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#include "qdeclarativegeomap_p.h"
#include "qgeomapobject_p.h"
#include "qgeomapobject_p_p.h"
\qmltype GeoMapObject
\instantiates QGeoMapObject
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.location
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
\brief The GeoObject type is a base class for geographical objects that can be added to a map.
The difference between a GeoMapObject and a MapItem is twofold. First, GeoMapObject are always backed
by a plugin-specific implementation and do not come with a default implementation. If a plugin does
not support a specific GeoMapObject type, adding such a GeoMapObject will have no effect.
Second, GeoMapObject are not QQuickItems, thus being a much more lightweight way to add content to
a map.
GeoMapObject support is plugin-dependent, and is documented per plugin.
QGeoMapObjectPrivate *QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QGeoMapObjectPrivate>::clone()
return d->clone();
Returns whether this geographical object and \a other are equal.
bool QGeoMapObject::operator ==(const QGeoMapObject &other) const
return ( (d_ptr.constData() == other.d_ptr.constData())
|| (*d_ptr) == (*other.d_ptr));
Returns whether this geographical object and \a other are not equal.
bool QGeoMapObject::operator !=(const QGeoMapObject &other) const
return !(operator==(other));
Returns which features are supported by the geographical object
QGeoMapObject::Features QGeoMapObject::features() const
return d_ptr->features();
QGeoMapObjectPrivate *QGeoMapObject::implementation() const
bool QGeoMapObject::setImplementation(const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QGeoMapObjectPrivate> &pimpl)
if (d_ptr->type() != pimpl->type())
return false;
d_ptr = pimpl;
return true;
bool QGeoMapObject::implemented() const
return !d_ptr->engineName().isEmpty();
bool QGeoMapObject::visible() const
return d_ptr->visible();
void QGeoMapObject::setVisible(bool visible)
if (visible == d_ptr->m_visible)
const bool oldVisible = QGeoMapObject::visible();
if (d_ptr->m_componentCompleted)
if (QGeoMapObject::visible() != oldVisible)
emit visibleChanged();
void QGeoMapObject::setParentVisiblity(bool visible)
if (visible == d_ptr->m_parentVisible)
const bool oldVisible = QGeoMapObject::visible();
if (d_ptr->m_componentCompleted)
if (QGeoMapObject::visible() != oldVisible)
emit visibleChanged();
QGeoMapObject::Type QGeoMapObject::type() const
return d_ptr->type();
QList<QGeoMapObject *> QGeoMapObject::geoMapObjectChildren() const
return quickChildren<QGeoMapObject>();
QGeoMapObject::QGeoMapObject(const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QGeoMapObjectPrivate> &dd, QObject *parent)
: QParameterizableObject(parent), d_ptr(dd)
void QGeoMapObject::setChildrenVisibility()
const bool v = visible();
const QList<QGeoMapObject *> kids = geoMapObjectChildren();
for (auto kid : qAsConst(kids))
void QGeoMapObject::classBegin()
void QGeoMapObject::completeComponent()
d_ptr->m_componentCompleted = true;
void QGeoMapObject::componentComplete()
emit completed();
void QGeoMapObject::setMap(QGeoMap *map)
if (d_ptr->m_map == map)
if (map) {
bool oldVisible = d_ptr->m_visible;
bool oldCmponentCompleted = d_ptr->m_componentCompleted;
if (!map->createMapObjectImplementation(this)) {
if (type() != ViewType)
qWarning() << "Unsupported type " << type();
// old implementation gets destroyed if/when d_ptr gets replaced
d_ptr->m_componentCompleted = oldCmponentCompleted;
const QList<QGeoMapObject *> kids = geoMapObjectChildren();
for (auto kid : kids)
// Each subclass is in charge to do the equivalent of
// if (!map) {
// // Map was set, now it has ben re-set to NULL, but not inside d_ptr.
// // so m_map inside d_ptr can still be used to remove itself, inside the destructor.
// d_ptr = new QMapCircleObjectPrivateDefault(*d);
// // Old pimpl deleted implicitly by QExplicitlySharedDataPointer
// }
// After this method is called.
QGeoMap *QGeoMapObject::map() const
return d_ptr->m_map;
QGeoShape QGeoMapObject::geoShape() const
return d_ptr->geoShape();
void QGeoMapObject::setGeoShape(const QGeoShape &shape)
// QGeoMapObjectPrivate
QGeoMapObjectPrivate::QGeoMapObjectPrivate(QGeoMapObject *q) : q(q)
QGeoMapObjectPrivate::QGeoMapObjectPrivate(const QGeoMapObjectPrivate &other)
bool QGeoMapObjectPrivate::operator ==(const QGeoMapObjectPrivate &other) const
return (type() == other.type() && engineName() == other.engineName()
&& equals(other));
QByteArray QGeoMapObjectPrivate::engineName() const
return QByteArray();
QGeoMapObject::Type QGeoMapObjectPrivate::type() const
return QGeoMapObject::InvalidType;
QGeoMapObject::Features QGeoMapObjectPrivate::features() const
return QGeoMapObject::NoFeature;
bool QGeoMapObjectPrivate::equals(const QGeoMapObjectPrivate &other) const
return (visible() == other.visible() && type() == other.type()
&& engineName() == other.engineName() && features() == other.features()
&& m_map == other.m_map);
bool QGeoMapObjectPrivate::visible() const
return m_visible && m_parentVisible;
void QGeoMapObjectPrivate::setVisible(bool visible)
m_visible = visible;
void QGeoMapObjectPrivate::setParentVisibility(bool visible)
m_parentVisible = visible;
void QGeoMapObjectPrivate::setMap(QGeoMap *map)
m_map = map;