blob: e3198d16ab3e9cfb94cfed31edd7ef58b2d400d0 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
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** be met:
#include "scopetree.h"
#include "qcoloroutput.h"
#include <QtCore/qqueue.h>
#include <algorithm>
ScopeTree::ScopeTree(ScopeType type, QString name, ScopeTree *parentScope)
: m_parentScope(parentScope), m_name(std::move(name)), m_scopeType(type) {}
ScopeTree::Ptr ScopeTree::createNewChildScope(ScopeType type, const QString &name)
Q_ASSERT(type != ScopeType::QMLScope
|| !m_parentScope
|| m_parentScope->m_scopeType == ScopeType::QMLScope
|| m_parentScope->m_name == "global");
auto childScope = ScopeTree::Ptr(new ScopeTree{type, name, this});
return childScope;
void ScopeTree::insertJSIdentifier(const QString &id, QQmlJS::AST::VariableScope scope)
Q_ASSERT(m_scopeType != ScopeType::QMLScope);
if (scope == QQmlJS::AST::VariableScope::Var) {
auto targetScope = this;
while (targetScope->scopeType() != ScopeType::JSFunctionScope) {
targetScope = targetScope->m_parentScope;
} else {
void ScopeTree::insertSignalIdentifier(const QString &id, const MetaMethod &method,
const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &loc,
bool hasMultilineHandlerBody)
Q_ASSERT(m_scopeType == ScopeType::QMLScope);
m_injectedSignalIdentifiers.insert(id, {method, loc, hasMultilineHandlerBody});
void ScopeTree::insertPropertyIdentifier(const MetaProperty &property)
MetaMethod method(property.propertyName() + QLatin1String("Changed"), "void");
void ScopeTree::addUnmatchedSignalHandler(const QString &handler,
const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location)
m_unmatchedSignalHandlers.append(qMakePair(handler, location));
bool ScopeTree::isIdInCurrentScope(const QString &id) const
return isIdInCurrentQMlScopes(id) || isIdInCurrentJSScopes(id);
void ScopeTree::addIdToAccessed(const QString &id, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location) {
m_currentFieldMember = new FieldMemberList {id, QString(), location, {}};
void ScopeTree::accessMember(const QString &name, const QString &parentType,
const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location)
auto *fieldMember = new FieldMemberList {name, parentType, location, {}};
m_currentFieldMember = fieldMember;
void ScopeTree::resetMemberScope()
m_currentFieldMember = nullptr;
bool ScopeTree::isVisualRootScope() const
return m_parentScope && m_parentScope->m_parentScope
&& m_parentScope->m_parentScope->m_parentScope == nullptr;
class IssueLocationWithContext
IssueLocationWithContext(const QString &code, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location) {
int before = std::max(0,code.lastIndexOf('\n', location.offset));
m_beforeText = code.midRef(before + 1, int(location.offset - (before + 1)));
m_issueText = code.midRef(location.offset, location.length);
int after = code.indexOf('\n', int(location.offset + location.length));
m_afterText = code.midRef(int(location.offset + location.length),
int(after - (location.offset+location.length)));
QStringRef beforeText() const { return m_beforeText; }
QStringRef issueText() const { return m_issueText; }
QStringRef afterText() const { return m_afterText; }
QStringRef m_beforeText;
QStringRef m_issueText;
QStringRef m_afterText;
static const QStringList unknownBuiltins = {
// TODO: "string" should be added to builtins.qmltypes, and the special handling below removed
QStringLiteral("alias"), // TODO: we cannot properly resolve aliases, yet
QStringLiteral("QRectF"), // TODO: should be added to builtins.qmltypes
QStringLiteral("QFont"), // TODO: should be added to builtins.qmltypes
QStringLiteral("QJSValue"), // We cannot say anything intelligent about untyped JS values.
QStringLiteral("variant"), // Same for generic variants
bool ScopeTree::checkMemberAccess(
const QString &code,
FieldMemberList *members,
const ScopeTree *scope,
const QHash<QString, ScopeTree::ConstPtr> &types,
ColorOutput& colorOut) const
if (!members->m_child)
return true;
Q_ASSERT(scope != nullptr);
const QString scopeName = scope->name().isEmpty() ? scope->className() : scope->name();
const auto &access = members->m_child;
const auto scopeIt = scope->m_properties.find(access->m_name);
if (scopeIt != scope->m_properties.end()) {
const QString typeName = access->m_parentType.isEmpty() ? scopeIt->typeName()
: access->m_parentType;
if (scopeIt->isList() || typeName == QLatin1String("string")) {
if (access->m_child && access->m_child->m_name != QLatin1String("length")) {
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"\"%1\" is a %2. You cannot access \"%3\" on it at %4:%5\n")
.arg(QLatin1String(scopeIt->isList() ? "list" : "string"))
.arg(access->m_child->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, access->m_child->m_location);
return false;
return true;
if (!access->m_child)
return true;
if (const ScopeTree *type = scopeIt->type()) {
if (access->m_parentType.isEmpty())
return checkMemberAccess(code, access.get(), type, types, colorOut);
if (unknownBuiltins.contains(typeName))
return true;
const auto it = types.find(typeName);
if (it != types.end())
return checkMemberAccess(code, access.get(), it->get(), types, colorOut);
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
QString::fromLatin1("Type \"%1\" of member \"%2\" not found at %3:%4.\n")
.arg(access->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, access->m_location);
return false;
const auto scopeMethodIt = scope->m_methods.find(access->m_name);
if (scopeMethodIt != scope->m_methods.end())
return true; // Access to property of JS function
for (const auto &enumerator : scope->m_enums) {
for (const QString &key : enumerator.keys()) {
if (access->m_name != key)
if (!access->m_child)
return true;
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"\"%1\" is an enum value. You cannot access \"%2\" on it at %3:%4\n")
.arg(access->m_child->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, access->m_child->m_location);
return false;
auto type = types.value(access->m_parentType.isEmpty() ? scopeName : access->m_parentType);
while (type) {
const auto typeIt = type->m_properties.find(access->m_name);
if (typeIt != type->m_properties.end()) {
const ScopeTree *propType = typeIt->type();
return checkMemberAccess(code, access.get(),
propType ? propType : types.value(typeIt->typeName()).get(),
types, colorOut);
const auto typeMethodIt = type->m_methods.find(access->m_name);
if (typeMethodIt != type->m_methods.end()) {
if (access->m_child == nullptr)
return true;
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"\"%1\" is a method. You cannot access \"%2\" on it at %3:%4\n")
.arg(access->m_child->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, access->m_child->m_location);
return false;
type = types.value(type->superclassName());
if (access->m_name.front().isUpper() && scope->scopeType() == ScopeType::QMLScope) {
// may be an attached type
const auto it = types.find(access->m_name);
if (it != types.end() && !(*it)->attachedTypeName().isEmpty()) {
const auto attached = types.find((*it)->attachedTypeName());
if (attached != types.end())
return checkMemberAccess(code, access.get(), attached->get(), types, colorOut);
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"Property \"%1\" not found on type \"%2\" at %3:%4\n")
.arg(access->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, access->m_location);
return false;
bool ScopeTree::recheckIdentifiers(
const QString &code,
const QHash<QString, const ScopeTree *> &qmlIDs,
const QHash<QString, ScopeTree::ConstPtr> &types,
const ScopeTree *root, const QString &rootId,
ColorOutput& colorOut) const
bool noUnqualifiedIdentifier = true;
// revisit all scopes
QQueue<const ScopeTree *> workQueue;
while (!workQueue.empty()) {
const ScopeTree *currentScope = workQueue.dequeue();
for (const auto &handler : currentScope->m_unmatchedSignalHandlers) {
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"no matching signal found for handler \"%1\" at %2:%3\n")
.arg(handler.second.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, handler.second);
for (const auto &memberAccessTree : qAsConst(currentScope->m_accessedIdentifiers)) {
if (currentScope->isIdInCurrentJSScopes(memberAccessTree->m_name))
auto it = qmlIDs.find(memberAccessTree->m_name);
if (it != qmlIDs.end()) {
if (*it != nullptr) {
if (!checkMemberAccess(code, memberAccessTree.get(), *it, types, colorOut))
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
} else if (memberAccessTree->m_child
&& memberAccessTree->m_child->m_name.front().isUpper()) {
// It could be a qualified type name
const QString qualified = memberAccessTree->m_name + QLatin1Char('.')
+ memberAccessTree->m_child->m_name;
const auto typeIt = types.find(qualified);
if (typeIt != types.end()) {
if (!checkMemberAccess(code, memberAccessTree->m_child.get(), typeIt->get(),
types, colorOut)) {
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
auto qmlScope = currentScope->currentQMLScope();
if (qmlScope->methods().contains(memberAccessTree->m_name)) {
// a property of a JavaScript function
const auto qmlIt = qmlScope->m_properties.find(memberAccessTree->m_name);
if (qmlIt != qmlScope->m_properties.end()) {
if (!memberAccessTree->m_child || unknownBuiltins.contains(qmlIt->typeName()))
if (!qmlIt->type()) {
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
"Type of property \"%2\" not found at %3:%4\n")
.arg(memberAccessTree->m_location.startColumn), Normal);
printContext(colorOut, code, memberAccessTree->m_location);
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
} else if (!checkMemberAccess(code, memberAccessTree.get(), qmlIt->type(), types,
colorOut)) {
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
// TODO: Lots of builtins are missing
if (memberAccessTree->m_name == "Qt")
const auto typeIt = types.find(memberAccessTree->m_name);
if (typeIt != types.end()) {
if (!checkMemberAccess(code, memberAccessTree.get(), typeIt->get(), types,
colorOut)) {
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
noUnqualifiedIdentifier = false;
colorOut.write("Warning: ", Warning);
auto location = memberAccessTree->m_location;
colorOut.write(QString::fromLatin1("unqualified access at %1:%2\n")
printContext(colorOut, code, location);
// root(JS) --> program(qml) --> (first element)
const auto firstElement = root->m_childScopes[0]->m_childScopes[0];
if (firstElement->m_properties.contains(memberAccessTree->m_name)
|| firstElement->m_methods.contains(memberAccessTree->m_name)
|| firstElement->m_enums.contains(memberAccessTree->m_name)) {
colorOut.write("Note: ", Info);
colorOut.write(memberAccessTree->m_name + QLatin1String(" is a member of the root element\n"), Normal );
colorOut.write(QLatin1String(" You can qualify the access with its id to avoid this warning:\n"), Normal);
if (rootId == QLatin1String("<id>")) {
colorOut.write("Note: ", Warning);
colorOut.write(("You first have to give the root element an id\n"));
IssueLocationWithContext issueLocationWithContext {code, location};
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.beforeText().toString(), Normal);
colorOut.write(rootId + QLatin1Char('.'), Hint);
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.issueText().toString(), Normal);
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.afterText() + QLatin1Char('\n'), Normal);
} else if (currentScope->isIdInjectedFromSignal(memberAccessTree->m_name)) {
auto methodUsages = currentScope->currentQMLScope()->m_injectedSignalIdentifiers
auto location = memberAccessTree->m_location;
// sort the list of signal handlers by their occurrence in the source code
// then, we select the first one whose location is after the unqualified id
// and go one step backwards to get the one which we actually need
std::sort(methodUsages.begin(), methodUsages.end(),
[](const MethodUsage &m1, const MethodUsage &m2) {
return m1.loc.startLine < m2.loc.startLine
|| (m1.loc.startLine == m2.loc.startLine
&& m1.loc.startColumn < m2.loc.startColumn);
auto oneBehindIt = std::find_if(methodUsages.begin(), methodUsages.end(),
[&location](const MethodUsage &methodUsage) {
return location.startLine < methodUsage.loc.startLine
|| (location.startLine == methodUsage.loc.startLine
&& location.startColumn < methodUsage.loc.startColumn);
auto methodUsage = *(--oneBehindIt);
colorOut.write("Note:", Info);
memberAccessTree->m_name + QString::fromLatin1(
" is accessible in this scope because "
"you are handling a signal at %1:%2\n")
colorOut.write("Consider using a function instead\n", Normal);
IssueLocationWithContext context {code, methodUsage.loc};
colorOut.write(context.beforeText() + QLatin1Char(' '));
colorOut.write(methodUsage.hasMultilineHandlerBody ? "function(" : "(", Hint);
const auto parameters = methodUsage.method.parameterNames();
for (int numParams = parameters.size(); numParams > 0; --numParams) {
colorOut.write( - numParams), Hint);
if (numParams > 1)
colorOut.write(", ", Hint);
colorOut.write(methodUsage.hasMultilineHandlerBody ? ")" : ") => ", Hint);
colorOut.write(" {...", Normal);
colorOut.write("\n\n\n", Normal);
for (auto const &childScope: currentScope->m_childScopes)
return noUnqualifiedIdentifier;
bool ScopeTree::isIdInCurrentQMlScopes(const QString &id) const
const auto *qmlScope = currentQMLScope();
return qmlScope->m_properties.contains(id)
|| qmlScope->m_methods.contains(id)
|| qmlScope->m_enums.contains(id);
bool ScopeTree::isIdInCurrentJSScopes(const QString &id) const
auto jsScope = this;
while (jsScope) {
if (jsScope->m_scopeType != ScopeType::QMLScope && jsScope->m_jsIdentifiers.contains(id))
return true;
jsScope = jsScope->m_parentScope;
return false;
bool ScopeTree::isIdInjectedFromSignal(const QString &id) const
return currentQMLScope()->m_injectedSignalIdentifiers.contains(id);
const ScopeTree *ScopeTree::currentQMLScope() const
auto qmlScope = this;
while (qmlScope && qmlScope->m_scopeType != ScopeType::QMLScope)
qmlScope = qmlScope->m_parentScope;
return qmlScope;
void ScopeTree::printContext(ColorOutput &colorOut, const QString &code,
const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location) const
IssueLocationWithContext issueLocationWithContext {code, location};
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.beforeText().toString(), Normal);
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.issueText().toString(), Error);
colorOut.write(issueLocationWithContext.afterText().toString() + QLatin1Char('\n'), Normal);
int tabCount = issueLocationWithContext.beforeText().count(QLatin1Char('\t'));
colorOut.write(QString(" ").repeated(issueLocationWithContext.beforeText().length() - tabCount)
+ QString("\t").repeated(tabCount)
+ QString("^").repeated(location.length)
+ QLatin1Char('\n'), Normal);
void ScopeTree::addExport(const QString &name, const QString &package,
const ComponentVersion &version)
m_exports.append(Export(package, name, version, 0));
void ScopeTree::setExportMetaObjectRevision(int exportIndex, int metaObjectRevision)
void ScopeTree::updateParentProperty(const ScopeTree *scope)
auto it = m_properties.find(QLatin1String("parent"));
if (it != m_properties.end()
&& scope->name() != QLatin1String("Component")
&& scope->name() != QLatin1String("program"))
ScopeTree::Export::Export(QString package, QString type, const ComponentVersion &version,
int metaObjectRevision) :
bool ScopeTree::Export::isValid() const
return m_version.isValid() || !m_package.isEmpty() || !m_type.isEmpty();