode)
if (m_spread != mode) {
m_spread = mode;
emit spreadChanged();
emit updated();
\qmltype LinearGradient
//! \instantiates QQuickShapeLinearGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits ShapeGradient
\brief Linear gradient.
\since 5.10
Linear gradients interpolate colors between start and end points in Shape
items. Outside these points the gradient is either padded, reflected or
repeated depending on the spread type.
\note LinearGradient is only supported in combination with Shape items. It
is not compatible with \l Rectangle, as that only supports \l Gradient.
\sa QLinearGradient
QQuickShapeLinearGradient::QQuickShapeLinearGradient(QObject *parent)
: QQuickShapeGradient(parent)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::LinearGradient::x1
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::LinearGradient::y1
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::LinearGradient::x2
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::LinearGradient::y2
These properties define the start and end points between which color
interpolation occurs. By default both points are set to (0, 0).
qreal QQuickShapeLinearGradient::x1() const
return m_start.x();
void QQuickShapeLinearGradient::setX1(qreal v)
if (m_start.x() != v) {
emit x1Changed();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeLinearGradient::y1() const
return m_start.y();
void QQuickShapeLinearGradient::setY1(qreal v)
if (m_start.y() != v) {
emit y1Changed();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeLinearGradient::x2() const
return m_end.x();
void QQuickShapeLinearGradient::setX2(qreal v)
if (m_end.x() != v) {
emit x2Changed();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeLinearGradient::y2() const
return m_end.y();
void QQuickShapeLinearGradient::setY2(qreal v)
if (m_end.y() != v) {
emit y2Changed();
emit updated();
\qmltype RadialGradient
//! \instantiates QQuickShapeRadialGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits ShapeGradient
\brief Radial gradient.
\since 5.10
Radial gradients interpolate colors between a focal circle and a center
circle in Shape items. Points outside the cone defined by the two circles
will be transparent.
Outside the end points the gradient is either padded, reflected or repeated
depending on the spread type.
Below is an example of a simple radial gradient. Here the colors are
interpolated between the specified point and the end points on a circle
specified by the radius:
fillGradient: RadialGradient {
centerX: 50; centerY: 50
centerRadius: 100
focalX: centerX; focalY: centerY
GradientStop { position: 0; color: "blue" }
GradientStop { position: 0.2; color: "green" }
GradientStop { position: 0.4; color: "red" }
GradientStop { position: 0.6; color: "yellow" }
GradientStop { position: 1; color: "cyan" }
\image shape-radial-gradient.png
Extended radial gradients, where a separate focal circle is specified, are
also supported.
\note RadialGradient is only supported in combination with Shape items. It
is not compatible with \l Rectangle, as that only supports \l Gradient.
\sa QRadialGradient
QQuickShapeRadialGradient::QQuickShapeRadialGradient(QObject *parent)
: QQuickShapeGradient(parent)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::centerX
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::centerY
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::focalX
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::focalY
These properties define the center and focal points. To specify a simple
radial gradient, set focalX and focalY to the value of centerX and
centerY, respectively.
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::centerX() const
return m_centerPoint.x();
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setCenterX(qreal v)
if (m_centerPoint.x() != v) {
emit centerXChanged();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::centerY() const
return m_centerPoint.y();
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setCenterY(qreal v)
if (m_centerPoint.y() != v) {
emit centerYChanged();
emit updated();
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::centerRadius
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::RadialGradient::focalRadius
These properties define the center and focal radius. For simple radial
gradients, focalRadius should be set to \c 0 (the default value).
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::centerRadius() const
return m_centerRadius;
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setCenterRadius(qreal v)
if (m_centerRadius != v) {
m_centerRadius = v;
emit centerRadiusChanged();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::focalX() const
return m_focalPoint.x();
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setFocalX(qreal v)
if (m_focalPoint.x() != v) {
emit focalXChanged();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::focalY() const
return m_focalPoint.y();
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setFocalY(qreal v)
if (m_focalPoint.y() != v) {
emit focalYChanged();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeRadialGradient::focalRadius() const
return m_focalRadius;
void QQuickShapeRadialGradient::setFocalRadius(qreal v)
if (m_focalRadius != v) {
m_focalRadius = v;
emit focalRadiusChanged();
emit updated();
\qmltype ConicalGradient
//! \instantiates QQuickShapeConicalGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Shapes
\ingroup qtquick-paths
\ingroup qtquick-views
\inherits ShapeGradient
\brief Conical gradient.
\since 5.10
Conical gradients interpolate colors counter-clockwise around a center
point in Shape items.
\note The \l{ShapeGradient::spread}{spread mode} setting has no effect for
conical gradients.
\note ConicalGradient is only supported in combination with Shape items. It
is not compatible with \l Rectangle, as that only supports \l Gradient.
\sa QConicalGradient
QQuickShapeConicalGradient::QQuickShapeConicalGradient(QObject *parent)
: QQuickShapeGradient(parent)
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::ConicalGradient::centerX
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::ConicalGradient::centerY
These properties define the center point of the conical gradient.
qreal QQuickShapeConicalGradient::centerX() const
return m_centerPoint.x();
void QQuickShapeConicalGradient::setCenterX(qreal v)
if (m_centerPoint.x() != v) {
emit centerXChanged();
emit updated();
qreal QQuickShapeConicalGradient::centerY() const
return m_centerPoint.y();
void QQuickShapeConicalGradient::setCenterY(qreal v)
if (m_centerPoint.y() != v) {
emit centerYChanged();
emit updated();
\qmlproperty real QtQuick.Shapes::ConicalGradient::angle
This property defines the start angle for the conical gradient. The value
is in degrees (0-360).
qreal QQuickShapeConicalGradient::angle() const
return m_angle;
void QQuickShapeConicalGradient::setAngle(qreal v)
if (m_angle != v) {
m_angle = v;
emit angleChanged();
emit updated();
static void generateGradientColorTable(const QQuickShapeGradientCacheKey &gradient,
uint *colorTable, int size, float opacity)
int pos = 0;
const QGradientStops &s = gradient.stops;
const bool colorInterpolation = true;
uint alpha = qRound(opacity * 256);
uint current_color = ARGB_COMBINE_ALPHA(s[0].second.rgba(), alpha);
qreal incr = 1.0 / qreal(size);
qreal fpos = 1.5 * incr;
colorTable[pos++] = ARGB2RGBA(qPremultiply(current_color));
while (fpos <= s.first().first) {
colorTable[pos] = colorTable[pos - 1];
fpos += incr;
if (colorInterpolation)
current_color = qPremultiply(current_color);
const int sLast = s.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sLast; ++i) {
qreal delta = 1/(s[i+1].first - s[i].first);
uint next_color = ARGB_COMBINE_ALPHA(s[i + 1].second.rgba(), alpha);
if (colorInterpolation)
next_color = qPremultiply(next_color);
while (fpos < s[i+1].first && pos < size) {
int dist = int(256 * ((fpos - s[i].first) * delta));
int idist = 256 - dist;
if (colorInterpolation)
colorTable[pos] = ARGB2RGBA(INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256(current_color, idist, next_color, dist));
colorTable[pos] = ARGB2RGBA(qPremultiply(INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_256(current_color, idist, next_color, dist)));
fpos += incr;
current_color = next_color;
Q_ASSERT(s.size() > 0);
uint last_color = ARGB2RGBA(qPremultiply(ARGB_COMBINE_ALPHA(s[sLast].second.rgba(), alpha)));
for ( ; pos < size; ++pos)
colorTable[pos] = last_color;
colorTable[size-1] = last_color;
QQuickShapeGradientCache *QQuickShapeGradientCache::cacheForRhi(QRhi *rhi)
static QHash<QRhi *, QQuickShapeGradientCache *> caches;
auto it = caches.constFind(rhi);
if (it != caches.constEnd())
return *it;
QQuickShapeGradientCache *cache = new QQuickShapeGradientCache;
rhi->addCleanupCallback([cache](QRhi *rhi) {
delete cache;
caches.insert(rhi, cache);
return cache;
QSGTexture *QQuickShapeGradientCache::get(const QQuickShapeGradientCacheKey &grad)
QSGPlainTexture *tx = m_textures[grad];
if (!tx) {
static const int W = 1024; // texture size is 1024x1
QImage gradTab(W, 1, QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied);
generateGradientColorTable(grad, reinterpret_cast<uint *>(gradTab.bits()), W, 1.0f);
tx = new QSGPlainTexture;
switch (grad.spread) {
case QQuickShapeGradient::PadSpread:
case QQuickShapeGradient::RepeatSpread:
case QQuickShapeGradient::ReflectSpread:
qWarning("Unknown gradient spread mode %d", grad.spread);
m_textures[grad] = tx;
return tx;
#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
// contexts sharing with each other get the same cache instance
class QQuickShapeGradientCacheWrapper
QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache *get(QOpenGLContext *context)
return m_resource.value<QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache>(context);
QOpenGLMultiGroupSharedResource m_resource;
QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache *QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache::currentCache()
static QQuickShapeGradientCacheWrapper qt_path_gradient_caches;
return qt_path_gradient_caches.get(QOpenGLContext::currentContext());
// let QOpenGLContext manage the lifetime of the cached textures
void QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache::invalidateResource()
void QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache::freeResource(QOpenGLContext *)
QSGTexture *QQuickShapeGradientOpenGLCache::get(const QQuickShapeGradientCacheKey &grad)
QSGPlainTexture *tx = m_cache[grad];
if (!tx) {
QOpenGLFunctions *f = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions();
GLuint id;
f->glGenTextures(1, &id);
f->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
static const uint W = 1024; // texture size is 1024x1
uint buf[W];
generateGradientColorTable(grad, buf, W, 1.0f);
f->glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, W, 1, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf);
tx = new QSGPlainTexture;
switch (grad.spread) {
case QQuickShapeGradient::PadSpread:
case QQuickShapeGradient::RepeatSpread:
case QQuickShapeGradient::ReflectSpread:
qWarning("Unknown gradient spread mode %d", grad.spread);
m_cache[grad] = tx;
return tx;
#endif // QT_CONFIG(opengl)
#include "moc_qquickshape_p.cpp"