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** Copyright (C) 2016 Ford Motor Company
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** This file is part of the test suite module of the Qt Toolkit.
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import QtTest 1.1
import QtQml.StateMachine 1.0
TestCase {
id: testCase
StateMachine {
id: machine
initialState: startState
State {
id: startState
SignalTransition {
id: signalTrans
signal: testCase.mysignal
guard: alignment === QState.ParallelStates
targetState: finalState
FinalState {
id: finalState
SignalSpy {
id: finalStateActive
target: finalState
signalName: "activeChanged"
signal mysignal(int alignment)
name: "testEnumGuard"
function test_enumGuard()
// Start statemachine, should not have reached finalState yet.
tryCompare(finalStateActive, "count", 0)
tryCompare(machine, "running", true)
// Emit the signalTrans.signal which will evaluate the guard. The
// guard should return true, finalState be reached and the
// statemachine be stopped.
tryCompare(finalStateActive, "count", 1)
tryCompare(machine, "running", false)
// Restart machine.
tryCompare(machine, "running", true)
tryCompare(finalStateActive, "count", 2)
// Emit signal that makes the signalTrans.guard return false. The
// finalState should not have been triggered.
tryCompare(finalStateActive, "count", 2)
tryCompare(machine, "running", true)