blob: c46e7a5809248897cbc73d9eeb68a9c0a7370577 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
** Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact:
** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderloadedtexture_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderinputstreamfactory_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendererutil_p.h>
#include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgruntimerenderlogging_p.h>
#include <QtGui/QImage>
#include <QtGui/QOpenGLTexture>
#include <QtMath>
#include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgutils_p.h>
#include <private/qtexturefilereader_p.h>
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> QSSGLoadedTexture::loadQImage(const QString &inPath,
const QSSGRenderTextureFormat &inFormat,
qint32 flipVertical,
QSSGRenderContextType renderContextType)
static constexpr bool systemIsLittleEndian = QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian;
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> retval(nullptr);
QImage image(inPath);
if (inFormat == QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Unknown) {
switch (image.format()) {
case QImage::Format_Indexed8: // Convert palleted images
case QImage::Format_RGBA64:
case QImage::Format_RGBA64_Premultiplied:
case QImage::Format_RGBX64:
bool swizzleNeeded = image.pixelFormat().colorModel() == QPixelFormat::RGB
&& image.pixelFormat().typeInterpretation() == QPixelFormat::UnsignedInteger
&& systemIsLittleEndian;
//??? What does inFormat mean? Is it even in use? Why always swizzle? Why do the musicians come out gradually?
if (swizzleNeeded || inFormat != QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Unknown)
image = std::move(image).rgbSwapped();
image = std::move(image).mirrored();
retval = new QSSGLoadedTexture;
retval->width = image.width();
retval->height = image.height();
retval->components = image.pixelFormat().channelCount();
retval->image = image;
retval->data = (void *)retval->image.bits();
retval->dataSizeInBytes = image.sizeInBytes();
if (inFormat != QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Unknown)
retval->format = inFormat;
return retval;
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> QSSGLoadedTexture::loadCompressedImage(const QString &inPath, const QSSGRenderTextureFormat &inFormat, bool inFlipY, const QSSGRenderContextType &renderContextType)
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> retval(nullptr);
// Open File
QFile imageFile(inPath);
if (! {
qWarning() << "Could not open image file: " << inPath;
return retval;
auto reader = new QTextureFileReader(&imageFile, inPath);
if (!reader->canRead()) {
qWarning() << "Unable to read image file: " << inPath;
delete reader;
return retval;
retval = new QSSGLoadedTexture;
retval->compressedData = reader->read();
if (inFormat != QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Unknown)
retval->format = inFormat;
delete reader;
return retval;
namespace {
typedef unsigned char RGBE[4];
#define R 0
#define G 1
#define B 2
#define E 3
#define MINELEN 8 // minimum scanline length for encoding
#define MAXELEN 0x7fff // maximum scanline length for encoding
inline int calculateLine(int width, int bitdepth) { return ((width * bitdepth) + 7) / 8; }
inline int calculatePitch(int line) { return (line + 3) & ~3; }
float convertComponent(int exponent, int val)
float v = val / (256.0f);
float d = powf(2.0f, (float)exponent - 128.0f);
return v * d;
void decrunchScanline(const char *&p, const char *pEnd, RGBE *scanline, int w)
scanline[0][R] = *p++;
scanline[0][G] = *p++;
scanline[0][B] = *p++;
scanline[0][E] = *p++;
if (scanline[0][R] == 2 && scanline[0][G] == 2 && scanline[0][B] < 128) {
// new rle, the first pixel was a dummy
for (int channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) {
for (int x = 0; x < w && p < pEnd; ) {
unsigned char c = *p++;
if (c > 128) { // run
if (p < pEnd) {
int repCount = c & 127;
c = *p++;
while (repCount--)
scanline[x++][channel] = c;
} else { // not a run
while (c-- && p < pEnd)
scanline[x++][channel] = *p++;
} else {
// old rle
scanline[0][R] = 2;
int bitshift = 0;
int x = 1;
while (x < w && pEnd - p >= 4) {
scanline[x][R] = *p++;
scanline[x][G] = *p++;
scanline[x][B] = *p++;
scanline[x][E] = *p++;
if (scanline[x][R] == 1 && scanline[x][G] == 1 && scanline[x][B] == 1) { // run
int repCount = scanline[x][3] << bitshift;
while (repCount--) {
memcpy(scanline[x], scanline[x - 1], 4);
bitshift += 8;
} else { // not a run
bitshift = 0;
void decodeScanlineToTexture(RGBE *scanline, int width, void *outBuf, quint32 offset, QSSGRenderTextureFormat inFormat)
quint8 *target = reinterpret_cast<quint8 *>(outBuf);
target += offset;
if (inFormat == QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBE8) {
memcpy(target, scanline, size_t(4 * width));
} else {
float rgbaF32[4];
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
rgbaF32[R] = convertComponent(scanline[i][E], scanline[i][R]);
rgbaF32[G] = convertComponent(scanline[i][E], scanline[i][G]);
rgbaF32[B] = convertComponent(scanline[i][E], scanline[i][B]);
rgbaF32[3] = 1.0f;
inFormat.encodeToPixel(rgbaF32, target, i * inFormat.getSizeofFormat());
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> QSSGLoadedTexture::loadHdrImage(const QSharedPointer<QIODevice> &source, QSSGRenderContextType renderContextType)
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> imageData(nullptr);
char sig[256];
source->read(sig, 11);
if (strncmp(sig, "#?RADIANCE\n", 11))
return imageData;
QByteArray buf = source->readAll();
const char *p = buf.constData();
const char *pEnd = p + buf.size();
// Process lines until the empty one.
QByteArray line;
while (p < pEnd) {
char c = *p++;
if (c == '\n') {
if (line.isEmpty())
if (line.startsWith(QByteArrayLiteral("FORMAT="))) {
const QByteArray format = line.mid(7).trimmed();
if (format != QByteArrayLiteral("32-bit_rle_rgbe")) {
qWarning("HDR format '%s' is not supported", format.constData());
return imageData;
} else {
if (p == pEnd) {
qWarning("Malformed HDR image data at property strings");
return imageData;
// Get the resolution string.
while (p < pEnd) {
char c = *p++;
if (c == '\n')
if (p == pEnd) {
qWarning("Malformed HDR image data at resolution string");
return imageData;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
// We only care about the standard orientation.
if (!sscanf(line.constData(), "-Y %d +X %d", &height, &width)) {
qWarning("Unsupported HDR resolution string '%s'", line.constData());
return imageData;
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
qWarning("Invalid HDR resolution");
return imageData;
// Format
QSSGRenderTextureFormat imageFormat(QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBE8);
const int bytesPerPixel = imageFormat.getSizeofFormat();
const int bitCount = bytesPerPixel * 8;
const int pitch = calculatePitch(calculateLine(width, bitCount));
const quint32 dataSize = quint32(height * pitch);
imageData = new QSSGLoadedTexture;
imageData->dataSizeInBytes = dataSize;
imageData->data = ::malloc(dataSize);
imageData->width = width;
imageData->height = height;
imageData->m_bitCount = bitCount;
imageData->m_ExtendedFormat = QSSGExtendedTextureFormats::CustomRGB;
imageData->format = imageFormat;
imageData->components = imageFormat.getNumberOfComponent();
// Allocate a scanline worth of RGBE data
RGBE *scanline = new RGBE[width];
// Note we are writing to the data buffer from bottom to top
// to correct for -Y orientation
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
quint32 byteOffset = quint32((height - 1 - y) * width * bytesPerPixel);
if (pEnd - p < 4) {
qWarning("Unexpected end of HDR data");
delete[] scanline;
return imageData;
decrunchScanline(p, pEnd, scanline, width);
decodeScanlineToTexture(scanline, width, imageData->data, byteOffset, imageFormat);
delete[] scanline;
return imageData;
namespace {
bool scanImageForAlpha(const void *inData, quint32 inWidth, quint32 inHeight, quint32 inPixelSizeInBytes, quint8 inAlphaSizeInBits)
const quint8 *rowPtr = reinterpret_cast<const quint8 *>(inData);
bool hasAlpha = false;
if (inAlphaSizeInBits == 0)
return hasAlpha;
if (inPixelSizeInBytes != 2 && inPixelSizeInBytes != 4) {
return false;
if (inAlphaSizeInBits > 8) {
return false;
quint32 alphaRightShift = inPixelSizeInBytes * 8 - inAlphaSizeInBits;
quint32 maxAlphaValue = (1 << inAlphaSizeInBits) - 1;
for (quint32 rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < inHeight && !hasAlpha; ++rowIdx) {
for (quint32 idx = 0; idx < inWidth && !hasAlpha; ++idx, rowPtr += inPixelSizeInBytes) {
quint32 pixelValue = 0;
if (inPixelSizeInBytes == 2)
pixelValue = *(reinterpret_cast<const quint16 *>(rowPtr));
pixelValue = *(reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(rowPtr));
pixelValue = pixelValue >> alphaRightShift;
if (pixelValue < maxAlphaValue)
hasAlpha = true;
return hasAlpha;
if (data && image.sizeInBytes() <= 0) {
if (m_palette)
if (m_transparencyTable)
bool QSSGLoadedTexture::scanForTransparency()
switch (format.format) {
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::SRGB8A8:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA8:
if (!data) // dds
return true;
return scanImageForAlpha(data, width, height, 4, 8);
// Scan the image.
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::SRGB8:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGB8:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBE8:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGB565:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA5551:
if (!data) { // dds
return true;
} else {
return scanImageForAlpha(data, width, height, 2, 1);
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Alpha8:
return true;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::R8:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::Luminance8:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RG8:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::LuminanceAlpha8:
if (!data) // dds
return true;
return scanImageForAlpha(data, width, height, 2, 8);
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGB_DXT1:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA_DXT3:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA_DXT1:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA_DXT5:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGB9E5:
return false;
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RG32F:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGB32F:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA16F:
case QSSGRenderTextureFormat::RGBA32F:
// PKC TODO : For now, since IBL will be the main consumer, we'll just pretend there's no
// alpha.
// Need to do a proper scan down the line, but doing it for floats is a little different
// from
// integer scans.
return false;
return false;
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> QSSGLoadedTexture::load(const QString &inPath,
const QSSGRenderTextureFormat &inFormat,
QSSGInputStreamFactory &inFactory,
bool inFlipY,
const QSSGRenderContextType &renderContextType)
if (inPath.isEmpty())
return nullptr;
QSSGRef<QSSGLoadedTexture> theLoadedImage = nullptr;
QSharedPointer<QIODevice> theStream(inFactory.getStreamForFile(inPath));
QString fileName;
inFactory.getPathForFile(inPath, fileName);
if (theStream && inPath.size() > 3) {
if (inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("png"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("jpg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("peg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("gif"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("bmp"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
theLoadedImage = loadQImage(fileName, inFormat, inFlipY, renderContextType);
} else if (inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("dds"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("ktx"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("pkm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("astc"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
theLoadedImage = loadCompressedImage(fileName, inFormat, inFlipY, renderContextType);
} else if (inPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("hdr"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
theLoadedImage = loadHdrImage(theStream, renderContextType);
} else {
qCWarning(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unrecognized image extension: %s", qPrintable(inPath));
return theLoadedImage;