blob: e48c2ac4b8faae6258bd1207036158ad72632cc5 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qtquick3drenderglobal_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderbasetypes_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgbounds3_p.h>
#include <QtGui/qsurfaceformat.h>
#define HandleToID_cast(staticType, dynamicType, handle) static_cast<staticType>(reinterpret_cast<dynamicType>(handle))
QSSGRenderBackend(const QSSGRenderBackend &) = delete;
QSSGRenderBackend &operator=(const QSSGRenderBackend &) = delete;
QAtomicInt ref;
QSSGRenderBackend() = default;
virtual ~QSSGRenderBackend() {}
/// opaque buffer object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject *QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject;
/// opaque attribute layout object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject *QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject;
/// opaque input assembler object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject *QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject;
/// opaque texture object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject *QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject;
/// opaque sampler object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject *QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject;
/// opaque renderbuffer object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject *QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject;
/// opaque framebuffer object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject *QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject;
/// opaque vertex shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject;
/// opaque fragment shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject;
/// opaque tesselation control shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject;
/// opaque tesselation evaluation shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject;
/// opaque geometry shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject;
/// opaque compute shader object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject;
/// opaque shader program object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject *QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject;
/// opaque depth stencil state object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject *QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject;
/// opaque rasterizer state object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject *QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject;
/// opaque query object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject *QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject;
/// opaque sync object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject *QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject;
/// opaque sync object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline *QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline;
/// opaque sync object handle
typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendPathObject *QSSGRenderBackendPathObject;
// backend capability caps
enum class QSSGRenderBackendCaps
ConstantBuffer, ///< Constant buffer support query
DepthStencilTexture, ///< depth stencil texture format suport query
DxtImages, ///< DXT image support query
FpRenderTarget, ///< render to floating point target support query
MsTexture, ///< Multisample texture support query
TexSwizzle, ///< Texture swizzle support query
FastBlits, ///< Hardware supports fast blits
Tessellation, ///< Hardware supports tessellation
Compute, ///< Hardware supports compute shader
Geometry, ///< Hardware supports geometry shader
SampleQuery, ///< Hardware supports query calls of type samples
TimerQuery, ///< Hardware supports query calls of type timer
CommandSync, ///< Hardware supports command sync object
TextureArray, ///< Hardware supports texture arrays
StorageBuffer, ///< Hardware supports shader storage buffers
ShaderImageLoadStore, ///< Hardware supports shader image load store operations
ProgramPipeline, ///< Driver supports separate programs
AdvancedBlend, ///< Driver supports advanced blend modes
BlendCoherency, ///< Hardware supports blend coherency
gpuShader5, // for high precision sampling
AdvancedBlendKHR, ///< Driver supports advanced blend modes
// backend queries
enum class QSSGRenderBackendQuery
MaxTextureSize, ///< Return max supported texture size
MaxTextureArrayLayers, ///< Return max supported layer count for texture arrays
MaxConstantBufferSlots, ///< Return max supported constant buffe slots for a single
/// shader stage
MaxConstantBufferBlockSize ///< Return max supported size for a single constant
/// buffer block
/// backend interface
* @brief get the backend type
* @return true backend type
virtual QSSGRenderContextType getRenderContextType() const = 0;
* @brief get the version of the shading language
* @return version string.
virtual QByteArray getShadingLanguageVersion() = 0;
* @brief get maximum supported texture image units that
* can be used to access texture maps from the vertex shader and the fragment processor
* @return max texture size
virtual qint32 getMaxCombinedTextureUnits() = 0;
* @brief query Backend capabilities
* @param[in] inCap CAPS flag to query
* @ConstantBuffer, @DepthStencilTexture, ...
* @return true if supported
virtual bool getRenderBackendCap(QSSGRenderBackendCaps inCap) const = 0;
* @brief query Backend values
* @param[in] inQuery Query flag to get value for
* @MaxTextureSize, @MaxTextureArrayLayers,
* @param[in/out] params the query result is stored here
* @return no return
virtual void getRenderBackendValue(QSSGRenderBackendQuery inQuery, qint32 *params) const = 0;
* @brief query for bit depth of the depth buffer
* @return depth buffer bitplanes
virtual qint32 getDepthBits() const = 0;
* @brief query for bit depth of the stencil buffer
* @return stencil buffer bitplanes
virtual qint32 getStencilBits() const = 0;
* @brief query for maximum supported number of samples for multisampling.
* @return maximum samples. The value must be at least 4.
virtual qint32 getMaxSamples() const = 0;
* @brief set a backend rende state
* @param[in] bEnable enable/disable state
* @param[in] value type of state
* @return no return
virtual void setRenderState(bool bEnable, const QSSGRenderState value) = 0;
* @brief get a backend rende state
* @param[in] value type of state
* @return true if state enabled otherwise false
virtual bool getRenderState(const QSSGRenderState value) = 0;
* @brief get current depth function
* @return active depth function
virtual QSSGRenderBoolOp getDepthFunc() = 0;
* @brief create a depth stencil state object
* @param[in] enableDepth enable depth test
* @param[in] depthMask enable depth writes
* @param[in] depthFunc depth compare function
* @param[in] enableStencil enable stencil test
* @param[in] stencilFuncFront stencil setup front faces
* @param[in] stencilFuncBack stencil setup back faces
* @param[in] depthStencilOpFront depth/stencil operations front faces
* @param[in] depthStencilOpBack depth/stencil operations back faces
* @return opaque handle to state object
virtual QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject createDepthStencilState(
bool enableDepth,
bool depthMask,
QSSGRenderBoolOp depthFunc,
bool enableStencil,
QSSGRenderStencilFunction &stencilFuncFront,
QSSGRenderStencilFunction &stencilFuncBack,
QSSGRenderStencilOperation &depthStencilOpFront,
QSSGRenderStencilOperation &depthStencilOpBack) = 0;
* @brief release a depth stencil state object
* @param[in] depthStencilState pointer to state object
* @return none
virtual void releaseDepthStencilState(QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject depthStencilState) = 0;
* @brief create a rasterizer state object
* @param[in] depthBias any othe value than 0 enables depth bias
* @param[in] depthScale any othe value than 0 enables depth scale
* @return opaque handle to state object
virtual QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject createRasterizerState(float depthBias,
float depthScale) = 0;
* @brief release a rasterizer state object
* @param[in] rasterizerState pointer to state object
* @return none
virtual void releaseRasterizerState(QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject rasterizerState) = 0;
* @brief set depth stencil state
* @param[in] depthStencilState pointer to state object
* @return none
virtual void setDepthStencilState(QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject depthStencilState) = 0;
* @brief set rasterizer state
* @param[in] rasterizerState pointer to state object
* @return none
virtual void setRasterizerState(QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject rasterizerState) = 0;
* @brief set current depth function
* @param[in] func type of function
* @return no return
virtual void setDepthFunc(const QSSGRenderBoolOp func) = 0;
* @brief query if depth write is enabled
* @return true if enabled
virtual bool getDepthWrite() = 0;
* @brief enable / disable depth writes
* @param[in] bEnable true for enable
* @return no return
virtual void setDepthWrite(bool bEnable) = 0;
* @brief enable / disable color channel writes
* @param[in] bRed true for enable red channel
* @param[in] bGreen true for enable green channel
* @param[in] bBlue true for enable blue channel
* @param[in] bAlpha true for enable alpha channel
* @return no return
virtual void setColorWrites(bool bRed, bool bGreen, bool bBlue, bool bAlpha) = 0;
* @brief enable / disable multisample rendering
* @param[in] bEnable true for enable
* @return no return
virtual void setMultisample(bool bEnable) = 0;
* @brief query blend functions
* @param[out] pBlendFuncArg blending functions
* @return no return
virtual void getBlendFunc(QSSGRenderBlendFunctionArgument *pBlendFuncArg) = 0;
* @brief set blend functions
* @param[in] pBlendFuncArg blending functions
* @return no return
virtual void setBlendFunc(const QSSGRenderBlendFunctionArgument &blendFuncArg) = 0;
* @brief set blend equation
* @param[in] pBlendEquArg blending equation
* @return no return
virtual void setBlendEquation(const QSSGRenderBlendEquationArgument &pBlendEquArg) = 0;
* @brief guarantee blend coherency
* @return no return
virtual void setBlendBarrier(void) = 0;
* @brief query cull face mode
* @return cull face mode
virtual QSSGCullFaceMode getCullFaceMode() = 0;
* @brief set cull face mode
* @param[in] cullFaceMode
* @return no return
virtual void setCullFaceMode(const QSSGCullFaceMode cullFaceMode) = 0;
* @brief query scissor rectangle
* @param[out] pRect contains scissor rect
* @return no return
virtual void getScissorRect(QRect *pRect) = 0;
* @brief set scissor rectangle
* @param[out] pRect contains scissor rect
* @return no return
virtual void setScissorRect(const QRect &rect) = 0;
* @brief query viewport rectangle
* @param[out] pRect contains viewport rect
* @return no return
virtual void getViewportRect(QRect *pRect) = 0;
* @brief set viewport rectangle
* @param[out] pRect contains viewport rect
* @return no return
virtual void setViewportRect(const QRect &rect) = 0;
* @brief query viewport rectangle
* @param[in] clearColor clear color
* @return no return
virtual void setClearColor(const QVector4D *pClearColor) = 0;
* @brief query viewport rectangle
* @param[in] flags clear flags
* @return no return
virtual void clear(QSSGRenderClearFlags flags) = 0;
* @brief create a buffer object
* @param[in] size Size of the buffer
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @param[in] usage Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* @return The created buffer object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject createBuffer(QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
QSSGRenderBufferUsageType usage,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief bind a buffer object
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @return no return.
virtual void bindBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo, QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags) = 0;
* @brief Release a single buffer object
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
* @brief update a whole buffer object
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @param[in] size Size of the data buffer
* @param[in] usage Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
* @param[in] data A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* @return no return.
virtual void updateBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
QSSGRenderBufferUsageType usage,
QSSGByteView data) = 0;
* @brief update a range of a buffer object
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @param[in] size Size of the data buffer
* @param[in] usage Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
* @param[in] data A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* @return no return.
virtual void updateBufferRange(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
size_t offset,
QSSGByteView data) = 0;
* @brief Get a pointer to the buffer data ( GL(ES) >= 3 only )
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @param[in] offset Byte offset into the data buffer
* @param[in] length Byte length of mapping size
* @param[in] access Access of the buffer (e.g. read, write, ...)
* @return pointer to mapped data or null.
virtual void *mapBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
size_t offset,
size_t length,
QSSGRenderBufferAccessFlags accessFlags) = 0;
* @brief Unmap a previously mapped buffer ( GL(ES) >= 3 only )
* This functions transfers the content to the hardware buffer
* @param[in] bo Pointer to buffer object
* @param[in] bindFlags Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
* For OpenGL this should be a single
* @return true if successful
virtual bool unmapBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo, QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags) = 0;
* @brief Set a memory barrier
* @param[in] barriers Flags for barriers
* @return no return.
virtual void setMemoryBarrier(QSSGRenderBufferBarrierFlags barriers) = 0;
* @brief create a query object
* @return The created query object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject createQuery() = 0;
* @brief delete query objects
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @return no return
virtual void releaseQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo) = 0;
* @brief Start query recording
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @param[in] type Type of query
* @return no return
virtual void beginQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryType type) = 0;
* @brief End query recording
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @param[in] type Type of query
* @return no return
virtual void endQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryType type) = 0;
* @brief Get a query result
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @param[in] type Type of query
* @param[out] params Contains result of query regarding query type
* @return no return
virtual void getQueryResult(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryResultType resultType, quint32 *params) = 0;
* @brief Get a query result
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @param[in] type Type of query
* @param[out] params Contains result of query regarding query type 64 bit returns
* @return no return
virtual void getQueryResult(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryResultType resultType, quint64 *params) = 0;
* @brief Record the GPU time using the query object
* @param[in] qo Handle to query object
* @return no return
virtual void setQueryTimer(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo) = 0;
* @brief create a sync object and place it in the command queue
* @param[in] tpye Type to sync
* @param[in] syncFlags Currently unused
* @return The created sync object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject createSync(QSSGRenderSyncType tpye, QSSGRenderSyncFlags syncFlags) = 0;
* @brief delete sync object
* @param[in] so Handle to sync object
* @return no return
virtual void releaseSync(QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject so) = 0;
* @brief wait for sync object to be signaled
* @param[in] so Handle to sync object
* @param[in] syncFlags Currently unused
* @param[in] timeout Currently ignored
* @return no return
virtual void waitSync(QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject so, QSSGRenderCommandFlushFlags syncFlags, quint64 timeout) = 0;
* @brief create a render target object
* @return The created render target object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject createRenderTarget() = 0;
* @brief Release a single render target object
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseRenderTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
* @brief Attach a renderbuffer object to the framebuffer
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] attachment Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
* @param[in] rbo Pointer to renderbuffer object
* @return no return.
virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo) = 0;
* @brief Attach a texture object to the render target
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] attachment Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Attachment texture target
* @return no return.
virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target = QSSGRenderTextureTargetType::Texture2D) = 0;
* @brief Attach a texture object to the render target
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] attachment Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] layer Texture layer or slice
* @return no return.
virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
qint32 level,
qint32 layer) = 0;
* @brief Make a render target active
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @return no return.
virtual void setRenderTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
* @brief Check if a render target is ready for render
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @return true if usable.
virtual bool renderTargetIsValid(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
* @brief Make a render target active for reading
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @return no return.
virtual void setReadTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
* @brief Set active buffers for drawing
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] inDrawBufferSet Pointer to array of enabled render targets
* @return no return.
virtual void setDrawBuffers(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto, QSSGDataView<qint32> inDrawBufferSet) = 0;
* @brief Set active buffer for reading
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] inReadFace Buffer to read from
* @return no return.
virtual void setReadBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto, QSSGReadFace inReadFace) = 0;
* @brief Copy framebuffer attachments. Source is set with SetReadTarget dest with
* SetRenderTarget
* @param[in] srcX0 Lower left X coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] srcY0 Lower left Y coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] srcX1 Upper right X coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] srcY1 Upper right Y coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] dstX0 Lower left X coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] dstY0 Lower left Y coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] dstX1 Upper right X coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] dstY1 Upper right Y coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] inDrawBufferSet pointer to array of enabled render targets
* @param[in] filter Copy filter method (NEAREST or LINEAR)
* @return no return.
virtual void blitFramebuffer(qint32 srcX0,
qint32 srcY0,
qint32 srcX1,
qint32 srcY1,
qint32 dstX0,
qint32 dstY0,
qint32 dstX1,
qint32 dstY1,
QSSGRenderClearFlags flags,
QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp filter) = 0;
* @brief Copy framebuffer attachments to texture. Source is set with SetReadTarget dest with
* SetRenderTarget
* @param[in] srcX0 Lower left X coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] srcY0 Lower left Y coord of source rectangle
* @param[in] srcX1 Width source rectangle
* @param[in] srcY1 Height source rectangle
* @param[in] dstX0 Lower left X coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] dstY0 Lower left Y coord of dest rectangle
* @param[in] flags Attachment to copy
* @param[in] texture The destination texture
* @param[in] target The texture target
* @return no return.
virtual void copyFramebufferTexture(qint32 srcX0,
qint32 srcY0,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 dstX0,
qint32 dstY0,
QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject texture,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target
= QSSGRenderTextureTargetType::Texture2D) = 0;
* @brief create a render buffer object
* @param[in] storageFormat Format of the buffer
* @param[in] width Buffer with
* @param[in] height Buffer height
* @return The created render buffer object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject createRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderRenderBufferFormat storageFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height) = 0;
* @brief Release a single renderbuffer object
* @param[in] bo Pointer to renderbuffer object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo) = 0;
* @brief resize a render buffer object
* @param[in] storageFormat Format of the buffer
* @param[in] width Buffer with
* @param[in] height Buffer height
* @return True on success
virtual bool resizeRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo,
QSSGRenderRenderBufferFormat storageFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height) = 0;
* @brief create a texture object
* @return The created texture object or nullptr if the creation failed..
virtual QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject createTexture() = 0;
* @brief set texture data for a 2D texture
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] format format of provided pixel data
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 border,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief set texture data for the face of a Cube map
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target face
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] format format of provided pixel data
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setTextureDataCubeFace(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 border,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief create a storage for a 2D texture including mip levels
* Note that this makes texture immutable in size and format
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] levels Texture mip level count
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @return No return
virtual void createTextureStorage2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 levels,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height) = 0;
* @brief set texture sub data for a 2D texture
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] xOffset Texture x offset
* @param[in] yOffset Texture y offset
* @param[in] width Texture width
* @param[in] height Texture height
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] format format of texture
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setTextureSubData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
qint32 xOffset,
qint32 yOffset,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief set compressed texture data for a 2D texture
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] imageSize image size in bytes located at hostPtr
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setCompressedTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 border,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief set compressed texture data for a Cubemap face
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] imageSize image size in bytes located at hostPtr
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setCompressedTextureDataCubeFace(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 border,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief set compressed texture sub data for a 2D texture
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] xOffset Texture x offset
* @param[in] yOffset Texture y offset
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] format format of provided pixel data
* @param[in] imageSize image size in bytes located at hostPtr
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setCompressedTextureSubData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
qint32 xOffset,
qint32 yOffset,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief establish a multisampled 2D texture
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D MS
* @param[in] samples Textures sample count
* @param[in] internalFormat Format of the texture
* @param[in] width Texture width
* @param[in] height Texture height
* @param[in] bool Fixed sample locations
* @return No return
virtual void setMultisampledTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 samples,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
bool fixedsamplelocations) = 0;
* @brief set texture data for a 3D texture or 2D texture array
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] level Texture mip level
* @param[in] internalFormat format of the texture
* @param[in] width texture width
* @param[in] height texture height
* @param[in] depth texture depth or slice count
* @param[in] border border
* @param[in] format format of provided pixel data
* @param[in] hostPtr A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
* application.
* @return No return
virtual void setTextureData3D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 level,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
qint32 depth,
qint32 border,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
* @brief generate mipmap levels
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D,...
* @param[in] hint How to generate mips (Nicest)
* @return No return
virtual void generateMipMaps(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
QSSGRenderHint genType) = 0;
* @brief bind a texture object
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Where to bind this texture (e.g. 2D, 3D, ...)
* @param[in] unit Which unit to bind this texture
* @return no return.
virtual void bindTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 unit) = 0;
* @brief select active texture unit
* @param[in] unit Which unit to bind for texture
* @return no return.
virtual void setActiveTexture(qint32 unit) = 0;
* @brief bind a image/texture object
* @param[in] to Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] unit Which unit to bind this texture
* @param[in] level Which level to bind
* @param[in] layered Bind layered texture (cube map, array,... )
* @param[in] level Specify layer. Only valid of layered=false.
* @param[in] access Access mode ( read, write, read-write )
* @param[in] format Texture format must be compatible with Image format
* @return no return.
virtual void bindImageTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
quint32 unit,
qint32 level,
bool layered,
qint32 layer,
QSSGRenderImageAccessType accessFlags,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat format) = 0;
* @brief Release a single texture object
* @param[in] to Pointer to buffer object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to) = 0;
* @brief query texture swizzle mode
* This is mainly for luminance, alpha replacement with R8 formats
* @param[in] inFormat input texture format to check
* @return texture swizzle mode
virtual QSSGRenderTextureSwizzleMode getTextureSwizzleMode(const QSSGRenderTextureFormat inFormat) const = 0;
* @ brief create a sampler
* @param[in] minFilter Texture min filter
* @param[in] magFilter Texture mag filter
* @param[in] wrapS Texture coord generation for S
* @param[in] wrapT Texture coord generation for T
* @param[in] wrapR Texture coord generation for R
* @param[in] minLod Texture min level of detail
* @param[in] maxLod Texture max level of detail
* @param[in] lodBias Texture level of detail example
* @param[in] compareMode Texture compare mode
* @param[in] compareFunc Texture compare function
* @param[in] anisoFilter Aniso filter value [1.0, 16.0]
* @param[in] borderColor Texture border color float[4]
* @return The created sampler object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject createSampler(
QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp minFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp::Linear,
QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp magFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp::Linear,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapS = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapT = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapR = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
qint32 minLod = -1000,
qint32 maxLod = 1000,
float lodBias = 0.0,
QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode compareMode = QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode::NoCompare,
QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp compareFunc = QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp::LessThanOrEqual,
float anisotropy = 1.0,
float *borderColor = nullptr) = 0;
* @ brief update a sampler
* @param[in] so Pointer to sampler object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] minFilter Texture min filter
* @param[in] magFilter Texture mag filter
* @param[in] wrapS Texture coord generation for S
* @param[in] wrapT Texture coord generation for T
* @param[in] wrapR Texture coord generation for R
* @param[in] minLod Texture min level of detail
* @param[in] maxLod Texture max level of detail
* @param[in] lodBias Texture level of detail bias (unused)
* @param[in] compareMode Texture compare mode
* @param[in] compareFunc Texture compare function
* @param[in] anisoFilter Aniso filter value [1.0, 16.0]
* @param[in] borderColor Texture border color float[4] (unused)
* @return No return
virtual void updateSampler(QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject so,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp minFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp::Linear,
QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp magFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp::Linear,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapS = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapT = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapR = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
float minLod = -1000.0,
float maxLod = 1000.0,
float lodBias = 0.0,
QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode compareMode = QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode::NoCompare,
QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp compareFunc = QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp::LessThanOrEqual,
float anisotropy = 1.0,
float *borderColor = nullptr) = 0;
* @ brief Update a textures swizzle mode
* @param[in] so Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D
* @param[in] swizzleMode Texture swizzle mode
* @return No return
virtual void updateTextureSwizzle(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
QSSGRenderTextureSwizzleMode swizzleMode) = 0;
* @ brief Update state belonging to a texture object
* @param[in] so Pointer to texture object
* @param[in] target Texture target 2D, 3D, Cube
* @param[in] baseLevel Texture base level
* @param[in] maxLevel Texture max level
* @return No return
virtual void updateTextureObject(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
qint32 baseLevel,
qint32 maxLevel) = 0;
* @brief Release a single sampler object
* @param[in] so Pointer to sampler object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseSampler(QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject so) = 0;
* @brief create a attribute layout object
* @param[in] attribs Array off vertex attributes.
* @return The created attribute layout object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject createAttribLayout(QSSGDataView<QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry> attribs) = 0;
* @brief Release a attribute layoutr object
* @param[in] ao Pointer to attribute layout object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseAttribLayout(QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject ao) = 0;
* @brief create a input assembler object
* @param[in] attribLayout Pointer to QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject object
* @param[in] buffers list of vertex buffers
* @param[in] indexBuffer index buffer object
* @param[in] strides list of strides of the buffer
* @param[in] offsets list of offsets into the buffer
* @param[in] patchVertexCount vertext count for a patch. Only valid for patch primitives
* @return The created input assembler object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject createInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject attribLayout,
QSSGDataView<QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject> buffers,
const QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject indexBuffer,
QSSGDataView<quint32> strides,
QSSGDataView<quint32> offsets,
quint32 patchVertexCount) = 0;
* @brief Release a input assembler object
* @param[in] iao Pointer to attribute layout object
* @return no return.
virtual void releaseInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao) = 0;
* @brief Set a input assembler object.
* This setup the render engine vertex assmebly
* @param[in] iao Pointer to attribute layout object
* @param[in] po Pointer program object
* @return false if it fails.
virtual bool setInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao, QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief Reset all the states cached in the backend
* so as to ensure that backend commands to set necessary states are called.
* This will be called every frame just before QtQuick3D rendering commands are called
* because such states might have been changed outside of QtQuick3D.
virtual void resetStates() = 0;
* @brief Set the per patch vertex count
* @param[in] iao Pointer to attribute layout object
* @param[in] count Count of vertices per patch
* @return false if it fails.
virtual void setPatchVertexCount(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao, quint32 count) = 0;
* @brief create a vertex shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created vertex shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject createVertexShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a vertex shader object
* @param[in] vso Pointer to vertex shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseVertexShader(QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
* @brief create a fragment shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created vertex shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject createFragmentShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a fragment shader object
* @param[in] vso Pointer to fragment shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseFragmentShader(QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
* @brief create a tessellation control shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created tessellation control shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject createTessControlShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a tessellation control shader object
* @param[in] tcso Pointer to tessellation control shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseTessControlShader(QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
* @brief create a tessellation evaluation shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created tessellation evaluation shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject createTessEvaluationShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a tessellation evaluation shader object
* @param[in] tcso Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseTessEvaluationShader(QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
* @brief create a geometry shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created geometry shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject createGeometryShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a geometry shader object
* @param[in] tcso Pointer to geometry shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseGeometryShader(QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
* @brief create a compute shader object
* @param[in] source Pointer to shader source
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] binary True if the source is actually a binary program
* @return The created compute shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject createComputeShader(QSSGByteView source,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
bool binary) = 0;
* @brief release a compute shader object
* @param[in] cso Pointer to compute shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseComputeShader(QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
* @brief attach a vertex shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] vso Pointer to vertex shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
* @brief detach a vertex shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] vso Pointer to vertex shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
* @brief attach a fragment shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] fso Pointer to fragment shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
* @brief detach a fragment shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] fso Pointer to fragment shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
* @brief attach a tessellation control shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] tcso Pointer to tessellation control shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
* @brief detach a tessellation control shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] tcso Pointer to tessellation control shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
* @brief attach a tessellation evaluation shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] teso Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
* @brief detach a tessellation evaluation shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] teso Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
* @brief attach a geometry shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] teso Pointer to geometry shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
* @brief detach a geometry shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] teso Pointer to geometry shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
* @brief attach a compute shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] cso Pointer to compute shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
* @brief detach a compute shader object to a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to program object
* @param[in] cso Pointer to compute shader object
* @return No Return.
virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
* @brief create a shader program object
* @param[in] isSeparable Tell the backend that this program is separable
* @return The created shader program object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject createShaderProgram(bool isSeparable) = 0;
* @brief release a shader program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseShaderProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief link a shader program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @return True if program is successfully linked.
virtual bool linkProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QByteArray &errorMessage) = 0;
* @brief link a binary shader program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in/out] errorMessage Pointer to copy the error message
* @param[in] format Binary format
* @param[in] binary Binary data
* @return True if program is successfully linked.
virtual bool linkProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
QByteArray &errorMessage,
quint32 format, const QByteArray &binary) = 0;
* @brief Get shader program binary
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[out] format The format of the program binary
* @param[out] binary The program binary data
virtual void getProgramBinary(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 &format,
QByteArray &binary) = 0;
* @brief Make a program current
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return No return
virtual void setActiveProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief create a program pipeline object
* @return The created program pipeline object or nullptr if the creation failed.
virtual QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline createProgramPipeline() = 0;
* @brief release a program pipeline object
* @param[in] ppo Pointer to program pipeline object
* @return No Return.
virtual void releaseProgramPipeline(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo) = 0;
* @brief Make a program pipeline current
* @param[in] ppo Pointer to program pipeline object
* @return No return
virtual void setActiveProgramPipeline(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo) = 0;
* @brief Make a program stage active for this pipeline
* @param[in] ppo Pointer to program pipeline object
* @param[in] flags Shader stage flags to which this po is bound to
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return No return
virtual void setProgramStages(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo,
QSSGRenderShaderTypeFlags flags,
QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief Runs a compute program
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] numGroupsX The number of work groups to be launched in the X
* dimension
* @param[in] numGroupsY The number of work groups to be launched in the Y
* dimension
* @param[in] numGroupsZ The number of work groups to be launched in the Z
* dimension
* @return No return
virtual void dispatchCompute(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 numGroupsX, quint32 numGroupsY, quint32 numGroupsZ) = 0;
* @brief Query constant count for a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return Return active constant count
virtual qint32 getConstantCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief Query constant buffer count for a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return Return active constant buffer count
virtual qint32 getConstantBufferCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief Query constant information by ID
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] id Constant ID
* @param[in] bufSize Max char for nameBuf
* @param[out] numElem Usually one unless for arrays
* @param[out] type Constant data type (QVector4D, QVector3D,...)
* @param[out] binding Unit binding point for samplers and images
* @param[out] nameBuf Name of the constant
* @return Return current constant location or -1 if not found
virtual qint32 getConstantInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
quint32 id,
quint32 bufSize,
qint32 *numElem,
QSSGRenderShaderDataType *type,
qint32 *binding,
char *nameBuf) = 0;
* @brief Query constant buffer information by ID
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] id Constant buffer ID
* @param[in] nameBufSize Size of nameBuf
* @param[out] paramCount Count ot parameter contained in the buffer
* @param[out] bufferSize Data size of the constant buffer
* @param[out] length Actual characters written
* @param[out] nameBuf Receives the name of the buffer
* @return Return current constant buffer location or -1 if not found
virtual qint32 getConstantBufferInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
quint32 id,
quint32 nameBufSize,
qint32 *paramCount,
qint32 *bufferSize,
qint32 *length,
char *nameBuf) = 0;
* @brief Query constant buffer param indices
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] id Constant buffer ID
* @param[out] indices Receives the indices of the uniforms within the
* constant buffer
* @return no return value
virtual void getConstantBufferParamIndices(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 id, qint32 *indices) = 0;
* @brief Query constant buffer param info by indices
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] count Number of indices
* @param[in] indices The indices of the uniforms within the constant
* buffer
* @param[out] type Array of param types ( float ,int, ...)
* @param[out] size Array of param size
* @param[out] offset Array of param offsets within the constant buffer
* @return no return value
virtual void getConstantBufferParamInfoByIndices(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
quint32 count,
quint32 *indices,
QSSGRenderShaderDataType *type,
qint32 *size,
qint32 *offset) = 0;
* @brief Bind program constant block
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] blockIndex Constant block index returned by
* GetConstantBufferInfoByID
* @param[in] binding Block binding location which should be the same as index
* in ProgramSetConstantBlock
* @return No return
virtual void programSetConstantBlock(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 blockIndex, quint32 binding) = 0;
* @brief Bind constant buffer for usage in the current active shader program
* @param[in] index Constant ID
* @param[in] bo Pointer to constant buffer object
* @return No return
virtual void programSetConstantBuffer(quint32 index, QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
* @brief Query storage buffer count for a program object
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @return Return active storage buffer count
virtual qint32 getStorageBufferCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
* @brief Query storage buffer information by ID
* @param[in] po Pointer to shader program object
* @param[in] id Storage buffer ID
* @param[in] nameBufSize Size of nameBuf
* @param[out] paramCount Count of parameter contained in the buffer
* @param[out] bufferSize Data size of the constant buffer
* @param[out] length Actual characters written
* @param[out] nameBuf Receives the name of the buffer
* @return Return current storage buffer binding or -1 if not found
virtual qint32 getStorageBufferInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
quint32 id,
quint32 nameBufSize,
qint32 *paramCount,
qint32 *bufferSize,
qint32 *length,
char *nameBuf) = 0;
* @brief Bind a storage buffer for usage in the current active shader program
* @param[in] index Constant ID
* @param[in] bo Pointer to storage buffer object
* @return No return
virtual void programSetStorageBuffer(quint32 index, QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
* @brief Set constant value
* @param[in] po Pointer program object
* @param[in] id Constant ID
* @param[in] type Constant data type (QVector4D, QVector3D,...)
* @param[in] count Element count
* @param[in] value Pointer to constant value
* @param[in] transpose Transpose a matrix
* @return No return
virtual void setConstantValue(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
quint32 id,
QSSGRenderShaderDataType type,
qint32 count,
const void *value,
bool transpose = false) = 0;
* @brief Draw the current active vertex buffer
* @param[in] drawMode Draw mode (Triangles, ....)
* @param[in] start Start vertex
* @param[in] count Vertex count
* @return no return.
virtual void draw(QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode, quint32 start, quint32 count) = 0;
* @brief Draw the current active index buffer
* @param[in] drawMode Draw mode (Triangles, ....)
* @param[in] count Index count
* @param[in] type Index type (quint16, quint8)
* @param[in] indices Pointer to index buffer. In the case of buffer objects
* this is an offset into the active index buffer
* @return no return.
virtual void drawIndexed(QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode, quint32 count, QSSGRenderComponentType type, const void *indices) = 0;
* @brief Read a pixel rectangle from render target (from bottom left)
* @param[in] rto Pointer to render target object
* @param[in] x Windows X start coord
* @param[in] y Windows Y start coord
* @param[in] width Read width dim
* @param[in] height Read height dim
* @param[out] pixels Returned pixel data
* @return No return
virtual void readPixel(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
qint32 x,
qint32 y,
qint32 width,
qint32 height,
QSSGRenderReadPixelFormat inFormat,
QSSGByteRef pixels) = 0;
virtual QSurfaceFormat format() const = 0;
/// struct for what the backend supports
typedef struct QSSGRenderBackendSupport
union {
bool bDXTImagesSupported : 1; ///< compressed images supported
bool bAnistropySupported : 1; ///< anistropic filtering supported
bool bTextureSwizzleSupported : 1; ///< texture swizzle supported
bool bDepthStencilSupported : 1; ///< depth stencil textures are supported
bool bFPRenderTargetsSupported : 1; ///< floating point render targets are
/// supported
bool bConstantBufferSupported : 1; ///< Constant (uniform) buffers are supported
bool bMsTextureSupported : 1; ///< Multisample textures are esupported
bool bFastBlitsSupported : 1; ///< The hardware supports fast memor blits
bool bTessellationSupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports tessellation
bool bComputeSupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports compute shader
bool bGeometrySupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports geometry shader
bool bTimerQuerySupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports timer queries
bool bProgramInterfaceSupported : 1; ///< API supports program interface queries
bool bStorageBufferSupported : 1; ///< Shader storage buffers are supported
/// supported
bool bShaderImageLoadStoreSupported : 1; ///< Shader image load / store
/// operations are supported
bool bProgramPipelineSupported : 1; ///< Driver supports separate programs
bool bNVAdvancedBlendSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend modes supported
bool bNVBlendCoherenceSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend done coherently
/// supported
bool bGPUShader5ExtensionSupported : 1;
bool bKHRAdvancedBlendSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend modes supported
bool bKHRBlendCoherenceSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend done coherently
bool bVertexArrayObjectSupported : 1;
bool bStandardDerivativesSupported : 1;
bool bTextureLodSupported : 1;
} bits;
quint32 u32Values;
} caps;
} QSSGRenderBackendSupportBits;
QSSGRenderBackendSupportBits m_backendSupport; ///< holds the backend support bits