blob: caa9bad127725b1fd301958269339d66df3f01b1 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** be met:
#include "qssgrendernode_p.h"
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgutils_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendermodel_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderer_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderbuffermanager_p.h>
: QSSGRenderNode(Type::Node)
QSSGRenderNode::QSSGRenderNode(Type type)
: QSSGRenderGraphObject(type) {}
QSSGRenderNode::QSSGRenderNode(const QSSGRenderNode &inCloningObject)
: QSSGRenderGraphObject(inCloningObject)
, rotation(inCloningObject.rotation) // Radians
, position(inCloningObject.position)
, scale(inCloningObject.scale)
, pivot(inCloningObject.pivot)
, localOpacity(inCloningObject.localOpacity)
, localTransform(inCloningObject.localTransform)
, globalTransform(inCloningObject.globalTransform)
, globalOpacity(inCloningObject.globalOpacity)
, skeletonId(inCloningObject.skeletonId)
// for ( SNode* theChild = m_FirstChild; theChild != nullptr; theChild = theChild->m_NextSibling )
// SNode* theClonedChild = static_cast<SNode*>( CGraphObjectFactory::CloneGraphObject(
//*theChild, inAllocator ) );
// AddChild( *theClonedChild );
// Sets this object dirty and walks down the graph setting all
// children who are not dirty to be dirty.
void QSSGRenderNode::markDirty(TransformDirtyFlag inTransformDirty)
if (!flags.testFlag(Flag::TransformDirty))
flags.setFlag(Flag::TransformDirty, inTransformDirty != TransformDirtyFlag::TransformNotDirty);
if (!flags.testFlag(Flag::Dirty)) {
flags.setFlag(Flag::Dirty, true);
for (QSSGRenderNode *child = firstChild; child; child = child->nextSibling)
// Calculate global transform and opacity
// Walks up the graph ensure all parents are not dirty so they have
// valid global transforms.
bool QSSGRenderNode::calculateGlobalVariables()
bool retval = flags.testFlag(Flag::Dirty);
if (retval) {
flags.setFlag(Flag::Dirty, false);
if (flags.testFlag(Flag::TransformDirty))
globalOpacity = localOpacity;
if (parent) {
// Layer transforms do not flow down but affect the final layer's rendered
// representation.
retval = parent->calculateGlobalVariables() || retval;
if (parent->type != QSSGRenderGraphObject::Type::Layer) {
globalOpacity *= parent->globalOpacity;
if (!flags.testFlag(Flag::IgnoreParentTransform))
globalTransform = parent->globalTransform * localTransform;
globalTransform = localTransform;
} else
globalTransform = localTransform;
flags.setFlag(Flag::GloballyActive, (flags.testFlag(Flag::Active) && parent->flags.testFlag(Flag::GloballyActive)));
flags.setFlag(Flag::GloballyPickable, (flags.testFlag(Flag::LocallyPickable) || parent->flags.testFlag(Flag::GloballyPickable)));
} else {
globalTransform = localTransform;
flags.setFlag(Flag::GloballyActive, flags.testFlag(Flag::Active));
flags.setFlag(Flag::GloballyPickable, flags.testFlag(Flag::LocallyPickable));
// We always clear dirty in a reasonable manner but if we aren't active
// there is no reason to tell the universe if we are dirty or not.
return retval && flags.testFlag(Flag::Active);
void QSSGRenderNode::calculateRotationMatrix(QMatrix4x4 &outMatrix) const
outMatrix = QMatrix4x4(rotation.toRotationMatrix());
void QSSGRenderNode::calculateLocalTransform()
flags.setFlag(Flag::TransformDirty, false);
localTransform = QMatrix4x4();
globalTransform = localTransform;
float *writePtr =;
QVector3D theScaledPivot(-pivot[0] * scale[0], -pivot[1] * scale[1], -pivot[2] * scale[2]);
localTransform(0, 0) = scale[0];
localTransform(1, 1) = scale[1];
localTransform(2, 2) = scale[2];
writePtr[12] = theScaledPivot[0];
writePtr[13] = theScaledPivot[1];
writePtr[14] = theScaledPivot[2];
QMatrix4x4 theRotationTransform;
// may need column conversion in here somewhere.
localTransform = theRotationTransform * localTransform;
writePtr[12] += position[0];
writePtr[13] += position[1];
writePtr[14] += position[2];
void QSSGRenderNode::setLocalTransformFromMatrix(QMatrix4x4 &inTransform)
// clear pivot
pivot[0] = pivot[1] = pivot[2] = 0.0f;
// set translation
position[0] = inTransform(3, 0);
position[1] = inTransform(3, 1);
position[2] = inTransform(3, 2);
// set scale
const QVector3D column0(inTransform(0, 0), inTransform(0, 1), inTransform(0, 2));
const QVector3D column1(inTransform(1, 0), inTransform(1, 1), inTransform(1, 2));
const QVector3D column2(inTransform(2, 0), inTransform(2, 1), inTransform(2, 2));
scale[0] = vec3::magnitude(column0);
scale[1] = vec3::magnitude(column1);
scale[2] = vec3::magnitude(column2);
// make sure there is no zero value
scale[0] = (scale[0] == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : scale[0];
scale[1] = (scale[1] == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : scale[1];
scale[2] = (scale[2] == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : scale[2];
// extract rotation by first dividing through scale value
float invScaleX = 1.0f / scale[0];
float invScaleY = 1.0f / scale[1];
float invScaleZ = 1.0f / scale[2];
inTransform(0, 0) *= invScaleX;
inTransform(0, 1) *= invScaleX;
inTransform(0, 2) *= invScaleX;
inTransform(1, 0) *= invScaleY;
inTransform(1, 1) *= invScaleY;
inTransform(1, 2) *= invScaleY;
inTransform(2, 0) *= invScaleZ;
inTransform(2, 1) *= invScaleZ;
inTransform(2, 2) *= invScaleZ;
float rotationMatrixData[9] = { inTransform(0, 0), inTransform(0, 1), inTransform(0, 2),
inTransform(1, 0), inTransform(1, 1), inTransform(1, 2),
inTransform(2, 0), inTransform(2, 1), inTransform(2, 2) };
QMatrix3x3 theRotationMatrix(rotationMatrixData);
rotation = QQuaternion::fromRotationMatrix(theRotationMatrix).normalized();
void QSSGRenderNode::addChild(QSSGRenderNode &inChild)
// Adding children to a layer does not reset parent
// because layers can share children over with other layers
if (this->type != QSSGRenderNode::Type::Layer) {
if (inChild.parent)
inChild.parent = this;
if (firstChild == nullptr) {
firstChild = &inChild;
inChild.nextSibling = nullptr;
inChild.previousSibling = nullptr;
} else {
QSSGRenderNode *lastChild = getLastChild();
if (lastChild) {
lastChild->nextSibling = &inChild;
inChild.previousSibling = lastChild;
inChild.nextSibling = nullptr;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(false); // no last child but first child isn't null?
void QSSGRenderNode::addChildrenToLayer(QSSGRenderNode &inChildren)
// Adding children to a layer does not reset parent
// because layers can share children over with other layers
if (firstChild == nullptr) {
firstChild = &inChildren;
inChildren.previousSibling = nullptr;
} else {
QSSGRenderNode *lastChild = getLastChild();
if (lastChild) {
lastChild->nextSibling = &inChildren;
inChildren.previousSibling = lastChild;
} else {
Q_ASSERT(false); // no last child but first child isn't null?
void QSSGRenderNode::removeChild(QSSGRenderNode &inChild)
// Removing children from a layer does not care about parenting
// because layers can share children over with other layers
if (this->type != QSSGRenderNode::Type::Layer) {
if (inChild.parent != this) {
for (QSSGRenderNode *child = firstChild; child; child = child->nextSibling) {
if (child == &inChild) {
if (child->previousSibling)
child->previousSibling->nextSibling = child->nextSibling;
if (child->nextSibling)
child->nextSibling->previousSibling = child->previousSibling;
child->parent = nullptr;
if (firstChild == child)
firstChild = child->nextSibling;
child->nextSibling = nullptr;
child->previousSibling = nullptr;
QSSGRenderNode *QSSGRenderNode::getLastChild()
QSSGRenderNode *lastChild = nullptr;
// empty loop intentional
for (lastChild = firstChild; lastChild && lastChild->nextSibling; lastChild = lastChild->nextSibling) {
return lastChild;
void QSSGRenderNode::removeFromGraph()
if (parent)
nextSibling = nullptr;
// Orphan all of my children.
QSSGRenderNode *nextSibling = nullptr;
for (QSSGRenderNode *child = firstChild; child != nullptr; child = nextSibling) {
child->previousSibling = nullptr;
child->parent = nullptr;
nextSibling = child->nextSibling;
child->nextSibling = nullptr;
QSSGBounds3 QSSGRenderNode::getBounds(const QSSGRef<QSSGBufferManager> &inManager,
bool inIncludeChildren,
QSSGRenderNodeFilterInterface *inChildFilter) const
QSSGBounds3 retval = QSSGBounds3::empty();
if (inIncludeChildren)
retval = getChildBounds(inManager, inChildFilter);
if (type == QSSGRenderGraphObject::Type::Model)
retval.include(static_cast<const QSSGRenderModel *>(this)->getModelBounds(inManager));
return retval;
QSSGBounds3 QSSGRenderNode::getChildBounds(const QSSGRef<QSSGBufferManager> &inManager,
QSSGRenderNodeFilterInterface *inChildFilter) const
QSSGBounds3 retval = QSSGBounds3::empty();
for (QSSGRenderNode *child = firstChild; child != nullptr; child = child->nextSibling) {
if (inChildFilter == nullptr || inChildFilter->includeNode(*child)) {
QSSGBounds3 childBounds;
if (child->flags.testFlag(Flag::TransformDirty))
childBounds = child->getBounds(inManager);
if (!childBounds.isEmpty()) {
// Transform the bounds into our local space.
return retval;
QVector3D QSSGRenderNode::getGlobalPos() const
return QVector3D(globalTransform(0, 3), globalTransform(1, 3), globalTransform(2, 3));
QVector3D QSSGRenderNode::getDirection() const
const float *dataPtr(;
QVector3D retval(dataPtr[8], dataPtr[9], dataPtr[10]);
return retval;
QVector3D QSSGRenderNode::getScalingCorrectDirection() const
// ### This code has been checked to be corect
QMatrix3x3 theDirMatrix = mat44::getUpper3x3(globalTransform);
theDirMatrix = mat33::getInverse(theDirMatrix).transposed();
QVector3D theOriginalDir(0, 0, -1);
QVector3D retval = mat33::transform(theDirMatrix, theOriginalDir);
// Should already be normalized, but whatever
return retval;
QVector3D QSSGRenderNode::getGlobalPivot() const
QVector3D retval(position);
retval.setZ(retval.z() * -1);
if (parent && parent->type != QSSGRenderGraphObject::Type::Layer) {
const QVector4D direction(retval.x(), retval.y(), retval.z(), 1.0f);
const QVector4D result = parent->globalTransform * direction;
return QVector3D(result.x(), result.y(), result.z());
return retval;
void QSSGRenderNode::calculateMVPAndNormalMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &inViewProjection, QMatrix4x4 &outMVP, QMatrix3x3 &outNormalMatrix) const
outMVP = inViewProjection * globalTransform;
outNormalMatrix = calculateNormalMatrix();
QMatrix3x3 QSSGRenderNode::calculateNormalMatrix() const
QMatrix3x3 outNormalMatrix = mat44::getUpper3x3(globalTransform);
return mat33::getInverse(outNormalMatrix).transposed();