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** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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** This file is part of the QtLocation module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "qdeclarativenavigator_p.h"
#include "qdeclarativenavigator_p_p.h"
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeomap_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoserviceprovider_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qnavigationmanager_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qnavigationmanagerengine_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qgeomapparameter_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoroute_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoroutemodel_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/private/qdeclarativegeoroutesegment_p.h>
#include <QtLocation/qgeoserviceprovider.h>
#include <QtPositioningQuick/private/qdeclarativepositionsource_p.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlinfo.h>
\qmlmodule Qt.labs.location 1.0
\title Qt Labs Location QML Types
\ingroup qmlmodules
\brief Provides experimental QtLocation QML types, such as \l Navigator and
various map objects types (not to be confused with map items).
To use this module, import the module with the following line:
import Qt.labs.location 1.0
\note These types are experimental and subject to source-incompatible changes from one
Qt minor release to the next, until they are ready to be moved to the stable QtLocation QML
\qmltype Navigator
\instantiates QDeclarativeNavigator
\inqmlmodule Qt.labs.location
\ingroup qml-QtLocation5-maps
\brief The Navigator type offers functionalities to perform turn-by-turn navigation.
The Navigator purpose is to use a plugin's turn-by-turn navigation implementation in a QML
application in a seamless manner.
This object may take control of the map position, orientation, tilting and zoom, as well as changing
the map style, elements on the map such as direction information.
In certain cases, it may also restrict user interaction with the Map and with the items on it.
\qmlproperty Plugin Qt.labs.location::Navigator::plugin
This property holds the plugin which provides the navigation functionality.
This is a write-once property. Once the Navigator has a plugin associated with
it, any attempted modifications of the plugin property will be ignored.
\sa Plugin
\qmlproperty Map Qt.labs.location::Navigator::map
This property holds the Map that the navigator is in charge of controlling.
This is a write-once property. Once the Navigator has a Map associated with
it, any attempted modifications of the map property will be ignored.
\sa Map
\qmlproperty Route Qt.labs.location::Navigator::route
This property holds the Route that the navigator is using
to perform the navigation.
\note Setting this property while a navigation session is ongoing will
stop the navigation.
\sa Route
\qmlproperty PositionSource Qt.labs.location::Navigator::positionSource
This property holds the PositionSource that the navigator will receive position
updates from to perform the navigation.
This is a write-once property. Once the Navigator has a PositionSource associated with
it, any attempted modifications of the positionSource property will be ignored.
\sa PositionSource
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.location::Navigator::active
This property tells whether the Navigator is navigating or not.
Set this property to \c true to start the navigation.
Set it to \c false to stop an active navigation session.
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.location::Navigator::navigatorReady
This read-only property tells whether the navigator is ready
to start the navigation or not.
A Navigator becomes ready once the plugin is attached and a navigation engine has been
instantiated, and the other required properties are set to valid values.
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.location::Navigator::trackPositionSource
This property tells whether the Navigator should control the Map camera to
keep track of position source updates. This property is enabled (\c true) by
default, and setting it to \c false is useful in cases where e.g. the user
starts gesturing over the map area.
Navigator plugins can also control this property directly e.g. user map
interaction could trigger the property change. Honoring the user-specified
value of this property is plugin dependent.
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.location::Navigator::automaticReroutingEnabled
This property tells whether the Navigator should automatically recalculate
the route when the position from \l positionSource ends too far from the route.
The operation performed in such case is equivalent to calling \l recalculateRoutes.
The default value is \c true.
\note Whether this property has any effect is plugin-dependent.
Also, whether or not it has an effect while the navigator is active is plugin-dependent.
\qmlproperty bool Qt.labs.location::Navigator::isOnRoute
While the Navigator is in active tracking mode, this property tells
whether the position from \l positionSource is on the route or not.
\qmlmethod void Qt.labs.location::Navigator::recalculateRoutes()
Calling this method forces the backend to trigger a routes recalculation.
\sa automaticReroutingEnabled
\qmlproperty enumeration Qt.labs.location::Navigator::error
This read-only property holds the latest error value of the geocoding request.
\value Navigator.NoError
No error has occurred.
\value Navigator.NotSupportedError
Navigation is not supported by the service provider.
\value Navigator.ConnectionError
An error occurred while communicating with the service provider.
\value Navigator.LoaderError
The geoservice provider library could not be loaded. Setting
QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable may help diagnosing the
\value Navigator.UnknownParameterError
An unknown parameter was specified.
\value Navigator.MissingRequiredParameterError
Required parameter was not specified.
\value Navigator.UnknownError
Unknown error occurred.
QDeclarativeNavigatorPrivate::QDeclarativeNavigatorPrivate(QParameterizableObject *q_)
: q(q_), m_params(new QDeclarativeNavigatorParams), m_basicDirections(static_cast<QDeclarativeNavigator *>(q_))
QDeclarativeNavigator::QDeclarativeNavigator(QObject *parent)
: QParameterizableObject(parent), d_ptr(new QDeclarativeNavigatorPrivate(this))
void QDeclarativeNavigator::classBegin()
void QDeclarativeNavigator::componentComplete()
d_ptr->m_completed = true;
// Children have been completed
for (auto param : quickChildren<QGeoMapParameter>())
if (d_ptr->m_plugin && d_ptr->m_plugin->isAttached())
QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *QDeclarativeNavigator::plugin() const
return d_ptr->m_plugin;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setMap(QDeclarativeGeoMap *map)
if (d_ptr->m_params->m_map || !map) // set once prop
d_ptr->m_params->m_map = map;
connect(map, &QObject::destroyed, this,
[this]() {
emit mapChanged();
QDeclarativeGeoMap *QDeclarativeNavigator::map() const
return d_ptr->m_params->m_map;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setRoute(QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route)
if (d_ptr->m_params->m_route == route) // This isn't set-once
const bool isReady = d_ptr->m_navigator && d_ptr->m_navigator->ready();
const bool isActive = active();
if (isReady && isActive)
setActive(false); // Stop current session
d_ptr->m_params->m_route = route;
d_ptr->m_params->m_geoRoute = route ? route->route() : QGeoRoute();
if (route) {
connect(route, &QObject::destroyed,
[this]() {
// Do not stop navigation if route disappears. d_ptr->m_geoRoute will still be valid.
// Engines can stop navigation if desired.
emit routeChanged();
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QDeclarativeNavigator::route() const
return d_ptr->m_params->m_route;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setPositionSource(QDeclarativePositionSource *positionSource)
if (d_ptr->m_params->m_positionSource || !positionSource) // set once prop
d_ptr->m_params->m_positionSource = positionSource;
QObject::connect(positionSource, &QObject::destroyed,
[this]() {
emit positionSourceChanged();
QDeclarativePositionSource *QDeclarativeNavigator::positionSource() const
return d_ptr->m_params->m_positionSource;
// navigator automatically adjusts route when user leaves it
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::automaticReroutingEnabled() const
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
return d_ptr->m_navigator->automaticReroutingEnabled();
return d_ptr->m_params->m_autoRerouting;
// Whether or not it has an effect while the navigator is active should be plugin-dependent
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setAutomaticReroutingEnabled(bool autoRerouting)
const bool autoReroutingOld = automaticReroutingEnabled();
d_ptr->m_params->m_autoRerouting = autoRerouting;
// Done this way, and not via signal like setTrackPositionSource because
// plugins might not support automatic rerouting.
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
if (autoRerouting != autoReroutingOld)
emit automaticReroutingEnabledChanged();
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::navigatorReady() const
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
return d_ptr->m_navigator->ready();
return d_ptr->m_ready;
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::trackPositionSource() const
return d_ptr->m_params->m_trackPositionSource;
// Navigator is in active tracking mode and the route is being followed.
// This may turn \c false if the user leaves the route.
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::isOnRoute() const
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
return d_ptr->m_navigator->isOnRoute();
return false;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setTrackPositionSource(bool trackPositionSource)
if (trackPositionSource == d_ptr->m_params->m_trackPositionSource)
d_ptr->m_params->m_trackPositionSource = trackPositionSource;
emit trackPositionSourceChanged(trackPositionSource);
QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections *QDeclarativeNavigator::directions() const
return &d_ptr->m_basicDirections;
QDeclarativeNavigator::NavigationError QDeclarativeNavigator::error() const
return d_ptr->m_error;
QString QDeclarativeNavigator::errorString() const
return d_ptr->m_errorString;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::recalculateRoutes()
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
\qmlproperty QAbstractNavigator *Qt.labs.location::Navigator::engineHandle
This property returns a handle to the navigation object created by the engine.
This object can carry engine-specific properties, signals and methods, to expose
engine-specific features and data.
\warning Using this property leads to writing code that's likely to work
with only a single plugin.
QAbstractNavigator *QDeclarativeNavigator::abstractNavigator() const
return d_ptr->;
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::active() const
return d_ptr->m_active;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setPlugin(QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider *plugin)
if (d_ptr->m_plugin)
return; // set once property.
d_ptr->m_plugin = plugin;
emit pluginChanged();
if (d_ptr->m_plugin->isAttached()) {
} else {
connect(d_ptr->m_plugin, &QDeclarativeGeoServiceProvider::attached,
this, &QDeclarativeNavigator::pluginReady);
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setActive(bool active)
if (d_ptr->m_active == active)
d_ptr->m_active = active;
if (!d_ptr->m_plugin)
if (active)
void QDeclarativeNavigator::start()
if (!d_ptr->m_ready) {
qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Navigation manager not ready.");
if (!d_ptr->m_navigator->active())
d_ptr->m_active = d_ptr->m_navigator->start();
void QDeclarativeNavigator::stop()
if (!ensureEngine()) { // If somebody re-set route to null or something, this may become !d_ptr->m_ready
qmlWarning(this) << QStringLiteral("Navigation manager not ready.");
if (d_ptr->m_navigator->active())
d_ptr->m_active = d_ptr->m_navigator->stop();
// Cached data are cleared in response to signals emitted by m_navigator upon stop().
// For example, m_navigator emits currentRouteChanged with an empty route,
// and QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections reacts by clearing the declarative route.
void QDeclarativeNavigator::pluginReady()
if (!d_ptr->m_completed)
if (d_ptr->m_active)
bool QDeclarativeNavigator::ensureEngine()
if (d_ptr->m_navigator)
return true;
if (!d_ptr->m_completed || !d_ptr->m_plugin->isAttached())
return false;
QGeoServiceProvider *serviceProvider = d_ptr->m_plugin->sharedGeoServiceProvider();
// if m_plugin->isAttached(), serviceProvider cannot be null
QNavigationManager *manager = serviceProvider->navigationManager();
if (serviceProvider->navigationError() != QGeoServiceProvider::NoError) {
QDeclarativeNavigator::NavigationError newError = UnknownError;
switch (serviceProvider->navigationError()) {
case QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError:
newError = NotSupportedError; break;
case QGeoServiceProvider::UnknownParameterError:
newError = UnknownParameterError; break;
case QGeoServiceProvider::MissingRequiredParameterError:
newError = MissingRequiredParameterError; break;
case QGeoServiceProvider::ConnectionError:
newError = ConnectionError; break;
case QGeoServiceProvider::LoaderError:
newError = LoaderError; break;
setError(newError, serviceProvider->navigationErrorString());
return false;
if (!manager) {
setError(NotSupportedError, tr("Plugin does not support navigation."));
return false;
if (!d_ptr->m_navigator) {
setError(UnknownError, tr("Failed to create a navigator object."));
return false;
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::activeChanged, this, [this](bool active){
d_ptr->m_active = active;
emit activeChanged(active);
connect(this, &QDeclarativeNavigator::trackPositionSourceChanged, d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::setTrackPosition);
// read-only progress info updates
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::waypointReached,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::waypointReached);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::destinationReached,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::destinationReached);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::currentRouteChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onCurrentRouteChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::currentRouteLegChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onCurrentRouteLegChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::currentSegmentChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::currentSegmentChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::nextManeuverIconChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::nextManeuverIconChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::progressInformationChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::progressInformationChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::isOnRouteChanged,
this, &QDeclarativeNavigator::isOnRouteChanged);
connect(d_ptr->m_navigator.get(), &QAbstractNavigator::alternativeRoutesChanged,
&d_ptr->m_basicDirections, &QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onAlternativeRoutesChanged);
emit navigatorReadyChanged(true);
return true;
void QDeclarativeNavigator::updateReadyState() {
const bool oldReady = d_ptr->m_ready;
if (!d_ptr->m_navigator)
d_ptr->m_ready = false;
d_ptr->m_ready = d_ptr->m_navigator->ready();
if (oldReady != d_ptr->m_ready)
emit navigatorReadyChanged(d_ptr->m_ready);
void QDeclarativeNavigator::setError(QDeclarativeNavigator::NavigationError error, const QString &errorString)
d_ptr->m_error = error;
d_ptr->m_errorString = errorString;
emit errorChanged();
QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections(QDeclarativeNavigator *parent)
: QObject(parent), m_navigator(parent), m_routes(QByteArrayLiteral("routeData"), this)
if (m_navigator)
m_navigatorPrivate = m_navigator->;
\qmlpropertygroup Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions
\qmlproperty Variant Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.nextManeuverIcon
\qmlproperty real Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.distanceToNextManeuver
\qmlproperty real Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.remainingTravelDistance
\qmlproperty real Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.remainingTravelDistanceToNextWaypoint
\qmlproperty real Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.traveledDistance
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.timeToNextManeuver
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.remainingTravelTime
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.remainingTravelTimeToNextWaypoint
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.traveledTime
\qmlproperty Route Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.currentRoute
\qmlproperty RouteLeg Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.currentRouteLeg
\qmlproperty int Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.currentSegment
\qmlproperty model Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.alternativeRoutes
These read-only properties are part of the \e directions property group.
This property group holds the navigation progress information that can be
used to access the route data and to extract directions.
\note Some backends might not provide a full set of navigation progress
\li The \c nextManeuverIcon property holds the next turn icon.
\li The \c distanceToNextManeuver property holds the distance to the
next maneuver, in meters.
\li The \c remainingTravelDistance property holds the remaining travel
distance, in meters.
\li The \c remainingTravelDistanceToNextWaypoint property holds the
remaining travel distance to the next waypoint, in meters.
\li The \c traveledDistance property holds the traveled distance, in
\li The \c timeToNextManeuver property holds the time to the next
maneuver, in milliseconds.
\li The \c remainingTravelTime property holds the remaining travel
time, in milliseconds.
\li The \c remainingTravelTimeToNextWaypoint property holds the
remaining travel time to the next waypoint, in milliseconds.
\li The \c traveledTime property holds the traveled time, in
\li The \c currentRoute property holds the current route the navigator
is following. This can be the same as \l route, or can be
different, if the navigator cannot follow the user-specified route.
For example, if the position coming from \l positionSource is
considerably off route, the navigation engine may recalculate and
start to follow a new route.
\li The \c currentRouteLeg property holds the current route leg the
navigator is following. This is always a part of \c currentRoute,
so the \l {RouteLeg::}{overallRoute} property of \c currentRouteLeg
holds the same route as \c currentRoute.
\li The \c currentSegment property holds the index of the current
RouteSegment in the \c currentRoute.
\li The \c alternativeRoutes property holds the list of alternative routes provided by
the engine. If no alternative routes are present, the model will be empty.
\sa directions.waypointReached(), directions.destinationReached(), Route, RouteLeg, RouteSegment, Waypoint
\qmlsignal Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.waypointReached(Waypoint waypoint)
This signal is emitted when a \a waypoint has been reached.
\sa directions, directions.destinationReached()
\qmlsignal Qt.labs.location::Navigator::directions.destinationReached()
This signal is emitted when the last waypoint of the route, the
destination, has been reached.
\sa directions, directions.waypointReached()
QVariant QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::nextManeuverIcon() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->nextManeuverIcon();
return QVariant();
qreal QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::distanceToNextManeuver() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->distanceToNextManeuver();
return qQNaN();
qreal QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::remainingTravelDistance() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->remainingTravelDistance();
return qQNaN();
qreal QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::remainingTravelDistanceToNextWaypoint() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->remainingTravelDistanceToNextWaypoint();
return qQNaN();
qreal QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::traveledDistance() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->traveledDistance();
return 0;
int QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::timeToNextManeuver() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->timeToNextManeuver();
return -1;
int QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::remainingTravelTime() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->remainingTravelTime();
return -1;
int QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::remainingTravelTimeToNextWaypoint() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->remainingTravelTimeToNextWaypoint();
return -1;
int QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::traveledTime() const
if (m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator)
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->traveledTime();
return 0;
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::currentRoute() const
if (!m_navigatorPrivate->m_ready
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->active())
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_params->; // the user-specified route, if any
return m_currentRoute;
QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg *QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::currentRouteLeg() const
if (!m_navigatorPrivate->m_ready
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->active())
return nullptr;
return m_currentRouteLeg;
int QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::currentSegment() const
if (!m_navigatorPrivate->m_ready
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator
|| !m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->active())
return 0;
return m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->currentSegment();
QAbstractItemModel *QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::alternativeRoutes()
return &m_routes;
void QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onCurrentRouteChanged()
if (m_currentRoute)
m_currentRoute = new QDeclarativeGeoRoute(m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->currentRoute(), this);
emit currentRouteChanged();
void QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onCurrentRouteLegChanged()
if (m_currentRouteLeg)
m_currentRouteLeg = new QDeclarativeGeoRouteLeg(m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->currentRouteLeg(), this);
emit currentRouteLegChanged();
void QDeclarativeNavigationBasicDirections::onAlternativeRoutesChanged()
const QList<QGeoRoute> &routes = m_navigatorPrivate->m_navigator->alternativeRoutes();
QList<QDeclarativeGeoRoute *> declarativeRoutes;
for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); ++i) {
QDeclarativeGeoRoute *route = new QDeclarativeGeoRoute(, &m_routes);
QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(route, QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this));