blob: 50d8106d9e6249fc6984dde0273682019e95475e [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "qssgrenderray_p.h"
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgplane_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgutils_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgmeshbvh_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendermesh_p.h>
QSSGOption<QVector3D> QSSGRenderRay::intersect(const QSSGPlane &inPlane, const QSSGRenderRay &ray)
float Vd = QVector3D::dotProduct(inPlane.n, ray.direction);
if (std::abs(Vd) < .0001f)
return QSSGEmpty();
float V0 = -1.0f * (QVector3D::dotProduct(inPlane.n, ray.origin) + inPlane.d);
float t = V0 / Vd;
return ray.origin + (ray.direction * t);
QSSGRenderRay::RayData QSSGRenderRay::createRayData(const QMatrix4x4 &globalTransform,
const QSSGRenderRay &ray)
using DirectionOp = RayData::DirectionOp;
QMatrix4x4 originTransform = globalTransform.inverted();
QVector3D transformedOrigin = mat44::transform(originTransform, ray.origin);
float *outOriginTransformPtr(;
outOriginTransformPtr[12] = outOriginTransformPtr[13] = outOriginTransformPtr[14] = 0.0f;
const QVector3D &transformedDirection = mat44::rotate(originTransform, ray.direction).normalized();
static auto getInverseAndDirOp = [](const QVector3D &dir, QVector3D &invDir, DirectionOp (&dirOp)[3]) {
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
const float axisDir = dir[i];
dirOp[i] = qFuzzyIsNull(axisDir) ? DirectionOp::Zero : ((axisDir < -std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
? DirectionOp::Swap
: DirectionOp::Normal);
invDir[i] = qFuzzyIsNull(axisDir) ? 0.0f : (1.0f / axisDir);
DirectionOp dirOp[3];
QVector3D transformedDirectionInvers;
getInverseAndDirOp(transformedDirection, transformedDirectionInvers, dirOp);
return RayData{ globalTransform, ray, transformedOrigin, transformedDirectionInvers,
transformedDirection, { dirOp[0], dirOp[1], dirOp[2] } };
QSSGRenderRay::IntersectionResult QSSGRenderRay::createIntersectionResult(const QSSGRenderRay::RayData &data,
const HitResult &hit)
Q_ASSERT(hit.bounds != nullptr);
const QSSGBounds3 &bounds = *hit.bounds;
// Local postion
const QVector3D &scaledDir = data.direction * hit.min;
const QVector3D &localPosition = scaledDir + data.origin;
// ray length squared
const QVector3D &globalPosition = mat44::transform(data.globalTransform, localPosition);
const QVector3D &cameraToLocal = data.ray.origin - globalPosition;
const float rayLenSquared = vec3::magnitudeSquared(cameraToLocal);
// UV coordinates
const auto &boundsMin = bounds.minimum;
const auto &boundsMax = bounds.maximum;
const float xRange = boundsMax.x() - boundsMin.x();
const float yRange = boundsMax.y() - boundsMin.y();
const QVector2D uvCoords{((localPosition[0] - boundsMin.x()) / xRange), ((localPosition[1] - boundsMin.y()) / yRange)};
return IntersectionResult(rayLenSquared, uvCoords, globalPosition);
QSSGRenderRay::HitResult QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithAABBv2(const QSSGRenderRay::RayData &data,
const QSSGBounds3 &bounds)
// Intersect the origin with the AABB described by bounds.
// Scan each axis separately. This code basically finds the distance
// from the origin to the near and far bbox planes for a given
// axis. It then divides this distance by the direction for that axis to
// get a range of t [near,far] that the ray intersects assuming the ray is
// described via origin + t*(direction). Running through all three axis means
// that you need to min/max those ranges together to find a global min/max
// that the pick could possibly be in.
float tmax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float tmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
float origin;
const QVector3D *const barray[] { &bounds.minimum, &bounds.maximum };
for (int axis = 0; axis != 3; ++axis) {
origin = data.origin[axis];
const bool zeroDir = (data.dirOp[axis] == RayData::DirectionOp::Zero);
if (zeroDir && (origin < bounds.minimum[axis] || origin > bounds.maximum[axis])) {
// Pickray is roughly parallel to the plane of the slab
// so, if the origin is not in the range, we have no intersection
return { -1.0f, -1.0f, nullptr };
if (!zeroDir) {
// Shrink the intersections to find the closest hit
tmax = std::min(((*barray[1-quint8(data.dirOp[axis])])[axis] - origin) * data.directionInvers[axis], tmax);
tmin = std::max(((*barray[quint8(data.dirOp[axis])])[axis] - origin) * data.directionInvers[axis], tmin);
return { tmin, tmax, &bounds };
bool QSSGRenderRay::triangleIntersect(const QSSGRenderRay &ray,
const QVector3D &v0,
const QVector3D &v1,
const QVector3D &v2,
float &u,
float &v)
// Compute the Triangle's Normal (N)
const QVector3D v0v1 = v1 - v0;
const QVector3D v0v2 = v2 - v0;
const QVector3D normal = QVector3D::crossProduct(v0v1, v0v2);
const float denominator = QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, normal);
// Find the Intersection point (P)
// Check for the case where the ray and plane are parallel
const float Vd = QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, ray.direction);
if (std::abs(Vd) < 0.0001f)
return false;
const float d = QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, v0);
// Check if the triangle is behind the ray start
const float t = -(QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, ray.origin) - d) / Vd;
if (t < 0)
return false;
// Get the intersetion Point (P) on Triangle Plane
const QVector3D P = ray.origin + t * ray.direction;
// Test if P is inside of the triangle
QVector3D C;
// Edge 0
const QVector3D edge0 = v1 - v0;
const QVector3D vp0 = P - v0;
C = QVector3D::crossProduct(edge0, vp0);
if (QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, C) < 0)
return false;
// Edge 1
const QVector3D edge1 = v2 - v1;
const QVector3D vp1 = P - v1;
C = QVector3D::crossProduct(edge1, vp1);
u = QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, C);
if (u < 0)
return false;
// Edge 2
const QVector3D edge2 = v0 - v2;
const QVector3D vp2 = P - v2;
C = QVector3D::crossProduct(edge2, vp2);
v = QVector3D::dotProduct(normal, C);
if (v < 0)
return false;
u /= denominator;
v /= denominator;
return true;
QSSGRenderRay::IntersectionResult QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithAABB(const QMatrix4x4 &inGlobalTransform,
const QSSGBounds3 &inBounds,
const QSSGRenderRay &ray,
bool inForceIntersect)
// Intersect the origin with the AABB described by bounds.
// Scan each axis separately. This code basically finds the distance
// distance from the origin to the near and far bbox planes for a given
// axis. It then divides this distance by the direction for that axis to
// get a range of t [near,far] that the ray intersects assuming the ray is
// described via origin + t*(direction). Running through all three axis means
// that you need to min/max those ranges together to find a global min/max
// that the pick could possibly be in.
// Transform pick origin and direction into the subset's space.
QMatrix4x4 theOriginTransform = inGlobalTransform.inverted();
QVector3D theTransformedOrigin = mat44::transform(theOriginTransform, ray.origin);
float *outOriginTransformPtr(;
outOriginTransformPtr[12] = outOriginTransformPtr[13] = outOriginTransformPtr[14] = 0.0f;
QVector3D theTransformedDirection = mat44::rotate(theOriginTransform, ray.direction);
static const float KD_FLT_MAX = 3.40282346638528860e+38;
static const float kEpsilon = 1e-5f;
float theMinWinner = -KD_FLT_MAX;
float theMaxWinner = KD_FLT_MAX;
for (quint32 theAxis = 0; theAxis < 3; ++theAxis) {
// Extract the ranges and direction for this axis
float theMinBox = inBounds.minimum[theAxis];
float theMaxBox = inBounds.maximum[theAxis];
float theDirectionAxis = theTransformedDirection[theAxis];
float theOriginAxis = theTransformedOrigin[theAxis];
float theMinAxis = -KD_FLT_MAX;
float theMaxAxis = KD_FLT_MAX;
if (theDirectionAxis > kEpsilon) {
theMinAxis = (theMinBox - theOriginAxis) / theDirectionAxis;
theMaxAxis = (theMaxBox - theOriginAxis) / theDirectionAxis;
} else if (theDirectionAxis < -kEpsilon) {
theMinAxis = (theMaxBox - theOriginAxis) / theDirectionAxis;
theMaxAxis = (theMinBox - theOriginAxis) / theDirectionAxis;
} else if ((theOriginAxis < theMinBox || theOriginAxis > theMaxBox) && !inForceIntersect) {
// Pickray is roughly parallel to the plane of the slab
// so, if the origin is not in the range, we have no intersection
return IntersectionResult();
// Shrink the intersections to find the closest hit
theMinWinner = qMax(theMinWinner, theMinAxis);
theMaxWinner = qMin(theMaxWinner, theMaxAxis);
if ((theMinWinner > theMaxWinner || theMaxWinner < 0) && !inForceIntersect)
return IntersectionResult();
QVector3D scaledDir = theTransformedDirection * theMinWinner;
QVector3D newPosInLocal = theTransformedOrigin + scaledDir;
QVector3D newPosInGlobal = mat44::transform(inGlobalTransform, newPosInLocal);
QVector3D cameraToLocal = ray.origin - newPosInGlobal;
float rayLengthSquared = vec3::magnitudeSquared(cameraToLocal);
float xRange = inBounds.maximum.x() - inBounds.minimum.x();
float yRange = inBounds.maximum.y() - inBounds.minimum.y();
QVector2D relXY;
relXY.setX((newPosInLocal[0] - inBounds.minimum.x()) / xRange);
relXY.setY((newPosInLocal[1] - inBounds.minimum.y()) / yRange);
return IntersectionResult(rayLengthSquared, relXY, newPosInGlobal);
void QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithBVH(const RayData &data,
const QSSGMeshBVHNode *bvh,
const QSSGRenderMesh *mesh,
QVector<IntersectionResult> &intersections,
int depth)
if (!bvh || !mesh || !mesh->bvh)
// If this is a leaf node, process it's triangles
if (bvh->count != 0) {
// If there is an intersection on a leaf node, then test against geometry
auto results = intersectWithBVHTriangles(data, mesh->bvh->triangles, bvh->offset, bvh->count);
if (!results.isEmpty())
auto hit = QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithAABBv2(data, bvh->left->boundingData);
if (hit.intersects())
intersectWithBVH(data, bvh->left, mesh, intersections, depth + 1);
hit = QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithAABBv2(data, bvh->right->boundingData);
if (hit.intersects())
intersectWithBVH(data, bvh->right, mesh, intersections, depth + 1);
QVector<QSSGRenderRay::IntersectionResult> QSSGRenderRay::intersectWithBVHTriangles(const RayData &data,
const QVector<QSSGMeshBVHTriangle *> &bvhTriangles,
int triangleOffset,
int triangleCount)
Q_ASSERT(bvhTriangles.count() >= triangleOffset + triangleCount);
QVector<QSSGRenderRay::IntersectionResult> results;
for (int i = triangleOffset; i < triangleCount + triangleOffset; ++i) {
const auto &triangle = bvhTriangles[i];
QSSGRenderRay relativeRay(data.origin, data.direction);
// Use Barycentric Coordinates to get the intersection values
float u = 0.f;
float v = 0.f;
const bool intersects = triangleIntersect(relativeRay,
if (intersects) {
const float w = 1.0f - u - v;
const QVector3D localIntersectionPoint = u * triangle->vertex1 +
v * triangle->vertex2 +
w * triangle->vertex3;
const QVector2D uvCoordinate = u * triangle->uvCoord1 +
v * triangle->uvCoord2 +
w * triangle->uvCoord3;
// Get the intersection point in scene coordinates
const QVector3D sceneIntersectionPos = mat44::transform(data.globalTransform,
const QVector3D hitVector = data.ray.origin - sceneIntersectionPos;
// Get the magnitude of the hit vector
const float rayLengthSquared = vec3::magnitudeSquared(hitVector);
results.append(IntersectionResult(rayLengthSquared, uvCoordinate, sceneIntersectionPos));
// Does not intersect with any of the triangles
return results;
QSSGOption<QVector2D> QSSGRenderRay::relative(const QMatrix4x4 &inGlobalTransform,
const QSSGBounds3 &inBounds,
QSSGRenderBasisPlanes inPlane) const
QMatrix4x4 theOriginTransform = inGlobalTransform.inverted();
QVector3D theTransformedOrigin = mat44::transform(theOriginTransform, origin);
float *outOriginTransformPtr(;
outOriginTransformPtr[12] = outOriginTransformPtr[13] = outOriginTransformPtr[14] = 0.0f;
QVector3D theTransformedDirection = mat44::rotate(theOriginTransform, direction);
// The XY plane is going to be a plane with either positive or negative Z direction that runs
// through
QVector3D theDirection(0, 0, 1);
QVector3D theRight(1, 0, 0);
QVector3D theUp(0, 1, 0);
switch (inPlane) {
case QSSGRenderBasisPlanes::XY:
case QSSGRenderBasisPlanes::XZ:
theDirection = QVector3D(0, 1, 0);
theUp = QVector3D(0, 0, 1);
case QSSGRenderBasisPlanes::YZ:
theDirection = QVector3D(1, 0, 0);
theRight = QVector3D(0, 0, 1);
QSSGPlane thePlane(theDirection,
QVector3D::dotProduct(theDirection, theTransformedDirection) > 0.0f
? QVector3D::dotProduct(theDirection, inBounds.maximum)
: QVector3D::dotProduct(theDirection, inBounds.minimum));
const QSSGRenderRay relativeRay(theTransformedOrigin, theTransformedDirection);
QSSGOption<QVector3D> localIsect = QSSGRenderRay::intersect(thePlane, relativeRay);
if (localIsect.hasValue()) {
float xRange = QVector3D::dotProduct(theRight, inBounds.maximum) - QVector3D::dotProduct(theRight, inBounds.minimum);
float yRange = QVector3D::dotProduct(theUp, inBounds.maximum) - QVector3D::dotProduct(theUp, inBounds.minimum);
float xOrigin = xRange / 2.0f + QVector3D::dotProduct(theRight, inBounds.minimum);
float yOrigin = yRange / 2.0f + QVector3D::dotProduct(theUp, inBounds.minimum);
return QVector2D((QVector3D::dotProduct(theRight, *localIsect) - xOrigin) / xRange,
(QVector3D::dotProduct(theUp, *localIsect) - yOrigin) / yRange);
return QSSGEmpty();