blob: 2047750994aec86195353f28b537e2586e402764 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtTest 1.0
import QtLocation 5.6
import QtPositioning 5.5
Item {
// General-purpose elements for the test:
Plugin { id: testPlugin; name: "qmlgeo.test.plugin"; allowExperimental: true }
property var coordinateList: []
property int coordinateCount: 0
property int animationDuration: 100
Map {id: map
plugin: testPlugin
width: 100
height: 100
Behavior on center {
id: centerBehavior
enabled: false
CoordinateAnimation {
id: coordinateAnimation
duration: animationDuration
onCenterChanged: {
if (!coordinateList) {
coordinateList = []
coordinateList[coordinateCount] = {'latitude': center.latitude, 'longitude': center.longitude}
function toMercator(coord) {
var pi = Math.PI
var lon = coord.longitude / 360.0 + 0.5;
var lat = coord.latitude;
lat = 0.5 - (Math.log(Math.tan((pi / 4.0) + (pi / 2.0) * lat / 180.0)) / pi) / 2.0;
lat = Math.max(0.0, lat);
lat = Math.min(1.0, lat);
return {'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lon};
TestCase {
when: windowShown && map.mapReady
name: "CoordinateAnimation"
function test_coordinate_animation() {
coordinateList = []
coordinateCount = 0
var from = {'latitude': 58.0, 'longitude': 12.0}
var to = {'latitude': 62.0, 'longitude': 24.0}
var fromMerc = toMercator(from)
var toMerc = toMercator(to)
var delta = (toMerc.latitude - fromMerc.latitude) / (toMerc.longitude - fromMerc.longitude)
// Set from coordinate with animation disabled. = QtPositioning.coordinate(from.latitude, from.longitude)
// Expect only one update
compare(coordinateList.length, 1)
// Set to coordinate with animation enabled
centerBehavior.enabled = true = QtPositioning.coordinate(to.latitude, to.longitude)
//check correct start position
compare(coordinateList[0].latitude, from.latitude)
compare(coordinateList[0].longitude, from.longitude)
//check correct end position
compare(coordinateList[coordinateList.length - 1].latitude, to.latitude)
compare(coordinateList[coordinateList.length - 1].longitude, to.longitude)
var i
var lastLatitude
for (i in coordinateList) {
var coordinate = coordinateList[i]
var mercCoordinate = toMercator(coordinate)
//check that coordinates from the animation is along a straight line between from and to
var estimatedLatitude = fromMerc.latitude + (mercCoordinate.longitude - fromMerc.longitude) * delta
verify(mercCoordinate.latitude - estimatedLatitude < 0.00000000001);
//check that each step has moved in the right direction
if (lastLatitude) {
verify(coordinate.latitude > lastLatitude)
lastLatitude = coordinate.latitude