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** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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#include "qquick3dmodel_p.h"
#include "qquick3dobject_p.h"
#include "qquick3dscenemanager_p.h"
#include "qquick3dnode_p_p.h"
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendergraphobject_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendercustommaterial_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderdefaultmaterial_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendermodel_p.h>
#include <QtQml/QQmlFile>
\qmltype Model
\inherits Node
\inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
\brief Lets you load a 3D model data.
The Model item makes it possible to load a mesh and modify how its shaded, by adding materials
to it. For a model to be renderable, it needs at least a mesh and a material.
\section1 Mesh format and built-in primitives
The model can load static meshes from storage or one of the built-in primitive types.
The mesh format used is a run-time format that's native to the engine, but additional formats are
supported through the asset import tool \l {Balsam}.
The built-in primitives can be loaded by setting the \c source property to one of these values:
\c {#Rectangle, #Sphere, #Cube, #Cylinder or #Cone}.
Model {
source: "#Sphere"
\section1 Materials
A model can consist of several sub-meshes, each of which can have its own material.
The sub-mess uses a material from the \l{materials} list, corresponding to its index.
If the number of materials is less than the sub-meshes, the last material in the list is used
for subsequent sub-meshes.
There are currently three different materials that can be used with the model item,
the \l {PrincipledMaterial}, the \l {DefaultMaterial}, and the \l {CustomMaterial}.
In addition the \l {Qt Quick 3D Materials QML Types}{Material Library} provides a set of
pre-made materials that can be used.
\qmltype Bounds
\inqmlmodule QtQuick3D
\since 5.15
\brief Specifies the bounds of a model.
Bounds specify a bounding box with minimum and maximum points.
Bounds is a readonly property of the model.
\qmlproperty vector3d Bounds::minimum
Specifies the minimum point of the model bounds.
\sa maximum
\qmlproperty vector3d Bounds::maximum
Specifies the maximum point of the model bounds.
\sa minimum
QQuick3DModel::QQuick3DModel(QQuick3DNode *parent)
: QQuick3DNode(*(new QQuick3DNodePrivate(QQuick3DNodePrivate::Type::Model)), parent) {}
auto matList = materials();
\qmlproperty url Model::source
This property defines the location of the mesh file containing the geometry
of this Model or one of the built-in primitive meshes listed below
as described in \l {Mesh format and built-in primitives}.
\li "#Rectangle"
\li "#Sphere"
\li "#Cube"
\li "#Cone"
\li "#Cylinder"
QUrl QQuick3DModel::source() const
return m_source;
\qmlproperty enumeration Model::tessellationMode
This property defines what method to use to dynamically generate additional
geometry for the model. Tessellation is useful if you are using a
displacement map with your geometry, or if you wish to generate a smoother
silhouette when zooming in.
\value Model.NoTessellation No tessellation is used. This is the default.
\value Model.Linear Tessellation uses linear generation.
\value Model.Phong Tessellation uses Phong generation.
\value Model.NPatch Tessellation uses NPatch generation.
QQuick3DModel::QSSGTessellationModeValues QQuick3DModel::tessellationMode() const
return m_tessellationMode;
\qmlproperty real Model::edgeTessellation
This property defines the edge multiplier to the tessellation generator.
float QQuick3DModel::edgeTessellation() const
return m_edgeTessellation;
\qmlproperty real Model::innerTessellation
This property defines the inner multiplier to the tessellation generator.
float QQuick3DModel::innerTessellation() const
return m_innerTessellation;
\qmlproperty bool Model::isWireframeMode
When this property is \c true and the tessellationMode is not
Model.NoTessellation, a wireframe is displayed to highlight the additional
geometry created by the tessellation generator.
bool QQuick3DModel::isWireframeMode() const
return m_isWireframeMode;
\qmlproperty List<QtQuick3D::Material> Model::materials
This property contains a list of materials used to render the provided
geometry. To render anything, there must be at least one material. Normally
there should be one material for each sub-mesh included in the source
QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial> QQuick3DModel::materials()
return QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial>(this,
void QQuick3DModel::markAllDirty()
m_dirtyAttributes = 0xffffffff;
\qmlproperty bool Model::castsShadows
When this property is \c true, the geometry of this model is used when
rendering to the shadow maps.
bool QQuick3DModel::castsShadows() const
return m_castsShadows;
\qmlproperty bool Model::receivesShadows
When this property is \c true, shadows can be cast onto this item. So the
shadow map is applied to this model by the renderer.
bool QQuick3DModel::receivesShadows() const
return m_receivesShadows;
\qmlproperty bool Model::pickable
This property controls whether the model is pickable or not. By default models are not pickable
and therefore not included when \l {View3D::pick} {picking} against the scene.
bool QQuick3DModel::pickable() const
return m_pickable;
\qmlproperty Geometry Model::geometry
Specify custom geometry for the model. The Model::source must be empty when custom geometry
is used.
QQuick3DGeometry *QQuick3DModel::geometry() const
return m_geometry;
\qmlproperty Bounds Model::bounds
This holds the bounds of the model. It can be read from the model that is set as a \l source.
\note Bounds might not be immediately available since the source might have not been loaded.
QQuick3DBounds3 QQuick3DModel::bounds() const
return m_bounds;
void QQuick3DModel::setSource(const QUrl &source)
if (m_source == source)
m_source = source;
emit sourceChanged();
if (QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(this)->sceneManager)
void QQuick3DModel::setTessellationMode(QQuick3DModel::QSSGTessellationModeValues tessellationMode)
if (m_tessellationMode == tessellationMode)
m_tessellationMode = tessellationMode;
emit tessellationModeChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setEdgeTessellation(float edgeTessellation)
if (qFuzzyCompare(m_edgeTessellation, edgeTessellation))
m_edgeTessellation = edgeTessellation;
emit edgeTessellationChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setInnerTessellation(float innerTessellation)
if (qFuzzyCompare(m_innerTessellation, innerTessellation))
m_innerTessellation = innerTessellation;
emit innerTessellationChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setIsWireframeMode(bool isWireframeMode)
if (m_isWireframeMode == isWireframeMode)
m_isWireframeMode = isWireframeMode;
emit isWireframeModeChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setCastsShadows(bool castsShadows)
if (m_castsShadows == castsShadows)
m_castsShadows = castsShadows;
emit castsShadowsChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setReceivesShadows(bool receivesShadows)
if (m_receivesShadows == receivesShadows)
m_receivesShadows = receivesShadows;
emit receivesShadowsChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setPickable(bool isPickable)
if (m_pickable == isPickable)
m_pickable = isPickable;
emit pickableChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setGeometry(QQuick3DGeometry *geometry)
if (geometry == m_geometry)
if (m_geometry)
m_geometry = geometry;
= QObject::connect(m_geometry, &QQuick3DGeometry::geometryNodeDirty, [this]() {
emit geometryChanged();
void QQuick3DModel::setBounds(const QVector3D &min, const QVector3D &max)
if (!qFuzzyCompare(m_bounds.m_maximum, max)
|| !qFuzzyCompare(m_bounds.m_minimum, min)) {
m_bounds.m_maximum = max;
m_bounds.m_minimum = min;
emit boundsChanged();
static QSSGRenderGraphObject *getMaterialNodeFromQSSGMaterial(QQuick3DMaterial *material)
QQuick3DObjectPrivate *p = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(material);
return p->spatialNode;
void QQuick3DModel::itemChange(ItemChange change, const ItemChangeData &value)
if (change == QQuick3DObject::ItemSceneChange) {
if (const auto &sceneManager = value.sceneManager) {
if (m_geometry)
QQuick3DObjectPrivate::refSceneManager(m_geometry, sceneManager);
for (const auto &mat : qAsConst(m_materials)) {
if (!mat->parentItem() && !QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(mat)->sceneManager)
QQuick3DObjectPrivate::refSceneManager(mat, sceneManager);
} else {
if (m_geometry)
QSSGRenderGraphObject *QQuick3DModel::updateSpatialNode(QSSGRenderGraphObject *node)
if (!node) {
node = new QSSGRenderModel();
auto modelNode = static_cast<QSSGRenderModel *>(node);
if (m_dirtyAttributes & SourceDirty)
modelNode->meshPath = QSSGRenderMeshPath::create(translateSource());
if (m_dirtyAttributes & TessellationModeDirty)
modelNode->tessellationMode = TessellationModeValues(m_tessellationMode);
if (m_dirtyAttributes & TessellationEdgeDirty)
modelNode->edgeTessellation = m_edgeTessellation;
if (m_dirtyAttributes & TessellationInnerDirty)
modelNode->innerTessellation = m_innerTessellation;
if (m_dirtyAttributes & WireframeDirty)
modelNode->wireframeMode = m_isWireframeMode;
if (m_dirtyAttributes & PickingDirty)
modelNode->flags.setFlag(QSSGRenderModel::Flag::LocallyPickable, m_pickable);
if (m_dirtyAttributes & ShadowsDirty) {
modelNode->castsShadows = m_castsShadows;
modelNode->receivesShadows = m_receivesShadows;
if (m_dirtyAttributes & MaterialsDirty) {
if (!m_materials.isEmpty()) {
if (modelNode->materials.isEmpty()) {
// Easy mode, just add each material
for (auto material : m_materials) {
QSSGRenderGraphObject *graphObject = getMaterialNodeFromQSSGMaterial(material);
if (graphObject)
} else {
// Hard mode, go through each material and see if they match
if (modelNode->materials.size() != m_materials.size())
for (int i = 0; i < m_materials.size(); ++i) {
QSSGRenderGraphObject *graphObject = getMaterialNodeFromQSSGMaterial(m_materials[i]);
if (modelNode->materials[i] != graphObject)
modelNode->materials[i] = graphObject;
} else {
// No materials
if (m_dirtyAttributes & GeometryDirty) {
if (m_geometry) {
modelNode->geometry = static_cast<QSSGRenderGeometry *>(QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(m_geometry)->spatialNode);
setBounds(m_geometry->boundsMin(), m_geometry->boundsMax());
} else {
modelNode->geometry = nullptr;
setBounds(QVector3D(), QVector3D());
m_dirtyAttributes = 0;
return modelNode;
// Source URL's need a bit of translation for the engine because of the
// use of fragment syntax for specifiying primitives and sub-meshes
// So we need to check for the fragment before translating to a qmlfile
QString QQuick3DModel::translateSource()
QString fragment;
if (m_source.hasFragment()) {
// Check if this is an index, or primitive
bool isNumber = false;
fragment = QStringLiteral("#") + m_source.fragment();
// If it wasn't an index, then it was a primitive
if (!isNumber)
return fragment;
return QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(m_source) + fragment;
void QQuick3DModel::markDirty(QQuick3DModel::QSSGModelDirtyType type)
if (!(m_dirtyAttributes & quint32(type))) {
m_dirtyAttributes |= quint32(type);
void QQuick3DModel::onMaterialDestroyed(QObject *object)
if (m_materials.removeAll(static_cast<QQuick3DMaterial *>(object)) > 0)
void QQuick3DModel::qmlAppendMaterial(QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial> *list, QQuick3DMaterial *material)
if (material == nullptr)
QQuick3DModel *self = static_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(list->object);
if (material->parentItem() == nullptr) {
// If the material has no parent, check if it has a hierarchical parent that's a QQuick3DObject
// and re-parent it to that, e.g., inline materials
QQuick3DObject *parentItem = qobject_cast<QQuick3DObject *>(material->parent());
if (parentItem) {
} else { // If no valid parent was found, make sure the material refs our scene manager
const auto &scenManager = QQuick3DObjectPrivate::get(self)->sceneManager;
if (scenManager)
// else: If there's no scene manager, defer until one is set, see itemChange()
// Make sure materials are removed when destroyed
connect(material, &QQuick3DMaterial::destroyed, self, &QQuick3DModel::onMaterialDestroyed);
QQuick3DMaterial *QQuick3DModel::qmlMaterialAt(QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial> *list, int index)
QQuick3DModel *self = static_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(list->object);
return self->;
int QQuick3DModel::qmlMaterialsCount(QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial> *list)
QQuick3DModel *self = static_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(list->object);
return self->m_materials.count();
void QQuick3DModel::qmlClearMaterials(QQmlListProperty<QQuick3DMaterial> *list)
QQuick3DModel *self = static_cast<QQuick3DModel *>(list->object);
for (const auto &mat : qAsConst(self->m_materials)) {
if (mat->parentItem() == nullptr)
mat->disconnect(self, SLOT(onMaterialDestroyed(QObject*)));