blob: 7cca044396469e7d88f8181d647d0afb81e01e31 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderbasetypes_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgoption_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderdynamicobjectsystem_p.h>
#include <QtGui/QVector2D>
struct QSSGRenderEffect;
struct QSSGEffectContext;
struct QSSGEffectShader;
class QSSGEffectSystemInterface;
class QSSGResourceManager;
class QSSGRenderDepthStencilState;
namespace dynamic {
struct QSSGCommand;
struct QSSGApplyInstanceValue;
struct QSSGBindBuffer;
struct QSSGApplyValue;
struct QSSGApplyBlending;
struct QSSGAllocateBuffer;
struct QSSGBindShader;
struct QSSGAllocateImage;
struct QSSGAllocateDataBuffer;
struct QSSGApplyBufferValue;
struct QSSGApplyDepthValue;
struct QSSGApplyDataBufferValue;
struct QSSGApplyRenderState;
struct QSSGApplyImageValue;
struct QSSGDepthStencil;
struct QSSGEffectRenderArgument
QSSGRenderEffect *m_effect;
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> m_colorBuffer;
// Some effects need the camera near and far ranges.
QVector2D m_cameraClipRange;
// Some effects require the depth buffer from the rendering of the layer
// most do not.
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> m_depthTexture;
// this is a depth pre-pass texture we need for some effects like bloom
// actually we need the stencil values
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> m_depthStencilBuffer;
QSSGEffectRenderArgument(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inColorBuffer,
const QVector2D &inCameraClipRange,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthTexture = nullptr,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthBuffer = nullptr);
struct QSSGEffectTextureData
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> texture;
bool needsAlphaMultiply = false;
QSSGEffectTextureData(const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inTexture, bool inNeedsMultiply);
QSSGEffectTextureData() = default;
* An effect is essentially a function that takes a image and produces a new image.
* The source and dest images aren't guaranteed to be the same size, the effect may enlarge or
* shrink the result.
* A specialization is when you want the effect to render to the final render target instead of
* to a separate image. In this case the effect cannot enlarge or shrink the final target and it
* will render to the destination buffer using the given MVP.
typedef QHash<QString, char *> TPathDataMap;
typedef QSet<QString> TPathSet;
typedef QHash<TStrStrPair, QSSGRef<QSSGEffectShader>> TShaderMap;
typedef QVector<QSSGRef<QSSGEffectContext>> TContextList;
QSSGRenderContextInterface *m_context;
QSSGRef<QSSGResourceManager> m_resourceManager;
QVector<QByteArray> m_effectList;
TContextList m_contexts;
QString m_textureStringBuilder;
QString m_textureStringBuilder2;
TShaderMap m_shaderMap;
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderDepthStencilState> m_defaultStencilState;
QVector<QSSGRef<QSSGRenderDepthStencilState>> m_depthStencilStates;
QAtomicInt ref;
QSSGEffectSystem(QSSGRenderContextInterface *inContext);
QSSGEffectContext &getEffectContext(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect);
void allocateBuffer(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect,
const dynamic::QSSGAllocateBuffer &inCommand,
qint32 inFinalWidth,
qint32 inFinalHeight,
QSSGRenderTextureFormat inSourceTextureFormat);
void allocateImage(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect, const dynamic::QSSGAllocateImage &inCommand, qint32 inFinalWidth, qint32 inFinalHeight);
void allocateDataBuffer(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect, const dynamic::QSSGAllocateDataBuffer &inCommand);
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> findTexture(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect, const QByteArray &inName);
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderFrameBuffer> bindBuffer(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect,
const dynamic::QSSGBindBuffer &inCommand,
QMatrix4x4 &outMVP,
QVector2D &outDestSize);
QSSGRef<QSSGEffectShader> bindShader(const QSSGRenderEffect &effect, const dynamic::QSSGBindShader &inCommand);
void doApplyInstanceValue(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QByteArray &inPropertyName,
const QVariant &propertyValue,
QSSGRenderShaderDataType inPropertyType,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader);
void applyInstanceValue(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyInstanceValue &inCommand);
void applyValue(QSSGRenderEffect &inEffect, const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader, const dynamic::QSSGApplyValue &inCommand);
bool applyBlending(const dynamic::QSSGApplyBlending &inCommand);
// This has the potential to change the source texture for the current render pass
QSSGEffectTextureData applyBufferValue(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyBufferValue &inCommand,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inSourceTexture,
const QSSGEffectTextureData &inCurrentSourceTexture);
void applyDepthValue(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyDepthValue &inCommand,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inTexture);
void applyImageValue(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyImageValue &inCommand);
void applyDataBufferValue(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderShaderProgram> &inShader,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyDataBufferValue &inCommand);
void applyRenderStateValue(const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderFrameBuffer> &inTarget,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthStencilTexture,
const dynamic::QSSGApplyRenderState &theCommand);
static bool compareDepthStencilState(QSSGRenderDepthStencilState &inState, dynamic::QSSGDepthStencil &inStencil);
void renderPass(QSSGEffectShader &inShader,
const QMatrix4x4 &inMVP,
const QSSGEffectTextureData &inSourceTexture,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderFrameBuffer> &inFrameBuffer,
QVector2D &inDestSize,
const QVector2D &inCameraClipRange,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthStencil,
QSSGOption<dynamic::QSSGDepthStencil> inDepthStencilCommand);
void doRenderEffect(QSSGRenderEffect *inEffect,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inSourceTexture,
QMatrix4x4 &inMVP,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderFrameBuffer> inTarget,
bool inEnableBlendWhenRenderToTarget,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthTexture,
const QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> &inDepthStencilTexture,
const QVector2D &inCameraClipRange);
// Render this effect. Returns false in the case the effect wasn't rendered and
// the render state is guaranteed to be the same as before.
// The texture returned is allocated using the resource manager, and it is up to the caller
// to deallocate it or return it to the temporary pool if items when necessary.
// Pass in true if you want the result image premultiplied. Most of the functions in the
// system assume non-premultiplied color for images so probably this is false.
QSSGRef<QSSGRenderTexture2D> renderEffect(const QSSGEffectRenderArgument &inRenderArgument);
// Render the effect to the currently bound render target using this MVP and optionally
// enabling blending when rendering to the target
bool renderEffect(const QSSGEffectRenderArgument &inRenderArgument, QMatrix4x4 &inMVP, bool inEnableBlendWhenRenderToTarget);
// Calling release effect context with no context results in no problems.
void releaseEffectContext(QSSGEffectContext *inContext);
// If the effect has a context you can call this to clear persistent buffers back to their
// original value.
void resetEffectFrameData(QSSGEffectContext &inContext);
// Set the shader data for a given path. Used when a path doesn't correspond to a file but
// the data has been auto-generated. The system will look for data under this path key
// during the BindShader effect command.
void setShaderData(const QByteArray &path, const char *data, const char *inShaderType, const char *inShaderVersion, bool inHasGeomShader, bool inIsComputeShader);
void init();
QSSGRef<QSSGResourceManager> getResourceManager();