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#include "qabstractvideofilter.h"
\class QAbstractVideoFilter
\since 5.5
\brief The QAbstractVideoFilter class represents a filter that is applied to the video frames
received by a VideoOutput type.
\inmodule QtMultimedia
\ingroup multimedia
\ingroup multimedia_video
QAbstractVideoFilter provides a convenient way for applications to run image
processing, computer vision algorithms or any generic transformation or
calculation on the output of a VideoOutput type, regardless of the source
(video or camera). By providing a simple interface it allows applications and
third parties to easily develop QML types that provide image processing
algorithms using popular frameworks like \l{}{OpenCV}. Due to
the close integration with the final stages of the Qt Multimedia video
pipeline, accelerated and possibly zero-copy solutions are feasible too: for
instance, a plugin providing OpenCL-based algorithms can use OpenCL's OpenGL
interop to use the OpenGL textures created by a hardware accelerated video
decoder, without additional readbacks and copies.
\note QAbstractVideoFilter is not always the best choice. To apply effects or
transformations using OpenGL shaders to the image shown on screen, the
standard Qt Quick approach of using ShaderEffect items in combination with
VideoOutput should be used. VideoFilter is not a replacement for this. It is
rather targeted for performing computations (that do not necessarily change
the image shown on screen) and computer vision algorithms provided by
external frameworks.
QAbstractVideoFilter is meant to be subclassed. The subclasses are then registered to
the QML engine, so they can be used as a QML type. The list of filters are
assigned to a VideoOutput type via its \l{QtMultimedia::VideoOutput::filters}{filters}
A single filter represents one transformation or processing step on
a video frame. The output is a modified video frame, some arbitrary data or
both. For example, image transformations will result in a different image,
whereas an algorithm for detecting objects on an image will likely provide
a list of rectangles.
Arbitrary data can be represented as properties on the QAbstractVideoFilter subclass
and on the QObject or QJSValue instances passed to its signals. What exactly
these properties and signals are, is up to the individual video
filters. Completion of the operations can be indicated by
signals. Computations that do not result in a modified image will pass the
input image through so that subsequent filters can be placed after them.
Properties set on QAbstractVideoFilter serve as input to the computation, similarly
to how uniform values are specified in ShaderEffect types. The changed
property values are taken into use when the next video frame is processed.
The typical usage is to subclass QAbstractVideoFilter and QVideoFilterRunnable:
class MyFilterRunnable : public QVideoFilterRunnable {
QVideoFrame run(QVideoFrame *input, const QVideoSurfaceFormat &surfaceFormat, RunFlags flags) { ... }
class MyFilter : public QAbstractVideoFilter {
QVideoFilterRunnable *createFilterRunnable() { return new MyFilterRunnable; }
void finished(QObject *result);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
qmlRegisterType<MyFilter>("my.uri", 1, 0, "MyFilter");
MyFilter is thus accessible from QML:
import my.uri 1.0
Camera {
id: camera
MyFilter {
id: filter
// set properties, they can also be animated
onFinished: console.log("results of the computation: " + result)
VideoOutput {
source: camera
filters: [ filter ]
anchors.fill: parent
This also allows providing filters in QML plugins, separately from the application.
\sa VideoOutput, Camera, MediaPlayer, QVideoFilterRunnable
\class QVideoFilterRunnable
\since 5.5
\brief The QVideoFilterRunnable class represents the implementation of a filter
that owns all graphics and computational resources, and performs the actual filtering
or calculations.
\inmodule QtMultimedia
\ingroup multimedia
\ingroup multimedia_video
Video filters are split into QAbstractVideoFilter and corresponding QVideoFilterRunnable
instances, similar to QQuickItem and QSGNode. This is necessary to support
threaded rendering scenarios. When using the threaded render loop of the Qt
Quick scene graph, all rendering happens on a dedicated thread.
QVideoFilterRunnable instances always live on this thread and all its functions,
run(), the constructor, and the destructor, are guaranteed to be invoked on
that thread with the OpenGL context bound. QAbstractVideoFilter instances live on
the main (GUI) thread, like any other QObject and QQuickItem instances
created from QML.
Once created, QVideoFilterRunnable instances are managed by Qt Multimedia and
will be automatically destroyed and recreated when necessary, for example
when the scene graph is invalidated or the QQuickWindow changes or is closed.
Creation happens via the QAbstractVideoFilter::createFilterRunnable() factory function.
\sa QAbstractVideoFilter
\fn QVideoFrame QVideoFilterRunnable::run(QVideoFrame *input, const QVideoSurfaceFormat &surfaceFormat, RunFlags flags)
Reimplement this function to perform filtering or computation on the \a
input video frame. Like the constructor and destructor, this function is
always called on the render thread with the OpenGL context bound.
Implementations that do not modify the video frame can simply return \a input.
It is safe to access properties of the associated QAbstractVideoFilter instance from
this function.
\a input will not be mapped, it is up to this function to call QVideoFrame::map()
and QVideoFrame::unmap() as necessary.
\a surfaceFormat provides additional information, for example it can be used
to determine which way is up in the input image as that is important for
filters to operate on multiple platforms with multiple cameras.
\a flags contains additional information about the filter's invocation. For
example the LastInChain flag indicates that the filter is the last in a
VideoOutput's associated filter list. This can be very useful in cases where
multiple filters are chained together and the work is performed on image data
in some custom format (for example a format specific to some computer vision
framework). To avoid conversion on every filter in the chain, all
intermediate filters can return a QVideoFrame hosting data in the custom
format. Only the last, where the flag is set, returns a QVideoFrame in a
format compatible with Qt.
Filters that want to expose the results of their computation to Javascript
code in QML can declare their own custom signals in the QAbstractVideoFilter
subclass to indicate the completion of the operation. For filters that only
calculate some results and do not modify the video frame, it is also possible
to operate asynchronously. They can queue the necessary operations using the
compute API and return from this function without emitting any signals. The
signal indicating the completion is then emitted only when the compute API
indicates that the operations were done and the results are available. Note
that it is strongly recommended to represent the filter's output data as a
separate instance of QJSValue or a QObject-derived class which is passed as a
parameter to the signal and becomes exposed to the Javascript engine. In case
of QObject the ownership of this object is controlled by the standard QML
rules: if it has no parent, ownership is transferred to the Javascript engine,
otherwise it stays with the emitter. Note that the signal connection may be
queued,for example when using the threaded render loop of Qt Quick, and so the
object must stay valid for a longer time, destroying it right after calling
this function is not safe. Using a dedicated results object is guaranteed to
be safe even when using threaded rendering. The same is not necessarily true
for properties on the QAbstractVideoFilter instance itself: properties can
safely be read in run() since the gui thread is blocked during that time but
writing may become problematic.
\note Avoid time consuming operations in this function as they block the
entire rendering of the application.
\note The handleType() and pixelFormat() of \a input is completely up to the
video decoding backend on the platform in use. On some platforms different
forms of input are used depending on the graphics stack. For example, when
playing back videos on Windows with the WMF backend, QVideoFrame contains
OpenGL-wrapped Direct3D textures in case of using ANGLE, but regular pixel
data when using desktop OpenGL (opengl32.dll). Similarly, the video file
format will often decide if the data is RGB or YUV, but this may also depend
on the decoder and the configuration in use. The returned video frame does
not have to be in the same format as the input, for example a filter with an
input of a QVideoFrame backed by system memory can output a QVideoFrame with
an OpenGL texture handle.
\sa QVideoFrame, QVideoSurfaceFormat
\enum QVideoFilterRunnable::RunFlag
\value LastInChain Indicates that the filter runnable's associated QAbstractVideoFilter
is the last in the corresponding VideoOutput type's filters list, meaning
that the returned frame is the one that is going to be presented to the scene
graph without invoking any further filters.
class QAbstractVideoFilterPrivate
QAbstractVideoFilterPrivate() :
{ }
bool active;
Constructs a new QAbstractVideoFilter instance with parent object \a parent.
QAbstractVideoFilter::QAbstractVideoFilter(QObject *parent) :
d_ptr(new QAbstractVideoFilterPrivate)
delete d_ptr;
\property QAbstractVideoFilter::active
\brief the active status of the filter.
This is true if the filter is active, false otherwise.
By default filters are active. When set to \c false, the filter will be
ignored by the VideoOutput type.
bool QAbstractVideoFilter::isActive() const
Q_D(const QAbstractVideoFilter);
return d->active;
void QAbstractVideoFilter::setActive(bool v)
if (d->active != v) {
d->active = v;
emit activeChanged();
\fn QVideoFilterRunnable *QAbstractVideoFilter::createFilterRunnable()
Factory function to create a new instance of a QVideoFilterRunnable subclass
corresponding to this filter.
This function is called on the thread on which the Qt Quick scene graph
performs rendering, with the OpenGL context bound. Ownership of the returned
instance is transferred: the returned instance will live on the render thread
and will be destroyed automatically when necessary.
Typically, implementations of the function will simply construct a new
QVideoFilterRunnable instance, passing \c this to the constructor as the
filter runnables must know their associated QAbstractVideoFilter instance to
access dynamic properties and optionally emit signals.