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\page android-building.html
\title Qt for Android - Building from Source
\brief How to configure and build Qt for Android directly from source.
Qt for Android has some requirements that you are recommended to know before
going through this guide. Accomplish the tasks in
\l{Getting Started with Qt for Android} first.
You can download the Qt 5 sources from the \l Downloads page.
\section1 Building on Linux
\section2 Prepare the Build Environment
First, install the Android SDK in one of two ways:
\li \l{Using the Package Manager}{Using the package manager}
\li \l{Using Manual Installation}{Using a manual installation}
\section3 Using the Package Manager
For any Debian-based Linux, use the following command:
sudo apt install build-essential android-sdk openjdk-11-jdk
It is recommended to install the Android NDK using sdkmanager, with the
following commands:
sdkmanager --verbose --licenses
sdkmanager --update
sdkmanager "platforms;android-28" "ndk-bundle" "build-tools;28.0.3" "platform-tools"
\note If you are using the old SDK Tools packages "tools", OpenJDK 1.8 is
needed. It is also recommended to install the latest SDK Tools
"cmdline-tools" package and switch to it.
\section3 Using Manual Installation
You can use \l {Android: Android Studio}{Android Studio} to download and installl
the Android SDK packages required for developing applications for Android. For
more information, see \l{Android: Update your tools with the SDK Manager}
{Android Studio documentation}.
\section2 Installing the License File
If you use Qt with a commercial license, the Qt tools look for a local license file.
If you are using a binary installer or the commercial Qt Creator, your licenses
are automatically fetched and stored in your local user profile
(\c{$XDG_DATA_HOME/Qt/qtlicenses.ini} file).
If you do not use any binary installer or Qt Creator, you can download
the respective license file from your \l {Qt Account} Web portal and save
it to your user profile as \c{$HOME/.qt-license}. If you prefer a
different location or file name, you need to set the \c{QT_LICENSE_FILE}
environment variable to the respective file path.
\section2 Unpacking the Archive
Unpack the archive if you have not done so already. For example,
if you have the \c{qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%.tar.gz}
package, type the following commands at a command line prompt:
\snippet snippets/code/doc_src_installation.qdoc 0
This creates the directory \c{/tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%}
containing the files from the archive. We only support the GNU version of
the tar archiving utility. Note that on some systems it is called gtar.
\section2 Configuring and Building
Set the following environment variables, and add them to your \c{PATH};
preferably at the end of \c{~/.profile}:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
To configure Qt for Android, run the following:
cd /tmp/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-%VERSION%
./configure -xplatform android-clang --disable-rpath -nomake tests -nomake examples -android-ndk <path/to/sdk>/ndk-bundle/ -android-sdk <path/to/sdk> -no-warnings-are-errors
The \l{Qt Configure Options}{Configure Options} page contains more information
about the configure options.
You may provide the \c{-android-abis} parameter to limit the Android ABIs
being built, with either of: \e{armeabi-v7a}, \e{arm64-v8a}, \e{x86}, or \e{x86_64}:
-android-abis armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a
If the parameter is not specified, Qt is built for all supported ABIs.
To build the configured Qt code, run the following command:
make -j$(nproc)
\note \e{nproc} is optional. It represents the number of parallel jobs your
system can do.
Then install the built Qt for Android:
make install
If you haven't provided the \c{--prefix <install-dir>} configure option, the
installation is placed under \c{/usr/local/Qt-<version>}. In Debian/Ubuntu,
you should prefix the \c make command with the \c sudo command.
\section1 Building on Windows
First, you can use \l {Android: Android Studio}{Android Studio} to download
and install the Android SDK packages required for developing applications
for Android. For more information, see \l{Android: Update your tools with the SDK Manager}
{Android Studio documentation}.
\section2 Preparing the Build Environment
Install the following:
\li \l{Perl}
\li A JDK 1.8 package such as \l{Java SE Development Kit}{JDK} or
\l{OpenJDK} or \l{AdoptOpenJDK}.
\li \b {MinGW 7.3} toolchain
Then set the respective environment variables, replacing them with the
appropriate values:
Open the \c cmd.exe window and verify that:
\li \c{where gcc.exe} lists \e{<MINGW_ROOT>.exe} first before \e{<PERL_ROOT>.exe}.
\li \c{where mingw32-make.exe} lists \e{<MINGW_ROOT32>-make.exe} first.
\li \c{where javac.exe} lists \e{<JDK_ROOT>} first.
\note Currently, it is not possible to use Microsoft's compilers to build
the Windows host tools for Qt Android.
\section2 Setting a Commercial License
If you have a commercially licensed Qt, install your license file. If you're using
a binary installer or the commercial Qt Creator, your licenses are automatically
fetched and stored in your local user profile
\c{%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Qt\qtlicenses.ini}. Alternatively, you can download
the respective license file from your Qt Account web portal and save it to your user
profile as \c{%USERPROFILE%\.qt-license}. If you prefer a different location or file
name, you need to set the \c QT_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the respective
file path.
\section2 Building the Sources
Next, unpack the archive. Uncompress the files into the directory in which
you want Qt installed, for example: \c{C:\Qt\%VERSION%}. This install path must not contain any
spaces or Windows-specific file system characters.
Run the following command to configure Qt:
cd <decompressed_source_code_folder>
configure.bat -prefix <path to install Qt to> -platform win32-g++ -opengl es2 -xplatform android-clang -android-sdk <ANDROID_SDK_PATH> -android-ndk <ANDROID_SDK_PATH>\ndk-bundle\ -nomake tests -nomake examples
The \l{Qt Configure Options}{Configure Options} page contains more information
about the configure options.
To build the configured Qt for Android code, run the following:
mingw32-make.exe -j<N>
\note \e{<N>} is optional. It represents the number of parallel jobs your
system can do.
Now, to install Qt, run the following command:
mingw32-make.exe install